
Crew Quotes

There are 252 quotes

"The departure marked the end of a 199 day stay at the orbital outpost for Endurance and the crew."
"The recovery process was smooth as usual and the crew is now finally back home."
"Deeply respected his ship and her crew, and they respected him back."
"Party time! Rum stowed away, sir. The tot of rum for every man."
"The men on board are as intriguing as the ship they sail."
"She was truly an epic ship captained and crewed by some of the best the UNSC had to offer."
"I've become impossibly attached to this crew and story."
"The safety of the crew comes ahead of profit."
"The missiles were not a push-button Affair but will require a highly trained crew several times as large as the largest bombing crew."
"The crew have had to make life or death decisions."
"Jean-Luc Picard's new crew along with Soji are free to explore the Stars."
"The RIO is an equal member of the crew."
"It's nice to see him join the crew again. He felt like a big player."
"Yamato joins the crew as a wild domino effect."
"Just know that we are a two-man crew right now."
"Safety for the crew and safety for the community are two major benefits of using the M30T for infrastructure inspections."
"...to grow together as a real crew on a real starship just gave something that reality when the thing was on television."
"The discipline required by the crew of a royal Navy very much in line with your natural feelings about such things."
"Let's go ahead and dive into the fun stuff where we're going to start coding up our crew."
"If the carbon dioxide or carbon monoxide levels become too high due to a malfunction in the scrubbers, the entire crew could pass out and eventually die."
"It's like a part of the crew anyway, yes ending we forget it man."
"One of the lessons of this accident is that you could have an exemplary crew performing their duties with utmost care."
"The ship is not just a ship. It's a portal for a crew."
"Sailing the spinnaker offshore with all the room you need to let loose is so much fun, but wrapping the spinnaker around the headstay is a real concern for a shorthanded crew."
"There's nothing that even comes close to this one and the crew was quite exceptional."
"I just find it interesting like I said probably not the case they probably just named the crew Rox after the captain you know they weren't probably very creative they just wanted to get out there in the world and wreak havoc."
"The Straw Hats are destined to be the strongest crew of all time while remaining lovable characters."
"There's various points in the journey when a member of the crew will decide to leave of their own accord."
"It was incredible because the crew was so small. It was like a very, very intimate experience."
"I think having a magician as part of your like, crew is fire. That's fire."
"You don't mess with Harley Quinn's crew."
"To help make the Next Generation gang seem feature worthy, an ace movie cinematographer was hired."
"...Luffy's final promise to Shanks... to assemble a crew even better than Shanks."
"This is tur's first flight, so this is going to be a packed mission for the crew."
"I really want to double down and say how important this is... it is about the crew the behind the scenes people the writers all of them."
"A happy crew works even harder than a scared crew. They both work pretty hard. A bored crew works the least."
"Cunard was known to rotate crew amongst their liners somewhat frequently during this period and only the best were selected to serve on coronia."
"This is your bunk. There's someone in it, but of course there aren't enough beds for the whole crew, so you sleep in it when he is on watch."
"They all contain gold bars, and the crew immediately starts celebrating their newfound fortune."
"It's really love the crew, the service is brilliant."
"Each crew member wears a colored shirt that corresponds to their specific role, making it easier to identify them amid the flurry of activity."
"I love the crew, so I think working with the crew makes me happy."
"...the crew handed us all our own individual chips and guac snacks and the drinks kept flowing..."
"We think that you have a right to know that if your kid is a part of crew they're a college student or you know someone who is working with crew it's very important to know what is going on behind the scenes."
"Let's all go our separate ways but whenever there's a big adventure that comes around, Luffy's going to gather up the crew."
"Good morning, y'all! We got an awesome crew of guys today."
"It's going to be far easier and a lot more fun if you go to battle with a crew."
"As Star Trek: The Next Generation demonstrates over and over again, the crew of the Enterprise, and Starfleet in general, gains a lot more than it risks losing by having Data around."
"The crew should certainly not be forgotten because in many cases, they've been working since early in the morning with only a few hours of sleep."
"Having a crew allows us to put on a larger and better show, play more shows, and not be totally dead when we go off tour."
"With one member of our crew, if they say might be alright, it means it's going to be an epic location."
"This trip would not be what it is without the crew."
"Luffy tearfully accepted him back into the crew."
"'The Merry is an irreplaceable part of the crew.'"
"Our crew has always been strong but they've also always been reckless."
"Luffy is quickly relieved that his crew is likely alive as well."
"This having been said, they're both supposed to float and they both need a crew to operate, so I'm really excited to see how much my experience as a navigator can give me insight."
"Just having that close degree of camaraderie amongst the crew is really essential."
"Right, the lights are back on. So, having a lovely dinner with all the crew here, here's to a good few days filming. Everyone, cheers!"
"A ship is not just a ship, it's a portal for crew."
"Even Space Marine ships need Crews."
"Kuma made sure Luffy had a reliable crew by testing them at thrill bar."
