
Maternal Influence Quotes

There are 167 quotes

"My mother knew that this is what's going to help my son years from now. And Mama, I love you very much, thank you so much."
"The influence of his mother is going to be special; she opened his eyes to the other side of life."
"A woman can make or break an entire nation by how she raises a single child."
"Where would we be without you? You brought us Martin, Malcolm, and Obama... and Jesus too."
"The Empress is associated with strong maternal influence."
"Maternal love is the love that's going to change the future of mankind."
"There is no way in the world I am who I am today without my mom."
"The eventual ascension of Henry VII to the throne was due, in large part, to his mother, who was as ambitious and strong-willed as her son would prove to be."
"What I want to see is black women, black mothers educating their boys, raising them up as kings, empowering them so that they know that they are good enough."
"My mother has always been my greatest source of inspiration, motivation. She is one of the most hardworking, loving, and caring people that I have the chance to know."
"Polish mothers are very much like, you got to be back early, you know what I mean?"
"William and Harry will always be influenced by their mother."
"My inspiration genuinely comes from my mom. My mom is a go-getter."
"Margaret would eventually harbor the greatest ambition of them all - for her son to become King of England."
"Humans seem to have a somewhat innate preference for female voices, quite specifically mothers' voices."
"I'm just kidding, I'm not. My mother actually, she's always right."
"My greatest inspiration has always been my mother."
"Suppose Shatner's mom could somehow dictate how her baby's face came out. She would also need time travel."
"I respect the hell out of my mom for being able to speak her mind and not feel the pressure to kind of cave in."
"Life doesn't come with a manual, but if you're lucky, it comes with a mom."
"A truly exceptional woman of her time, who no doubt passed on her strong character to her daughter."
"Mary didn't matter because the blood doesn't come from the mother."
"Blame it on your mom: Epigenetics tags the baby's genes."
"My mom's just been super supportive. She's been great the entire time."
"My mother would always sing around the house... she had such a pretty voice."
"Shout out to Mummy for being that shining example."
"This is the book about my mother and AD life advice from her."
"I thank God for my mom stepping in when she did because I don't know where I'd be without her."
"Your mother probably saved your life, you should be thanking her for that."
"The reason I am the way I am is my mom has always taught me, you know treat people how you want to be treated."
"The truth is not always what people want, but that's what my mother gave them."
"Joanne's children were her world. She never took it out on her children, no matter how bad her relationships were with their fathers."
"It isn't even malicious, once she began this habit, perhaps prompted by her mother, of keeping a journal, it became a habit for the rest of her life."
"Looking back on it, it's like, I'm doing what I want to do and I'm the man that I am because of her."
"You reflect on your mom on this album 'til you basically say what she would say to you if she was here."
"You don't need a replacement mother, you had a mother who raised you."
"You gotta remember the woman who raised you."
"We're gonna work our hardest to make our mom proud, we know she's watching us from somewhere."
"Women not just create bodies, they create minds and souls."
"Darkseid's mother, Queen Hegra, was all like 'Nope, this is Apocalypse and you're not going to corrupt my son with all your good intentions.'"
"Women today have a lot of onus on how our children are raised."
"Mother's Day is an important day... to the women who gave us life... who took care of us when nobody else would."
"My mother was the tower of strength behind me."
"Mom always made a big deal out of Christmas."
"Isabella's position and power were greatly improved as the mother of the heir."
"Encouragement goes a long way, and that type of encouragement from a mom helped create self-belief and fearlessness."
"If mom gives you a microbe, you're likely to have it for months to years or a lifetime."
"It's almost like the rat pup is responding to the mother's presence as if it were a cocaine dealer about to give them a hit."
"My mother always tried to save everybody; there's always one kid everybody gave up on."
"My mom was so loving... she had a big part to play in my self-belief."
"Love finds us when we least expect it, and whatever this mother says makes this person decide to be with you."
"Everything that I do is really a reflection of her and that's what keeps me pushing."
"Every lesson I've learned in life came from my mother."
"I love his mother's message, I just felt like it was so heartfelt."
"I did come from a single parent home, a single working mum who did her absolute best by both my brother and I."
"A mother has power, wow, and naive or not, she can change the world."
"I'm a woman phenomenally phenomenal woman that's my mother and all your mothers."
"Your mother will be a part of you always, especially if you remember the things that she taught you."
"Mama's gonna be happy and that's all that really matters in life, happy mom, happy life."
"She was the mother of two British Kings, quite the feat isn't it?"
"Identify the ants, the fact, what happened, the fiction, how you've embellished it, or the truth. What you can learn and grow and heal as a result of your experience."
"The prayers of a mother and the tears of a mother God will always answer."
"My mom has always taken such good care of her skin."
"Your daughter needs her mom, but if the mom is a freaking Wacko... it'll have a negative effect on her."
"The quality of their mother's happiness is the number one indicator as to whether or not a child will grow up to thrive."
"I had a mom who was eternally optimistic and could believe our way through anything that was seemingly falling apart."
"This is Jesus' initial miracle and this miracle was instigated by his mom. This is the first miracle and mama started it."
"I'm gonna give that credit to my mom. Like, if it wasn't for my mom, I definitely wouldn't be here."
"Your mother would have been so proud of you."
"Our mothers did an amazing job of training us."
"My mom always taught me how to be able to do all the important things."
