
Fitness Advice Quotes

There are 319 quotes

"Most of my advice revolves around people who are tried and true; I'm known as the hypertrophy optimizer guy."
"Guys, if you're just a regular guy trying to look good on a beach and get some hoes, bro, you could do it naturally. Yeah, it might take a little bit longer, yeah it's kind of annoying, yeah you got to be patient, but you know, unless you're going to compete or you're making a living off of your body, it's really not in your best interest."
"Stop hammering your muscles every single day, give them rest and recovery, and you'll notice a lot of growth."
"It's more important to get full range of motion and build strength over an entire range than it is to lift heavier."
"This YouTube channel is really me sharing fucking awesome tips on getting lean, on fasting, on training, and even some cool mindset lifestyle success strategies."
"Lifting weights, especially compound lifts... it's gonna change your life."
"For your back you can do either a pull up or a pull down."
"Best split to get back in the gym: start with total body workouts."
"Just because I don't have six-pack abs doesn't mean I'm not capable of telling other people how to get six-pack abs."
"You're going to make better gains, I can guarantee it."
"When the guy's talking about Fitness and if you want to be fit, you take advice from a guy who knows what he's doing."
"Slow weight loss tends to preserve muscle better."
"Having a lean stomach comes down to being at a low body fat percentage."
"Keep breathing, balls of your feet, stay on the ball of your feet, nice and tall, core tight."
"The best thing you can do for yourself is start with bodyweight exercises."
"Cardio actually makes you stronger if you don't exercise you're not going to be fit it helps you burn calories makes you a better butter burner"
"Please, please, please do not be afraid to lift weights. You are not going to bulk up, you are not going to lose your curves."
"If I could summarize this whole video in one simple phrase it would be don't skip leg day."
"The more muscle you work, the greater the need for protein."
"If your strength coach or your diet coach takes the egg yolk out and puts some peanut butter in, punch him in the face."
"You've got to leave your ego at the door. There's nothing wrong with using ten pounds. Focus on being sure you're engaged in the muscle you're trying to work."
"Doing endless amounts of crunches and sit-ups is definitely not the answer if you want to get a slim and shredded midsection."
"The best way to stimulate muscle to stay is progressive resistance exercise."
"It is so much better to have proper form than to prioritize getting in reps or using weight."
"Listen, there's nothing wrong with doing sets of 10 to 15 for hypertrophy, but that doesn't mean that heavier sets are not going to build muscle."
"You don't need to use big words like 'hypertrophy' and 'central nervous system.' Tut, superset, drop set. Yeah, it's all great advice, but does everyone understand it?"
"Proper diet and training will make up the overwhelming majority of your fat loss results."
"If you can manage your recovery, if you can come back every single workout without feeling beat up and drained, you will be able to recon."
"Raising your absolute strength will always have a dramatic impact on what you can do for high reps."
"Twice a week is a good range to recommend for the majority of people."
"At the end of the day, you cannot out train a bad diet."
"This is the best fitness advice you've ever heard."
"We all have different goals, but full-body routines help you burn more calories and build muscle faster."
"Nutrition alone and leaning out is not going to give you a crazy shredded six pack."
"Proper exercise and fat loss... are the two biggest things that are going to help you see a more defined six-pack."
"Stop going to the gym and doing whatever you want."
"If you want to get toned, you need to build muscle first and take the fat off."
"Eating clean is what gives you abs at the end of the day."
"Intensity variation is the easiest way to get started."
"You don't have to do compound movements to continue to progress."
"The most important thing when it comes to weight lifting in order to see improvements is consistency and injury prevention."
"Finding 30 minutes of time throughout the day should be pretty manageable for everyone."
"Thirty minutes of exercise is enough to see improvements and keep you fit and healthy."
"Increasing the frequency of training muscles is beneficial, so the general recommendation is two to four days per muscle per week."
"To create a net anabolic state, train hard, challenge your muscle, and intake the adequate amount of protein and food consistently."
"If you want to get bigger and stronger, you have to eat more food."
"You gotta keep your fitness health in order... You might die."
"You can do something fairly basic that will maintain where you're at."
