
Creative Vision Quotes

There are 133 quotes

"I'm directing a movie, and that's the exact thing that I want to showcase."
"Accessibility does not exist in contradistinction to anyone's creative vision, but rather it is an essential aspect of any experience you wish to be enjoyed by the greatest number of humans as possible."
"We believe that game studios should empower top developers and challenge them with ambitious projects that are shaped by a strong, clearly communicated creative vision."
"Director Greta Gerwig managed to bring her voice to Barbie in a way few indie filmmakers can do in blockbuster film, delivering a movie that has a clear vision."
"It's a testament to James Cameron and co-writer Bill Wisher's vision that the other sequels had struggled to truly invent new iterations of the Terminator."
"Bryce Dallas Howard needs to direct a Star Wars movie...she totally gets Star Wars and knows how to make it feel like Star Wars."
"When you're thrifting and decorating with secondhand finds, you often have to look past the condition."
"I wanted to create something that I wanted to exist in the world."
"I want to see the world full of beautiful wave function collapse algorithmically generated images."
"I'd also love to make an 80s style music video with a kind of Blade Runner aesthetic."
"New IP is one of the purest forms of innovation in our industry. A brand new idea combined with the latest tech and a vision for something extraordinary."
"I love interpretations of heaven, I love interpretations of Hell... I wanted to do something like my interpretation of what I would do."
"Our vision is to make games that make players react."
"What serves the vision best? What serves the vision."
"He believed that that was what the series should look like."
"We knew we wanted to go well beyond that, but it was really about providing the framework by which people watch your movie."
"The Twilight Zone was the creation of a visionary man, one of the all-time greats in the annals of Hollywood wordsmiths: Rod Serling."
"Imagination, communication, unification, and implementation - these are the keys to creating the crown of our life."
"Lawrence Kasanov thought Mortal Kombat was like Star Wars meets Enter the Dragon."
"When you're in the production world, you want to understand that it costs money to make things, but at the same time, your vision can be sacrificed."
"Hold the frame, trust the process, and commit to your vision."
"Square Enix ensured that while it wouldn't be the same as versus, Nomura's vision for the game would remain intact."
"Maybe we get to bring in a bunch of these characters... we could really build this kind of universe." - Ben Schwartz
"A recipe for a masterpiece if I've ever seen one."
"Every single glimpse, every single different shot in this three and a half minute video is awesome and could be an entire game."
"I wanted to make it as dark and serious-minded as possible."
"I started Hollywood Unlocked in 2015. I had always had the idea that I wanted to be in the industry and didn't know where because I don't rap and sing."
"We want all of our games to tell an original all-new story. We want our development partners to have passion. We want them to put their stamp on the games. It's their game, we want it to be their vision."
"It's not so much about the camera as the person using it."
"Kubrick's filmmaking went past his own films; it was a creative vision you never forgot about after seeing it."
"I really don't think so, however if Mr. Ryuji Kitaura... wants to make a Metroid movie and if the concept and methodologies he presents are agreeable with me then I might be okay with the idea."
"A world that nobody's really ever seen before in film."
"I wanted to create that world that nobody's really ever seen before in film."
"He's got such a vision, such an imagination that yeah he can, he can tell you, you know, 'This is a keeper, this is something we have to have.'"
"You've made something extraordinary out of it, something special that's your own vision."
"After the shoot is everything for me because obviously like I have a certain vision in my head for how everything should look and how it should all flow."
"We want focused meaningful games made by people with a clear vision, not some cynical slop directed by committee."
"I just had a vision... a way this site could look."
"We wanted to go with something that looked ancient, you know, something that looked like it walked out of the dark ages in a sense."
"I love the idea of Robert Pattinson's Batman navigating Arkham Asylum all Shutter Island mode that is just a vision right there."
"We're focused on building our vision, creating amazing environments, deep character, strong gameplay, impactful writing, emotional cinematics, and much more."
"A picture is all about vision, you know. It's all about having that eye for that creative vision to see the car in a way that kind of wows you."
"It's all about what you can deliver, what's in your head, what's in your ears."
"Hard work, not relying on surveys, keeping to one person's vision, and hiring extremely passionate and talented people to give it their all is exactly how Devil May Cry 3 saved the franchise."
"I still believe that Epic Mickey as a concept deserves another chance... if you know what you're doing."
"Your imagination is very on point right now, and what may seem crazy today to somebody, they'll watch you in many years to come."
"Essentially what he wanted to do was make what he considered to be the definitive versions, something to replace the originals and become the Star Wars that people had access to."
"Reeves created a world that is both unique and true to the beating heart of Gotham."
"Ridley Scott: 'I was going to do the Texas Chainsaw Massacre of science fiction, because I sort of think Texas is one of the most formidable––if you’re gonna do a horror movie, there it is.'"
"He's not just painting or drawing a tree. He wants to paint the perfect expression of what a tree is."
"Transistor came out, and unlike Bastion, within a month, we knew it was going to enable us to make another game."
"Patty Jenkins did with Wonder Woman we got Jordan pill on the rest give someone like that the chance to to take it to the next level where they're at that level where they don't get to go away."
"Help someone realize their vision, that's what a producer to me does."
"This film was way way ahead of its time... It had to have a director who wouldn't quit, who had the edge and the stick-to-itiveness and no fear."
"When I think of games as art, I think of projects with unique creative voices behind them."
"I'm really obsessed with how this look came out it's like really cutesy like it's everything that I had envisioned before I started doing my makeup."
"Creating something beautiful...future vision for humanity."
