
Kingdom Quotes

There are 865 quotes

"Their unity and determination serving as a beacon of hope for the kingdom."
"Your blessing is the title to an unfading, eternal inheritance, to a kingdom that cannot be shaken."
"Don't be afraid, little one, for it gives your father great happiness to give you the kingdom."
"We are not wealthy when we just meet your needs. Wealth in the kingdom context is about having the resources to advance God's purposes."
"A longing for a kingdom of principles without the value of presence is to look for a kingdom without a king."
"Everything in your life is worth turning upside down to be able to seek the kingdom."
"You don't get the kingdom because of proximity; you get the kingdom because of pursuit."
"The kingdom is not about perfection; it's about progression."
"God's Sovereign over the Nations but the nations are not part of Christ's Kingdom."
"Maybe it's time to have a kingdom and not have an empire"
"We have a really good bunch of people here in the Kingdom."
"They control by [ __ ] and they'll let their whole Kingdom fall over [ __ ]."
"Serving the kingdom is going to require a sacrifice."
"Helen ends his speech by reminding them that the kingdom is still in a predicament."
"Jesus came and redeemed them... join me in my kingdom."
"If my kingdom were of this world, then my servants would fight."
"Hallownest turns hollowness into a living Kingdom."
"Not everything in this kingdom is impossible."
"He became the Crown Prince of the unrivaled great Kingdom."
"I really love this land and all of my loyal subjects."
"Many centuries ago there existed an empire, this prosperous and idyllic kingdom."
"Once upon a time, in a magical kingdom far away, there lived a king and queen who loved each other as the night loves the day and the sun the moon."
"Man is changing kingdoms. This fourth kingdom of nature is in the process of a great transformation."
"Come, you who are blessed of my father, inherit the kingdom."
"We are building a new kingdom where people should be able to help one another without expecting anything at all."
"They fought for a kingdom, not anymore."
"They are the real treasure of the kingdom."
"What is the life of one bastard boy against a kingdom? Everything," Davos said softly.
"To build a new kingdom, one must first have a substantial population."
"It's your honesty and integrity that has served the kingdom well."
"The kingdom of God is your inheritance."
"The kingdom of God is designed for people who serve others."
"The kingdom of God shall endure forever."
"Protecting Arendelle as a just queen, while her kingdom flourishes."
"His kingdom will be an everlasting kingdom, and all the dominions will serve and obey him."
"They protect the kingdom as its knights of their own will."
"Fungi are not plants or animals, they are a whole separate Kingdom of life."
"Jesus went throughout Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the good news of the kingdom."
"What's the price of one bastard boy against a kingdom? Everything."
"We know that Jesus is king. We know that the kingdom is coming."
"The music of the redeemed is different. We live in a different world. We are citizens of a different kingdom."
"The kingdoms of this world are judged... but there's a final Kingdom that will emerge forever, and it's his kingdom."
"Let us be grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken."
"And the kingdom and dominion and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven shall be given to the people of the saints of the most high."
"His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom."
"I finally decided to look into the eerie legends of the Fasbian kingdom."
"We're hinted in that exactly in that verse that said the seven angels sounds the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of Our Lord."
"If we really understood this Kingdom exclusive, I believe more Godly men would desire Godly marriages."
"Thou didst prosper into a kingdom, and thy renown went forth among the heathen for thy beauty, for it was perfect through my comeliness which I had put upon thee, saith the Lord God."
"Their influence was spreading throughout the kingdom."
"There was no greater beauty in the entire kingdom."
"Lux, I and other people here will give our power. Use it to purify all the dark things in this kingdom."
"When he comes back with the clouds, he will be given his kingdom. All Peoples, Nations, and languages will serve him, and his Dominion is everlasting."
"...my beautiful kingdom was really starting to come to life."
"We actually are progressive in advancing the kingdom and saying God we're not quitting until society looks more like heaven than it does like hell."
"Jesus showed his disciples that in the kingdom of God we have nothing to fear because Jesus is the King of Everything."
"My kingdom and I are guiltless before the Lord forever."