"Maintain a calorie surplus while consuming a minimum of 9.8 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight."
"Focus on quality repetitions in the gym, quality form, quality performance in general." - Christian
"Maintaining lean tissue and a lean physique year-round while not having to deprive yourself is to get your protein numbers up."
"If you're finding these people, you're probably looking to embark on your own health and fitness journey."
"The secret to getting toned arms like my arms are starting to finally get toned... is you have to lift weights I cut the cardio okay and I started lifting."
"You would be far better off instead of having a target body composition for some movie role and then rebounding rather drag."
"Consider slowing down while you hit your next conditioning workout and attempting on every rep to achieve a complete range of motion."
"Remember, when you stop engaging and stop using perfect form, that's when you're gonna start using other muscles to help with this movement."
"It's natural to experience guilt, but more is not always better. Embrace the rest day and realize that it's an opportunity for your body to rebuild stronger."
"When you add the weight as the load itself gets heavier your form is going to matter even more."
"Reason number four: you simply are not enjoying your workout and need to change it."
"If snico tells you to go to the gym, get fit, he's telling you the right things."
"You will never regret the burn the next day."
"Do your lower rep higher weight stuff and then move on to your high rep low weight stuff, and that way you cover both bases and you don't sacrifice one for the other."
"Grab a little three pound hand weight and go for a good forty-minute walk every day."
"Instead of hitting the cardio super hard, we need to focus on weight training."
"You'll be able to save literally years of wasted time doing the wrong movements for your body."
"It's really important to not skip your warm-up on leg day since it really does seem to reduce your risk of injury and also increase performance."
"As long as you're getting progressively stronger on the squat I don't think it really matters too much whether you're using high bar or low bar."
"Let's kick it off! But before we dive in, I think this video will help a tremendous amount of people who've been going to the gym spinning their wheels and not seeing any results."
"You just need more years of doing what you're doing."
"Which one do you like the most? Not which one did you get stronger on, not which one did your legs get bigger on, which one did you like the most?"
"Don't be a fanboy. Copying Sebum's routine blindly will only destroy your gains."
"Quality reps over quantity: the key to sustainable growth."
"There is no one best exercise, it could be by a small margin, but there's usually a candidacy group of three to five exercises that, for you, all have comparably rough sfrs."
"Long story short, caloric adjustments and cardio will help you reach your goals if you're after getting lean."
"Stay natural as long as possible if you can't stay natural then do it smart try to get to your genetic limit before you ever touch anything."
"Hip thrusts are the number one thing to help build the glutes."
"If you're somebody who can't figure out how to get in shape, eat less, move more. It's not that complicated."
"You'll never regret a workout... unless you seriously injure yourself."
"Full range of motion: key to optimal contraction."
"Experimenting with different movements is a really great place to start."
"When you lift the weight slow, you tell your nervous system to hold back a little. Don't produce as much force as it needs to. Part of the game in growing is getting full activation of your motor units."
"Mainstream and not mainstream, I think is the right framing. You're right."
"Spot reduction is not possible. If a trainer tells you otherwise, you need to walk away."
"If any trainer ever comes to you and says 'my style is better than everyone else's,' then they don't know what they're talking about."
"Performing quarter reps... are all ways to end up with an injury rather than seeing continuous progress."
"Yes it can be done naturally yes it's gonna take some time nutrition is important sleep is important but overall consistency in patience is gonna be the top key it's for muscle building."
"Aiming for between five to twelve repetitions on every single exercise."
"Cardiovascular activities can make you lose muscle tissue."
"You can have simple carbohydrates sugars immediately after the workout."
"I think most naturals can get yoked and look really good if they actually train their neck and traps."
"If you're a high-volume guy, be a high-volume guy."
"Intelligent exercise selection is important, but don't get distracted by too much variation."
"If you can't check the boxes of tons of tension, tons of burn, tons of pump, and tons of muscle disruption... not a great exercise."
"Running is going to help you just broadly across the board, but it's not going to give you that next level cardio."
