
Marathon Quotes

There are 655 quotes

"Building wealth is a marathon, it's not a sprint. This is not something that's going to happen overnight."
"Building wealth is a marathon, not a sprint."
"People who run a marathon experience a very different pattern of immune response, severely immune compromised."
"Elliot smiles for the last time. Let's keep an eye on the clock. Just outside 201. He is a history maker in Berlin yet again."
"I never get no respect. This run is so long, if you ran it, you would have run a marathon and never get any respect."
"Pacing strategy is key for marathon success."
"Marathon speedrunning is where instead of just running through one game you speed run through multiple games in one sitting."
"Kipchoge's excellence over the 26.2 mile distance completely revolutionized the event."
"Qualifying for Boston takes years and years of dedication and sacrifice."
"I'm amazed by every marathon put on by y'all, keep up the great work."
"I trained really hard for four months for the Twin Cities Marathon and I finished in three hours 20 minutes and 59 seconds."
"If you have the chance to run a marathon, know that you can do it."
"Yesterday was a half marathon on foot, then eight miles, and today has been a legit full marathon."
"Next time, which will be next year, I will definitely be sub-five hours."
"Are you not entertained? We are watching five games straight."
"Usually this frosting and baking Marathon would start around noon and last until the wee hours of the morning."
"You can’t run a marathon typically right out of the gate."
"50 marathons in 50 days: Ran 50 marathons in 50 states in 50 consecutive days, pushing the body and mind to inconceivable limits."
"One of the greatest marathon comebacks in running history."
"The thing I'm most excited for with this marathon is not necessarily all the training and like the commitment to this, this sub-250, but it's really for you guys to PR with me."
"Just remember, it's not a race like it's a marathon."
"I love how we reduced marathon to half marathon."
"It feels so good to play, and it is the reason why we played non-stop from mid-afternoon till midnight."
"I think the best way for me to go out with this is to tell you all that I plan on now for the first time ever playing all the games in a row."
"To binge watch means that you watch a lot of movies or TV shows usually back to back without stopping."
"Last weekend, my husband and I binge watched all of the Star Wars movies."
"I wasn't angry or bitter, just deflated and exhausted as though I had run a marathon and couldn't remember why I wanted to do it."
"I love the marathon, I love the crowds, the sense of excitement, and I love with all the runners running for good causes."
"The first time we met was at the beach when we had both signed up for the same marathon, so beaches have always been special to us."
"I'm doing the marathon this weekend for the Sir Bobby Robson Foundation."
"Dog accidentally runs half marathon after being let out to pee, finishes. Good job, dog!"
"I ended up running a marathon... we're not fixed in any way in terms of what our ability is."
"YouTube is a marathon, not a Sprint."
"If you run a marathon, after that it's just not as hard to get ready for the next one, it comes back so quickly."
"I've run two marathons in my first full year of ever running I run two marathons so that just proves I can do hard things."
"Oh wow, surprise surprise, just marathon runner, seriously man, he's cutting down that 26.2 in such a quick way."
"It's a good thing that he could putt that way in a marathon because I don't feel like he could finish a marathon."
"24 hours 10 minutes and 8 seconds that's how long 582 people continue their Marathon chant at the Hanuman Temple in the Dallas suburb of Frisco Texas to break the previous world record."
"I am running the New York City Marathon today is Friday I am running the New York City Marathon on Sunday."
"I am doing the marathon in memory of Joanna Court, who died of an aneurysm at just 19 years old while at university."
"Your first marathon, you should just focus on finishing."
"We're officially running the New York City Marathon for the United States Fund UNICEF."
"I'm running the New York City Marathon in November and I'm gonna be raising money for UNICEF to run in that marathon."
"It's not a race it is a marathon, it's about who keeping the longest not who get it the quickest."
"I'm doing my last marathon this weekend in Istanbul. ECA boilers are sponsoring me to do the Istanbul Marathon."
"I've done 27 weeks of training over the course of this year for marathons."
"I just ran the New York City marathon."
"He returns as the greatest marathon runner ever."
"It took me 76 marathons for him to notice me."
"Don’t ever tell me you want to run a marathon because I will sign you up for a race, monitor your daily training, and run that sh*t with you."
"To complete a marathon... is very impressive."
"Breaking four hours... is an insane accomplishment."
"Breaking four hours... is like... breaking 75... in golf terms."
