
Ego Management Quotes

There are 144 quotes

"You have to become a consummate observer. You have to sort of tamp down your ego and your need for attention and learn how to observe people."
"Never live in such a bubble, never have such a big ego that you don't take advice and don't welcome feedback."
"Keeping your ego small and having strong opinions loosely held is very important to maintain flexibility as a creator."
"Journey before destination, the more we can think about the journey, about the process, and the less we fixate on the destination, the more likely we are to combat the ego thing."
"Is it worth holding someone down and helping to build them up if you have your ego in check enough to know that you're going to put your resources, your connections, your money behind them, and if it takes off and we end up breaking up or going our separate ways, is your ego in check enough to be able to deal with that?"
"If you're a graphic designer saying, 'Hey, I'm gonna be a strategist as well,' you have to be really, really good at separating your own ego from your creative work."
"Chill ego, just sit your ass down, sit, stay, honey."
"Ego cannot survive and cannot flourish in an environment where it's constantly being checked."
"Acknowledge the ego early so when it shows up at your doorstep... you do not allow yourself be overtaken and quit because of the unchecked ego."
"In a battle of egos and greed, Daisy chose dignity over drama."
"I'm working wiser and I'm allowing people to help me in this season and I'm not, I'm not allowing that ego."
"I'm on a journey of softening my ego...tired of carrying the burden of other people's expectations."
"Never put your pride and ego into your decision-making."
"Willingly accept feedback from others... drop that ego and accept that feedback."
"Sometimes people need to build each other up. And then also understand your ego, keeping your ego in check."
"Never take away somebody's victory because of your own ego."
"It's better to let your ego take a back seat and appreciate what you have."
"I think the ego allowing you to push yourself to be something else is good."
"Ego makes it so when you do something bad, you don't accept that you're like, 'Wait, I can do better than that.'"
"I'm not above bailing on a set at my age if I've learned that's a good thing to do. I'm not here to train my ego, I'm here to train my body."
"You've got to leave your ego at the door. There's nothing wrong with using ten pounds. Focus on being sure you're engaged in the muscle you're trying to work."
"Marriage isn't about struggling against each other, it's about struggling against your own ego."
"Having complete and utter control of your ego catapults you as a man with a level of maturity to deal with all of the world will throw at you."
"Actual problem-solving requires letting go of your ego."
"When we decentralize the ego, it allows us to do these kinds of things more freely."
"You need the loss of that arrogant ego because it's precisely what's interfering with your movement forward."
"There's no reason for two grown men to not be able to see past their own egos and leave things in a better way than you found them."
"It's about having the discipline to control your ego so your ego doesn't get out of hand and control you."
"When you're working from the heart, then you can fight the ego's urge to always win."
"Shut the [ __ ] up or put your ego in your back pocket."
"You're dealing with the ego, you're separating yourself from the need to control things."
"It's not about the ego it's not about getting accolades for what you do it's about getting better."
"If you're not open-minded, you gotta maybe put your ego in check."
"Your ego is trying to control these circumstances or even this person, and the key to moving through this storm is to know when to let go."
"There's still a lot left to achieve, let your Pride feed your ambition and not your ego."
"You're gonna be showing somebody here that they have no effect over you, and that right there is what makes a person who's trapped in the ego start to come down from their high horse real quick."
"Make your ego work with the heart. An ego that works with the heart will make you fly."
"You really have to leave your ego at the door."
"If you have ego without humbleness, you're just out of touch."
"Whenever you are experiencing the extreme that your ego would label as negative, this doesn't mean that something is going wrong."
"Great CEOs know how to manage their ego. Nobody becomes a CEO who doesn't have an ego."
"The ego is not a bad thing, it's just something that needs to be managed."
"Let that be a lesson: don't be a dick and just set your ego aside."
"Maintain good form during every workout. Most injuries are preventable by ignoring proper form and letting ego take over."
"Don't lift with your ego, be intelligent about doing this."
"If we can't put aside our egos, the world is literally doomed."
"Eliminate your ego as much as you can so the game is no longer about you."
"Young people, if you just get your ego out of the way, like they can teach you so much."
"You have to be willing to ask questions and put your ego aside."
"Anything we do where we put our higher self before our ego is a win."
"I feel like we get very insecure and not confident when we're focused on our own ego."
"Everybody got along. There was no ego. We had fun."
"There's no space for ego in this team. You wouldn't know who was a head honcho and who was the beginner. There's no ego there. Everybody's got the same cause, the same drive. They're all moving in the same direction."
"Don't let pride or ego damage the connections in your life. Communicate from the heart and let love prevail."
"Grudges are terrible, it's egotistical, it's narcissistic, you gotta put this [__] down."
"You gotta let some people just be who they are and accept them for that, you know? Because the ego, ego will mess things up, man. He gonna have you thinking that it can't happen to you. It could happen to anybody."
"We have to conduct ourselves in a way that we are smart about what we do... it cannot be the goal to express one's ego and to engage in gamesmanship without much serious regard to the consequence."
"Insults are aimed at your self-image and your ego right and once you have less of an ego you are less vulnerable to attacks on it."
