
YouTuber Quotes

There are 239 quotes

"Technoblade was obviously way more respected."
"Fearless was one of the most loved YouTubers ever, averaging 40 to 50 million views on every video while having an incredibly loyal fan base."
"According to a study conducted by The Sun, becoming a YouTuber is one of Gen Z's most sought-after career paths."
"I am a YouTuber. But to my parents, I work in the entertainment industry."
"I missed you guys and I missed the community."
"What do you think this YouTuber has captured lurking in their house in the middle of the night?"
"Thank you ever so much for watching my videos. I love every single one of you."
"I always grew up wanting to be a YouTuber... but I also recognize, like, 'Hey, you're probably not going to be a YouTuber.'"
"As a YouTuber it is my job to say what the queens cannot or will not say... because on YouTube I can be real and honest no matter what you think about it."
"It's pretty sad to see the slow decline of a once loved YouTuber."
"I'm a caring individual that loves entertaining you guys."
"Subscribe to Captain Corey's channel, such a wonderful ball of joy."
"Thanks for hanging out with me, I know it's been almost a month since I made a video, I just went a little bonkers, but I'm trying to be human again, so here I am."
"Seriously, do not let any other YouTuber lie to you, because they're wrong - I have the best subscribers."
"Thank you guys for watching and I'll see you guys soon again. Bye."
"SSSniperWolf, as of late 2020, the most subscribed female YouTuber in the world with 22 million subscribers at the time of recording."
"I won't pull a Gabby Hannah on you and just stop uploading."
"I love Nepenthez, the only YouTuber I have post notifications on for."
"Your absolute favorite YouTuber who is not us? Jenna Marbles is number 2 on this list."
"When a YouTuber puts out information no matter what he puts it under his name, you know? There's a familiarity of how they do things."
"Nick, the hardest YouTuber out here, posting every single day."
"Thank you guys so much for watching, see you next time!"
"I'm Kayla... I'm on Little Simsie and uh doing good so there you go."
"I've been Russo, thank you so much for watching and I'll see you guys in the next video! Like, subscribe, two videos a day, notifications, and have a good day guys, hi."
"It's just such an amazing feeling to know that there's so many people all over the world watching my content."
"Being a YouTuber has been my childhood dream, and I know it's so many of yours out there too."
"I never really taken account as the amount of people that actually look to me as like a comfort type of YouTuber, bro."
"I know I'm weird, why do you think I'm a YouTuber?"
"That's right, we get ourselves a nice old classic YouTuber apology."
"Thank you for clicking the video, I've been Paul, you've been the best, and I'll see you next time. Take care, peace."
"I'm not going to be another YouTuber that talks about biting someone all the time. I'm not going to be like Army Hammer that wants to just Nosh on someone's toes and chop off the leg and be like, 'what if I kept a piece of you in a bag with me?'"
"Dude I saw a YouTuber today, one that I actually watched, and I get to hang out with him this morning. I'm very happy about it."
"Being a YouTuber is a hard job. Yeah, the only difficult part to it is you have to be someone who can check yourself and put yourself to work without having someone else telling you to. As soon as you've got that down you can make it pretty easily."
"Usopp would be perfect for just a generic YouTuber; his trick shots would be absurd and go viral."
"Nicocado avocado gets to the size that we all know he is today which is approximately 400 pounds."
"So, the amount of crap... being a YouTuber that people and companies want me to sell you is ridiculous."
"People don't know how to make a video. I didn't know. I had to become a YouTuber."
"I appreciate every single one of you and I'm still that YouTuber that does a little happy dance when I get one subscriber."
"Part of being a YouTuber is getting out of that comfort zone so let's see you do it."
"I'm not a YouTuber that is going to hide behind the scenes and get on camera and be like hey you guys how are you like no if I'm going through some I'm going to bring a video and I'm going to say I'm going through some right like that's who I am."
"...while jellybean may hold the title of YouTube's most hated creator, the negative connotation might have come with an equal amount of positivity."
"Hey guys, it's me, Crazy Honda Chris, sorry to end up the video, just want to say thanks again for watching. I really appreciate you guys, the support."
"Thank you so much for being here with me today, give this video a big thumbs up if you enjoyed it, subscribe if you haven't subscribed and I will see you guys in the next one."
"Nobody likes a youtuber with ego that makes the whole video about themselves."