"It's a really nice crew, they're just genuine and they won't sell you stuff that you don't need."
"Thanks for her putting up with all the weather she has had the most difficult job for sure on the crew today."
"This is a hilarious crew by the way."
"I swear to God if they green light a sequel and I find out it's the same crew I'm gonna have a [ __ ] heart attack"
"Kyle Busch's crew did a fantastic job. He was going to be really happy to look up in his mirror and see the 4 car was right behind him."
"I think like the crew definitely was tight-lipped I think like the first season or whatever but as the years went by and they knew us and of course Shia's humor was yeah that yeah just gross all over the place."
"I think it's 20-man crew in this forlorn lunar landscape with these dangerous seas and extraordinary beaches."
"This is phase 1 of what is soon to be the dream crew."
"Her relationship with the crew and the interactions with them all as they ride to the sky island."
"The launch control center always had two crew members present, responsible for deciphering launch orders and initiating the launch process."
"I think it's because he's on our crew now and we have a transmission curse, that's just what it is."
"Like with every single cruise ship, it's the crew that makes all the difference in the world."
"This is a pretty cool move as it shows that they are now finally a crew with all five members together."
"You should join my crew... we're going to need a great cook if we're going to find the One Piece."
"Highly entertaining crew, wacky mix of characters."
"I really enjoyed just how well they displayed that there is an actual crew on board the Enterprise."
"And I feel like Young Money, I'ma say this, I don't feel Young Money gets enough credit for bringing back that aura, that crew, the crew, like after, like, Dipset."
"I'm really enjoying the way that Luffy and zoro's like character Dynamic their relationship it's almost like immediately they're just like you know all right cool we're a crew like the chemistry is kind of right there."
"So what's up with the crew taking stuff when a ship is decommissioned and what are the rules or is it just like yep we're done with this thing let's take some stuff home as a memory?"
"From the ocean, it's the Apollo 11 spacecraft crew."
"A quick thinking crew can outwit disaster and find a way to save lives."
"I like it because it creates a unique dynamic within this version of the original Enterprise crew."
"We've got the best behind the camera guys."
"So important to have these so that the crew knows what they're walking into on the day of the shoot."
"I love this crew in here. Jimmy Carr is here."
"When I arrived aboard the International Space Station, there were already 11 of us on board."
"Each of these four crew members will be a part of Expedition 67 once they arrive at the International Space Station."
"It's going to be a huge test for the crew."
"With over 700 crew members, there are plenty of helpful hands around the vessel to offer friendly and prompt service."
"The crew have just been absolutely spectacular on this ship."
"It's the crew that makes the ship."
"The crew are amazing and that aircraft, it's beautiful."
"The friendly crew came around introducing themselves and offered a drink."
"I am proud to have served with the best damn crew in the fleet."
"This is the crew gym, this is unbelievable."
"It's the crew that makes the boat safe."
"This today is all about Oxford, that was an incredible performance from an incredible crew with really strong talents."
"The crew are incredibly generous with their all-inclusive drinks too."
"Once the crews got named, we started doing crew dinner. That's team bonding."
"Be sure to catch the crew show as well, the crew have looked after you on your holiday, get their chance to shine."
"In this universe, as in every other, Star-Lord is nothing without his crew."
"If it's not for the crew, this is just a large ship, but what the crew does is they bring their love, their excitement, their happiness, and their humor to their jobs, and they turn this into the ultimate cruise experience."
"It's the crew that makes the cruise."
"Cheers to the finest crew in Starfleet."
"She never gave up until the bitter end, and her crew fought valiantly."
"It's just so refreshing to see the crew interact again."
"We have the best team, we got the best guys on the crew."
"You are a member of this crew; you're always going to be a member of this crew."
"Vivi, the unofficial official member of the Straw Hat crew."
"This ship is a beautiful beautiful ship, but without the crew, it's not anything at all."
"The crew on board are phenomenal; they love what they do, they're here to make your experience world-class."
"Roger has the best crew at his peak."
"Beautiful breakfast sir, gotta feed the crew."
"The whole crew at John X Safaris is absolutely spectacular, and I will definitely be back."
"My favorite part about being a student at ATP was being able to go through crew."
"The interactivity between the crew and the video... it's really fun."
"Disneyland features 50 crew members and 51 cast members filling out 341 costumes."
"The courage, spirit, and efficiency of the pigeon crew is believed unsurpassed by past, present, or any future crews of any vessel of any nation."
"The Shichibukai altogether are essentially like a Yonko crew."
"We've got the best crew out there."
"The picture that you are painting for me is of a beautiful set and a wonderful supportive, familial crew."
"Outstanding crew, all the good stuff."
"The crew were just wonderful and were always so friendly."
"Life Support Upgrade: Acquire a new crew member without using resources."
"Luffy has so much faith in his crew now, he's like 'I'm not worried in the new world because I have you guys behind me'."
