
Training Intensity Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"The truth is, most people don't train hard enough. I watch them work out, and I'm thinking, 'If they would only push harder, they would get greater gains.'"
"You can train hard or you can train long; you just can't do both."
"High volumes of endurance work may be just as important as higher intensity intervals if you want to reach peak performance."
"Higher intensity efforts will get you fitter faster, but they'll also lead to a plateau faster."
"Just like it's useful to know how many sets to do and how many reps to do, I think it's equally useful to know how hard to push each set."
"You need to cycle your volume. You can't be at a hundred percent every single week."
"I should mention that the one place where marching bands in high schools are expected to practice for over 40 hours per week is Texas."
"Intensity is important, but so is good form. Find that balance."
"He trains every day like it's his last day on earth."
"When you sweat more in training, you bleed less in battle."
"One of our biggest weaknesses that we try way too hard in scrims... I would rather take losses than today in three games."
"It's just a weird feeling after you get done with a session and you're just like at the brink of like man I would rather die than keep going if you haven't felt that it feels so good when you're done."
"This is the fight of my life. This is the hardest of the hardest camp I've ever had."
"Train with that same intensity that you did back in the day. You have to be a fool not to."
"Increasing the volume is hands-down the best you could do to make your training more intense."
"He reminds me of a young... happy and that, but then like when he trains he's full-on."
"We both been in long rigorous training camps."
"Think long term. Is this something I'm going to do for the rest of my life? If so, let me train with the appropriate level of intensity and not overdo it."
"You're never going to go wrong going hard on a set."
"These boys train for their lives, their life is my tie and this is why in my opinion this is the most effective style on the planet."
"Training stress must be appropriate for the desired adaptation."
"You don't have to go that hard every day in training with the high intensity sessions, you're building the cake."
"Most of the time, volume would be our appropriate answer here. Cut the intensity, keep the volume."
"Take them all the way to failure, and I promise you're going to see bigger and better gains."
"Are you willing to do that extra rounds, do the extra two miles, do the extra three or four rounds of sparring?"
"Those are the three things you are not training hard enough with regards to your deadlift... inject these into your training and over time to condition ramp up the effort you're going to see these things move."
"For me, it's not about lifting heavy. Training is about enjoying, getting a great pump, and pushing intensity."
"I would go into every rolling session and I don't care how long that rolling session was - an hour, hour and a half straight - great, I'm gonna keep pushing, keep pushing, keep pushing. I didn't concede anything."
"Making training harder is indispensable, and if you're interested in avoiding that, you're also interested in avoiding gains."
"If you don't see a need for dedicated fatigue reduction measures... you are not training hard enough."
"Most of the time, 80 or more should be spent below the first ventilatory threshold or endurance zone in order to maximize results."
"Train harder than last time...train hard, train harder...stop being like a pansy in the gym and not pushing." - Coach Craig
"If you can make your training even more difficult you're gonna find it easier during a match."
"Your training will take a long time, Son Goku, and it will be very intense, so get ready." - Zeno's Bodyguards
"It's not how many reps you do, it's how close to failure are you training."
"Harder training is almost certainly better."
"Training anywhere within the approximate 5 to 20 rep range with close proximity to failure tends to produce similar muscle growth on a per set basis."
"You have to train to if not close to failure if you want to effectively build muscle mass and ideally Progressive overload indicates that you have hopefully built muscle mass because you're able to do more."
"Training in some close proximity to failure is important and using peak loads for relative movement for your relative level is very, very important."
"More sets mean more stimulus, thus the higher number of sets you can perform the better for muscle growth."
"You want to do a select number of sets with intensity to challenge baseline and damage the ability of the muscle to recover, rest, come back and do it again - that's how you progress."
"Use intensity techniques to get the most out of each set."
"Intensity of effort is probably more important in that you can achieve fiber recruitment and training stress at almost any load."
"If you're going all-out, training to failure, doing drop sets and so on, you can't do as many sets and you need to rest longer to recover."
"We need to prioritize working at high loads, around 70 to 80% of our one rep max."
"In order for a set to actually be productive and lead to muscle growth, it needs to be taken close to failure."
"Training to failure allows you to understand what vigorous intensity actually feels like."
"Your mindset has to be right for you to be able to have the motivation to train, approach your training with the right intensity."
"He puts you through that fire in practice, man."