"...the reason he makes videos is to entertain people and with the amount of money he's giving away and the fact that he's probably losing money on some of these videos it's obvious that he's not making these videos for the money and I respect that"
"Milo Stewart's not hurting anybody. They're a young, relatively small YouTuber making content about gender and sexuality."
"This is Colleen Ballinger. She's a YouTuber today. She is 36 years old."
"I'll see you next video. Give this video a big thumbs up if you enjoyed it. Subscribe. I love you so much."
"I love Shane Dawson. He's one of the best YouTubers. He's so genuine."
"I Show Speed is a 16-year-old YouTuber from Michigan. He has over 5 million subscribers on YouTube and over 1 million followers on Instagram."
"YouTuber game devs... provide a lot of value for the viewer by letting them get a sneak peek behind the scenes into their world of game development."
"Technoblade was paired with Shotgun Raids, who today has 1.2 million subscribers. They were one of the most hyped teams and the favorite to win the event."
"I know every single youtuber says this but we wouldn't be able to do what we do in life without you guys and without your support."
"Being a YouTuber is kind of the same thing. There's a lot of work and effort that goes into building your channel and figuring it out. There's a lot of creative work that goes into making your videos and trying to get it up off the ground."
"The hardest part about being a YouTuber... people just be trifling."
"I feel like a part of being a youtuber is you have to want to see yourself and have to want to film and be inspired to do cool things."
"We have a new favorite YouTuber: the rat rods in Africa."
"Always do that if you support a YouTuber: subscribing and watching the videos all the way through is like the best thing you can do for them. It's really, really appreciated."
"I do love doing those Q&A videos because it's more personal it's more like a one-on-one with each and every one of you guys."
"As a YouTuber, you kind of feel like that pressure rising up in you, it's so hard to do my job."
"I'm not a YouTuber that doesn't see patients. I mainly see patients. I'm in my office four days a week."
"The YouTuber that has the best audience but is monetizing it the least effectively because that's the person that I can help the most."
"Make sure you do hit that subscribe, join this incredible family. It would be so wonderful to have you."
"My job was too easy I'm a YouTuber okay I have to work 70 hours a week playing video games to make these videos and what do I get just money."
"Known for his expensive videos and money giveaways, this YouTuber currently has 135 million subscribers. Who is Mr. Beast?"
"Clear I really don't think J station should be terminated off of YouTube."
"Nobody sets out to be a YouTuber and succeeds unless you're Mr. Beast."
"If you like the things I talk about on this channel, do me a favor, hit that like button and that subscribe button and then that notification bell so you know when I got a new video out."
"Blair, AKA Illuminati, is a YouTuber that primarily makes content exposing multi-level marketing pyramid schemes and generally the exploitation of others."
"Being a YouTuber is kind of like having a late-night talk show."
"Thank you for watching, I'm Shannon and welcome to today's video."
"Being a YouTuber video maker always seems So Glamorous but what's the best and worst things about your job. It can't be all as fun as it looks right?"
"There is a youtuber, her name is Iloho, and I really love her content. She's really pro-black as she should be."
"I just don't think Shane Dawson could go into this series or go into a sit-down conversation like that."
"It's hard being both, but he does it. He's a YouTuber and he's a boxer."
"I introduced myself as 'My name is Blessing, I'm from Nigeria, I'm a YouTuber. Everybody in the class was like 'wow!'"
"I value my privacy, not just as a YouTuber but as a person. I don't want my information out there, and I don't think you do too."
"Wow, wow, like I said, you're probably expecting some like nice beautiful crisp YouTuber mansion. No, I am moving into like a three-acre farm barn."
"You are one of my favorite YouTubers."
"I'm not a YouTuber but bro look at me I'm sat in my [ __ ] car."
"if this is the first time you've come up with my channel then feel free to subscribe I mean if watching me 20,000 calories or that wasn't enough for you to unsubscribe then you're dead inside so yeah do that please"
"I enjoy Russian Badger, I think that he and his friends are really, really funny."
"This story is an unsettling unsolved mystery involving a YouTuber who went on a hiking trip only to never return."
"Who is your favorite YouTuber? Subscribe to PewDiePie."
"He was a great YouTuber, entertainer, son, brother, and friend to many. May the blood God and king of Minecraft rest in peace."
"I'm a youtuber, I can't deal with it."
