
Currency Quotes

There are 1355 quotes

"Fiat currency for people that don't know is just money backed by the government fiat currency. The word fiat means by decree."
"Social media now runs the world. We live in an attention society, and people will do anything for attention because attention is a currency."
"We live in an attention society and people will do anything for attention because attention is a currency."
"Money as we know it is fake. Our paper dollars are just pieces of paper."
"I do think that the design of bills matters; it's part of building a nation."
"Everyone thinks of the base currency in dollars. That's because we're the reserve currency. That's a huge advantage for the United States of America."
"Bitcoin has the only thing that actually matters in this entire game. In order to have a non-state currency, you need full decentralization. If you do not have decentralization, you will fail."
"At some point, the dollar itself loses meaning... you have to reprice your life, you start pricing yourself in sats."
"Earlier this year, the Indian Central Bank set up new facilities to enable countries to trade directly with India in rupees rather than dollars, Euros, or Yen."
"35% of all U.S. dollars that have ever been printed were printed in the last 10 months."
"Our money is backed by... the strength of the U.S. government."
"We all have emotions... that's our currency."
"Bitcoin is the first system of money that is not controlled by any [single] entity, that is completely decentralized."
"Gold and silver are real money; they're always going to be real money."
"Every successful asset-backed currency we have known in human history has ultimately collapsed."
"When you've got the reserve currency as a dollar, and all international business is done in dollars, you've kind of got to... It's kind of more out of force."
"Everything can be money; many things have been money. The question is, do we have confidence that this money... will be accepted in exchange for goods and services?"
"What money really is, is a way to facilitate trade. It is that improvement on barter." - Peter Schiff
"To the extent that you really want that, you don't have to reinvent the wheel. You can actually buy real money if you don't like government fiat, and that is gold."
"If Putin decides to price oil in silver or gold rather than dollars, what might happen? What happens to the Petro dollar if the Saudis... decide to move away from the dollar?"
"Every time an empire begins to near its own demise, you'll find that its currency will be debased."
"Art is the new currency or one of the new currencies."
"The most valuable currency is having something to offer."
"Fiat money is any legal currency that is not backed by a physical commodity nor does the material it is made of have significant value."
"Juneteenth should, in fact, be a national holiday. Frederick Douglass should be on our nation's currency."
"The European Union's banknotes which already had the mark of the beast'/Empire, will now include an image of Europa herself, the woman who sits on the Beast."
"The reasons why the two separate kingdoms of Gondor and Arnor had a similar if not shared currency was self-evident: for trade."
"It's the US that benefits it's the reserve currency that is entirely the US."
"They've inadvertently shot themselves in the foot crushing the euro and now people are running away from the US dollar."
"The underlying currency of the country or the world in the case of the US dollar is simply collapsing."
"Every major world currency is inflating now to a tremendous degree. In the U.S for example, 31 out of a hundred dollars in circulation now were printed in the last year."
"The US dollar has stood on its own ground, meaning the source of the value of the dollar comes from a combination of trust, military prowess, property rights, etc."
"Bitcoin is more than money currency transactions."
"The supremacy of the dollar... that's why we have to defend it."
"When there's less demand for US dollars, that makes the United States significantly weaker."
"The gold piece itself became this kind of symbol."
"I genuinely do think that Bitcoin could be the future of money."
"When governments want to screw around with the currency, they will screw around with the currency."
"All I can tell you is that the dollar will collapse."
"If most citizens of this country don't use the dollar, should a country adopt whatever currency they're using?"
"You cannot have free markets without free market money."
"Introduction of the new deutsche mark: A drastic measure to restore economic stability."
"We are entering a future where too much currency is going to be increasingly competing for too few real things."
"Money is not a real tangible thing. It's actually a social agreement."
"Areas like this is the entire reason I'm in this trade on the euro New Zealand."
"Gold is the only asset that has actually been suppressed because a rising gold price is an indication of a failing currency."
