
Future Plans Quotes

There are 942 quotes

"SpaceX is not slowing down anytime soon and the next pair of vehicles are waiting at Starbase for the Launchpad to be ready to receive them and fly Starship again."
"Next year is going to be a game changer for this channel."
"Mankind is going to build its first manned spaceship in quite some time, and we are going to go and explore our solar system."
"I'm nowhere near done; you better believe there's a lot more coming."
"Thank you very much, ladies and gentlemen, all of you are really, really lovely, and I can't wait to see where this channel goes in the future."
"This person does want to settle down with you."
"You know, someday, when we open our own inn? Diabetics will line up to eat this sauce."
"Every week there's another announcement, another OEM talks about their long-term plans for moving to electric mobility."
"Any updates on the new arm? Yeah, so that will be this summer."
"I hope you guys still will watch me because I'm going to be continuing to make content for you guys and become a full-time content creator."
"For me, trip of a lifetime mate, and don't think that's it for us though, we've got some really cool things coming up."
"This is just the beginning... we have so much more to go and so much more to do."
"They see progress in this connection, want to head towards a stable future with you."
"They see a bright sunny future with you, they don't want to stop at anything."
"The future's super bright guys, I'm so excited about the announcements, it's actually unreal!"
"I have a lot of great ideas and I can't wait to share them with you."
"VW is planning to launch a fully electric pickup truck for the US by 2026."
"Everything's gonna be coming together."
"Tesla has plans for an even cheaper $25,000 model to come in the next few years."
"I think that because of doing that, I probably will actually do a lot more Airfix in the future."
"Perhaps he'll come with us on the next leg of our journey."
"We've got plans to bring back the good old days. You'll see."
"This won't be the last video of this kind. I will probably be doing a lot more process/publishing industry-type stuff in the months and years to come."
"I'm feeling good. So this is going to be released in 2024, so I'm getting ready for my comeback, which is exciting."
"Maybe in the future, a few years from now, I'll be back here and I'll try it again."
"I'm falling deeper and deeper in love with Karissa and because of that made me realize I want to be with this girl forever."
"I'm having a blast. We're gonna be back doing more things, more stuff."
"50K, it's just a big milestone but we got bigger plans."
"I love the Over the Garden Wall series and I will definitely be doing a review of it in the future."
"You are some of the most dedicated fans and players that exist in gaming, and I am really excited for what we're going to be able to do for you the rest of this year, and next year, and beyond that."
"If you guys like having us around, we'll come back."
"We're going to do much more of this stuff later on when we start to work with the DOM and the browser."
"Hopefully we got there, you know, and hopefully there'll be more conversations to come."
"Make sure you subscribe got some more awesome content coming your way."
"Yeah, bro, she's gone. I'm just gonna dude. One day, bro, I'm gonna fly her out."
"Later, the pair leave on a ship and Jonah agrees to continue to help Lara by sharing her life with her, always and forever."
"I feel like I got the ball rolling. So that's my alternate life that I may turn to at some point. We'll see."
"To everyone that's been watching, thank you, I love you, I appreciate you, much more to come in 2023."
"2024, babe. I'm trying to be in my travel influencer bag."
"I kind of picture myself living in LA in these next few years."
"By the end of this year, you'll have your own very, very soon."
"It's time to announce... We have gees coming soon."
"It's been an absolute blast, I love doing this stuff, we'll be back again."
"Ronaldo will definitely own a football club in the future..."
"More awesome videos will be on the way, so stay tuned to Anime America."
"A lot of good stuff coming out... I'll speak with you again soon."
"I'd love to get Gordon out in person at some point when it's possible to do that again and do some kind of head-to-head battle or something."
"We have big plans for this community, we're not going to be able to realize all of them today."
"In the future, he doesn't plan to return to streaming or content creation until he's someone that he knows he can be proud of."
"We've got a lot of really exciting things that are coming down the pipeline over the coming months and over the coming years."
"I have no doubt that I'll be back here in the future."
"We'll check in at the end of 2023 and maybe I can let you know how I did on some of these goals."
"A very special thank you to all my patrons out there for supporting me... I have something very special in mind for you in the near future as well."
"We'll be working even harder to earn your support next year. See you next time!"
"Who knows what they'll be putting that money towards next, but if their past is any indicator, we can be confident they'll keep shooting for the moon and beyond."
"This person really really loves you, I see myself having kids with you or some kind of long-term home situation with you or just creating a lot of magic together."
"They see a long-term commitment with you, they do see moving in or marriage."
"They're wanting the happily ever after with you, they're wanting to build up with you here."
"Support the float plane if you'd like to see more stuff in the future."
"I'm not ruling out the idea of running again."
"I genuinely had so much fun, I am absolutely playing this going forward."
"Look forward to doing more shows with you in the future."
"We are going to do amazing things with our existence."
"Honestly, next five years, I just want to be... let's see, I'm gonna be 24 in the next five years."
"Thank you so much for watching and I'll see you in the verse."
"That was a beautiful year with you guys. We did a lot of cool things. And of course in 2024 we're going to do our best to make you happy and enjoying blitz."
