
Mental Power Quotes

There are 257 quotes

"Recognizing the powers of your subconscious mind is the way to opulence, freedom, and constant supply."
"The human mind is very powerful; it does a lot of things well."
"The more you turn your mind in rich directions, the less you seem to have to exert undue human effort to produce results."
"The power of the subconscious mind is immense and can be harnessed to help you achieve your goals."
"Never underestimate the power of your subconscious mind; it can do a trillion things at once."
"The key to the mystery is concentration; a little practice will develop within every man the power to use the mental machine properly."
"Monks can actually raise their body temperature with just the power of their mind."
"Imagine having the full boat, understanding all of it, and being able to at will enforce and utilize the power of your own conscious thought."
"The most powerful weapon in the world is your mind."
"A lot of people underestimate the power of the mind."
"Thought power is the kingdom of God in us, always creating results in our physical forms corresponding to our normal, sustained thought."
"Your mind is powerful and there's something to be said about the placebo effect."
"The mind is the biggest and most powerful pharmacy in the world."
"You control your mind with the words you use every single day."
"The more intense the thought, the greater the power of its vibrant effect."
"Your brain is the most powerful weapon in the world."
"If you're expecting it, anything you think of."
"Why not realize the potential that you have just sitting in your hands?"
"You're gonna be having a sacred important power when it comes to your way of thinking."
"Heal your body by thought alone, create something in your life by thought alone."
"The gift of mental power comes from God, the divine being, and if we concentrate our minds on that truth, we become in tune with this great power." - Nikola Tesla
"Rise from your seats and from your graves for our number one necromancer: Gravelord Nito."
"Our thoughts have the power to influence reality through the technique of patterning."
"The most powerful force in the human world, by the way, has always been the mind."
"Dune is about the power of the mind, so that’s how Jessica opens the door."
"Your thoughts are the greatest tools at your disposal."
"In the quiet reflective space of your mind lies a subtle yet profound power."
"The power of intelligence, the power of the mind."
"The mind is extremely powerful, and your intuition is extremely powerful."
"One of the more powerful ones is lucid dreaming."
"Every in any situation around to benefit you. That's just how powerful your perspective is, your mind is."
"The power of your mind can transform sorrow into joy, defeat into victory, stress into peace."
"Everything was created in the mind using the power of God."
"The mind is so powerful and your body reacts in the way that your mind thinks."
"This is about using the power of your mind to create the life that you want."
"The ultimate determiner of wealth and power in the world is the mind of the human being."
"I think the brain is so powerful that we literally manifest those realities to take place."
"Remember, your mind is a remarkable tool and your emotions are the fuel that can propel your dreams into reality."
"The power of your thoughts and feelings is usually neglected by almost everyone, yet deep down, everybody understands their power."
"No problem can withstand the power of your mind."
"The most powerful drug is the mind and the heart."
"The mind is insanely powerful and there aren't as many people that can break it down as clearly and instructionally step-by-step."
"Miracles in your physical world depend on how you, as a spiritual being, choose to use your invisible mind."
"Realize the power of manifestation, affirmation, and the power of the Mind."
"It's not just about visualizing and wishing, it starts in the mind. Everything that has ever come to be started in someone's mind."
"Realizing that you still have the power to have that sort of lucid dreaming in your day-to-day life, it still can be there."
"Harnessing our brains for change is a supreme power worth having."
"The world within is governed by mind. When we discover this world, we shall find the solution for every problem."
"Consciousness is the key to demonstration. It opens your mind to limitless possibilities."
"The mind is a powerful thing... our generation has not been taught to master the mind."
"The importance of belief... is just one aspect of the bigger question of the power of the mind."
"The power of suggestion has been known to allow a person to hold onto some type of awareness, increasing the probability of lucidity."
"You have a lot more power in your own head and in your own personal life then most people give themselves credit for."
"Negative thinking is just as powerful as positive thinking."
"Mind is the master power that molds and makes."
"What you need will show up; have faith in the power of the mind."
"Your subconscious mind can only help you when you're in the actuality part of reality."
"Your mind is the most powerful tool that you have."
"The human mind is the key, the catalyst to everything moving forward. We are the key to everything moving forward."
"This to me is worth getting really excited about."
"The mental is in a sense much more powerful than the physical in a subtler sense."
"Your mind allows you to break through your physical boundaries."
"The mind is so powerful, we have so many thoughts throughout our day."
"Thought is a mental force. It is the highest type of energy. Thought force is as definite a force as is the physical force with which man is familiar."