"42 kilometers just electric, yeah."
"Just to see that finish line in sight and realize that I ran 26.2 miles was such a crazy and like amazing feat of accomplishment for me."
"Running is never not going to hurt. But that's one of the things I love about Marathon running."
"Usually the first 20 miles of marathon or maybe the first 17 miles like feels pretty good you're conversational you're floating along like it's just fun you know you're just enjoying the ride."
"The goal is that someone should be able to watch this marathon series and PR their next marathon."
"This last marathon at Manly Beach, we did a mile out, mile back, mile for the whole marathon."
"...in 2016, I got an assignment from Runner's World to go report on this top-secret Nike project, which ended up... their mission was basically they'd spent about two or three years, 20 people full-time working on it, trying to engineer a sub-two-hour marathon."
"To run the marathon in under two hours and three minutes, it's history unfolding here on the streets of Berlin."
"It's like a marathon, not a sprint."
"This marathon of draws tied the record for the longest sequence without a winner in the game's history."
"This is amazing, welcome to another powerful marathon with a very different subject."
"It just seems so impossible, and just the way he said that, I was like, 'That's it, I'm doing a goddamn marathon!'"
"I'm running the London marathon on the 23rd of April on behalf of kids an amazing charity that just does great work with young disabled children and their families supporting them in every way possible."
"I'm on a sex death marathon, they are Esther."
"Get yourself some good sleep again, it's really odd after a marathon."
"He did the marathon three hours, 16 minutes. Is that nuts? She literally went home, changed her clothes, and came back and picked me up in the car."
"The first US president to have completed a full Marathon distance ran 26 miles 385 yards in under three hours of receiving his Vietnam draft papers."
"All right, 2024 London Marathon, let's go."
"I've never worked so hard to earn a Marathon medal."
"I've spent weeks visualizing what the home stretch of the London Marathon would be like for me."
"I don't think I've ever worked so hard to earn a Marathon medal."
"The Ethiopian maintains the wonderful tradition, the list of victories from his compatriots over these years, here has one more name on it. Adis Gabena is the winner of Dubai Marathon 2024 in spectacular style."
"Adisu Gabena is the winner of Dubai Marathon 2024 in spectacular Style."
"My main takeaways from Boston were to run marathons to your pace."
"I hope you guys enjoyed this first video in my marathon training series."
"Yeah, it was it was only a couple of years I when I decided to do that 50-mile or I had only ran the Philly marathon uh-huh and then in the training block to get ready for it I ran the Boston Marathon and Hell's Hills 50k in Smithville Texas."
"I know I can do this because, like, I've literally run marathons."
"I went up I put my gospel before and basically what I just said lest I should be running in vain he uses that race language you know running races yes the marathon the very very Greek working on this for years."
"I have to do this marathon if it means I have to crawl, I will do it."
"The marathon is the Beauty and the Beast, you can go through dark patches, you go through good spells."
"Good morning, guys. It's Marathon Sunday."
"It's the morning of the marathon."
"So this is it guys, I'm gonna respect the no filming policy here at Boston and the next time I pick up the camera, we'll be at the Finish Line."
"If you want extra confidence then it won't hurt you to run the half marathon distance, but not like the week before, if this is your first time."
"The pace for a 3-hour marathon or to just dip under 3 hours would be 6 minutes 52 per mile."
"Think about this journey as a marathon, not a race."
"Is there some claim here for early marathon traditions, so that we can think about the Olympics as an African tradition?"
"It is so important that we take some time after the marathon to both physically recover from the damage that we did in the marathon and mentally recover from the discipline of months of training and preparation."
"I'm gonna run the New York Marathon."
"Life is a marathon, not a sprint, and therapy... it's never too late to change your ways."
"...I've decided to run an unofficial marathon on my own with no training."
"Seriously if the top scientists in the world deemed these parameters or factors or metrics as the most important for running a fast Marathon start to ask yourself the question why am I not working on these things?"
"The feeling when you finish a marathon is honestly like no other because you feel unstoppable."
"Everything about this shoe makes it a perfect marathon training shoe."
"But trust me, if you want to run a marathon, you can do it."
"What was the name of the British marathon runner who pooed himself in 2005?"
"'It's a marathon, not a sprint, though. But it's a series of five sprints, and you've won the first one. That's the good news.'"
