
Sith Quotes

There are 184 quotes

"It will challenge what we know about the Jedi and the Sith by making the Sith the good guys."
"The empire was evil; the Sith are evil. Both of these, however, fail to compare to the evil locked for millennia behind the black hole cluster of the ma: an ancient evil."
"Darth Revan and Darth Malak, the Sith reborn, would be the ultimate victor."
"In order to simultaneously grow the ranks of his sith warriors and reduce the size of the enemy, he sent his servants to capture jedi, torturing and corrupting them until they either died or fell to the Dark Side."
"Finally in a movie, we get to see a little bit of the Sith."
"It really shows how the ideologies of the Jedi and the Sith veer off from each other."
"The legacy of the Sith had been finalized in their inability to see what true power gets them, a run-in with the devil."
"With Windu dead, Sidious named Skywalker his new apprentice, Darth Vader."
"Darth Bane recognized that the rule of two was the only mechanism that could allow the Sith to avoid the infighting."
"Darth Bane was an amazingly forward-looking individual who was able to recognize the flawed ways of the Sith."
"Yoda does recognize Darth Bane as the creator of the rule of two."
"The Sith can be reckless and arrogant, but it's more of a momentary weakness that can be exploited."
"The rule of two was important to Anakin; it was his only glimpse of a future."
"Darth Maul was trained to be a Sith brute and a Sith assassin, a version of Sith that hearkened back to the Old Masters."
"The truth is that the Republic is now under the control of the Dark Lord of the Sith."
"The Sith have an all-encompassing relationship with the Force."
"One last time, I have one final example to show that the Sith and the dark side are the tolerant and open-minded side of the Force."
"You were the chosen one! You were supposed to destroy the Sith, not join them!"
"Once more the Sith will rule the galaxy. We shall have peace."
"Kit Fisto lasted the longest against Darth Sidious, the most powerful Sith in history."
"A saber of a Sith is not given, it is taken."
"The Sith and the Jedi are similar in almost every way. The Sith rely on their passion for their strength. They think inwards, only about themselves, and the Jedi don't."
"Fewer people seem to understand his role in destroying an ancient Sith decree known as the rule of two."
"The rule of two stipulates that in order for the Sith to survive, there must only be two Sith Lords at a time in the Galaxy."
"The Sith lie, they only think about themselves."
"...Sidious managed to create a Dark Sider using cloning technology..."
"Darth Malgus, without a shadow of a doubt, the greatest Sith warrior that has ever existed within Star Wars."
"The Sith had evolved and grown and had become so much more than a religious warrior group like the Jedi."
"Sidious didn't win the war by cutting down droves of Jedi with his blade... no, the Sith had evolved and grown."
"The Sith had outgrown the need for lightsabers."
"...out of the smoking hellscape of Malachor 5 walks a monster, a demon made of the most atrocious of sins, the sins of the Jedi."
"Exar Kun would be the Sith that utterly defined his generation."
"...Sadow took on a Sith apprentice that still had emotional attachments that he let live and put this rookie in charge of an entire Sith fleet."
"...as nihilus sat amongst the ash of his world, the smoke filling his lungs, he was a broken man, but perhaps now he was more than a man."
"There have existed Sith in the Star Wars timeline that exhibited some light side traits."
"The ancient Sith purebloods were known to have been a primal race that adhered only to strength and power alone."
"I think it is astounding that an ancient Sith turned to the Light Side purely by his own decision."
"...as cool as it would be to see the Sith Slaughter every single Jedi that crosses their path and have that be the explanation for why the council didn't know about them I think there could be another reason hubis."
"No matter how powerful anyone is, the force must always balance itself. This was what Revan had said, and this is the one thing that the Jedi did understand that the Sith never truly grasp."
"Vishyat decided to forego his place as Sith Emperor and abandon the Sith entirely."
"Dooku admitted to Palpatine that perhaps the Sith were right."
"Dooku believed that the Sith were not gone."
"Dooku did what he thought could only be done as a Sith."
"He joins the Sith in hopes of making a better Galaxy."
"It's not the Jedi way. This is what the Sith would want."
"This was what he lived for. He sought vengeance against the Jedi, against Sidious, and today he would be the only one still standing."
"The Jedi were no better than the Sith, their intentions were Noble but their execution was flawed."
"Only a Sith deals in absolutes, so I don't want to say the chance is zero, but..."
"Darth Vader was considered one of the most powerful Sith."
"Darth Vader was considered one of the most powerful Sith in Return of the Jedi."
"Darth Vader's raw power during the events of Return of the Jedi was equivalent to that of 80 percent the power level of Darth Sidious."
"Darth Kaidus, at his Peak, was stronger than Darth Vader."
"Jar Jar may truly be the Sith we've been searching for."
"Darth Sidious was stated to be the most powerful being in the Galaxy."
"Perhaps this is what is keeping Sidious from entering this realm. He's just not worthy, he's not using the Force correctly."
