
Active Learning Quotes

There are 114 quotes

"TESA attempts to see if you can give all 30 children the same number of opportunities... TESA believes you learn best when you're involved in the process."
"The active dog is a dog that understands that their behavior has an effect on their environment."
"You really won't understand the lectures unless you're pondering the points and taking up the practices."
"Learning is an active process, only knowledge that is used sticks in your mind."
"Active Learning is extremely important in chess."
"Kids aren't engineered to sit still and fill out paperwork all day... That's what represents the fundamental difference between learning by proxy through books and tested memorization than learning by doing through play in simulation."
"This can make your active learning strategies very very effective."
"It's important that you don't just sit here and listen to bad news all day; you actually go out and you learn your skills."
"Grab a piece of paper and a pen and start making some notes as we go through the video."
"Some practice, so go get in there! Do the first name, do the Department, do the pay rate, and if you get questions, jump into the little question box and ask."
"Students should be active participants, self-directed learners, critical thinkers, collaborators, and global citizens."
"Brilliant is a problem-solving website that helps you understand underlying concepts by actively working through guided lessons."
"We want to make our mind active by actively studying and meditating upon the Word of God."
"The best thing that you can do is go out and shoot and practice with your camera."
"Socrates was really pushing us there was to think of ourselves not as passive, just shockers of information, but as active inquirers people who get out and try to, you know, read, engage, talk to one another and question, question assumptions."
"What is up everybody? I'm going to trade trades. We freaking talk fast and don't skip class."
"Our history curriculum is a curriculum where students learn the past not because they're spectators to it but because they have an opportunity to engage in its remaking."
"Education is not putting stuff in but pulling stuff out of your brain."
"Games based learning... is really key to keep everyone involved."
"Walking outdoors while listening can energize your learning like nothing else." - AJ Hogue
"Get outdoors and move while learning - it's the best way to stay energized!" - AJ Hogue
"Listening to English while exercising at the gym is a great way to stay awake!" - AJ Hogue
"Want to energize your learning? Get outdoors and move while you study!" - AJ Hogue
"Effective teaching is about facilitating learning, not just lecturing."
"Students should be given an opportunity to assert themselves, to be actively involved, and to invest themselves in the learning experience."
"Knowledge is constructed more organically and more efficiently when people are engaged in active learning."
"Active learning means you're actively engaging with learning material and focusing on it..."
"Being a good student... means taking an active mind."
"We're doing target organization, inspiring, educating, and doing by doing."
"You're going to be very active in learning and also very active in selling, communicating, interacting with others."
"Empower learners to be agents of social change."
"Active learning...continuously making progress."
"Children really do learn best when they are active and engaged in what they are doing."
"Students who generate their own questions score higher on tests than those who use passive strategies."
"He's curious, down for active learning. He's a sponge, he soaks it up."
"...each time that you're going through the process of creating your own notes you're engaging with the material actively."
"Listen and repeat for active learning."
"Don't just repeat, make it active."
"Instead of just trying to learn things, become active in your learning by asking yourself how you want to use the material."
"It's an interactive engaging workshop, you don't just sit there and watch, I make you do stuff."
"It's not a come in there and just sit in front of a computer screen with someone just showing you videos."
"You will be amazed at what jumps out at you. You will be amazed at how much more engaging the video is or the reading is when you're reading for an answer."
"We consistently get the highest score of the types of learning, both other active learning and lecture materials, that the Lean Academy simulation provides positive reinforcement of the concepts."
"Taking an active role in your learning is basically a way of studying smarter."
"Learning through activity is important."
"It requires very little reading and more doing so you're going to find yourself actually doing mathematics with a book like this."
"...learn both at the same time because you learn a lot by actually doing... it's also a lot more fun to learn both at the same time..."
"Children are active learners; they learn through involvement with teachers, with materials, and with their peers."
"It is much more effective to learn by doing rather than learn by sitting around thinking."
"Active learning helps transfer knowledge into your long-term memory."
"Kids learn actively, and it's really important for parents to take an active role in their kids' life."
"Learning is not a spectator sport; the human brain does not learn as much by consumption as it does by creation."
"The guided discussion method is a wonderful method... very powerful way of learning."
"I'll be setting you a number of exercises to do during the course."
"Be active in your education... go to class, do your homework."
"Doing an entire video in your target language, even if it's scripted, is worth heaps more than just talking about speaking your target language."
"They became active participants in learning instead of being passive learners through a lecture."
"Let's roll up our sleeves, okay, and head over to PowerPoint because I want to dig right in."
"Making practice active and playful helps children to make stronger connections in their learning."
"The best way to learn is to start doing something."
"Teaching is actually one of the most effective ways to learn... it incorporates a lot of those active learning techniques."
"You learn words actively, recall them through listening, through reading, through watching content, and you keep doing that until you're fluent."
"She's a very active, hands-on learner; she wants things to happen, she must have a reason why she's learning something."
"Teaching and learning as a process of inquiry and of active learning."
"Just jump into the world, and then pretty soon you'll start to reach for things that really interest you."
"I'm a believer in active learning."
"You don't learn by watching, you learn by doing."
"Learning is an active process. If we're just reading, we're not actually retaining as much knowledge."
"Education is not something you get, but something you do."
"You're basically turning the consumption of these videos into an active activity."
"It's incredible what the kids can come up with and learn in an active learning situation."
"Focus on being able to do English rather than just understanding or knowing English."
"She's learning something, she's really developed, she's listening, she's checking in, she's engaged."
"Learning is not a passive activity."
"Whoever does the work does the learning."
"Hello hello, we are doing fast basic step."
"The best antidote for spiritual or conscious lethargy is to try to comprehend the teachings in your own experience."
"You'll never learn how to trade by watching... you will never learn until you have your own skin in the game."
"Toddlers always learn best by doing or by moving."
"We want to make sure it's learning-centered, active, interactive, and meaningful."
"By developing effective collaboration skills, we're encouraging our learners to take a more active role in their learning."
"This isn't a lecture, this isn't a textbook, this is active learning."
"You are actively learning by doing; this practical approach really helps solidify your understanding of data science concepts."
"You have to get out there and practice, you have to use those skills."
"Learners actively create, construct meanings and understanding."
"Active learning is where you learn by actively processing."
"If you want to do things like active learning, or have calibrated uncertainty estimates, then you need to have some notion of your uncertainty."
"Student-centered learning: the kids are working, not just the teacher."
"Listening is passive, but speaking is active. You need to actually use the language to improve speaking skills."
"You can but the instructor prefers if you take part."
"You're actively engaged in tracking the conversation, and the moderator keeps you on your toes since you need to understand what's going on and respond at various intervals."
"Learning that sticks requires active minds on learning."
"The best way to learn Python is by doing."
"You have to actively read, actively listen, actively speak, and actively write."
"Let's learn through doing, not just watching."
"This gets them writing, it gets them thinking, it gets them up out of their seats, it gets them moving."