"Loyalty is the only currency you have in politics."
"People are just going towards the easiest, hardest currency."
"Gold is money and these National currencies are money substitutes."
"Gold is real money. People forget that before the dollar was the international reserve gold was the international reserve."
"Commodities are just starting a new bull market, the dollar is starting a new bear market."
"The dollarization is occurring at a stunning pace."
"Gold is real money everybody forgets that for thousands of years gold was money it was money because it worked."
"Gold and silver are money. Everything else is credit."
"Without an intrinsic backing, all paper currencies in history have failed."
"You know, nobody will want to hold any currency that's not backed by something sound like gold."
"Currency is not wealth. It measures wealth and temporarily stores value."
"The world will see thousands of currencies, freely exchangeable and usable on the internet."
"Countries like China and Russia have been taking steps to pull away from the US dollar."
"I think it'd be cool if they took the one dollar bill and change it to the million dollar bill that way nobody be poor and we'd all be millionaires."
"A reserve currency is very simple... it's the currency that all foreign Traders need."
"The U.S. dollar may lose Global Currency status... according to Forbes."
"Gold and silver are technically the only legal currency."
"It really doesn't matter, the United States is the global currency."
"Largest store of value by a large margin and we are the largest trade currency by a large margin as long as that is the case the United States has the exorbitant privilege."
"The single most important question to ask yourself is what people will use as their unit of account in the future."
"Real currency is backed by gold, fiat currency is backed by nothing."
"I think the world is going to ultimately reject that dollar."
"Oh, that's freaking awesome, yeah there's a currency in this game, you can spend money on NPCs."
"The tide is turning... US dollar will not go on as the world's reserve currency for very much longer."
"Symbol of Illuminati as people say One World Government but it's also the symbol of the Supreme Being it's also symbol of the great architect of the universe because it appears on every U.S one dollar bill."
"Our money in the United States is not only all the same size but it's all the same color."
"We should be happy to shed the burden of the reserve currency status."
"Cash is bad and it's all terrorism... It's complete nonsense."
"The dollar weakening means it doesn't pay for me to be in dollar."
"Just look at the domino effect of the countries making this a sovereign currency. That is huge."
"China's Yuan makes history against the US dollar."
"My single greatest nightmare is the loss of the U.S. as the reserve currency."
"It's going to raise the perceived value of the dollar."
"Gold is money, the dollar is a money substitute, and money substitutes are inflated up the wazoo."
"We notoriously had a paper money regime in the early days of the republic."
"China's growing international use of the REMB reflects a shift in the global monetary system."
"I love the currency in the game - that's neat!"
"Gold has been sound money for what 8,000 years plus."
"Dollar dominance in question as Saudi Arabia considers yuan."
"As the civil war showed, the advantage of a fiat currency is that a country can react immediately to a crisis."
"If the Saudis don't exchange dollars for oil, it's over with."
"Our only hope is those foreign exchanges hold up strong."
"A major strategic shift for brics has been moving away from the US dollar in international trade with the focus on using local currencies and exploring new Financial systems like the brics pay system."
"We are not going to be trading pieces of paper and small pieces of metal in 100 years from now. That's a zero percent chance."
"Once you convert your local currency into acorn, you can leave Africa and still be able to trade."
"We should definitely take seriously the reports of de-dollarization; it is happening quickly."
"The dollar being the reserve currency is actually causing the standard of living in the United States to be artificially supported."
"The dollar being the reserve currency... It won't work moving forward."
"Once the US dollar is overlooked completely by the rest of the world, the impact will be incalculable."
"The reason the yen has been so weak? Yes, if you read the news..."
"A reminder gold has two enemies... one of them is the dollar."
"The key difference is you can avoid the inflation tax if you don't own any US dollars."
"Fiat currency derives its value from the confidence of the people who are using it."
"The economy seems to be imploding, put your money somewhere that makes sense because the US dollar ain't it."