"Rin is one of my favorite youtubers."
"I want to be a YouTuber and/or singer someday and you're inspirational, so yay!"
"I was perusing the internet and I was watching a fantastic YouTuber, Naomi Jon, really great channel."
"First first year of being a YouTuber is done and I have to say I'm super proud of myself, grateful for all the opportunities that have come my way."
"He's genuinely the nicest YouTuber I've ever met."
"I made the choice to be a YouTuber in 2017, in February my whole entire life changed from that choice."
"Being a YouTuber is the best job."
"Do what's scared but just like with anything in life, do you want to be a YouTuber? You're going to feel scared, you're gonna feel nervous but you just gotta do it scared and nervous."
"As always guys, I am Technip. Thanks for watching this video."
"I'm so happy for my little boy today, man. You finally meet my favorite YouTuber."
"I just want to say I love you, I care about you more than any other YouTuber cares about their audience."
"Welcome back to Bentley House, I'm Aera, and I made a set for another YouTuber."
"Thanks for watching viewers, hope you enjoyed it, I'll see you in the next one, bye-bye."
"He is a master of evolution, he is consistency in human form, and perhaps most importantly, he is and has always been one of us, a true youtuber."
"Welcome back to my channel, thank you for being here, and I appreciate each and every one of you."
"This is the first ever YouTuber theme park."
"I almost feel like a real YouTuber."
"I'm not like most YouTubers; if I genuinely don't like a product, I will not be telling anybody about them."
"I am Crimson Rogue, one of the only YouTubers who actually wears pants while he films videos."
"I'm fearless, I don't give a [__]... I'm not a traditional YouTuber."
"Welcome everyone, Adam the Woo here, glaring into magic hour."
"We need more real YouTubers like you; you're so natural on camera, and I live for your dry humor."
"I used to hate these people that cry on YouTube every time they hit a milestone, but look at me, I'm here doing the same bloody thing."
"Thank you for tuning into my channel. My daily viewers, love you guys so much. I'll see you in the next video."
"I do think that this is a little bit more genuine than the average YouTuber apology/slash comeback."
"I think Nicocado Avocado is a performance genius."
"Every day I wake up and I wonder why I'm a YouTuber."
"Wow, it's a YouTuber's dream come true."
"One of the wonderful things about being a YouTuber is that I get to share with all of you on my platform things that inspire me, that move me, that touched me this year."
"I'm a Nigerian YouTuber who recently joined a travel Vlog Niche."
"This is my life, I am a YouTuber and business owner, and I work a six to six."
"The infectious happiness of an automotive YouTuber at work."
"Being a YouTuber is among the most respected professions in the world."
"Me and Jimmy did not have any type of falling out, so everything's cool. Mr B, still love you bro."
"That's my job as a YouTuber, to make you feel happy."
"It's been fantastic, thank you guys so much. Been your boy KS, see you in a bit, take care, peace."
"We love you guys, thanks for watching, and we'll see you on the next video."
"That's pretty cool, a YouTuber put out a book."
"But as always, my name is Chris, take care."
"As a YouTuber car collection, it's pretty up there."
"It's like worldwide YouTuber, yeah, Mr. Worldwide."
"Being a YouTuber is the weirdest thing because you have viewers that are going to know more about your life than your own friends do."
"Hi guys, if you're new here, my name is Aaliyah, and I'm a 21-year-old lifestyle YouTuber."
"Every YouTuber has to be a little bit extra."
"You know YouTubers tend to hyperbolize their impressions, but honestly, we really loved it."
"Honestly, I knew this guy since he had two thousand subscribers."
"A lot of people think that because I make YouTube videos for a living, I'm just this very social and outgoing person, but the truth is I actually struggled with social anxiety for years."
"Imagine an old Maserati racing through the desert, driven by a famous YouTuber."
"I accidentally ended up becoming a fulltime YouTuber."
"Working two days a week as a doctor is fun, and I can do three days a week as a YouTuber, that's pretty cool, why not?"
"You like the new YouTuber? What do you guys think of the Vtuber?"
"Thank you guys so much for watching, love ya, see you in my next video, bye!"
"I think this might be my last video before Christmas is around the corner. Wish everybody a Merry Christmas, happy holidays."
"I care about you more than any other YouTuber cares about their audience."