"...my hypothesis at this point is that I think the meta speed Sky Paris is going to feel faster in the last 10k of a marathon."
"Life is both a sprint and a marathon."
"We are now beginning a 20 day marathon of prison story 20 days straight of prison stories."
"You can't expect to sit on the couch all day and then run a marathon. You need to exercise your muscles and practice, you need to warm up."
"A marathon is a big thing and it sucked so much worse than I thought."
"I'm training for this Marathon, okay? August is my preparation month."
"This is the final Resort on our DVC Resort Marathon."
"...for a marathon I usually take uh one gel before and then my first Jael 40 minutes into the race so yeah..."
"...I wanted 320s got 321 so pretty happy with that now I've got 11 weeks to make that marathon pace fingers crossed."
"...this was a real good example a proper wacky looking super shoe really enjoyed it may even use this for my marathon uh in Copenhagen."
"But I did my first half marathon on a whim. It was a couple of other friends said, 'Hey, you know what, we're running a half marathon this weekend. Get your shoes laced up, we're gonna run this thing.'"
"Nike always says that everyone's an athlete, so today we saw the greatest marathon of every athlete on earth."
"We did get you all witnessed the fastest marathon run in history."
"...it's one of my favorite events even though I've won a national championship in the trail marathon I still feel like the 5k is the one event that I love to train for and you can race so many of them..."
"If you took part in Paris Marathon congratulations"
"Preparing for my next marathon where I'm going to run the Olympic qualifying time."
"Listen up, this young lady here is running the marathon for Brigham and Women's Hospital. Don't skip around, donate to a good cause. I'm gonna be there at the finish line, Flay. I'm gonna make a big sign for you."
"Not only were my Trans Italia Marathon dreams salvaged, but the stage was set for this adventure through the central Alps."
"...ultimately just having an understanding of truly how difficult the marathon is and how difficult the training can be as well."
"This is Michael Tim's aka Timzy and he has set himself a challenge of running seven marathons in seven days all to raise money for charity."
"This is not a Sprint this is a marathon baby it's a marathon."
"The Christian life is like a marathon race. You're born again, you repent, you believe, and you receive Christ into your life. Great, you've come to the starting line."
"Treat it like a marathon in your diligent preparation."
"Starting a business is definitely an uphill battle, so you have to stay patient. It's a marathon, not a sprint."
"London Marathon probably has to be the best marathon in the world for atmosphere."
"Is it the running channel Bubble race we all run around a track in uh no it's slightly harder than that okay it's the return of the Barclay marathons."
"I feel like I'm in the same position slightly different circumstances but I finished a marathon I took just over a week off and now I'm two weeks back into running and they all feel awful really."
"I'm certainly not in the greatest shape in terms of fitness but I'm going to be live streaming both my training as well as the actually marathon."
"The mindset of marathon running is that you have to do the best all the time. It NEEDS to be optimal. Whereas ultra running is much more of a 'Duct tape' let's fix it, let's solve problems. It's never going to be perfect, but it's going to be good enough."
"If I trained for a marathon, my goal would be sub 2:18 to be Olympic standard."
"If you want to run a marathon, do it because you love running and you're willing to put in the time."
"Almost half of the field in the marathon is from foreign athletes."
"Lawrence Sharona, the 43rd Amsterdam marathon winner."
"What's next? Yes, I would like to do more marathons."
"She's here to run the marathon to try and get a qualifying time for the London Marathon."
"You got to trust your instincts and you got to go when it's right for you and you have to pay attention to your own body, it's really important in the marathon especially."
"I'm pretty scared. I'm happy excited. I'm excited. I don't think I mean I know what's ahead but I have no idea how I'm gonna feel I know it's gonna feel hard and horrible whether that comes at mile one or two whether that comes in mile 30 40 50 90 I mean yeah I have no idea."
"I just want to embrace that experience. New York Marathon is one of the great marathons in the world and there's not even any debating that."
"I run the marathon to compete against myself and the clock and when I cross the finish line the results are objective mhm and it's a reflection of the weeks and months leading up too absolutely absolutely."
"I thought we would do the surprise training here's the reason you might have already seen that I'm doing a big massive marathon training session as I do every year."
"I remember marathon programs way way back... it's been a lot of fun."
"I've decided to run a marathon, 26.2 miles."
"Position sticky is like a marathon race. You need to know when you start, when you finish, and how far you have to go."