"Ethelwolf kept the kingdom secure from Viking raids and rebellious sons."
"The righteous shall shine forth as the sun in the Kingdom of their Father."
How hardly shall they that have riches enter into the kingdom of God."
"Our kingdom is run not by dominance and fear like some of the other kingdoms, but by understanding."
"My kingdom is not a physical kingdom, but the Kingdom of Heaven is a spiritual kingdom, is a kingdom of hearts who have turned towards God."
"The gospel is going forth and the kingdom of Christ is expanding and extending during this age where he reigns here and now in and through his church."
"The scripture teaches that God is building a kingdom, and you and I are working in his kingdom tonight."
"It's important to note: The Mantels are Kingdom mantles, they are not owned by the individual, rather they are ministered through that individual under Holy Spirit power."
"May the name of Jesus be lifted up and may your kingdom be extended"
"To understand and apply covenant is to experience Kingdom."
"For the first time since Solomon the boundaries of the Jewish Kingdom Herod's kingdom covered all the land which God had promised to Abraham descendants forever."
"How did the apostles become so powerful all of a sudden? It's because you see in a kingdom, people can pass who were sitting on a throne, but the throne is the same."
"The Bible describes those who will inherit the kingdom of heaven as children of promise."
"Your business, your career, the industry God put you in plays a role in the Kingdom."
"The kingdom of the Lord will come to Earth as it is in heaven."
"This kingdom is mine and mine alone."
"The way of the kingdom is to serve."
"Jesus answered, 'My kingdom is not of this world.'"
"God's kingdom is so huge and goes on for all of eternity."
"...true wealth is using your wealth for the benefit of the kingdom and the benefit of the kingdom means benefiting other people."
"We receive a kingdom that can't be moved."
"...the triumph of Christ and of His kingdom over all of the forces of evil in this world."
"Proper order is restored in a kingdom, then everything starts to flourish again."
"You belong to a powerful Kingdom."
"We're ascending you to the Night Kingdom," Pearl tapped the tablet neatly against the arm of her throne. "Queen Vigilance will shelter you and introduce you to this animus."
"This trust is the currency in the kingdom."
"If my kingdom were of this world, then my servants would be fighting so that I would not be handed over to the Jews. But as it is, my kingdom is not of this realm."
"There's a strategy of the kingdom that he's releasing and so I'm very thrilled to be a part of that strategy."
"You are neutered. You may not help his kingdom, but you don't hurt his kingdom."
"Their kingdom would come to be known as the adventurer kingdom."
"All the glory and Splendor of Solomon's kingdom typified the Eternal Kingdom of the Messiah."
"The kingdom runs on faith not fear, so fear had to be rebuked again and again."
"The kingdom of God does not start in Matthew chapter 4 with Jesus' proclamation. It starts much earlier. It starts, I would say, back in the book of Exodus."
"When God says, 'You will be to me a kingdom,' it means today I become king and Israel accepted that offer."
"They call him a genius, the greatest achievement in the history of their Kingdom."
"He announces his identity as the C of the lionhart Kingdom, Leon dragonia lionhart."
"Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world."
"Once upon a time there was a peaceful kingdom ruled by Queen Donna."
"The kingdom of God is on earth now, but it's a spiritual kingdom, not a political one. You can't have a kingdom without a king."
"Jesus came to live and to announce full and final participation, and that the kingdom of heaven is already among you. It's already happening."
"Jesus' answer to the question is yes but... the kingdom being restored to Israel because Israel's Messiah Jesus is enthroned as Lord of the world."
"It's the glorious dawn of the sorcerer kingdom."
"In the kingdom, you enjoy because you rejoice."
"They build my kingdom forever from when they pass to forever. It won't end."
"Generosity is such a significant part of life in this kingdom."
"Empires crumble all the time, the kingdom is forever."
"Everyone is made perfect. That is the kingdom."
"In giving us the kingdom, he gives us himself."
"We're already in the midst of Empire, and Kingdom will be emerging in this context."
"Everything that was apparent in his kingdom was not new. It had been here before."
