
Maternal Advice Quotes

There are 86 quotes

"My mother definitely believed in hard work... No matter what you did, if that's what you want to do then put yourself into it and actually do it to the best of your ability."
"Listen to your moms, moms usually know best."
"One important lesson you've said you learned from your mom, is never let anyone else define you. Only you define who you are."
"Thank you for sharing our story. Mama's out there, hug your babies tight tonight, please, for me, just hug your babies tight tonight."
"Forget it all, Mommy. Those are all things I said for the TV, but Mommy, you know the truth in your conscience."
"Maybe cutting herself some slack is the best thing the millennial mom could do for her and her kids."
"All I could think about was what would have happened if I hadn't first listened to my mom before listening to my body when I started feeling like something was wrong."
"Something my mom has told me a couple times is to take care of yourself."
"I never give up, that's what mama always teach me."
"I'm your internet mother and I'm giving you permission to take a nap."
"My mother said luck had an awful lot to do with it."
"Have fun, got it mom? Thanks very much, have fun!"
"Mama always says what happens in the dark always comes to light."
"The lessons my mama told me kept me getting paid."
"Always trust your mother's gut feeling, people. It sure saved me from having to deal with that."
"If you feel like your supply is dropping, add in more nursing 200 percent."
"The truth is not always what people want, but that's what my mother gave them."
"Follow your heart, follow your intuition, and ask your mom for questions."
"She was right to call me out and say Mom money does not define worth."
"Breastfeeding is not something you're born knowing; it's something you learn by observation."
"You reflect on your mom on this album 'til you basically say what she would say to you if she was here."
"The most precious thing you have outside of the Lord Jesus Christ, ladies, are your children."
"Daughter now understands that mother was right about her only caring about her own future."
"Believe in yourself and you will succeed, my mom always said that to me."
"It's like my mom always says, if you have patience, then everything will come to you at the right time."
"It's so imperative to your health, especially if you have babies."
"Give yourself some time, be patient with yourself and remember your baby comes first."
"Understanding the son's frustration, the queen emphasizes the necessity of belief."
"...what my mother said and I'm open to the possibility that everything that happened may have nothing to do with Paranormal Activity."
"My mom always taught me to be confident and to love myself."
"My mom just tells me to be great every day."
"You know, mother always knows what's right for you."
"My mother said don't give up, and that's what I do, I never give up."
"All the things your mother told you are actually true."
"My mother is a strong Southern woman and she had no problem telling me what she thought."
"It helps stimulate milk production and we want to get that going as quickly as we can."
"You have to admit that my mom had some point in her question."
"I'm proud of you, Rhoda, because no matter how old you get, you still have the good sense to come crawling home to your mother for advice."
"My mother always told me whatever you did, you gotta be the best."
"When I thought everything was over, I heard the sound of my mother in my head, telling me to fight back or run away."
"Mama told me, boy, you got it, just keep going."
"Mom always told me to have faith in myself."
"My mom she taught me to be self-sufficient, she always said to put power in yourself."
"Stay safe, don't do anything a mom wouldn't approve of."
"My mom says if a girl has found a way to an animal, she's perfect."
"My mama said leave those bad boys alone."
"I'm your mum, that's how come I always know best."
"One thing my mother would always say to me, 'Eric, you got one bad quality. It's that loyalty. You're too loyal. People are not as loyal as you.'"
"The little app that I follow said, 'Make sure you pack your hospital bags,' and I was like, 'Alright, it's time maybe I should do it.'"
"You are being a good mother. Your brother did a lot for you, but that doesn't give him free reign to be disrespectful to you or your family."
"I'm speaking to the mothers that can relate."
"Have patience, my mother, and endure it, though you be saddened."
"Keep going, you need to get away. Mum's words, remember."
"You'll see baby, you'll see," said her mom.
"I have never forgotten my mother's advice; she was a clever and sensible old horse."
"Your mother would want you to carry on."
"My mom told me that I'm stronger than I give myself credit for."
"I always make sure to listen to her and consider her opinion."
"This is sister to sister, mother to mother, girlfriend to girlfriend, Auntie to Auntie. I want us to talk about our kids."
"I think you've made the right decision, Mom."
"We are our own worst enemy, as my mother used to say."
"Remember, my mother told me the best things don't come easy."
"A mother's advice, they never wrong."
"We do what our mothers tell us, right?"
"My mom always used to tell me, just follow your gut feeling."
"Mom stuff like said is usually correct and should be listened to."
"Mom said it was a risk, but I just had to trust her."
"My mama told me that if it's meant to be, she'll come back and she'll forgive me."
"Believe in your mother," says the teacher.
"Take care of yourself, be good to yourself today because that's what your mom would want."
"Mother knows best. Now don't cross me, or I will have to step on you."
"Listen to my mommy, okay? I love you so much."
"My mother always had wisdom for me."
"Your mother was a very wise woman."
"Respect your mom, listen to your mom, your mom's three times over your dad."
"Never give up on yourself, that's what my mother always says."
"But my mom knows what she's talking about. And if, if my mom says I can do it, I can do it."
"My mom's raised a good boy; that [__] told me to aim high."