"He follows more the Kenyan marathon training methods...he doesn't run quite as high volumes as some of the well-known Japanese Runners."
"It's the joy of winning ninth Marathon."
"The original Rambo movies on Saturday. Back to back to back. Awesome, it was incredible."
"He stood strong and won, and in the women's race, it was a gold medal and a title for Peres Jepchirchir."
"Victory is hers now the first time she's won a competitive Marathon and she has taken down one of the big events of the Year"
"Marathon is nothing but unpredictable."
"I decided to sign up for a half marathon. I want to make some changes in my life and work at being healthier for the long-term future."
"Christianity is like running a marathon, it's not a sprint, it's a marathon."
"Finishing the marathon was monumental for me."
"It's going to be a new course record."
"She's on course for her fourth marathon victory."
"It's been a really impressive run."
"Coming home for her fourth Marathon Victory."
"A new lifetime best, almost a minute off the mark."
"Almost five minutes taken off the record."
"I want to win, I'm going to take down everyone at the Sydney Marathon."
"Franchising your business is a marathon and it's not a sprint. It doesn't happen instantaneously."
"We could well see some of the other ladies from today on that team for the World Half Marathon Championships."
"I want to do a 24 hour readathon where I'm loving every book that I'm reading."
"I'm going for longevity. I realize that this life thing, although it can be very short, it's also a marathon."
"We have now 50 straight days of football, it's unbelievable."
"The sub 2-hour project was to see if a runner could break 2 hours in the marathon with as much technological Aid as possible."
"I'm training for a half marathon that I'm running in honor of my patients that are battling brain cancer."
"Ostriches can run 30 plus miles an hour and do a marathon in some ridiculously short amount of time."
"I have a newfound respect for people that run like London marathon in a fancy dress."
"I drank 26.2 beers. I have no idea where this is from, but it's pretty funny though."
"Rome Marathon completed it, mate."
"Everyone's there to run, everyone's in a great mood, your name's on the wall."
"It's just like a great little adventure I go on."
"This is a marathon, it ain't a sprint."
"13 hours of Marvel Knights movie magic, it is beamed directly into your eyeball."
"In 1980 Rosie Ruiz ran the Boston Marathon, the oldest and most prestigious marathon in the world."
"Molly Seidel gets second in her first marathon ever. An incredible performance."
"That's where he eats up the field, he destroys the competition in the last half marathon."
"We must take Marathon, not Sprint."
"We did a half marathon. One day at a time."
"42 km around the streets of Paris, 50,000 runners, it should be a mint experience."
"Chances are I might not get the opportunity to do the Paris Marathon again, so got to make the most of it."
"Just at the foot of the Arc de Triomphe, pretty epic start, I have to say."
"Yeah, the time's finally come. I'm doing my first marathon tomorrow. We're officially one day out, and I'm nervous but also super excited."
"The weather was absolutely perfect... it was a perfect day, perfect condition, sunny but the course had a lot of shade as well."
"That one hour is going to be the hardest hour probably of my life ever or that I've done so far, easily."
"I remember crossing the finish line and feeling so proud and so relieved."
"I ran my first marathon... I didn't feel like I was doing anything crazy, I was capable of doing it so I did it."
"A very good morning to you from Amsterdam for the 44th edition of this famous big city marathon."
"Well conditions here this morning are near perfect for the marathon, dry and with very little wind."
"17,000 participants in the marathon today representing 140 nationalities."
"Now people know that it's physically possible, humanly possible to run under two hours."
"It was amazing, amazing. I mean, way beyond what I ever dreamed that I would... to see 2:50:50, I was just like, this is great."
"I can guarantee you when I finish a marathon, there's nothing left."
"You wouldn't think they've been running for over two hours, but they have, and they now have under five minutes of running left here in Amsterdam."
"What a moment for the young Ethiopian, just 20 years old, she's got the streets of Amsterdam to herself."
"What a day, what a year for her, having won the silver medal at the African games in August, and now to record her first big city marathon victory here in Amsterdam."
"It's a PR for my 40s, and the second fastest run I've ever done in terms of the marathon distance."
"26.2 miles, 3 hours 2 minutes and 28 seconds as my official chip time."
"It is not a sprint; it's a marathon. It is a business."
"It was brilliant, just amazing to come out and do a half marathon and spend some time out running for over two and a half hours."