"What we plan on accomplishing in the next four years - it's about establishing competency."
"Maybe I'll stream more in the future, but thank you all for watching."
"Thank you guys again so much for watching. I'll see you guys in the next stream, which could be tomorrow."
"Tesla plans to have 100 exaflops of training capacity by the end of 2024."
"Honestly, I'm going to slam it into a couple of decks in the future because I want to see that animation again."
"AMC is on a glide path to recovery with bold exciting plans for 2022."
"Thank you, Charlie, again. Thank you everyone here, we're going to do more of these for sure."
"I'm definitely looking forward to rocking more of the gear in the future here on the channel." - Unnamed speaker
"Hopefully, I can do some more videos like this."
"No matter what happens on Tuesday we will be here... because Joe Biden wins or Joe Biden loses we're going to have a lot of work to do."
"We need you to tell Americans what you're going to do."
"This is only the beginning. I have no plans on stopping."
"Thank you for watching me and what I do, the team that I created, and I hope you stick around for the near future because trust me, it's only gonna get bigger and better from here."
"One day we're gonna make it happen, make it happen."
"I have no other plans... I intend to play chess and be a streamer."
"They have thought about taking a trip with you."
"A lot of kitchen renovation videos in our future."
"I think I'm gonna have to wrap this one up right now and we will continue our mission to Elu in the next one."
"Future plans for it: I want to put slightly smaller front tires on it."
"Completed action in the future, will have constructed my house."
"Boxing is something you want to keep doing? You want to fight again, maybe as soon as possible?" "Yeah, I love it. Put me on October 14th. I'll be there."
"We've got plenty of more videos coming about Black Ops Cold War."
"Thank you guys so much for hanging out, potentially we'll be doing some more Apex Legends mobile closed beta gameplay in the future."
"I got some exciting stuff coming in 2023, so definitely stay tuned!"
"Voice Critical announced that he plans on doing more challenges with bounties associated sometime in the future."
"It's a rocket launcher in the game somewhere, maybe if I'm gonna make another video on this game I'll show you guys."
"Next time you hear me talk about this I'm hopefully announcing the biggest new partnership in crypto 2024."
"It's been such a blast nerding out with you, buddy. I look forward to doing it a lot more in 2021 as movies and TV come back from the dead."
"I hope to get more clan battles in the future because this was so entertaining."
"Sony plans on releasing 10 live service based games by March 2026."
"The plans for Destiny are nowhere close to slowing down."
"The career isn't going to be over at UFC 300 no that's that's not the plan win or lose"
"But honestly I've got literally no idea where we're gonna go next."
"Looking forward to the future, just gonna keep moving on as normal, making videos that I find interesting."
"Every time something like this happens definitely makes me uh excited to do something like no prep here in the future but yeah definitely definitely a bummer to go out like that."
"Thanks for watching and I'll see you in the future."
"Our story is 100% true, and now we can do all the things that we plan to do."
"One day we're gonna cover dark cat on the channel here guys one day dark cats unite but today is not that day."
"This person wants a commitment with you, they want to make big moves with you type thing."
"Now that I have my English outfit, who knows what other videos I'm planning."
"Thanks for watching, and we'll catch you guys next week with a potential guest. Peace, peace."
"Don't worry, I will be playing other games in the next stream."
"I want to spend this life and my next life with you."
"We'll be back, we'll be in communication with our new friends here, and we'll take it from there."
"We've wasted so much time talking about this, but I don't even feel like it's a waste of time. I feel like this is like actually a serious discussion we need to continue later."
"I'll be back again with another reading soon."
"I want to tick off as many new countries as I can in the future."
"I'm really excited for the future, I really want to get into acting."
"I am going to play this game for 10 years, an exclusive reformed YouTuber."
"I just can't wait to be like 90 years old hanging out with Trish eating pizza just talking [ __ ] all right."
"We gotta find our favorite bar after this shit's all done. We gotta find our favorite bar."
"I love Nepal overall, definitely we'll be going back."
"If you do appreciate these videos, let us know in the comments below and we'll probably continue doing them in 2023."
"What's the plans for the future? I don't know, hopefully get my own vehicle and keep the show going and enjoy life and surf and yeah."
"This person sees you as the person they want to settle down with."
"I have a lot more crazy content ideas like this planned for the future, so I hope to see you all in the next one."
"Paris really surprised me, even though I was only here for a short space of time, I've definitely got to come back here."
"This won't be our final ride together. Don't be sad, just stay right there."
"Trump did say this is recorded. He said we're trying really hard to get another four years but if not I'll see you in 2024."
"One of these days I'm just gonna start rapping on I'm telling you right now."
"Thank you so much for sticking around for the ride. I've been reading all of your comments and I know many have been wondering what DLC I'm going to do next."
"What I'm trying to say is that I've got a whole lot more Fallout 4 content left to produce as well."
"I hope you guys enjoyed watching the videos and hanging out with us while we were on the cruise and I think there will be more cruises to come I think so too."
"Elon Musk detailed plans for a $25,000 Tesla in the next few years."
"I'm pretty excited about where we're going next."
