
Fitness Training Quotes

There are 107 quotes

"Volume is actually more important than relative intensity."
"Now, this exercise usually takes years to acquire but if you start right now with the correct progressions, you'll be able to cut that time in half."
"Proper form, proper tempo, proper mind-muscle connection, that's gonna yield you so much more muscular growth and strength gains."
"Spend time on the process of learning technique. Learn the technique first, and until that's developed and consistent, then don't worry about the numbers, the weight on the bar. Just worry about the movement first."
"Super squats takes a single exercise not for causing an immense amount of growth over your entire body with just simple practice which is the squat."
"Life is more than just lifting weights reps and sets this course is gonna teach you how to become stronger mentally because without that without building that mental strength you can't add the discipline or determination to accomplish any goal."
"It's a family affair at Body Shop Fitness in Lakewood, California, where AJ trains with and is coached by his dad Antonio McKee."
"Educate yourself. I spent a ton of time researching weightlifting, fitness, nutrition, macros...I threw myself into it 100%."
"High intensity interval training is such a huge part of my training."
"For hypertrophy training, the fundamental thing we have to realize is we're stimulating growth at the molecular level."
"At the end of the day, you cannot out train a bad diet."
"The goal of any really good personal trainer should be to make themselves obsolete."
"Proper training should preserve your youth, prevent injuries, not cause injuries."
"Just like it's useful to know how many sets to do and how many reps to do, I think it's equally useful to know how hard to push each set."
"Tempo has become something that's gotten a lot of attention as a way of training."
"To create a net anabolic state, train hard, challenge your muscle, and intake the adequate amount of protein and food consistently."
"The only way to force it to build muscle... is to increase the weight or increase the total number of reps you do."
"As I teach them how to lift weights, as they gain that confidence, that translates so easily into everything else."
"Strength training alone won't make you a great fighter."
"Training routines should focus on overall health and fitness, not just appearance."
"Glute activation laid the foundation for better glute training."
"By the end of this video I guarantee you will change the way you train your shoulders forever."
"Giant sets build work capacity like nothing else. If you struggle to put in work to recover from volume and to push for tonnage, giant sets start introducing them."
"Be self-aware of where you're at in your training career and remember do not compare yourself to somebody else's results."
"Thank you for the nice technique, man. All right, the pleasure is mine. I'm gonna do a couple more sets while I have you as a spotter here and everything, sure."
"All of our programs, no BS, step by step, we put the science back in strength."
"Static stretching involves holding a stretch for roughly 30 seconds."
"NASM has a number of different resistance training systems they could ask you about."
"Advice on applying Melt Dog training principles: Phase 1 pre-pump, Phase 2 explosive, Phase 3 pump to an upper-lower program."
"Frequency and volume is one of the most important things when you're starting out in order to strengthen your tendons."
"When bringing up this terminology of bulletproofing reserve, I'm training right now not because I have shin splints, not because I can't dunk, but because I want to see if I could do more."
"Always look for a trainer that is going to be focusing on teaching you rather than just pushing you through the motions."
"Body shaming or shaming in any way to motivate someone is the quickest way to develop an environment for disordered thinking."
"Aiming for between five to twelve repetitions on every single exercise."
"Proper form and focus on the negative and the stretch are key to lifting correctly."
"The skill acquisition of a squat or a hinge is a huge component."
"It's all about, you know, this muscle-mind connection training."
"The key thing is to make sure you are progressively overloading your training."
"Until next time keep training smart and spreading love to everyone take care."
"I'm fully qualified, level 3 fitness and exercise, level 2 sports injury, level 2 special diets, level 2 nutritionist."
"Progressive overload is the backbone of all training progression."
"You got to understand that individualization and if you're training a specific part or thing, individualizing it to your body and what you need is what's going to get you there the fastest."
"Lower body training has been immensely helpful."
"Walk around the Gatorade training facility... You guys just wanna walk around, you see these blue mats on the floor, you wanna walk up to them and do one of each workout."
"When we train people for fitness, our emphasis always must be on technically correct execution of these movements."
"Short training intervals proven more effective."
"Just because you're going unbroken does not necessarily mean you're going faster."
"The hypertrophy Focus bench is solely concerned with creating the biggest possible stimulus for growth."