"The key is to maintain a healthy body fat percentage for you. You're chasing the detail, the aesthetics, but if you do so, it's going to come at a price. Your strength is going to tumble." - Coach Greg
"If you're gonna use fat burners, use them when you need it, not on day one."
"Choose the higher SFR ones... what you get a pump from, what you get muscle disruption from..."
"You can't read about pushups. You have to do 'em."
"Hydration is important and really helps your muscles get the most growth and just get stronger overall."
"For me personally, the less things I have standing in the way, the less things I have limiting my ability from a fitness standpoint, the better."
"High intensity intervals are the only form of cardio that does not drop metabolic rate."
"Remember, when you're lifting with weights, you want to exhale during the exertion part."
"The key thing is to make sure you are progressively overloading your training."
"Exercise like a real bad ass for maximum intensity."
"Ultimately, this comes down to your goals, training experience, and past injuries."
"Treat your core like any other muscle group. Progressive overload is key."
"It's in every one of your best interests for hypertrophy to continue to use the same exercise as long as the fatigue per unit is low and the stimulus is really high."
"Remember guys, it's about enjoying your training and being consistent. That's what's gonna get you the best results."
"Essentially, being stronger allows you to move more weight with more volume, tearing the muscle down and building it back up."
"There's not one exact workout program that works for everyone."
"Your diet is just as important if not more important than your workout routine."
"As long as you don't overdo things and start doing mimified lifts that hide raw strength, you'll be in a perfect spot."
"Intensity is the main driver of the results."
"You're never going to go wrong going hard on a set."
"It's really important to start your exercise program with two to three stretches to get your body warmed up."
"Train hard, eat right, and continue learning and growing on your journey."
"As a natural lifter, this is the fastest way you're going to look like you lift."
"Reps to failure are usually not the best example... reward the process."
"Deadlifting once a week is very, very good. You don't have to do super high frequency, in many cases, that tends to interfere with one's recovery."
"Stick with dumbbells and weighted calisthenics."
"His physique is very attainable guys if you just stay consistent and stay with these tips."
"Pay extreme attention to form, make sure that every rep is executed perfectly."
"Either one is acceptable to do, multi-joint first."
"You should do what you enjoy as this will help you stay consistent with training and push harder when you're in the gym."
"What do you think the biggest training mistake is that you see people do?"
"It'd be smart to get a decade of lifting under your belt before you even consider juicing in my opinion."
"To build muscle, you don't need to lift really heavy."
"Train hard, push yourself on certain days, but you can't push yourself every single day."
"Train as smart as you can, train as hard intelligently as you can."
"You don't have to do the power clean. You just do five squats, bench press, overhead press, and then squats deadlift."
"The better thing to do is maybe today you can't go to the gym, do four sets of 20-25 push-ups."
"Focusing on body recomposition should be the goal when it comes to weight loss."
"Resistance training is very helpful because you're signaling the muscle tissue and talking to the liver and the fat cells."
"If you're trying to optimize muscle growth it's best to be consistent with your nutrition."
"It's not an exercise alone that's going to do the job; it's avoiding the five big mistakes you're likely making right now."
"Resistance training is your most powerful tool to combat muscle loss."
"Do not emulate my studying habits... but do cardio every day... pushing your sets nice and hard... eating your grand prata of protein."
"Are there some forms of exercise and principles that should be non-negotiable or absolute Staples in your exercise routine? Well, if you're not only trying to optimize your Fitness but also your overall Health and Longevity, then the answer is yes."
"Resistance training really helps, but remember to focus on explosive movements periodically."
"Post-exercise creatine is a very viable choice."
"Stay in the gym, ladies, portion size, and the closer you get to natural, the better."
"Don't worry about weight yet, 'bout we get it."
"If you made it all the way through this make sure to drink lots of water when you're done make sure to eat a healthy clean meal."
"Good, breathe it up, bring your feet in close together."
"Train and make it hard. Go to failure. If you're not, then you're missing out on gains."
"Stay basic, slide, and see your gains appear."
"Good diet and good exercising will help you lose weight, and has helped me lose a lot of weight."
"Body weight is super essential. Even bodybuilders should do calisthenics."
"Specialization phases make a lot more sense when you are Advanced compared to when you're a beginner."