"The best way to destroy capitalism is to debauch its currency."
"Gold prevents that and historically... A rising gold price is an indication of a failing currency."
"If we stop being the world Reserve currency every single person in America gets significantly poor overnight."
"Yo, American money is not, by definition, any more like legitimate than any other country's currency."
"If the dollar loses its supremacy it is much more likely to be a symptom of our problem than a cause of our problems."
"These are probably 2 reals which are small Spanish coin."
"They're going to be in a different position and that puts the US dollar at risk."
"There's gonna be a reckoning, and the reckoning is gonna be with our currency."
"Customers will now be able to enjoy trades using the Norwegian kroner and the Croatian Kuna."
"I think the economic impact for the United States... is going to hasten the destruction of the dollar as the world's reserve currency."
"This idea of weaponizing the dollar and using these sanctions just sends the wrong message if your goal is to preserve the dollar as the world's reserve currency."
"This is history right here in the making. You ain't never seen any currency backed by love."
"Once people lose confidence in a fiat currency you can't get it back."
"To create a reserve currency system means you have to have a currency that is available and acceptable in a huge number of places."
"As far as what countries are doing to limit their dollar requirements, it's really at the margins here."
"Selling Saudi oil to China denominated in Yen is a really big deal."
"If we lose the ability to carry any kind of weight with respect to the fiat currency tied to the world reserves we pretty much will destroy the United States of America from every perspective you can imagine."
"Well, there was a lot of foreigners... that had these green pieces of paper."
"I would love to have a currency that was actually valued and backed by International Commodities trade."
"Hyperbitcoinization is the simultaneous rise of Bitcoin and transition to reserve currency."
"Pay attention to the currency because it's not just about China, it's about a holistic approach to risks."
"Gold and silver in any form is still monetary at its base, critical for people to understand."
"Gold has been money for 6,000 years, and it is the primary currency metal because it is indestructible and holds intrinsic value."
"If you have a One World Currency, you take away each country's autonomy."
"Trying to go to a resolution like a One World Currency, I don't think it will work."
"America's new digital dollar is almost here."
"Gold does not appreciate weaker currencies versus the dollar."
"The US dollar is slipping as the reserve currency."
"Stable coins don't just have to be pegged to a dollar, stable coins could represent something else as well."
"We're moving more and more towards a multi-polar currency system."
"If people just stop using the dollar, it's the end of it."
"Gold is money, silver too. Therefore, it's not a gold price, it's a gold dollar exchange ratio."
"The biggest scam we've ever had has been the dollar."
"Every fiat currency in world history has collapsed and there's no reason to believe that the dollar is safe from that, especially when we're $23 trillion in debt."
"Bottle caps have become the main currency of the wasteland. In the original Fallout game, bottle caps made much more sense, also known as Hub Bucks due to the Hub being their point of origin."
"Establishing a common currency like the Eco is expected to stimulate economic growth."
"Do you think the petrodollar is gradually being replaced? Do you think it will collapse?"
"Centralization must be resisted. Alternative forms of currency are beneficial."
"The UK needs a weak currency for a period of time."
"The US dollar will continue to go down which means cocoa prices will continue to go higher."
"We're right there - exactly average for when the world reserve currency should change."
"None of the money, not one bill, has ever turned up in circulation."
"I have 500 million fantasy coins saved up so we are gonna do a large opening here."
"Always remember, there's more fake money than real money out there."
"The digital devaluation of the dollar is coming, and it's going to be intense."
"The lifespan of a fiat currency is only averaged out at about 47 years or so."
"The death of a fiat currency is imminent, it is the people that pay with the labor that it took them to earn that currency."
"Y'all won't put an African king on the dollar but you'll put an African slave on the 20."
"Why are those big investors not seeing hey this is the biggest increase we've ever had in global currency supply so therefore I should probably own some of these precious metals to protect against that?"
"Everyone turns to the dollar when there's weakness, imagine one day when everyone turns to Bitcoin."
