
Personal Inspiration Quotes

There are 224 quotes

"I love the way the creative process behind making the lore works for me."
"It made me feel like this is the first thing in a long time that has made me feel like I could someday go to space."
"I'm a big fan of who you are, I'm a big fan of everything you do, of putting yourself out there, putting your love out there in terms of the designs you create."
"You're going to feel the fire within. That passion is going to be your inspiration."
"He really created his own genre of YouTube videos, doing it all while so young. He inspired me a lot and I will miss him."
"Finding Nemo was inspired by director Andrew Stanton's personal experience of being an overprotective father."
"Cristiano Ronaldo, one of the best to ever do it, his work ethic, his discipline, all of the attributes he has now, something that we all should strive towards."
"I'm such a huge fan of Raven, such an inspiration, so funny, so talented."
"Oprah is my mentor in my head... Beyonce was my mentor in my head."
"Michael inspired me so much that for days, I walked around humming a bright little happy tune with him in mind."
"I love Tron Legacy, obviously I made a game after it."
"I remember Mark saying, 'I don't want to sell it.' Inspired the out of me."
"Dreaming about what you are always thinking about is from you."
"I've known many heroes, but to you, you are mine."
"Gabriel in the dictionary means 'God is my strength.' Well, you know what, Gabriel? You're our strength."
"Stop living for everybody else. If you look at the people in your circle and don't get inspired, then you don't have a circle, you have a cage."
"Robin Williams has just always been an idol."
"Michael Jackson changed the world and more personally in my life forever. He is the reason I dance, the reason I make music, and one of the main reasons I believe in the pure goodness of humankind."
"My inspiration genuinely comes from my mom. My mom is a go-getter."
"Growing up as a kid who had clinical depression and watching YouTube videos as a way to cope with their emotions truthfully helped me and ever since then I wanted to do what creators back in the day did for me."
"When you find unique inspiration and you express it other people feel that because all the work that you do whether it's a song whether it's a solo whether it's whatever it is it carries with it the fragrance of your inner intention."
"My inspiration was like Leonardo DiCaprio and I saw like what he did and I just wanted to like follow that at that same route."
"Spurgeon's sense of spiritual reality gripped me. This is a man who's speaking to my experience and my heart."
"She beautifully exemplifies it... she lived it. I don't know anyone in the Catholic world who was more radically committed to Justice and the poor than Dorothy Day."
"Consider using Johnny's commitment to doing the right thing even at the greatest cost to inspire your own actions."
"Honestly, I'm happy if I inspire you at all."
"You inspire me so much. If it wasn't for you, I would be a confused person with no gender."
"You're not a Christian unless you obey God, Christian means to be Christ-like."
"Scorpios inspire this person. You spark transformation in their life."
"I feel like that is what's happening with you guys within the course of the next year and it might inspire you to start a new business."
"After knowing you for twenty years, I do know this is your life's work and you have been just an inspiration to so many people."
"Music brings so much light to my life... it inspires me and changes the paradigm."
"I'm inspired after seeing Matutino dominate everyone."
"I just love how amazing of a motivator you are for yourself as well as for me in other people."
"You know, originally my Speedtail was going to be inspired from this exact aspect, yeah, same number."
"It's the trick that I still say got me into speedrunning, and here I am."
"I thought it was very well done. It gives you inspiration to push yourself further."
"Who is your ultimate Idol or inspiration? Taylor Swift, Meghan Trainor, and my mom."
"My greatest inspiration has always been my mother."
"We follow those who lead not for them, but for ourselves."
"Martin is inspiring not because he endured suffering, but because he emerged from his suffering with his compassion and love intact."
"Bruce Lee is one of the greatest influences in my life."
"Let them say I walked with giants, I lived in the time of Achilles."
"For John Denver his high was the Rocky mountains of Colorado but we should all strive to find a special place that speaks to us the way Aspen did to John Denver."
"Inspire you to be the greatest version of yourself."