"An extension panel like this can help provide needed protection from the Sun for the crew."
"The crew really make it what it is."
"Why did you come back for us? You're on my crew."
"It was impressive to behold what the weather did, but it was more impressive to see how the crew here responded to it."
"You judge a crew by the leadership."
"A trillion-dollar mission manned by the worst crew in space."
"A ship no matter how she is crafted is only as strong as the sailors who take her to sea."
"What makes a Royal Caribbean cruise is the crew members and those who work in the Adventure Ocean absolutely love what they do."
"It's crew season baby, welcome to our next adventure."
"Concorde’s flight deck was operated by three crew members – the pilot, first officer and the flight engineer."
"The ship feels like a second home and the crew like a family."
"God bless this ship, her crew, and the United States of America."
"Our crew is dedicated to carrying on the proud traditions set by the two previous Navy ships to bear the name Portland."
"Every member, no matter what their position within the crew, was considered a treasured family member by its captain, Edward Newgate."
"The strong familial bonds formed by the crew would propel both their captain and themselves into global prominence."
"Crew are friendly and helpful and smiling all the time, and you hear laughter and banter between them."
"The crew was easily one of the best I've ever come across in my travels."
"This ship and her crew, they are my family."
"This is also the most international crew of the commercial crew era."
"It was as if the crew had just stepped out for a moment, leaving everything as it was."
"The crew, my goodness, we loved the crew, they were so fun."
"The crew have just been amazing, they really are."
"She's got a big crew of Showanti bouncers that watch her back, and they're extremely loyal to her."
"Each submarine will have two crews."
"These crew members should be remembered for their bravery and for making what might have been a devastating tragedy into a story of survival."
"The crew has been absolutely fantastic, they have been the best part of this cruise."
"Didn't we all get a second chance by being part of this crew?"
"Enhancing your onboard experience is all about the crew's customer service."
"You're part of the crew, we love you forever."
"The sacrifices of her crew were not forgotten."
"Star Trek Beyond did make me want to see more from this version of the crew."
"A bomber crew is a team, and the longer it's together, the better the teamwork."
"I still have my crew. I still have that family."
"You've proven yourself as a member of this crew."
"I can't say enough how lovely the crew is, how nice they are."
"It holds over 10,000 passengers and crew at full capacity."
"The crew facilities are the best, the best, the best, the best."
"Overall, it was good; I felt like the crew members were really, really friendly."
"Deployed to this dangerous theater of operations on active duty for four months, these are the men and women who make up the crew of Her Majesty's Canadian ships."
"The crew that makes Azamara exceptional, they are some of the best in the business."
"Life aboard the Widow was strangely democratic, a place where the crew were equal regardless of race."
"The Red Dwarf is back, the entire crew are alive again, and the main cast are rested."
"Hats off to the crew, they do an amazing job."
"First of all, the crew were fantastic, on top of great service throughout, they made friendly conversation with me and asked about my photography hobby."
"The actual crew of the Speedy was composed solely of English prisoners escaped from Norfolk Island."
"So I had a fantastic first flight from Prague to Kiev with a young, ambitious, hard-working, very friendly crew."
"My name is Burwash, and it just so happens I happen to the best goddamn crew in the group."
"When you hear these names, you know the crew is always set to serve you the best."
"Happy wife, happy life; happy passengers, easier life for the crew."
"Luffy has the ability to make each one of his crew members feel like they are integral for him to achieve his dream."
"The Fated crew that'll bring the dawn."
"This may save the majority of the crew, but having only sublight impulse engines on the saucer did not leave the crew with many options."
"The crew bar is the place where the majority of people go, usually at night after work."
"She was known to be very reliable; in fact, the crews loved her in particular."
"It has long been an ambition of mine to work on a cruise ship and join the crew."
"Working as a member of the crew on board a carnival cruise ship has always been a lifelong career goal of mine."
"The only thing I love in this world is my crew."
"I'm extremely proud of this crew here."
"Always a pleasure to see you and your crew in front of the camera."
"We couldn't put these events together if it wasn't for our crew."
"I apologize to anyone on the crew if I've done or said anything that's made anyone feel bad."
"They have a damn skeleton on their crew, okay, I admit that is pretty badass."
"Easy diamond from the crew there."
"I think that the crew's attitude... they're very driven, and that's how I live my life."
"The warmth and brilliance of the Romanian crew... they went above and beyond."
"My name is Kozuki Oden. We may not know each other, but I want you to let me join your crew."
"Rex strode under the Ark's bridge, accompanied by a motley crew of humans."
"And in the true spirit of Christmas, from our people here on the crew, Merry Christmas."
"If you value your life, you'll tell the rest of your crew to stand down."
"We do have the best crew in the business."
"She'll be crewed by supporters from around the world."
"She'll be crewed by passionate people from around the world."
"Great crew, great crew, I want to thank Antonio, the hotel manager, for doing a good job, a fabulous job."