
Technical Achievement Quotes

There are 126 quotes

"Liftoff of the third flight of Starship was absolutely amazing both visually and technically."
"Super Mario World's credits warp is honestly a technical marvel within speedrunning."
"It's printing these overhangs without any support material... I am really impressed."
"The extra effort that went into providing accurate character models, a star-studded cast, and fully fleshed-out gameplay mechanics really shows."
"The animations of Samus and her foes are fluid and impressive."
"We did, we heard the sonic booms as it made its way back. We were able to find early on as the parachutes were deploying. It was very exciting for everybody who was gathered here."
"When you actually go back and look at Killer Instinct, it is one of the greatest technical feats amongst the Super Nintendo's entire library."
"Reviews brimmed with positivity with critics agreeing that it was a surprisingly solid adaptation of this series first outing as well as one of the most technically impressive shooters to ever grace its platform."
"Second stage engine cutoff one confirmed, good orbit."
"Spacewalking has actually saved some of our programs."
"All right, the Falcon 9 second stage has done its job, delivering our four crew into orbit. Dragon SpaceX, go for launch!"
"Panzer Dragoon Saga: a rare combination of impressive technical highlights as well as an incredible art design."
"I don't know how they did that. It was a really cool shot."
"On a technical level, there's nothing holding Dragon's Dogma back from being a good or even great video game adaptation."
"I feel like everything was executed so goddamn well it's it's impressive that this game even works like it's beautiful."
"Full duration burn folks, we are headed to space."
"It's clear that a lot of heart went into this game... the vehicle system works at all let alone as well as it does is a huge accomplishment."
"That is kind of the most impressive technical achievement of this new powertrain."
"The boxing game by Climax Title Defense boasted several technical achievements including a full-on facial damage system and motion capture boxing animations that used 5,000 polygon models."
"Gears 5 delivers just an unbelievably gorgeous game with huge beautiful environments and just tons of detail."
"The zone in Stalker 2 is one of the biggest seamless open worlds to date."
"A technical marvel when it released, and it still looks very good to this day."
"It really is a super impressive version of the game."
"The game looks fantastic both from an art direction and technically."
"The technical achievements here, the story achievements, the way they developed the characters—especially some characters from the original film that they bring to another level here—that needs to be honored and rewarded."
"Scavengers might be remembered for being capable of putting thousands of players and NPCs on the same map."
"This pc is actually ready to turn on... ready to go."
"The Merge was indeed an incredible technical feat."
"It is so dense, it's so beautiful, the rain's coming down, it's just... it's a technically very impressive game."
"I love where they took the franchise and moreover, you know, they're just a technical Powerhouse with PlayStation hardware."
"Running at a locked 60 frames per second, holy hell."
"The game runs great possibly now even the best running total war game with the most amount of troops on screen."
"Resident Evil 4 is a culmination of Capcom's efforts in the RE engine."
"Doom 3 is a divisive but technically stunning showpiece."
"Resident Evil 2 has been completely remade from scratch for a new generation and the results are extremely impressive."
"Horizon Forbidden West is a gorgeous and highly polished experience that takes full advantage of the PS5 superior hardware."
"Wizard of Oz was one of the greatest technical achievements ever in cinema. To insult it like this is just cruel and beyond money-grubbing."
"Far Cry 5 could be said to have a near-perfect PC port."
"From a bear chassis to a competitive race car in less than four days."
"People watching the event on television hear Mission Control say, 'The Saturn 5, building up to 7.6 million pounds of thrust, has cleared the tower.'"
"The film's technical aspects dazzled audiences and made the sci-fi horror a box-office smash hit."
"Draw distances in particular I think are just amazing here."
"This game having reflections? That's insane!"
"Shinobi Free: Return of the Ninja Master is technically probably the best game in the series."
"Dune swept the technical categories for which it was nominated."
"Crash is packed fit to burst with artistic and technical expertise."
"60 frames per second locked free our video is one of those magical things."
"Perfect Dark is the perfect choice as an example of what the Nintendo 64 is capable of, with lush, detailed, and perfectly rendered 3D levels."
"I firmly believe Revenge's crashes and their influence on gameplay are unparalleled to this day."
"It's certainly one of the most ambitious and technically impressive games."
"To track a small moving object with such a small temperature difference from the environment from another object traveling half the speed of sound from a few kilometers away is actually a super impressive feat of Engineering."
"It is among the finest on a technical level, and in many ways also on gameplay level, the mechanics are quite different from the usual Squaresoft affair."
"Fear revolutionized first-person shooting in its day."