"The truth will set you free, but what also will set you free is the power of your mind."
"The greatest weapon you can ever have is right up here."
"Your subconscious mind creates your reality."
"Your mind is powerful beyond measure, and if you set your mind to something, it'll probably happen if it's something positive."
"Manifest positivity, believe in the power of your thoughts."
"This car has one of the greatest racing stories ever."
"Your mind is super-powerful when you're working out."
"So if you find crystals helpful, have at it. Just know that your mind is more powerful than a mineral."
"The power of your thoughts is way more powerful than any drug in the world."
"You possess this same ability that these great ones have had for tapping the higher dimensions of mind and spirit."
"My joy is in my head, my power is in my head, my victory is in my head."
"Your brain is a super computer and your self-talk as a program will run."
"Our minds are very powerful things... Mirrors are portals and they can lock you in your mind."
"Positive thoughts held for longer amounts of time create manifestation."
"Your subconscious mind has no boundaries; it is limitless and connected to all that is."
"The mind is the most powerful thing that we have. You create your future with your mind."
"I think a positive thought is ten times more powerful than a negative."
"Your mind is your best tool, your most prized possession for creation."
"Your mind is more powerful than your brain or your body."
"The lazy battle mage build guide was made for me."
"Look at the power of the human spirit and more than just the spirit, the power of the mind."
"Faith, the mover of mountains, the worker of miracles, is the conscious mind acting on the subconscious mind."
"As long as you know the power of your mind and you know how to use it for good for better you're going to do everything that you desire."
"Your thought literally shapes the experience of your life."
"Thought is energy, active thought is active energy, concentrated thought is concentrated energy."
"Your brain is far more powerful than you think it is."
"The mind can make a heaven out of hell or a hell out of heaven."
"Your mind is powerful and how you thinking is definitely impacting how you function."
"Your mind is so powerful your mind is how you uniquely think how you and you uniquely feel and how you uniquely choose."
"Mind is the biggest force. Mind drives everything. Without mind, there's nothing. The diet doesn't. Mind drives diet."
"Recognizing the power of your mind transforms your world."
"The power of the mind possesses the key to the power."
"The power of awareness, there's no real physical tool, it's the power of awareness."
"The way you think can make a sickness go away."
"The implication is that the intention and the imagery that you use can be used to change your own internal pH."
"The mind is the sharpest weapon a human could hold."
"We're talking about literally taking your mind and using it in a way to manifest something positive that helps everybody."
"The most important power that we have is the power of our minds to figure out the way the world works and to use that to guide our actions."
"The power of the mind, bear with me, and how if you put your mind to something and you truly believe that it will happen, it will."
"Reflecting on death can wake us from complacency and tap into the powers of the human mind."
"The human mind is truly powerful, even if you consciously haven't thought about it in years."
"Our thoughts can influence or even change our reality."
"The power of the mind is something that is crazy."
"The greater your intelligence, the more easily you can call into action the highest order of creative energy."
"Expectation, of course, is the ultimate power. It really is the ultimate power in terms of determining, well, just pretty much everything about our game."
"The power of the mind is one of the most undervalued, underrated superpowers that exist in our world today."
"Keep your thoughts positive as they're very powerful."
"I think part of it is the universe... the mind can change the world around you."
"The mind sets up exactly what you want and then you can pull it in."
"The mind is a powerful tool, and by harnessing the power of visualization, you can accelerate the achievement of your goals."
"The key to every human being's success lies in his mind, the goldmine between his ears."
"Never ever doubt the power of your mind to take yourself into a place of healing."
"Superpower is your brain, you know? Like, this is a wonderful positive message for kids."
"Your brain is so much more powerful than you see."
"Your mental power is so great that whatever choice you make it literally has huge force behind it."
"By the power of your mind somebody would get sane, somebody would be restored."
"The mind is a powerful tool and I think this app taps into that."
"Selfish use of mental power can be dangerous to others and is always dangerous to oneself."
"Focus your mental power on the outcomes that you want to manifest and see."
"Mental creation always precedes physical creation."
"Your mind is only slightly less powerful than your spirit."
"Tarot functions on the power of the mind and the mind is extraordinarily powerful."
"I affirm with my mind that I have the power to heal myself. My mind chooses the thoughts that create my future."
"Your mind decides what you're able to endure, what you're able to rise up over, what you're able to conquer."
"Your life exists in your mind. So think better thoughts and you'll manifest."
"As we let go, we become free to use all of our mental power to enjoy this moment and to create a grand future."
