
Personal Disclosure Quotes

There are 103 quotes

"You tell people you have Sickle Cell. That's what she did."
"I'm always going to be honest with you guys about this kind of thing because you mean so much to me."
"That's why I had a chair sitting on the side of me that was towed needs to cover up the fact that I had a shock device on my ankles."
"I'm only able to be this honest with you because I know Andrew has shared with you some of the background details no one has heard before."
"I remember telling my fans... before I even told my therapist."
"I know you guys don't know me... that's why I felt like it was important to get on here and speak."
"I have many bank accounts and they're all listed."
"Eventually, you do decide to tell the full story."
"My guest today is an entrepreneur CEO running a successful business, and one day he decides to go talk about his porn addiction."
"I paid millions of dollars in taxes... I paid 38 million dollars one year."
"This one, this great big juicy secret: Ash, you are my first."
"I'm just keeping it real with you guys. I don't have no secret, nothing to hide."
"It's that share of vulnerability that is important in conversations."
"The truth is, for many years, I have not been well."
"If he was going to lose, he needed to get a few things off of his chest."
"For all you people that do, make mention that you smoked a joint, nobody gives a [ __ ]."
"It's probably the only place I would ever feel comfortable to talk about this."
"I'm terrified, I'm gonna go ahead and tell everybody here that I'm pretty well nervous right now."
"I feel like absolute dirt for having lied to you guys."
"Okay, you guys don't need to ask, I tell them anyway."
"I was obsessed with just ripping the curtain back and being radically honest with everyone."
"Honestly Aries, this person has a lot to tell you and confess."
"Dudes are on dates spewing everything about their personal lives, talking a lot."
"I'm going to be answering everything from my marriage to regrets."
"That girl was you. I actually liked you ever since."
"Mickie James made her way back after the women's Revolution unfortunately when she was released she opened up on how she was treated getting back her belongings in a trash bag."
"If you live with a woman, she deserves some details about who the hell you are."
"Technically true, I went to college... but I'm not hiding a child."
"I think it's time I came clean with you, Tommy."
"I'm so happy to be able to finally say that to everyone, the whole world knows."
"Eddie Lawrence told investigators that Sara was going to divorce Fred."
"I don't have dark secrets, I have bright ones."
"I've never dated a girl I know you told me I'm like in shock right now."
"Every word she utters is with this secret smile and conspiratorial, 'I'm letting you in, telling you I'm confessing. It's so embarrassing, guys.'"
"The more you know my music taste, the more you know I'd love 'So American.'"
"Honestly, the weight that was lifted off my shoulders."
"Literally happening, people are hiding it. People are on HRT right now that you don't know, that are your friends."
"He let them know, hey this is how I am living."
"I'm not gonna sit here and cry because I already told you I did that multiple times since that last day."
"If I get a nose job, I'll tell you, 'cause she won't have a nose left."
"This is basically as transparent as I can make it."
"Mr. Depp told me verbatim that he was addicted to oxycontin."
"I think it's going to happen... there's so much I haven't told you."
"I just wanna, I guess, preface with that so you understand."
"You have to divulge certain things about yourself, you have to share, you have to show this other person who you are, you have to show them your wounds, you have to show them how you feel about certain things, you have to be authentic."
"It's harder with people being like why didn't you tell us or like oh my god."
"I got here and I had nothing nobody now Roman is being real honest about what the American dream really is..."
"When people tell you how they feel about you, believe them."
"This is absolutely not a video I ever thought in a million years that I would be making."
"If your kid tells you they're trans, that means that they are entrusting you something very personal to them."
"Harry says he didn't immediately tell his wife but he did call his therapist."
"I'd rather come there, tell y'all, show y'all, tell y'all, 'We got an open relationship,' let y'all know what's going on."
"I feel like also a lot of people on YouTube aren't fully honest. I mean, they don't have to be, honestly, they don't have to tell you if they've gotten Botox, filler, or work done, they don't owe that to you."
"You have to have those conversations with the people that you are gonna be intimate with so that they know where you're coming from so that you're not locked down and all of a sudden got to change up how you're living."
"It's clear that the trust must be built before he delves into the personal matters of his mental state with them."
"Should I be deceiving women about my job? Should I not tell them?"
"Setting boundaries is vulnerable; it's displaying significant aspects of oneself."
"I want you guys to know that everything that we're talking about today is coming from a place of love."
"When someone tells you who they are, you should believe that."
"I wish I could keep this light and fresh, but it's very painful."
"Always be yourself, but tell me the details I need to know."
"I was broke as [ __ ] I had like 50 bucks in the bank."
"If you're going to have sex with somebody with something that has changed like that I think they have a right to know."
"Deeney spoke about when Jesse's ready to speak about certain things he will."
"Someone is going to reveal their feelings for you."
"I do want to be honest with you guys, as honest as I can."
"I mentioned on Monday stream that I did have COVID while we recorded the Drawtectives finale."
"Chloe has a chance here to tell Rachel what she thinks is going on between them."
"I think he's being very open that they're helping with his legal bills."
"That's what I'm telling somebody, everything. I'm who's on the computer."
"Sometimes we don't we can never tell how often it happens because you know often people just wouldn't say so we don't always."
"More than half of them are gone... 36 years of 'I told you something'."
"I never should have told you my feelings, Shepard, I've put you in a terrible position."
"This person might have been trying to stay away from you, but they're about to take that mask off."
"This is not disguised sponsorship, I just have this shirt at home."
"I am kind of nervous about putting so much personal information on YouTube in this video, but it's a one-off and I hope it prompts at least some conversations."
"Yes, I am. Nathanson is a fake name. My last name is Presley. I'm a Presley."
"When you share with a religious leader... and they go you... what? How could you? That's weird."
"They wanted to tell you so bad but it's like how so much was on this person's plate how could they have told you?"
"It's not anything major...but I'm terrified."
"I'm just being completely honest and transparent."
"I'm just on a little break from work right now. And as far as the holidays go, um, my mom passed seven years ago. So, gotcha."
"So I actually, I mean I don't like to divulge my finances to everybody but I guess I will I saved up 20 grand hopes of just having a good cushion."
"And it's just weird because it's like I mean dude growing up always just to let you know I got a prosthetic foot yeah exactly before we start talking about what I got this season I mean it's almost like a political affiliation."
"I've been single for a minute now."
"I've discovered that people will tell you something personal about themselves when you do."
"I could tell her anything about my, even if even if you weren't gay like even if you were doing it with men or hanging out dating men then I wouldn't care, I don't care if she tells me because you're speaking of men that I'm attracted to."
"Just as a quick disclaimer, I no longer work for the company, so I am free to say what I want."
"I regret never saying a word about all of this until now, but at least I finally got it off my chest."
"There's something I want to tell you."
"I don't want to be alive anymore. That's a very clear and real and frightening constant thought."
"I'm gonna say something to you right now that I've never said in all my life."
"You can never really know where a person sits unless they actually tell you."
"I'm being honest right now, completely honest and transparent."
"Let me be super sincere with you."
"I really like you, and I want to get to know you and be with you, and I'm gonna stop talking now," he said, his voice filled with earnestness.
"Truth is more than something that is to be known and studied; it's a personal disclosure, it's a way of living."
"Can I get too real right out the gate? Just get too real with you guys."