
Modesty Quotes

There are 1351 quotes

"I don't like showing off. It's not who I am."
"The hijab is for modesty; it is not to degrade the woman."
"Modesty is more than looks; it's a mindset. It's humble and respectful."
"There's nothing uglier than an immodest bride who leaves nothing to the imagination."
"Modesty doesn't mean I'm weak, and strong doesn't mean I am not modest."
"I'm not gonna enforce the idea of wearing hijab on Hannah. I am, however, gonna teach her all about modesty and how to respect herself and her body."
"Lowering the gaze... is actually an obligation, not an extra."
"The more you lower your gaze, the more Allah will give you the inner sight to see things as they are."
"Humble means you know, respectful, modest, soft-spoken."
"This is such a pretty and almost like modest dress. You don't have to wear a sleeveless dress to feel sexy and confident."
"What we might take to be normal impulses to be modest, restrained and dignified are the hard-won fruits of a long and always unsteady civilizing process."
"Hijab just pretty much stands for being modest with your appearance and letting people see you for who you are, your personality, and not just your looks."
"For a woman, the hijab just pretty much stands for being modest with your appearance, and letting people see you for who you are, your personality and not just your looks."
"I only submit pictures of my thighs, it's just my thighs, no genitalia."
"They didn't drive around in Mercedes-Benzes and Porsches."
"I am confident in Who I am and that girl in Christ, and I don't need to strip down for the camera to prove that to the world."
"Just being genuine, no man, just being real. Getting your own Ubers when you know when you want to come see me. Just little tiny stuff like that means a lot."
"Corsets kept everything under control and meant self-reserve."
"Let's just be more humble and modest and assume that we are not privileged."
"Modesty aligns us to go towards a just and chaste society."
"Modesty culture in the church can actually be pretty dangerous."
"If you're dressing in an immodest way, it's probably not okay."
"As wild as the 60s were... the trend is not getting towards modesty."
"My story isn't that interesting, but I've realized that's actually a good thing."
"It's not Mr. Beast, we're not giving an airplane or like a Hummer or something, but it's a good hum. It's cute. I would be happy with a bike."
"Politicians I think should sometimes just be a little bit more modest about their abilities than they are."
"To the Amish, jewelry is something that can draw attention and encourage pride."
"I didn't make a lot of money but I could pay rent and I could buy food."
"Modesty is an empowering and yes, feminist tool."
"When asked how he was so good at what he did he modestly answered 'oh i'm just lucky i guess'."
"It's a little awkward for me to read praise."
"I really do appreciate it. I don't ask for likes often."
"A dress watch is supposed to be modestly sized, complementing the outfit without being the center of attention."
"Guess what? I had two strapping sons, and you know what they grew up with for two decades? A Toyota Corolla 1981 four-door."
"Dang, this is an amazing review. I mean, I thought I did a terrible job."
"Modest is hottest, the latest fashion trend."
"Women were supposed to dress pleasing to the eye but not in any sinful or immodest way their responsibility was to make sure their clothing or presentation did not attract any lustful attention for men"
"There's more to sex appeal than simply stripping down to your birthday suit."
"Be not dazzled and overcome by the prevalence of perversity, for it is the mark of modesty that makes a true man and woman."
"I don't assume at all that lots of people will listen to this show just because lots of people consume another thing I do."
"It is the mark of modesty that makes a true man and woman, not that of immodesty."
"It's about making money, not showing off on social media."
"Nakedness: women wearing clothing but not wearing clothing."
"It's not about how cool and how fancy you can look"
"Modesty goes out the window when you can cash a big check for a birth special."
"I don't try to be inspirational most of the time."
"We played that well overall. I don't think we were that good."
"A mysterious woman is modest about how she feels, thinks, carries herself, speaks, and dresses."
"It wasn't a heroic victory, but it was a victory for the dread host."
"I'm the best there is of what I do, but what I do best isn't very nice."
"Women can dress modestly and still be beautiful."
"It's got to be worth a bit of bit of praise there. I've done a little bit of work."
"You don't always have to be doing things on a large scale. Sometimes very modest efforts can produce very, very big results."
"Brothers don't want a woman who got it all hanging out."
"He voluntarily gave up his power after just two terms."
"I am a nobody but I have young people reaching out to me all the time."
"You see their patriarchal beliefs, their emphasis on modesty and purity."
"To be a hero of your own life is not telling other people what you've done, it's nothing about boasting."
"Life of someone who is modest is also admirable."
"Freedom for women is in modesty, not revealing."
"There's a hijab on a person's face... but there's also modesty of one's personality."
"We live a modest life. No one knows. My barber found out on another show and was like, 'Yo, I didn't know you had it like that.'"
"I still believe in head covering as a part of my modesty and as a part of my life."
"It wasn't anything heroic, just choosing not to give up."
"I'm just a bleak, that's all I am, a lowly bleak."
"The inherent insult to a woman's natural modesty, I don't want women in my locker room either." - Andrew Klavan
"Nothing better than being free and naturally happy."
"Dress modestly... You respect yourself and you know that not all the men in the world deserve to see it."