"Quake 2 is probably the least that can be done with it: a technical marvel that is a good action game; a well-oiled machine fueled by blood and explosions."
"Ultimately, it did work out fairly well up to 40 megahertz."
"It's one of the most detailed and gorgeous looking games I've ever seen."
"Stay away from Roger Rabbit it's a pretty perfect movie movies not get enough credit by the way for being one of the most technically impressive yet ever made."
"The majority of the harness is done, this is insane."
"To this day, they hold the record for the longest glide of a passenger airliner."
"This is a perfect visual effects shot with zero technical flaws."
"This impossibly good port nails the look and feel of its inspiration and could easily be mistaken for 16-bit title at times."
"Forza Horizon 5, probably one of the best looking games ever."
"Overall, this effect is a real triumph and definitely enhances these sections of the game."
"The water animation in this whole segment is so good, look at that!"
"So thank you to George Lucas and his amazing technical team at ILM for that, because here's to movies that inspire."
"Metroid Dread showcases just how important the actual sound design truly is - it might just be one of the best showcases for audio in 2021."
"Metroid Prime continues to stand as one of the most technically accomplished games released on a system from that era."
"The clouds in flight sim 2020 are some of the best looking clouds I've ever seen in a game."
"Main engine cut off, stage separation confirmed."
"The physics collision in this game is super realistic."
"The default performance mode offers up a smooth 60fps update all throughout the content."
"Even when slowed down by half to fit within a 60 FPS YouTube container, the animation started to take on a quality of its own with such few gaps in between the arcs of movement."
"Last of Us Part 2 from a technical standpoint, it's an utter masterpiece."
"God of War Ragnarok is one of the best looking games I've ever played."
"I can't believe I'm playing Halo with a hundred fps."
"It's truly a four-hour masterpiece from a technical standpoint to an emotional standpoint."
"How cool is that it's a perfect copy of that shape."
"I've proved it's possible to overclock a Raspberry Pi 3 beyond its 1.2 gigahertz native speed up to 1.3 gigahertz and 1.4 gigahertz and it all continues to work absolutely fine."
"I think it's amazing that we were not only able to do it technically but the country let us do it."
"Every piece of fabric you see in the gaming rendering is actually for the main characters are real fabric rendering."
"Visually, Final Fantasy is one of the best, if not the best looking game on the PlayStation 4."
"The RC 166 was a true Marvel of engineering and a testament to Honda's technical prowess."
"Nice work to the video guy getting all these cool shots and somehow keeping his reflection out of the world."
"Every five seconds we're gaining 80,000 RF instead of losing."
"The single multi-thread performance of this is going to be breathtaking."
"Forrest Gump wasn't just a feel-good comfort watch, it was also technically impressive at the time for its revolutionary use of digital compositing."
"On a technical level there was never anything like A New Hope before it and to this day you have to marvel at what they accomplished in 1977."
"I just think that on a technical level, this arc is already soaring above the rest"
"Full respect for what David Fincher was trying to do. I think technically this film is a huge achievement."
"...just imagine how amazing and technically stunning everything in this movie is in 1933..."
"It's a technical tour de force and there are a lot of wonderful moments."
"The final result sounds incredibly clean."
"The susvara is a technical marvel."
"We have a completely working application."
"The CGI across the board was spectacular."
"The amount of engineering that went into that is unparalleled."
"F-Zero GX achieved a consistent 60 frames per second while maintaining the insane speed."
"It's an incredible cinematic experience, it's gonna sweep all the technical awards for sure."
"On a technical level, it's a remarkable achievement, a feat of acting, direction, editing, cinematography, sound design, and everything else that goes into making this something truly cinematic."
"You have successfully installed Zabbix."
"After all this sweat and tears, we finally got our terrain being displayed on the screen."
"This is one of the most technically impressive mechs they have ever done for Ninjago."
"It was a huge amount of work and it was a technical tour de force when it came out."
"This game has such good ambiance. This is the Half-Life one engine, guys. It is such an achievement."
"We just successfully executed commands on the system."
"Despite its technical limitations of the time, it manages to still be one of the best games I've ever played."
"It's a technical feat in and of itself, but it's also a musical feat."
"Everything behind the scenes and what made us to beat the power record of 1350 hp at the wheels."
"What Adidas has done here from a technical standpoint is truly impressive."
"This series of movement was Omega's final stand for in-house movements and that, in this journalist's opinion, merits a certain recognition."
"I love how this looks, I was so excited when I finally got it working."
"What an amazing technical accomplishment this quadcopter is."