"The creative vision for Dragon Age is in good hands."
"Phoebe created things that her customers went like that and their minds turned on."
"More than I want to play it, I want it to exist."
"Immortal Empires is our kind of grand vision, the entire Warhammer trilogy, you know, coming coming together after many, many years of work across the team, across the studio."
"Original series creator Hideo Kojima had to unite his team under warrant vision for the sake of completing the most expensive and experimental installment yet."
"Create your vision like an artist painting a picture."
"Costner and Reynolds wanted the Mariner's boat to have a 'Swiss Family Robinson' like feel."
"It's truly exemplary what has been achieved here in that it's not only totally cohesive, but it FEELS like what Kojima himself would have pushed for with a full on official translation."
"If a [ __ ] make this [ __ ] to a movie brother [ __ ] ago."
"I wanted to make this place perfect, I wanted to make this an immense experience, and I really wanted to bring my crazy vision of jack-o'-lantern production to life."
"Baz doesn't just create movies, he creates entire worlds."
"I felt like I was seeing a real vision from filmmakers who had thought about what they were doing."
"It's that 10-point gap that brings me closer to my creative vision that is worth the investment."
"Virgil's vision touched millions of people around the world and he inspired all of us to go after our own creative vision."
"What do you think about having like a little village right here with shops and with a greenhouse for exhibits?"
"I intend there to be five books in that series."
"There is a vision to Pink Flamingos that shines through the technical limitations."
"If people can just see it up on the screen and feel like at its heart it feels like the books in that intangible way then we will have done our job." - Rafe Judkins
"Her vision for her production is just insanely beautiful."
"You've been awakened to your power, you have an understanding of something that you want to build."
"It's always worth remembering that the people who put together whatever it is you're consuming likely had a much bigger vision of the project in their head."
"Just think of everything like you legitimately made a world. You wasn't like 'I want to make a cartoon about this.' It was 'I'm gonna make a show about this. It's gonna exist in this world and you built that world.' It's really cool."
"The vision is really starting to come together."
"Yoshinori Kitase envisioned a game where there were numerous main characters."
"Know what you want to create and what you're doing."
"It's awesome because we spent a lot of years thinking about this game, how we can fulfill our dreams about it."
"I spent a lot of time planning this place out in my head and then more time drawing out plans on paper."
"This is the vision that has absolutely no cuts at all."
"It's not a bad pick for this reason, 'Poor Things' is Bella's vision from start to finish."
"My thing is, as long as you're happy with it, as long as you like, I'm sure she executed the vision she wanted to execute, so how can we be mad?"
"We wanted to kind of fit in with this whole dystopian kind of like cracked mirror crazy version, so let's just go full Spider-Man 2099 with it."
"Sam Raimi has put the most thought into how this suit would look on film and what kind of shots he could do with it more than any other spider-man production I've seen."
"When we were in the studio and we were writing Beyond this life... you had this kind of vision about this one particular part."
"I like my videos the way they are. I have no intention to change them."
"People admire your creative vision and drive to succeed."
"The best television in Britain is the vision of individual creative minds responding to the values and events of the society around them."
"I think we proved that there was an audience for us just following our own instincts, intuition, and vision."
"He was the director and the writer of this script, and he did it with a purpose."
"It was a beautiful project definitely Tyler Perry creating a dream that he wrote 27 years ago."
"We will create ultimately what we want to see."
"The best camera is the one that suits your creative vision the best."
"In my ideal world, the next Star Wars movie that comes out would be like the beginning of time and it would be a blank slate."
"It might be really cool one day to do something really special with that view."
"I had a vision for the destinies of all these characters."
"It's seen through the soul of an artist."
"Let me tell you, this movie would have been batshit insane."
"Our goal here was not to reinvent these monsters as much as to re-envision them."
"Whatever your style, whatever your creative kind of vision, there's going to be something that suits your work and shows it off really well."
"It was the last thing that Walt Disney kind of oversaw."
"Bonsai is a very good hobby; you can create your vision of what you want a tree to be, and eventually, you'll get there."
"The cinematographer is responsible for creating the overall vision of the film."
"We made the type of horror films that we want to see."
"We believed in the script, we believed in each other, and we believed in this world."
"It's amazing what happens when you have an amazing director like Steven Spielberg."
"Bruce Timm and his team set the best example possible: they told stories they wanted to see."
"It works because it has the Creative Vision to do the unconventional but to commit to it."
"This is not just a rote recreation of other versions of West Side Story; Spielberg is able to live up to the traditions of this film and this Broadway show but also distinguish this version with a unique creative vision."
"The album not only highlighted each member's musical progress but also their collective creative vision."
"This is my favorite thing to watch, the vision come to life."
"Go out, practice, bring back some photos into X Raw Studio, tweak the settings, keep doing that, and you will get closer and closer to your own creative vision."
"She had the vision to make it look like a show."
"It's so exciting to see my vision finally coming to life."
"I want to make some kind of sunset landscape where we have a house on a hill and maybe some other fun elements along the way."
"I'm not really worried about it being perfect; my image for this was hoping to come across as though this was kind of etched into our piece of wood."
"I hope there's a strong Creative Vision behind both companies and they both absolutely kill it."
"It was so visual in my head, so I thought I have to make a music video out of this."
"This is really what brings it together, and we can start seeing that design and that vision that we had."
"If you've not got a big vista, then you're going to think there's nothing to shoot around here, but I believe there's something to shoot anywhere."
"Look to the edges, look to where different elements meet, and there you will find your photographs."
"I love how this turned out; it's exactly what I pictured."