"It's always on the women, you gotta cover up: jean skirts, slips, stockings, no lotion."
"Make some money and don't flex it. It's a thing."
"I'd always rather be considered lucky than good."
"I show the cars not to show off... I got my first nice car... and I never once showed it off."
"If you give me a pin, I'd be pretty bashful."
"It's just another day in the life of a man who never set out to be incredible."
"I don't want my girls dressing provocatively."
"Don't leave your house immodestly, don't waste seed on purpose."
"The more money that black rifle coffee makes the more money that he gives back you know why because Evan Hafer doesn't drive a [ __ ] Bentley he drives a [ __ ] pickup truck."
"Leave some to the imagination and that's not just for how you present physically it's not it's not."
"She was one of those beautiful women who didn't think she was beautiful."
"He's not over celebrated for his good gestures. Having that much money, it gets tempting, but he didn't fall into that temptation."
"It's not much, but take these $20 for your birthday, you need it too."
"I'm not one of those people who says I told you so all the time."
"Catherine isn't promoting her own life and journey through the pandemic in any way. Basically, the book matches our views, thoughts, and opinions of what we believe we know about the Duchess of Cambridge."
"It's a mansion but it's a modest Mansion if that makes sense you know what I'm saying it's not too much home uh uh"
"Modesty really needs to be a personal conviction."
"Name recognition is so largely about money... I have never accepted a donation larger than one thousand dollars."
"Showing too much skin is considered highly inappropriate in South Korea, and covering up is considered far more attractive."
"For them, it's exposed shoulders and what they consider even worse, a bare back. A woman exposing her shoulders or her back is considered a sex worker or a woman who just has no respect for herself."
"This shyness this bashfulness...is a quality of deen."
"It's not gonna blow your socks off absolutely not, but it's not gonna let you down either."
"Our modesty should be motivated towards obeying God, and the fruit of that is a benefit to those around us."
"I have to draw the line at nudity. I'm sorry but no. Because no."
"Every religion has a defining characteristic, and for Islam, it's modesty."
"I kind of like that it doesn't make you a ton of money."
"This is not in any way shape or form to brag or anything like that, it's just that I love doing these every year."
"I have learned as a personal principle that modesty is the closest way to remember."
"I think showing a little ankle is a little bit sexy."
"You don't let money control you; you're a very humble individual."
"He wasn't one to love the limelight. He was not that kind of a guy. He'd rather see someone else shine."
"Probably the most modest and humble man when compared to his pedigree and his successes that I've ever met."
"Hijab is not just a headscarf but it's modesty in your speech, thoughts, heart, and actions."
"Modesty ultimately comes down to a respect, a respect for yourself and a respect for others around you."
"True humility is when you have the power to do things, and you still cover yourself."
"I come from a very modest background."
"People are shocked when they find out how cool you are because you don't flaunt it right away."
"It's not about hitting a home run with your first product; all you really need is a base hit."
"Japanese remain sensitive to inequality, driving even the richest to avoid ostentatious displays of wealth."
"Norwegian values of equality and modesty... well, they go all the way to the top."
"A skilled hawk hides its talents."
"I'm not gloating, I've just been really good with my money."
"Even if you dress modestly, when you start wearing hijab, you do have to think about what you wear a little bit more."
"INFJs don't care to brag. It isn't in our DNA."
"They valued celebrating all that they were without showcasing all that they could."
"Humility is unassuming, it's not loud, it's not boastful, it doesn't wear red shoes and bright ties."
"If I'd gone around flashing my money everywhere, I would have got nowhere."
"Men really want to be with a woman that is modest, and modesty is very attractive to men."
"Before she was my wife, now she's my sister in Islam and she's someone else's daughter. A Muslim doesn't talk about other people's daughters."
"I am not a superhero; this is a show about lawyers."
"I thank God we don't sleep naked."
"You really are a hero. Oh well, thing about heroes is, whenever you... don't spoil it."
"You naturally beautiful, so you be looking down there? I don't be looking."
"You don't have to show skin to look or feel sensual."
"The more money someone has, the less they need to show their wealth."
"I've worked with better, but not many."
"Genuine wisdom is usually conspicuous through modesty and silence."
"Our Lady, who was truly singular like I said, there's no one like her, yet not once in her life did she ever see herself as anything but a humble handmaid."
"Silence is one of the signs of modesty, it's the virtue in which one doesn't speak up or say any more than you have to."
"It all begins by not thinking that you're special because you're not."
"Humility is not about diminishing your worth but recognizing that every individual is a part of a larger whole."
"I don't think it's okay to police how people want to dress as long as they're sufficiently covering up the right body parts to a sufficient degree."
"Humility is just an accurate estimation of what is."
"I'm the biggest fan of self-deprecation."
"I'm like not bad at shooting hoops, but I've never really played basketball like that."
"I'm not saying you're going to get rich, I'm not saying you're going to be able to buy a mansion, I'm not saying you're going to be able to go to the Gucci store tomorrow, but a little extra never hurt nobody."