"Jesus came not to destroy but to build a kingdom, to challenge, to confront, to call. Come follow me."
"The light touches is your kingdom."
"When Jesus said, 'Seek first his kingdom,' he's basically launching the church onto offense. Go spread God's kingdom. Give your life to seeking first the kingdom of God."
"The most remote kingdom is Nilfgaard, and no one wishes to go there."
"Fake Christianity while it might count for something in the world, it's never counted for anything in the kingdom of God."
"Here in my kingdom, no living being must be killed and sacrificed."
"Our Lord is establishing a kingdom, this is no ordinary meal."
"Beyond everything that you're going through, if you don't build your kingdom, then no one's going to build it for you."
"When you are a kingdom person, you have to get rid of your village mentality."
"The kingdom is active, the kingdom is real, the kingdom is here."
"Prayer must be understood in the context of the Kingdom."
"We must see ourselves as citizens of the Kingdom."
"A new kingdom will rise.. The Arcosian Empire!"
"Nothing is ever wasted in the kingdom."
"I love this just even the entire structure of this Kingdom is so interesting. You have the secretaries and the clerics and the cloaks. It just all is all so good."
"The kingdom rules over everything."
"The kingdom of God offers righteousness, peace, and joy—things everyone wants."
"God is a good god he he wants to he desires be of good share he desires to give you the kingdom."
"Jesus sets up his throne in us, establishing his kingdom in our hearts."
"Christ is the rightful ruler of the Kingdom... He shall reign forever and ever."
"The Kingdom of Nanyue was split into nine counties, each ruled by a Han official."
"Religion gives you something to do; the kingdom gives you someone to be."
"Let's pray, 'Lord, Deliver Us from the evil one,' for thine is the kingdom, not his."
"The kingdom is not going to come in one fell swoop, it's going to come slowly and, at least in part, through the work of the Holy Spirit working through you and me, the church."
"The work you do today is good, it is God-like, and it is the work that God typically chooses to help bring His Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven."
"He has all the power required to establish an everlasting Kingdom."
"This is what the kingdom's all about."
"Jesus had begun the kingdom, but he was going away for a long time to be crowned king, and he would not complete his kingdom until his return."
"The church is the spiritual kingdom of Christ on earth today, and it has nothing to do with earthly kingdoms."
"The kingdom of God is the influence of the kingdom of heaven on earth, referring to the impact or influence of a king over his territory."
"The kingdom eventually split into two: Judah and Benjamin occupied the South while the remaining 10 tribes occupied the North and East Bank of Jordan and in history they eventually became known as the 10 lost tribes of Israel."
"The Bible is really about a king, it's about a kingdom, it's about a royal family, it's about a government, it's about a colonization project, it's about a recolonization project."
"The kingdom of heaven is like yeast, just a little dab will do, just a little bit will take over the whole thing."
"Peine recognizes that she is the real Princess Yusana Von Asri and she's going to take back the Kingdom at Landos."
"There is a different kind of Kingdom, a different kind of success, a different kind of flourishing than anything that any of these social media pages are going to tell you."
"A kingdom produces a culture, not a system. Religion produces a system that people try to follow, a list of rules. The kingdom produces a culture, a lifestyle that is natural."
"Sacrifice is the gateway for the making of kingdom stars."
"I know there's a tremendous amount of overlap between One Piece fans and Kingdom fans."
"The history of relationships between Scotland and the kingdom has been fractious for centuries."
"He came once to die. He comes now to kill. He came once to build His church. He comes again to establish His glorious Kingdom."
"Seek the kingdom by seeking the king. Repent, the king is here. Repent and receive the gospel."
"Revelation is what determines your ranking in the kingdom."
"Being where God is, being in his kingdom, that's more important than anything else in all the world, it's the most important thing."
"...be clothed with humility because that's the characteristic of the kingdom..."
"God is looking for bold representatives of the kingdom."
"Jesus proclaims that God's kingdom is breaking into this world and transforming it."
"Money thy kingdom come, thy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven."
"A kingdom is a society governed by a king."
"Jesus' plan was to set up a kingdom that would be international, drawing all men to himself."