"As we send this city off and start work on the next one, I think that is going to be all for now."
"I want to have kids with you because I don't ever want to let go of you."
"It was a statement of intent for all the things that follow."
"We haven't forgotten about Builder Base, and we're looking at ways of making that experience better."
"They see you as the ten, they want to go the distance with you."
"Hope you're enjoying these, won't be long now 'til lockdown's over, we got some big plans."
"Thank you all for listening and I hope to see you next time in the den of the Drake."
"I'm looking at three more years so definitely more than I've ever done and then having a blast doing it."
"I hope that I will build something even better and provide even more healing and motivational content for you in the future."
"That's what I'm going to be doing from now on."
"Together we will face the future with hope, for I have great plans for you."
"Lots of really exciting new videos are coming up here on the channel."
"A new plan to explore space and extend a human presence across our solar system."
"We're going to be together for the rest of our lives after all."
"We still want to see your rigs, exactly right. And we're going to have... I can't wait to see some of the stuff that comes out next year."
"I appreciate all of you... I'm excited to show you guys what we do next."
"Siri is the most important person to me, and I'll do whatever it takes to have a happy future with her."
"I've got so many exciting things I want to do, and I'm hoping that we'll be able to."
"Thanks for watching, thanks for sitting through this update, and I'll have more for you in the coming weeks so I'll see you on the flip side."
"We will be back again with the stream hopefully sometime soon, so thanks for watching guys and I'll catch you in the next one."
"I want to keep thinking more about the future of activism, and you'll be one of the first people I want to talk to about it."
"They see a future with you and are making their intentions clear."
"Eventually, we'll have our castle, our fortress, our sanctuary."
"That's my future hopefully we'll put out Metal Machine music next year."
"Thank you guys for being here on these adventures, next up we got one more adventure that we're going on."
"You'll have more time with your friends and family down the road."
"There's room for a lot more of those things, which I kind of want to implement once the world gets fixed from being broken." - Spencer
"Thanks for watching—excited for more fun content ahead!"
"I can't wait to do this again, me too, next time Mars."
"Happy fifth anniversary Dead by Daylight! Looking forward to this reveal and roadmap for year six. So much is going to happen today."
"But we'll be back one of these days."
"This right here is definitely going to be one of the most exciting missions in the next decade or so."
"I fell more and more in love with him. 'Teddy, you're so amazing. When we get back home, I want to marry you,' I said. He smiled at me as we sped away in the boat."
"We've made some great memories and will make many more. I'm sure of it."
"I always dreamed of writing fiction so I hope I'll do that at some point."
"I definitely plan on doing more in the future."
"We will definitely be back to be trying some of the restaurants here in the Japan pavilion but with that being said we are off we'll see you guys tomorrow."
"We're almost at 100k which is so crazy to me on the road to 100k I love you guys so much and I'm gonna see you guys in my next."
"There will be more travels for the next 12 months."
"We're just getting started here." - New York Governor
"Until next time my friends, then next time will be tomorrow."
"Thank you for joining me, this has been silly and stupid, I'd love to do it again sometime."
"We're going to found a religion at some point I promise you."
"The roller coaster does look rickety, but one day we will ride it."
"So great bumping into you. We should get together again soon."
"So, we definitely have some stuff in the works for 21 and 22 guys that is going to make everybody here very happy teases."
"They see a future with you. They could really see themselves getting married to you or having some kind of stable commitment."
"Let me guys know if you want me to do a video on it at the end of the or side next year when I do open it and I do read everything that is in that jar."
"By 2025, most EVs in the US will be able to access Tesla's supercharger network."
"Just wanted to let you guys know where we're heading where we're at and what you can expect to see."
"Let me know who you want to see next, and I will see you in the next one. Take care."
"I love creating Fakemon, more to come and talk about this in the future, I've got plans."
"Maybe I'll interview you again when we hit 50. It's a date."
"I'm just pumped to see what the future of this channel is going to be."
"We'll be back next week, guys. It's a great chat, and we'll be past the having."
"They're doing now so we'll be discussing that."
"See you all next time. I got some stuff planned involving horrible things to do to raiders."
"Does this mean I'm retiring forever? No. I anticipate I will want to compete once again in tournaments."
"Thank you guys for watching and I will see you next time bye."
"Cool, so that's uh, that's Starbase, that's Starship. Very excited to see how the rest of the year pans out."
"That's gonna do it for me tonight. I had a blast, I have a lot more coming, we have the new fire script we'll be checking out soon, once that gets taken care of, and much much much more."
"I'm definitely gonna be doing more of these guys."
"Either way, thank you so much for watching this video, make sure to like, comment, and subscribe because I plan to make even more insightful commentaries about Minecraft in the future."
"Are there going to be women in the new season? Currently, there's no plans right now."
"Me and Sam, we've been together for four and a half years which is a long time and I think when I move out we will probably move in together."
"The American Rescue Plan was a huge step forward because there's still much more we need to do to 'build back'."
"This is definitely going to be doing a nice Generations home soon."
"I've got big plans and exciting stuff so there's gonna be so much content guys."
"I feel like this is someone that knows very well that they want to grow with you."