"The amazing power of positive imaging."
"The mind can make substance and peoples planets of its own."
"People were controlling lights with their minds."
"This is one of the highest forms of mental influence."
"You can understand that your mind has different levels and different degrees of power."
"Our minds can be so powerful but we are often limited by our way of thinking."
"Daydreaming is a powerful attribute of the human mind."
"Using your imagination is the most powerful thing; it's the far cleverer, far more creative part of us all."
"Your mind is the perfect weapon; it can build or it can destroy."
"The mind is such a gift of power but, depending on how one uses it, can be used for good or evil."
"A mind powerful enough to bridge space and time."
"You can contribute to the peace and harmony of this planet just by using your mind."
"The mind can make a heaven of a hell or a hell of a heaven."
"Your mind, I believe, is the most powerful tool in the world."
"The mind always has a very impactful way of making you do things that you just wouldn't believe that you can do."
"You're here to advance partnerships, connections with other people, through technology and through the power of the mind."
"She has been able to mentally enslave an entire planet of beings who were constantly at war with each other, bringing peace to said planet."
"Gravity, it seems, hinders mental powers; weightlessness enhances."
"The power of the mind exists and makes all the difference."
"In the future, we may discover the existence of a force of the mind more powerful than any force the world has ever known."
"The Supernatural power of a transformed mind."
"Their own minds have more power than you can possibly imagine."
"Your mind is so powerful and can do so many things for you."
"You have power over your mind, not outside events. Once you realize this, you have true power."
"Stop all the negative talk... Our brains are so much more powerful than what we give it credit for."
"Images held in the mind affect the physical universe."
"It's crazy how powerful your mind is and how easy it is to limit yourself."
"Weak and Scattered thoughts are weak and Scattered forces, strong and concentrated thoughts are strong concentrated forces."
"I draw it from the mental, draw it like a tool."
"Your mind is the most powerful healing tool there is, and today you are using your mind to help you reach your healthy weight."
"Your mind is so powerful; our brains are so incredibly miraculous."
"Thought is a force - a manifestation of energy having a magnet-like power of attraction."
"I'm a firm believer in the power of the mind."
"What are they capable of when their combined mental power is put to the test?"
"We live in a world in which our thoughts have actual control over elements of our brain chemistry."
"I am so powerful, my mind... it amazes me sometimes."
"Psychokinesis... it's a direct mental interaction with external physical processes."
"Your thinking creates the world that you live in."
"Not learning how to think, but learning how to be still, and accessing much more of the power which we've lost, you know, with our mind."
"He believed greatly in the power of the mind and had trances, visions, and strange dreams, which must have come from his subconscious mind."
"The Masters have ever impressed upon their pupils the importance and necessity of acquiring the power of mental concentration."
"Mind over mind, mind over the mind of the cells or the organ or the function or the system."
"The single most powerful asset we all have is our mind."
"The power of your mind and your heart working together is infinite power."
"The power of thought and the Power of Words is extremely important."
"The universe is mental, and when we learn about this and we start operating more from the mental plane, we start to create way more in our life."
"Magic is not something that can be taught fully, for the main source that drives it is your mind alone."
"The greatest energy that we have is our thought power."
"Our thoughts have power, our thoughts have energy."
"Your subconscious mind will do everything within its vast powers to help you achieve your goal."
"The principle of auto-suggestion voluntarily reaches the subconscious mind and influences it with these thoughts."
"It's good being back in the lair, working with the best computer there is, not this one, the one in your head, your mind."
"That's when I really kind understood the power of the mind."
"The mind is so powerful that it has the ability to be a magnet and a magnifying glass."
"Visualization can be a very powerful tool."
"The mind is everything. It's what is going on in here. You need to be strong in here."
"Peaceful minds have the power to create a peaceful world."
"All that we end up achieving comes from our psyche and psychology."
"Making your subconscious work for you."
"Your mind can go where your body is not yet qualified to go."
"Your mind is the most powerful thing."
"The mind and the body can't tell the difference between imagination and reality, and visualization is just using that to our own benefit."
"You have created a miracle without changing anything other than your mind."
"Your mind is the most powerful thing in the universe after God."
"Labeling is one of the strongest powers that exists in the mind."
"The power of concentrated thought has a special application in healing all kinds of troubles, physical, mental, and emotional."
"Make your mental blueprint, and begin to build!"
"Your mind is the most powerful thing in this universe."
"What created her connection was not the jewel or the bubblegum, but her mind."
"When you put your mind to work, your ability to read is unlimited."