"If Palpatine survived an attack from four Jedi Council Masters, the only way he could do it is that he must be a Sith."
"The sacking of Coruscant was symbolic to him and it meant a lot because not only did he reclaim the Sith homeworld in the name of the dark side, but through the dark side, he destroyed the Throne of Light, if you will, that is the Jedi Temple."
"The Sith chose to scheme and have it be a symbolic victory rather than a total victory like Mal wanted to because they likely feared the consequences of a full Republic response."
"He became the most powerful Jedi and Sith in space wizard history."
"Palpatine is like considered by many to be like the most powerful Sith Lord we've seen."
"Only a Sith deals with absolutes."
"The force is with us Master Sidious."
"Once more the Sith shall rise to power."
"The Rule of Two: one master, one apprentice."
"The Rule of Two ensured total victory for the Sith."
"Darth Marr held a very high rank among the Sith as he was one of the members of the dark Council."
"The Sith order tradition, the sithari being the rumor of the chosen one with many believing that the next Sith Ari would be a reincarnated King Adis."
"The products of his experiments and the Legacy he left behind have continued to guide and influence the decisions made by even the most notorious Sith Lords."
"Dromund Kaas became the site where he would erect the dark Temple and the dark force temple in both of these he and many other Sith Lords after him would follow and would conduct many horrific experiments and rituals."
"Marco Ragnos is praised by The Sith both old and new alike with many Sith Lords of the past deeming him the greatest was ever lived."
"Marco Ragnos was exalted by The Sith people and they seemed to not only love him but graciously accepted his Ironclad rule."
"Marco Ragnos seemed to have escaped the traitorous fate that many Sith would normally have."
"Sidious admired nagas adao for his manipulation skills, ruling with knowledge and the dark side of the force."
"The rule of two grew into perhaps the most important and most prevalent doctrine for all future Sith to follow."
"In the end, Darth Vader was truly one of the most powerful Sith to ever live."
"It's like 'Sith Among Us' or something like that, and it's just a bunch of Jedi but you have to find the secret Sith that's killing everyone."
"The sith spoke up telling Anakin he had the power to save the ones he loved."
"The Sith are also master manipulators who utilize emotionally abusive behaviours to use others."
"I had to bring you this. It has the secret to making a Sith holocron."
"There's no doubt the mysterious warrior was a Sith, a master."
"The Sith had returned and now Dooku, Qui, and Kenobi were gone."
"The Sith had risen to lead the galaxy."
"Sidious acted as a secret advisor to the Trade Federation, ordering them to blockade and ultimately invade Naboo."
"The inquisitors were a small group of force sensitives formed by Emperor Palpatine to hunt down any remaining Jedi."
"The Old Republic era of the Jedi Order, while greatly flawed, did manage to fight off the Sith more than five different times."
"Despite having so many to choose from, the Sith Emperor considered Darth Jaedus to be the greatest Sith that his empire ever produced."
"The oppression of the Sith will never return. You have lost. No. No. No."
"He was immensely powerful and he was one of the few Sith who knew how to utilize Force lightning along with many other impressive skills and abilities."
"Galen Marek, codenamed Starkiller, was a Force-sensitive human male taken on by the Sith Lord Darth Vader as a secret apprentice and personal assassin during the reign of the Galactic Empire."
"Malgus lived up to his name by rejecting the old Sith emphasis on blood purity."
"There's no black and white to the Jedi and the Sith."
"Unaware that he was being drawn away from the Jedi and into the trappings of the Sith."
"The Sith lord sought to find the answers to his questions."
"The Sith wayfinder also appears in the Jedi text."
"Dooku and Sidious had a grand plan, and this day was the culmination of it all. This was the most crucial day of the entire War for the Sith."
"But of course, eventually the Sith are going to kill one another. Just the way of things."
"Darth Maul is like the old Sith, like rules. Like he's their Yoda now."
"The battle that would change the Sith forever."
"At the roots of the Galactic Empire and the Sith's philosophy is Sith ideology, and Sith ideology is one that is inundated with fear and lust for power."
"She had seen her destiny to be at Bane's side, learning the ways of the Sith."
"They'd saved each other, saving the galaxy from the Sith."
"Any master who instructs more than one apprentice in the ways of the dark side, is a fool."
"Our acolyte had been victorious on Korriban, successfully completing all trials..."
"The Army of Light was a legion of Jedi who had banded together to face the rising Sith threat."
"The Sith are not about tyrannical power or the suffering of others just for the sake of it."
"Good is a point of view. The Sith and the Jedi are similar in almost every way, including their quest for greater power."
"The Sith code is almost parallel with modern-day conservatism."
"The Sith cannot be called truly evil. They merely represent nature at its most raw and brutal form."
"...no matter how you slice it, canon or legends, Darth Bane is one of the most infamous and powerful Sith Lords in all of Star Wars mythology."