"When I became a Christian, I didn't just get a ticket to heaven. I got recruited into a kingdom. I have a living king, and I'm recruited into His kingdom, which is at war against another kingdom."
"The kingdom of God is a society of a king and his subjects."
"Welcome to the kingdom of chromatic."
"Nikki only you can restore honor to your mother and save this kingdom."
"Let's be ready for the coming of the Lord. No hate in his kingdom, no envy in his kingdom."
"On the Judgment Day, Peter's saying, 'Lord, who delegated these keys to me? I'm returning them to their rightful owner now that we're all back with you again in the kingdom."
"The most outlandish tales would appear true in the kingdom of Lumina."
"For the heirs of the kingdom, the heirs of Kingdom Authority are being seeded in their regional spheres of influence."
"Grow and expand around us in such a way that we understand that we represent a kingdom and that we represent a king."
"...as I do the will of my father there are a people that are going to belong to this kingdom."
"Deliverance is the initial sign that the kingdom has arrived."
"Jesus always reduced money to the lowest level he could find as a matter of fact money was so low as an asset of the kingdom that God Jesus himself never claimed money as a product of the kingdom."
"There is going to come a kingdom that is going to be established and it's going to take away all these other kingdoms. It's going to fill the whole earth and that kingdom is going to be a kingdom of justice, a kingdom of love, a kingdom of mercy, a kingdom of goodness."
"I want to represent the kingdom and honestly, I want to represent a debt-free community."
"Our ability to function in kingdom power is directly related to our relationship with the king."
"The kingdom's here, so there's an experience attached to it, but we can't separate kingdom from what Jesus did in history to inaugurate his kingdom."
"A kingdom without borders. A kingdom of the heart."
"We're more passionate about worldly programs than the programs of His kingdom."
"The upside down nature of the Kingdom that Jesus announces is in sync with the kind of kingdom Israel was called to be, but never actually became."
"'That's the only thing I can think of, unless it's information regarding the kingdom!'"
"We are looking for the breaking in of the whole of the kingdom in the future."
"Let your kingdom come let your government rule let the authority of your kingdom be established and let all things be done on earth as they are in heaven."
"You are the Lord and I am affirming that you are my lord you are the lord of my situation you are the lord of my circumstances you are the Lord of this let your kingdom come let your kingdom come."
"Your word says this it shall be it shall reign is your reign you are not shaping your mind because of the problems behind you you are shipping your mind because of him before you and you're saying let your kingdom come."
"Lord even in this matter let your kingdom come even in that matter let your will be done even in this relationship let your will be done even in this interview I'm going to face tomorrow let your will be done and let the kingdom come."
"Jesus' kingdom contrasts sharply with the kingdoms of the world, emphasizing service and forgiveness."
"We're not political, we're Kingdom."
"Jesus is about occupation. He wants His kingdom back."
"Jesus stayed behind to tell the people that his kingdom was coming back to earth one day soon." - Acts 1:3
"In the days of these kings, the God of heaven will set up his kingdom which shall never be destroyed." - Daniel 2:44
"I don't think we've lost the desire to see souls come into the kingdom."
"The message of the kingdom brings psychological liberation."
"Bethl Church: where you want to be equipped to bring the kingdom wherever you go."
"Of the increase of his kingdom there is no end."
"Whatever you make happen for the kingdom, you have it in essence."
"There's no single person advancing God's kingdom that does not have a reward beyond measures."
"The kingdom is rigged to deliver, heal, prosper, and cause authority and dominion to happen."
"God always has an answer to move the kingdom forward."
"Christ's victory established in the first century kingdom."
"I pray that you would know the power of my love for you and the security of your place in My Kingdom."
"The kingdom of God doesn't only give you power in this life but also in the life after death."
"It's not a kingdom of this world but that it's a kingdom of heaven."
"It is to reign! Over all the nations, and then we'll shout Hallelujah the kingdoms of this world have become the Kingdom of our God and of his Christ and he shall reign for ever and ever!"
"The power of the kingdom is not from them but from God."