"Spider-Man 2 makes me want to be a better human being."
"You inspire me. My friend has started a channel, sadly it's not going so well, but keep doing you."
"It's not about what you're doing, it's about feeling inspired to do something within your own space."
"The moment that something comes to me that I can't stop, that's the catalyst for everything else."
"Based on director Pete Docter's personal experiences."
"Our goal here is to have some peace in the kitchen, have a space that inspires me to cook, to clean."
"This connection may also have been the driving force for her to pursue a career in animation herself."
"Omar is the reason why I got out there on more reasons for more on more levels than one."
"April through June, you are feeling very creative, inspired, and passionate."
"I want to inspire you to be in that. You do anything in this world."
"It was a very, very moving moment and inspirational to me."
"I just commend her for her bravery and I know she's like fictional but it's just it makes me so proud to think about Amari."
"Let's have the same passion for the art, I think that's one thing that I take away from him."
"You are the song that needs to be sung, and everything else is the harmony."
"I would love to see a new Splinter Cell at E3."
"When I was growing up as a kid, Kobe Bryant and Tiger Woods were my two favorites."
"Max Homa is a household name with six career victories and is ranked number nine in the world."
"Success for you starts with this feeling of being inspired or 'zesty,' as I call it, like getting your zest back, feeling like a spark within you being lit and ignited."
"I'm not here to tell you your future or how to live your life. I'm here to inspire you guys to reach your goals."
"My role models are people who've done well in business."
"You inspire so many people, babe, you're highly intuitive, you're a divine being having a human experience."
"The reason I think I got involved in film is because of Stanley Kubrick."
"I think when people bring up Ice Cube, who's a legend, right? Ice Cube just came out with an album two months ago that I was like literally listening to today at the gym."
"I try to live my life by the philosophy of Gurren Lagann."
"I just love the FA Cup as you said, when as a kid growing up."
"You are the light, you are the inspiration, you are everything here."
"The first riff I heard that made me want to play guitar was probably 'Enter Sandman.'"
"I take personally extraordinary inspiration from the bravery and the defiance."
"My grandma believed in me, that's another reason why we were so close."
"When you find something that really inspires you, you stick with it."
"You are inspiring unconditional love by simply being the best person that you can be."
"It's not about inspiring someone to be like me, but to look within themselves."
"Your story is amazing, your message is amazing."
"Football is more than just a sport, Messi represents something way beyond himself."
"Mike Vic is the reason that I love football. If you haven't been able to tell all like I would not have ever even thought about watching the game let alone putting pads on myself if it were not for Vic."
"Kobe quickly became the guy for me trying to become a better basketball player."
"Ellen's first inspiration for a stand-up bit."
"I really took note of this, I thought I want to do that I want to be like that."
"Feel the energy that you didn't feel in a long time, feel an inspiration that you didn't feel in a long time."
"Embrace Your Inner Light to show others the way."
"My daughter Nova is my motivation every day."
"It inspires me because I can center and balance myself."
"These fights like this doesn't look good obviously but the fact that I'm so far behind and I'm still making these fights happen is actually really inspiring to me."
"My heroes were always Peter Schmeichel and actually Pavel Cernycek."
"He's an inspiration to me, why, because when I was in my Pokemon stuff, I was like, you know how you kind of went and did something else."
"You're the energy in the room, the passion, the talent, the drive inspiring people. But also, you're trying to find inspiration in your own life."
"If He did it for Joseph, Abraham, Daniel, if He did it for Solomon, why not you? Why not me?"
"From the beginning I've been calling this my creativity scent."
"I've never been with somebody that has inspired me in the way that Bobby has."
"I'm inspiring millions and I'm very happy doing what I'm doing."
"Bobby Heenan is an influence to me and everybody else in this business."
"Zack, your characters are an inspiration. You're a great man. We love you and we'll be with you till the end of the line."
"LeBron James made me fall in love with the game of basketball."
"You inspire my life and mean the world to me."