"Having like a cheat meal here and they're skipping workout here and there, it's okay."
"Focus on doing 90 percent compound exercises and 10 percent isolation exercises."
"Training experience is the number one thing benefiting early stage lifters."
"For everyone who is not a power lifter there is really no reason to learn a highly technical over-exaggerated bench press approach."
"Don't forget to train your damn calves because I've seen they can grow if you train them they will grow I promise."
"It's not even my place, but that's an assumption that the person you're speaking to wants to maximize hypertrophy, and so just being clear about that."
"Resistance exercise, pretty great straightforward advice."
"Weights over 85% naturally recruit a maximal amount of muscle fibers."
"That's where you're going to get your tone from."
"Progressive overload is how muscles are built."
"You don't need to follow an overcomplicated mesocycle when you're a beginner. Just show up and work out."
"Which muscles should I exercise? Only the ones you want to keep."
"Nobody uses their core enough, even when you're sitting on a flat bench or incline bench, you should be engaging your core."
"If you stop exercising, you'll be more likely to gain body fat."
"Strength training is what you want to do if you want to increase your metabolism permanently."
"Consistency over intensity, especially if you're new to CrossFit."
"Generally, I do think if the aim is to maximize side delt hypertrophy, some kind of lateral raise is going to be helpful."
"To optimize growth of a muscle, we of course want to highly activate it with an exercise."
"If you don't push yourself, you won't shred your muscle fibers and then you won't get stronger."
"The secret is stay in the gym, believe in yourself."
"Stay in the gym, keep your feminine shape together."
"Stopping around MRV is a really good idea, starting around MAV and 3R is a good idea. In between those there's only so much that can happen."
"Maximize your natural gains before considering performance-enhancing drugs."
"Learn the basics first before sticking a needle in your ass."
"If you're new to the gym... all you need as a beginner is two or three full body workouts per week."
"Chasing proximity to failure and the right way to train, that's the better end goal to have of training hard."
"Train each body part twice a week...once every seven days is absolutely not enough...train more often than every seven days." - Coach Craig
"You will definitely get a pump from this if you do it right and you exert that maximum intensity."
"With a straight bar, it's hard to activate those lower back muscles."
"Building muscle is training smart, feeding it correctly, and recovery." - Alex
"The key is to be able to get within that striking distance... you'll never get shredded." - Hani Rambod
"Do all the best exercises the squats the hip thrusts and so on don't neglect glute training."
"Consistency is going to be key so you don't want to just start working out and then next week you like I'm not gonna work out you have to be consistent that's the way you're going to see results."
"I hope this was a little helpful and looks like and everything is I think where I ended up was somewhere around 30 to 40 pounds of muscle you can gain."
"I got there I would also say that that was considerably better form than I see almost everyone do."
"Get your routine, practice your bench press... drill that sh*t over and over."
"Resistance training is probably the most important thing that everybody needs to be doing in the gym."
"The deadlift is one of the best exercises for not only the back but the entire body."
"Drinking a gallon of water every single day can help burn body fat."
"Going hard on all your sets, cutting or bulking or maintaining, it's only gonna have benefits."
"Hopefully, you enjoyed coming along with me for the ride on the transfer window. Like I say, we'll have more in this domestic window and obviously, I'll keep doing videos every week."
"Strength training is very important, and on the aerobic angle, you need to do the high-intensity intervals."
"You want to be fit? You eat good food, exercise, do it consistently, end up fit."
"You need to be getting at 15-20 thousand steps a day."
"The first step to look like a superhero is to eat right."
"Anyone could benefit from strength training."
"Resistance training helps to preserve lean muscle mass even if you're in a calorie deficit."
"Just keep that hover going, make sure you're keeping that inner thigh contracted the entire time."
"Make sure around the time of your training to keep your carbohydrate levels high, that's going to help you tremendously in gaining size."
"It's not how many reps you do, it's how close to failure are you training."
"For the two of you and anyone watching at home, actually there's one proven way to maximize that burn, to anytime you're exercising you make sure you stay for the entirety of your workout inside of your target heart rate zone."