"Say to the believers to lower their gaze and then guard their private parts; there is a direct relationship."
"I got a face for radio and a voice for silent film."
"I'm not a 10, but I'm okay looking."
"The guy had shorts on in the left and Chris D'Elia points it out. I mean, peeing people buckling over. Yeah, put on some pants my friend."
"Most happy content and secure people don't feel the need to brag and shove their happiness stamp the throats of others."
"The sexiest women outline their figure in the most modest way."
"I'm no genius. I'm smart in spots, and I stay around those spots."
"I tend to just like to move in silence."
"It was a team effort," modestly stated Teo, acknowledging collective achievement.
"Let others praise you and not your own lips."
"Accentuating our womanliness in a modest and elegant manner also glorifies god and his design."
"You don't need to flash. There's a humility here."
"I prioritize other things, like I don't really care about being the flyest [__] having the craziest kicks."
"I personally think a hat is fine and that showing a little hair is okay, but if anyone has any information contrary to that, then please do let me know in the comments."
"Dressing modestly will accentuate your womanly appearance because it overall amplifies your feminine essence."
"Everything that needs to be covered on my body is covered, and I'm not leaving."
"Kate seems to be a rather modest cautious sort of person uh who's unlikely to in danger the monarchy."
"Humility is one of the greatest things you can practice."
"I'm modest, easy on the eyes, and I'm humble."
"Less is more. I like to be discovered, not announce when I walk into a room."
"Humility is necessary for holiness."
"Thanks, but we were just doing our part."
"It appeals to a lot of people because it's not flash."
"Humility is a decision; we have to make it."
"Imagine a world where women realize that getting the man and getting the life they want isn't the result of sleeping around. In fact, it's a result of being modest. That'd be a much better world to live in."
"This bag has not been purchased so that I can show off."
"Don't let it go to your head. Remain humble."
"Look up and ask God am I dressing in a way that honors my body that God has given me?"
"As a girl, I would like the idea of my man seeing myself and my body as more precious and not wanting everyone else to see it. It just makes me feel much better, more special."
"Women in Qatar were dressed very modestly."
"I didn't go out and buy a big sports car, I didn't have anything extravagant."
"I think I've got a plan. It won't be anything big or fancy, but it'll be something."
"You're the best! Just don't zoom in on my face!"
"Zoe Deschanel, despite earning a hefty salary, lives in a modest home, challenging stereotypes about celebrity extravagance."
"Shawn Mendes, despite his fame, opts for a modest home, showcasing his grounded nature despite his success."
"Zoe Saldana, with her considerable net worth, chooses a modest home, emphasizing comfort over opulence."
"Meredith Vieira, despite her wealth, opts for a modest home, showcasing her grounded nature despite her success."
"Saoirse Ronan, despite her success, chooses a modest home, emphasizing simplicity and comfort over extravagance."
"Kirk Cousins, NFL player, remained in a modest home even after earning millions, emphasizing the importance of practicality."
"Don Cheadle, despite his success in Hollywood, opts for a modest lifestyle, proving that wealth doesn't always dictate one's choices."
"Allah loves the modest ones amongst you."
"...seeing those who do dress modestly do it in such a beautiful way, in a nonjudgmental way."
"...being modest in every aspect of our lives."
"...the Bible doesn't say anything about how much skin women should show, it just doesn't."
"I make enough money to live and shop at Marks and Spencers occasionally on a special treat."
"He congratulates the Great Hero, but Blade acts modest saying he had the help of everyone."
"This aesthetic is basically described as people who are wearing clothes that are apparently so ridiculously expensive but they're not in your face at all. They are a modest and quiet humble version of showing your wealth."
"Modesty is being humble. It's dressing appropriately and honoring my body and protecting my body not just for me but for my future spouse and for God."
"...Islam has come with a dress code for men and women and Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala encouraged us to be modest."
"This girl is underselling herself like it's her job."
"It's not about flaunting all the time... it's about are you confident, do you believe in yourself?"
"He tried to be modest saying he just happened to be passing by but asked again if she was okay with this when they didn't even know each other."
"There was no question of the queen becoming a modest suburban sovereign."
"Overalls, such a good opportunity to layer something underneath to make an outfit more modest."
"Tube top dresses don't count them out, you can still wear them in a way that is modest but so cute."
"We're not asking you to take over the world, you know, just a little bit better in whatever way."
"Tis beauty makes a woman proud, virtue makes them most admired, his modesty makes them seem divine."
"You guys have a quiet dependability, you're not screaming out loud for attention."
"Leggings are so revealing. Essentially, you're naked with paint on."
"A huge part of me being here in the position that I'm in now, being as modest as I am, is pure social intelligence."
"You don't want to emulate desperate for attention, see everything every curve on my body type thing, okay? Leave something to the imagination."
"They would relate like purity and like being really modest to, you know, being good for your husband."
"I always say I'm a seven out of ten."
"And thou shalt make them linen breaches to cover their nakedness from the loins even unto the thighs."
"Downplaying your successes is a subtle sign of emotional immaturity."
"You're not boastful, you're not overconfident."