"Keep your ego in check, keep your pride in check because when you put your pride and ego into your decision making, your intelligence is going down on the stock chart and your emotions are going up." - Anthony Scaramucci
"Communication is so key... you gotta put the ego aside."
"I'm not saying yeah, you know my ego's in the way here."
"Don't let your ego stop you from letting these moments align you."
"You're right I know how to do why am I because I'm human and because your ego comes in and because if you keep running this will catch up with you which is why radical confidence is really about turning and facing it."
"If you want to be my disciple, you gotta kill your ego."
"Letting go of ego, admitting defeat, surrendering."
"I'm a fan of music... and it's good man when people get together and a lot of egos have to be pushed aside."
"Having as little of an ego as you can is gonna do you better than having a big one, definitely."
"I want someone when I'm up so high, to be like chill let's bring it back down here."
"Remove your ego and look at it from a basic standpoint."
"It's also tough for it's really it's an amazing thing for a comedian to completely just rid themselves of their ego yeah and let you shine."
"There are really no egos in a business that it's hard to really avoid but um you know everybody wants to see each other succeed."
"How guilty are you of sometimes letting the ego get the better of you?"
"If you don't have like insane ego... you could learn so much from that game."
"Think about putting your ego in check for the first time in your life. Not because you're not right about a lot of this stuff, but because for the health of the country and for true healing."
"If we keep our attention on the fact that this is really just my self-love then ego can't weaponize it any longer."
"Recognize efforts, dedication. Don't let ego hinder progress. Lead with clarity and understanding."
"The ego is not something to be gotten rid of; it is something to be owned and integrated."
"Keeping my ego in check, consistently reminded that you're here because you're doing something to be here."
"We're always battling our own ego, and I think that we're always better training our clients in that direction."
"Let's come together, check our egos at the door, let's do what's best for everyone."
"Make sure you're going in with your heart, not with your ego, super important."
"We knew that we really wanted to have a lot of growth, and so we didn't want to stunt our own growth because our ego was getting in the way."
"I think your ego might be taking over a little bit."
"It's time to lose the ego and it's time to be free."
"I think ego is necessary. I just think that you need to know how to turn it on, turn it off type of thing."
"It's never worth it let your ego go let your pride go."
"Detach yourself from your ego and focus on improvement."
"What do you do if your channel is dying? You have to shove your ego into the corner."
"Accept your truth, stick to what lights you up, don't let ego get in the way."
"Putting your ego aside and listening can lead to learning and improvement."
"If you're not doing 100, your ego doesn't get the best of you."
"Just keep putting ego aside and let everyone just be who they are."
"The best state of being is like having an ebb and flow to your ego."
"Loosen up on it. Once you loosen your stance on something with your ego brain, that is when it starts working for you."
"Success comes when you get your ego out of the way and do what Spirit tells you to do."
"Speak lovingly to your ego, help it balance and quiet down."
"Queens never allow themselves to go on ego trips."
"It's important to not get caught up in fighting for things over ego...especially when it doesn't even make any sense."
"This is very deep wisdom. If we already think we know who people are, if we've already let the ego give them a role, then we have expectations."
"Ignoring the ego, embracing your mistakes, taking ownership of your shortcomings, and releasing your ego."
"It's not about our egos, it's about doing the will of the father."
"Don't lose the golf ball. Well, how do I do that? How do I not lose golf balls? Play smart. Take your ego and put it on the side."
"I put my ego aside because I want to see you win. Because like I said, when you win, I'm winning. You help me just as much as I'm helping you and we're all helping each other, exactly."
"Ego is such a thing, right? We all feel it as artists, as humans, as men. We get it, we do get it, 100%. But it's how you manage that and how you use it."
"You don't have to be this dude you don't have to beat this dude and it's just like that [__] switch to have that control of your own ego to just manage yourself and not blow yourself out over [__] nothing like literally just your ego it's so hard to do man."
"Once you set yourself a goal, just take that ego put a little ribbon on it and leave it at the door."
"One of the rules was you check your ego at the door."
"The day that my ego gets in the way of me doing good patient care, then I've got no business being in this hospital or sitting at this microscope."
"Once you get over that ego stat and you realize all that really matters is how much I take home."
"I had to kind of let my ego go and realize that my job as a performer is to consider the audience and give them what they want."
"When you come into your trading office or room, you have to take your ego and throw it in the trash can."
"Focus on getting your money up, focusing on yourself, and taming your ego."
"There's no room for ego, leave it at the door."
"Don't let your ego and personal feelings get in the way of making objective decisions for the benefit of the team."
"They have to control their egos, they have to manage their resources, and be respectful for the elements."
"Taking your ego out of the equation as a founder is essential."
"Managing egos is the biggest thing."
"We should strive to be better at other things, like managing the egos that we walk around with."
"I just think people need to learn how to manage their egos."
"The ego is like a kid in the basement; it's best to keep him busy."
"That's what a real man does, you're able to assess the situation and put your ego to the side."
"The only way I've found to be able to manage my ego is through spirituality and it's through prayer."