"Being a YouTuber and raising funds for the cause consume a lot of time and energy, but everything is necessary to be successful."
"I'm a professional football player first, and I'm a Youtuber second."
"Stay awesome and I'll see you in the next video."
"As always, I appreciate you guys watching my videos and I'll catch you guys next time."
"I don't know if I've ever regretted becoming a YouTuber so much as I have missed aspects of quote-unquote normal life."
"I'm so excited and thank you for saying I'm your favorite YouTuber, that's really sweet."
"When I grow up, I want to be a Youtuber because it's such a cool job."
"To be a good Youtuber, you need to be creative and nice."
"I love you guys like you'll never find a YouTuber that loves his fans as much as I do."
"I'm a small YouTuber, not many of you guys are watching, but for everyone that is watching, I super appreciate it."
"I don't think I'm a good YouTuber, but I try to be a decent person."
"You're the best YouTuber I've ever seen."
"I don't want to be a YouTuber forever, I want to do other things."
"So now you can consider yourself a proper YouTuber, I know you've got a PowerPoint."
"I'm a YouTuber; I got 53,000 subscribers."
"You are the best YouTuber/creator, you inspire me and a bunch of other people."
"Whenever you're a faceless YouTuber, everyone has their image of what you look like."
"Life of a YouTuber: I can't plan. If I plan something, something else will happen."
"I just want to say that I love you, care about you more than any other YouTuber cares about their audience, that's a fact."
"My name is Faye Mack, I'm a YouTuber based in Toronto, Canada."
"End game for me is that I will be self-employed, I will be a full-time YouTuber."
"Markiplier is the only Saint on YouTube."
"Hey guys, it's me Moist Critical today."
"My subscribers are my life... I absolutely love my subscribers, you guys are literally everything to me."
"And until next time, my name is Cory Kenshin."
"As a YouTuber, taxes will probably make you cry."
"Your favorite YouTuber's favorite YouTuber."
"I'm really thankful to be a YouTuber because we can look back on our past year with him in this house and smile."
"I'm so excited, I originally got this idea from a YouTuber, I don't remember."
"I have a lot of respect for anyone who is a YouTuber at the level he's at and has come through so much hate."
"Hi Felix, if you ever see this, you know, biggest solo YouTuber in the world and awesome dude all around."
"Hey Cody, you're my favorite YouTuber."
"I'm actually going to go on a real vacation for the first time in 10 years of doing YouTube."
"I hope you guys all have families and jobs and live your life and travel and worry less and less about what some YouTuber on the internet thinks about you because it doesn't matter."
"When you're a YouTuber, for the most part, you control your destiny."
"What's up everybody, this is Ingram, I'm one of the Minecrafters."
"I'm not only a YouTuber, but I bring people closer to each other."
"I love your channel and you. You're the most authentic YouTuber out for real."
"You are the best YouTuber ever and I love you."
"You are the best YouTuber in the world."
"You are the best YouTuber ever, you are funny and entertaining."
"Let's get this show on the road, we're about to do the YouTuber draft."
"Being a YouTuber is not a set yearly salary; you don't know how much you're going to make."
"I am a YouTuber and I upload a lot, I am allowed to be lazy if I want to."
"That was the moment I decided that I wanted to become a YouTuber."
"I'm not trying to say I'm like a great YouTuber 'cause I'm not."
"I feel like as a YouTuber who has a bag and has never shown their bag, I am betraying you by not doing that."
"Out of all the YouTubers that exist, I think I look up to you the most."
"Hey James, we want to say thank you for being the most relatable and main childhood YouTuber."
"Thanks, guys, for stopping by my channel; I appreciate you so much."
"Hi, I'm Ellie, the crime boss of YouTuber. I'm here to steal Neurosama's heart."
"That's super cool that they made one of a fellow YouTuber."
"Something I love is my subscribers, you guys watching this right now, I love you."
"You were my favorite YouTuber ever; you always inspire me."
"Youtubers seem like they have a pretty good life."
"You are my favorite YouTuber in the world, every day after school I check to see if you uploaded anything."
"And just before we do that make sure you hit that subscribe button and all the other things that YouTubers say you should do."
"Have an awesome day, I'll catch you guys in the next video, peace out."
"I love you all so so much, and I will see y'all in my next video."
"Another YouTuber wants to collab, and they're doing something really special for a fan, so I'm excited to show you guys."