"...once Bane implemented the grand plan, he took on his apprentice Darth Zannah, training her in the dark side and passing on his Sith knowledge."
"...Zannah went on to ultimately kill her master Bane, becoming the next Sith master and continuing his grand plan."
"...the Rule of Two, which all Sith Lords must follow, requires that one master and one apprentice can be the only Sith in the galaxy at a time."
"...darth bane who having created the infamous rule of two is arguably the most important Sith of all time."
"Vader's Castle was his refuge, where he truly became a Sith Lord."
"It was time for it all to end: the Jedi and the Sith."
"The Sith were gone," the captions conclude. "Anakin had helped to bring balance. The prophecy had come true."
"With the Sith gone and the republic returning to it’s rightful role in the galaxy, a chance for rebirth and renewal was possible through the gilded republic."
"The wealth of this Sith Lord likely outclasses just about any in history."
"Perhaps there was a Sith Ari for every generation of Sith that needed one."
"The Sith Lord launched a lightning attack at Dooku."
"Embraces the salvation of Order 66 and with each strike of her red blade, his cat moves closer to claiming her new Destiny in the force."
"With his unmatched connection, training in both Jedi and Sith arts, he's learned a variety of techniques."
"The idea of the Death Star originated with the Sith."
"The Sith and the dark side had a natural symbiosis and they thrived off it."
"The codification of the Sith ideals was the birth of the Sith Order."
"The Sith for the first time in history were no more."
"The age of the Jedi had come to a conclusion, it was over, and the rise of the Sith had begun."
"I see through the lies of the Sith, don't make me kill you! I offered you true power to save her and you betrayed me!"
"The first and only reality of the Sith: there can only be two."
"Sidious's blade moved with precision as it tried to strike at the heart of the first Jedi slain in decades by the hands of a Sith Lord."
"The seeds of the Jedi have been sown throughout the galaxy; the Sith have no seeds since what they bury does not grow."
"There existed a Jedi Knight who broke away from the Jedi Order to become a powerful Dark Lord of the Sith."
"The Sith code advocates for violence as a tool and means for attaining freedom and power."
"The Sith have their own flaws in their hunger and ultimate drive for power."
"The Jedi use mind tricks because they're weak. The Sith prefer force."
"Years of harsh training crafted Zannah into a manipulative seductress and a powerful Sith sorceress."
"Darth Vader was still an incredibly gifted force wielder despite not being able to use many of the traditional Sith powers."
"Red boasted a towering muscular physique and was distinguished by the facial scars left by the torture mask he was forced to wear during his Sith training."
"It's the uprising of the Sith, it's the inception of Darth Vader, let's get some action going."
"Become the mystical Sith apprentice and turn to the dark side of the force."
"Chaos is where dead Sith Lords are believed to dwell in torment."
"Kun's true power lied in his knowledge of Sith sorcery and alchemy."
"Exar Kun was one of the most powerful force wielders in the Sith order."
"Over the course of decades, Plagueis and Sidious laid the seeds for the rise of the Empire."
"To the end we are coming now, yet open to us a path remains that unknown for the Sith is through this path victory we may yet find. Not victory in the Clone Wars, but victory for all time."
"That's the downfall of the Sith, and that's the theme."
"Force lightning in the hands of a worthy Sith practitioner was a weapon, one that was the very embodiment of their rage and wrath."
"Darth Bane, the ancient Sith Lord you are. Darth Bane, created the rule of two you did."
"The time has come to discover the identity of this Sith master."
"Once more the Sith will rule the galaxy, and we shall have peace."
"She aimed to continue Revan's legacy and reignited the Sith order."
"The holocron reveals the location of a secret Sith temple on Korriban, ancient home of the Sith."
"The Sith lived on, guided by the last remaining Dark Lord, Darth Bane."
"When a Sith Lord takes on a Sith apprentice, he makes sure that the apprentice has the potential to one day surpass the Master."
"The Sith have no mercy. The Sith have no emotion."
"You have been chosen by the Sith to become one of their own."
"He is definitely one of the coolest looking Sith in Star Wars and is the best looking Sith in Lego."
"By operating in secrecy, the Sith were now free to slowly and steadily undermine the integrity of the Galactic Republic."
"The idea being that the Sith would grow stronger with each successive apprentice."
"A powerful Sith sorceress, Darth Zannah eventually lived up to Darth Bane's expectations."
"The force is strong with you, a powerful Sith you will become, henceforth you shall be known as Darth Vader."
"It was time for the new Sith to rise."
"The appearance of Darth Maul terrified the Jedi Order; they believed the Sith to be extinct."
"Palpatine has inherited a vast knowledge of Sith and their War beasts."
"I don't think the Sith are right, I don't think the Fifth Brother is right necessarily, but it was fun to be able to be like, you know, the Jedi aren't perfect."
"It's kind of an explanation of how the Sith infiltrated the Jedi."
"It could be exciting for anybody to see the first Jedi, first Sith."