"You are worthy you are whole you are so complete on your own and the only reason why you might not feel that is maybe you didn't have a mom to tell you that."
"Egypt is the motherland, and Egypt is the home of... and sometimes mother can be a little too hovering, and you're like, hey, cut the umbilical cord."
"Turin promised to be like his mother, for he was slow to forget injustice or mockery yet quick to pity."
"Our resiliency, I would say from my mother, I got my desire to serve right?"
"I always miss her. She made me the man who I am today."
"Surely the baby would soften her heart."
"My mom gave me that confidence to just be different and be unique."
"And god bless a god-fearing woman, she tried to teach them the Bible all the stories of the Bible."
"You know, it's okay to stand in your uncertainty until you know what is right. Your mother didn't always know what to do; that's why I saw so much of her."
"You are going to grow up to be strong and brilliant just like your mother."
"She stopped at nothing to gain power and influence for herself and her son."
"That's the power of a praying mama."
"I wanted to grow up to be the man my mother wanted me to be. I stopped doing coke and I became the man my mother wanted me to be."
"I never would have interviewed Salvarina if my mother was alive; she wouldn't let me."
"She's been your maternal figure whether you finally realize it or not for the past 20 years."
"The king rose up to meet her, and bowed down to her, and sat down on his throne, and had a throne set for the king's mother; so she sat at his right hand."
"I am who I am because I learned so much from my mother."
"I admire a hard-working woman because my mom was one."
"My mother, I would not be anything today if it wasn't for my own mother."
"The first teacher of compassion is my mother, not a religious leader."
"I learned about prayer by what I'd come down every morning and see my mom praying."
"Originally it was his mother who kindled him with the curiosity of music."
"I could feel something about women there because I was brought up very freely by my mother telling me you are free to go."
"My mother was the guiding light of my life."
"Maternal education is actually the number one predictor of childhood outcome."
"Education was incredibly important to Mom. She not only encouraged education for me and made it a priority for me, she encouraged everyone who was in her orbit."
"If it wasn't for my mother, there wouldn't have been a Wayne Gretzky."
"My mother was a very holy woman, so she imparted that love for God and love for the neighbor very much into all her children's hearts."
"My mom is somebody who is very strong and quietly inspiring to me."
"The power of a mother's words in prayer."
"This passion for food that I have now has always come from just osmosis from the most amazing mother cook there is."
"My mother's love and her belief in me had a tremendous effect on me."
"I'm so thankful that I have a mom that raised me to believe I could do whatever I want."
"Violet's mother takes it upon herself to say that Violet is not going to become a scribe but is instead going to become a dragon rider."
"What is the reason behind my strong bond with women? I believe that my mother is most likely responsible for this."
"Growing up, I was really fortunate 'cause I had a mother who was sort of ahead of her time when it came to health."
"My fondest memory of mom is probably her first influence and her patience of cooking vegetable soup when I was standing on a stool probably seven years old."
"When I lost my mother, she asked me to change my life."
"My mom really inspires me every day, and I'm really grateful for everything that she does."
"From my early childhood, my mother has taught me many things."
"The moon also will help us to learn things about our mothers or whoever nurtured us while we were growing up."
"Sons learn from their mothers, I plan to teach mine a great deal."
"A praying mother is a very powerful tool used by God."
"The best way that women could influence political realities was by raising virtuous sons who are instructed in the principles of Liberty."
"I swear to this day I can still hear the voice of my mom in my head crystal clear."
"I always did what my mom asked of me, even if it wasn't something I really cared to do."
"I attributed all my success in sports to my mom."
"I'm the man that my mother built me to be."
"I am a better person because of my mom."
"The Moon rules the mother, so for such a person, somehow in the life, the mother was such a prominent figure."
"If mom's not happy, then nobody's happy."
"...my mother is in every page of this book."
"Your motherly love and your motherly advice has changed my life for the better."
"Everything I know, I learned from my mom."
"Her mother was the one who introduced her into art."
"It's changed the way we think about prenatal development."
"We know their preferences: voices and faces and smell and the sound of the mother in particular."
"Madara might be stronger than you but you have a strength that he might never have. You're so much like your mother in that manner..."
"Mothers are powerful, son. Even dead she lives on in you, gave you her kindness and strength, made you strong enough to overcome all the challenges that came your way and those that will come in the future."
"Mothers are powerful, son. Even dead she lives on in you."
"Props to my mom's cause if it wasn't for her, I wouldn't have none of that."
"The relationship between maternal care and self-efficacy was fully mediated by self-esteem."
"I don't know who or what I would have been without my mother."
"There's a little bit of my mom in every corner of the house."
"Everything your mother touches turns to gold."
"My mother is a big influence on my behavior now as an adult."
"I'm still the person my mama nurtured to become this version."
"All I know is my mama. She made it happen from nothing."
"I can't let the streets kill me 'cause Mama refused to lose me to the streets."
"Everybody knew my mom and respected her."
"The number one indicator of a child's ability to thrive in the world is the quality of their mother's happiness and mental well-being."
"If your mother were still alive, what would she want you to do?"
"My mom calls it vibrational clothing, which I love."
"My mom really instilled a love for learning in me."
"I'm always grateful for my mom for teaching me this hobby that has become a lifestyle for me."
"My mother instilled a lot of principles in me just by being her."