"Everybody was bashing Westside and the conjugate system... but when I actually read the book... I got amazing results."
"If my clients showed up because they liked me, they're more likely to show up than if they just came to work out."
"Best in core: Pamela Rife. I try my best to breathe during her core workouts and sometimes it just doesn't happen because my core is too busy burning."
"The single simplest greatest piece of advice I ever got for the bench press ever."
"The goal of the training really is to give your body the stimulus to retain muscle."
"Train for reps, train for speed, train for endurance."
"Creating balance and variation in the training program is very important to staying healthy."
"My job as your trainer is to push you to your maximum."
"Interval training - the fastest way to see the best results."
"Bands force you to grind through the entire range of motion."
"The next 90 days I'm going to be training exactly like a superhero."
"Optimal training depends on the individual's goals."
"Everything you need to know to set up your own minimalistic training split will be laid out in this video."
"Progressive overload, you need to overload your body, you need to overload your muscles in order to grow."
"Check us out on Instagram, it's _traininggroup."
"My Seven Pillars system... is an exercise that makes the most sense for the person that you're working with based upon their goals and their needs."
"By definition, the repetition method is training in a higher repetition range to failure. That's rarely done. Where I've seen the most success with it being used in programming is instead of doing max effort work."
"To progress in difficulty you can increase the rounds for example you may start with three rounds of the circuit and then you can do a fourth one once your Fitness increases."
"Stay with it, so strong right here, give me ten seconds, what does that look like for you? Final ten, nine, eight, you got this."
"you getting your client to increase their ability to connect in a squat by 10% is far better"
"Echelon Fitness's world-class fitness instructors are supportive, engaging, and fun."
"How can I train my body to become a fat burning machine?"
"The method behind this training today is all about building muscular definition as well as increasing your core stability."
"Welcome back to Function Pilates, I'm Vanessa Kelly, founder of Function Pilates and lead master trainer for our teacher training program."
"This is me being your trainer, showing how you can get in your best health."
"We have some awesome training programs in there that are going to help you guys take your fitness to the next level."
"Remember, recovery is part of the process, especially when it comes to HIIT."
"Compound movements should be the foundation of just about any program that you design for a client."
"Total body conditioning is a vital element to your training."
"Keep the motivation high, keep the spirits up, we'll see you on another GCN training session."
"It's no secret why I got people that's been training with me for five, six, seven years."
"The exercise selection is important, but the modality, the intensity, and the intentionality in which you train within those exercise movement patterns is going to far exceed the movement pattern itself."
"Feel that core burn because guess what, team, then we're taking it back to the top, we're putting some things together, and we're getting more time, less rest."
"Training for performance and not trying to body build so much, my physique improved."
"Her weight training was never focused around just getting big, always movement, keep your flexibility and injury prevention."
"If you train in Zone 2, you will be able to keep going in Zone 2 forever potentially."
"Train with me, see you next video! Peace!"
"The focus of this one isn't overall conditioning, but instead, it's to up the weight and to work on our strength."
"You've been keeping up with the weight training regiment I put you on; I'm proud of you."
"The idea is HIIT training, high-intensity interval training. Your heart rate will get up, you'll get a quick recover, and then you'll jump into the next minute."
"We are training for your metabolism, we are training for your body, for your strength, for your endurance."
"You are going to love it, trainer's promise. Well, you might not like me much during it, but you will love the results."
"You can very easily train both your hamstrings and your quads at the very same time."
"Don't just train your ego to throw weights around because anyone really can throw a good decent amount of weight around just using body momentum and not actually squeezing the muscle and stuff."
"I've trained for strength, I've trained for size, and I've gotten great results following either style of training."
"TRX Suspension Training and mat Pilates are very similar just in the fact that they use a lot of core and stability training using just your body weight to get your body strong and healthy."
"Train with the highest possible intensity, with variances in the intensity so that you can experience different rep ranges."
"My best training cycles have always been when I've had the most fun in the gym."
"We're working posterior chain here, we don't want to be a mirror athlete."
"Monitor the intensity, monitoring the safety of the session as well, so those two things are quite important."
"In most cases, training muscle twice a week is better than training it once a week."
"Don't you dare have your client walk on a treadmill as their warm-up during their session."
"What we do at UP is a beautiful thing in so many ways because it's not arbitrary, it's not left to chance."