"I never thought I would see... that world is here for you too."
"Thank you again, Alexa. You're such an inspiration and just such a genuine person."
"It is one of maybe 3 titles that got me to want to start making videos in the first place."
"I find you as a huge inspiration. I think your authenticity, your ability as an athlete, and your charisma as well, is just excellent."
"Magic Man was a love song, one of the first ones that I ever wrote because it was the first time I've been in love, pure and simple."
"The Carter 3 unlocked something in me. It helped me shape who I am today."
"I've loved cycling since I was a kid really, and I wouldn't be here today if I didn't have the people that inspired me."
"It's a very powerful place to be and that inspiration the Queen of Wands energy is that Fire Within you has lit up and there's this beautiful feeling kind of flowing outside of you."
"Thank you for your witness, your strength, your... what you're working and sailing in a different way and soaring in a different way."
"Every child, for instance when King was born, a lot of people think that my fourth album 'King' is for me, but no, I was naming that album after him."
"Understand, Amy is your inspiration. There is money everywhere for everyone."
"Simon started like a little revolution with all disc golfers. I know that you inspired me to start a YouTube channel for sure."
"It's exciting, you got Shaq, you got everybody you looked up to right there."
"Kobe Bryant is the first thing I think about, Kobe Bryant, because you don't want to let him down."
"The wonderful sea charmed me from the first."
"I just made videos that I wished I could see."
"You are the reason why I hand so you are the reason why I realized that it was a thing and that it was possible."
"This movie, this story is making me want to pick up comic books again."
"I let the changes that I made in my life inspire me to keep pushing and keep moving forward."
"I literally became the channel I wish I had."
"Mary Jackson's contributions proved to me that I too could achieve excellence in aeronautics research."
"You have the potential to be better than I ever was."
"They got the gallery. Galaga is the guy, like, that fulfills dreams, bro."
"I believe in that I believe that you know whatever inspires you and how you get it done that's it."
"You have enough now, and that should inspire you to make goals and reach an impact."
"Just imagine in two weeks' time, you can have a brand new space that makes you feel inspired, uplifted, and energized to tackle another day."
"Beckham had quite a big impact on me as a United fan. He was the reason I loved the number seven shirt."
"The Zora Neale Hurston is a hero of mine I think I'm the one who told you about her."
"I credit President Trump for being my inspiration."
"Buena Vista Street: a love letter to Walt Disney himself, capturing the essence of Los Angeles in his time."
"Good things come to those who work their butts off." - "My favorite quote from my dad he stole it from Senator John Kennedy."
"Bioshock changed everything for me. It's the reason I got into game design myself."
"I write a lot of love songs to my bandmates."
"In fact, it compelled me to make this video in the first place."
"I just want people to look at me and learn something from my story."
"This is a political hatchet job brought about by the oligarchs."
"Nikki Peyton says you guys make this so fun. Thank you! You've inspired me to buy some recording equipment of my own to start youtubing."
"GSP has always been Habib's hero his entire life. GSP has been Habib's hero and now he's got a chance to compete against him and a reason to stay in shape as well."
"Focus on having more confidence in yourself, what inspires you, and what feels good to you."
"I always say," Susan reflects, "I walk away with a piece of inspiration and hope because someone who is struggling lets me in and teaches me."
"Whatever it is that inspires you, just go with it."
"CM Punk is the reason I got into wrestling, he's the reason I stayed in wrestling."
"He is a very big inspiration to me in terms of chasing my dreams and creating and he will be sorely missed by my family."
"Magic is just a hero of mine, so I love. I mean, look, I remember '91, but seeing Magic now, healthier than all of us."
"Well working with Meryl I mean my god with her twice and she without being a mentor she is a mentor just because she she does it right she lives right no and she she has a balance and a perspective that I feel is something to aspire to beautiful."
"You've inspired me to become a better video editor."
"Your person feels like you put them onto spirituality. You inspire them to connect more with Spirit."