"Once you have your own currency, you basically create ultra-loyalty within your community..."
"Seriously, this is what YouTube sent. It makes me feel like I'm playing with monopoly money."
"The Russian economy has declined so far their currency, the ruble, is worth less than the robux."
"The dollar's days are numbered as the reserve currency."
"Your fiat is going to zero. Even if there are volatile times in bitcoin like now, it doesn't matter."
"Currency's value is partly because of the labor you can manifest into that dollar."
"Historically, contracts for oil have been agreed in US dollars."
"China's capital controls anticipate currency devaluation."
"The big part of this update is the in-game currency space credits."
"Understanding the benefits of XRP for settlements in fiat currencies."
"Now I have 61 gold on this account for not having done anything."
"I want something real. I want real money. I don't want some new iteration of fool's gold."
"You need to have a plan b because that currency is not going to hold forever."
"There will be no single currency or world reserve currency in the future."
"The dollar as it sits right now is headed to zero."
"Pay attention to the dollar because as we stated prior the dollar dxy right here is at its lower end of the zone."
"The dollar at some point is coming to an end, ladies and gentlemen."
"Ultimately I think what's going to happen is the dollar is going to lose its status as the reserve currency and the world is going to return to gold being the primary monetary reserve."
"Inflation is something that everyone is starting to think about given that 30 or so of every US dollar ever created in existence was created in the last 12 months."
"The dollar, you know, is the global Reserve currency."
"The dollar will dominate as long as it serves the interest of those who use it."
"Within 20 years, the idea of national currencies as the only option will seem absurd."
"People in other countries who are forced to think in two different currencies have a much better understanding of what's going on right now than many people who have only ever had to think in dollars."
"The smartest people in the world are... all siding with limited supply non-correlated currencies."
"Moving oil trade out of dollars into yuan will take right now between 600 billion dollars and 800 billion dollars worth of transactions out of the dollar."
"Fiat is dangerous to hold on to, very dangerous to hold on to."
"None of us even think about currency as propaganda which is exactly why it's so effective."
"Doesn't America want that to the dollar to remain uh King and not to be leapfrogged by a competitor in other countries' currency?"
"USD coins should be the best thing ever that from a national security you know foreign policy type thing in the United States."
"Putin has announced their Readiness to switch to the yuan in foreign trade settlements with countries in Asia, Latin America, and Africa."
"The U.S. dollar is in peril, and the digital yuan will make transactions even easier."
"As soon as the U.S. dollar loses its reserve status, then the price of gold will explode."
"Currency war is hot, and it's been going on for years."
"I love the Uganda Shilling I just don't know if it's gonna make the first basket or not if it doesn't I'm going in big."
"You're betting on how fast the dollar gonna go down."
"What is the single most important function...to hold its value over time."
"We are going to see a further devaluing debasing of the U.S currency."
"That's how we survive the great currency reset."
"Guild currency is probably gonna be your fastest way."
"Think about this on Mars when we colonize Mars which I think is a given what currency would they use? Well they use the US dollar and monitor fed broadcasts? I don't think so. I think they'll use Bitcoin."
"Gold is a currency allocation more than anything else."
"The reason that this chart doesn't make any sense is that the Cuban peso is not a floating currency."
"Gold is the currency of Kings... money or dollars... currency of slaves."
"Dedollarization is happening, and the fact that BRICS is even talking about a new common currency is a huge development."
"The only currency that's not connected to somebody else's agenda."
"In those circumstances the only way for Turks to defend their savings will be to turn to a currency outside of Erdogan’s control which is what most Turks have already been doing." - From the video.
"The financial system... it's not the stock market, it's the dollar. It's the U.S. dollar and all fiat-based money which is attached to nothing."
"Maybe the dollar then has to get rewritten down."
"The dollar is going to go in the dust bin of history like all fiat currencies."
"The world wants a neutral currency, right? No third party, no counterparty risk when you hold it in your hand."