"Be a light of inspiration and hope for yourself."
"Who do you think was the greatest leader of all time and why? Because that really gives a sense of what kind of leader he wants to be."
"It stirred in me an obsession with the sea, with the Calypso, and with its Captain, Jacques Cousteau."
"Those stories, the ones I listened to and the ones they inspired me to write, were my escape, our release valve."
"That video... I found like inspirational... that was a really good video."
"For me it's coming home and that's been one of my Inspirations of wanting to be here."
"What anyone can want for you may be enough to motivate you but not to inspire you; you can only inspire yourself."
"I miss her a lot, she was my inspiration, always will be."
"I kind of fell upon his family, his son, you know, just people that looked up to him."
"It's a good set of emotions. I'm not sad, I don't know how to describe it. I'm like nostalgic, I am inspired."
"Just watch the movie for yourself and you should leave feeling more inspired."
"How do we inspire ourselves to greatness where nothing less will do?"
"Allocate time and energy to your wildly inspiring goals."
"Some of the things that really motivated me were parallels to gains and assets in business..."
"Well if you didn't know this I'm like obsessed with Stevie Nicks she's my favorite singer I love the rasp enos of her voice."
"The ugly duckling story got me through so many bleak nights as a child."
"You probably single-handedly inspired me to pursue a career in computer engineering."
"You're able to ground your ideas and manifest abundance, inspiring others to follow their dreams."
"You represent what's possible when you follow your heart and be yourself, inspiring others to do the same."
"I want my daughter to look at me on that stage and say my mom is a wrestler."
"You're the compass, you're the guiding light, you're the star."
"Your light is meant to shine, not to let anyone else around you dim that light."
"She's an inspiration and a very, very lovely person."
"Being around someone who's really making something of themselves."
"Thank you Kobe. Thank you for helping me fall in love with the game."
"You're inspired to be a new version of yourself and have a new creative phase which is very exciting for you."
"You are an inspiration just by being your true authentic self every day. You're never gonna settle for less."
"Summer of '69 is a song that refuses to let you forget what it feels like to be young."
"You're literally my inspiration every day. Your come up has been amazing."
"I live to achieve the impossible it motivates me it inspires me it makes me come alive."
"You should play what inspires you, you should play what you're interested in playing."
"Christopher McCandless... was one of my personal heroes."
"I hope Ty, you and your wife are doing well, you are a big inspiration to me."
"You're born to shine, you're inspiring. It's really amazing beautiful energy."
"I just hope I can inspire motivate you guys to just of course become the best version of yourselves."
"I made a decision that I haven't changed since then, and that was that the inspiration for my work would come out of my own life, out of my own experience."
"Everyone should have a hero, and that hero should be you."
"Well, my cricket hero is my brother."
"Heather's passion for seeing that no one felt alone in their battle against cancer was born from years of witnessing firsthand what it is like to love a cancer patient."
"What first made you fall in love with the field of nursing? Definitely how the nurses treated me made me fall in love with it at a young age."
"If I can inspire even just one person to do this or something like this, I honestly think that that would improve not only that person's life but also the quality of life for the people that you interact with most."
"There's a reason that I play guitar and I'm here with you today."
"It's called the Sunburst, and I'm sure you're gonna find it as awesomely inspiring as I do."
"Ideology should just inspire you to embrace that idea and create whatever inspires you to do it."
"Can I be an inspiration to the next person around me?"
"Lou Gramm from Foreigner is probably my greatest vocal influence."
"I'm not even joking; I've never been this inspired."
"It's a huge inspiration to me; I love everything about this."
"Marshall Mathers was instrumental for me."
"I try to write from my own fascinations."
"He was an inspiration to me, you know what I'm saying, and may he rest in divine harmony."
"I salute the godfather dawn, the man who changed my mind and inspired me to get out of a life of crime and violence."
"I decided to name my business after her, but I was a paper crafter, so that's where the Paper Pixie came from."
"Basketball became that father figure that I never had."