
Digital Literacy Quotes

There are 115 quotes

"The general public and hell, many YouTubers are grossly uninformed and misinformed about these systems."
"We have to prepare our children to realize this is not the World Wide Web; it's the wild wild web."
"Kids have the knowledge but not the wisdom to handle this Internet in the world wide web. Adults have the wisdom but not the knowledge."
"Social media is so tricky because you think that you know who is actually behind the accounts, but you never really know for certain."
"Learn how to computer and do not burden free software devs that are doing the Lord's work with your most likely self-inflicted digital ignorance."
"Misinformation can also spread very quickly online, so it's important for people to check sources and to do a lot of their own analysis."
"Course designed to educate students on the ever-changing digital world as well as to provide a hands-on experience with industry-standard software and equipment."
"It's on us to teach kids that computers are tools for creating wealth, not just platforms for social media consumption."
"Our program is K kindergarten or prep, right through to year eight, ensuring all their students have a literacy in digital technologies."
"Educate them. The internet as a whole parents you need to understand, the internet and YouTube is a free, expressive place and it works both ways."
"If you are a parent, it is your responsibility to know what your children are engaging with online as the world becomes more virtual every day."
"Yo we if we go from 0-3 to three laundry attacks in a row that's like unheard of bro."
"If we don't get better at spotting fake inflammatory content online, it won't matter if it's real or not."
"You can't believe everything that you see online."
"I'd rather just educate people, but just like this affiliate marketing stuff, you guys are educated. You guys spread this word, share these videos, show people this, let them get smarter."
"Understanding the basics of digital images is important to working as a digital artist."
"It's important for us as both creators and as consumers of content that we all have a certain responsibility."
"Knowing where that autofill setting is very important and valuable."
"You don't automatically start using the internet and get all that good stuff. You have to start digging."
"Do your research, especially in the digital age. Know who you're dealing with."
"The only thing that matters in this world is your knowledge, your skills, and your curiosity for understanding how the digital world works."
"Spread awareness. Remember, if you don't see a check mark next to the person's name, it's not them. If the person is not doing the giveaway, then chances are it's fake."
"Investing in girls' digital literacy is an investment in our collective future."
"We need to be more vigilant with what we trust from the internet."
"Education is the key to bridging the digital divide."
"I recommend a PC for everybody, it's gonna open up the world a lot."
"Young people are smart, young black people are smart, young Latinos are smart, young white people are smart. They grew up on the internet and social media. They know how to Google."
"We're gonna be teaching people about how to use YouTube and how to use YouTube's algorithm."
"The internet can be a dark place with tons of misinformation."
"The internet isn't going away anytime soon you guys so if you're saying you know oh yeah this only works for some people you know change your mindset around because it works for people who work it Kay."
"The more connected we are online, the more dangerous, the more savvy we have to become."
"Gen Alpha is going to be the most technically savvy generation."
"It's not Google's job to protect me from what I want to see or watch or learn."
"All the knowledge that you need to be successful online is literally at your fingertips."
"We really need to close this digital gap, equip our kids with options, and necessary foundational skills."
"Be skeptical of what you're seeing online. If it looks fishy or suspect, it probably is."
"If your algorithm is fed to feed you [expletive], you're literally gonna believe [expletive]."
"Data is very important so you have to properly manage it."
"We're up against some big forces, and social media can be used for good, but we need to be more informed."
"Don't let the algorithms control you. You control the algorithm."
"If you do not become a practitioner of how to communicate on the social networks of today, you are 100% irrelevant."
"I feel like people need to learn how to be technologically literate, knowing when to see a scam or when something is for entertainment versus when it's real."
"Start teaching your kids chat and teaching your kids how to use these tools because they'll be behind if they don't know these things."
"Social media is a minefield of misinformation."
"Staying vigilant and internetting consciously and safely is more important these days than ever before."
"Don't click on garbage. It's the same kind of concept here guys, don't touch the garbage."
"Making your own passwords and being super secure and stuff, I don't think my friends understand that but I think it's cool."
"It's our job to teach and model online literacy and safety."
"All this stuff that we really want to know or to get an overview is a few clicks away."
"Promote digital literacy to combat misinformation and polarization."
"Remember, here on the internet, nothing's real, nothing matters, and no one can be trusted."
"If your eight-year-old has a phone and the internet and social media, it's because you have allowed her to do so."
"This is about arming ourselves with knowledge let's become digital soldiers get this content out there."
"Build healthy digital habits, create a responsible blog with Google sites, avoid online scams, evaluate credibility of online sources. Oh, that's a good one."
"Okay, I take back what I said. Young people don't have an excuse to not know about local hosting. None of you have an excuse. You should all know better."
"Discerning truth from falsehood is crucial in our digital age."
"These kids, they know all this stuff on the internet but they can't speak to people in the real world. That's a different skill."
"The internet has given people access to most information in the world, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it has made people better at spotting untruths."
"How can we go to this web page and download one of these images?"
"I'm all for helping young people navigate social media and the internet better."
"Don't click on shit unless you know what it is."
"I hope you guys might actually look at this video and maybe adopt a similar observation of the reality of how the internet works, how internet hate works, and how people can overcome it."
"YouTube is such a big social media channel and tool that it's like it's very valuable to have information and skills on it."
"Two skills to dominate the world: social media presence and coding."
"We need to empower users to know what they're doing."
"Giving them access to digital skills has been a big push."
"It's important to use the same digital knowledge management practice in your personal life as you use professionally."
"It's important to exercise digital discipline here."
"It's not impossible to navigate this mindfully and it doesn't have to be all bad, but we certainly need better education to prepare people, especially kids, for entering the digital world."
"Curiosity is the theme of our childhood. If we want to thrive in the digital age, we have to remain curious."
"...individuals do have to take some responsibility for how they navigate their digital lives."
"Gen Z, they're digital natives. They're the first generation raised manipulating screens before they can even read."
"Imagine a world where the average internet user is that educated and serious about their digital safety."
"For a moment, I thought this was some prank and someone had taken advantage of my lack of digital education."
"Stop letting the internet trick you and fool you."
"The key thing anyway, having that experience, has put me in a fortunate position when it comes to the digital world."
"I think people need to realize just how easy it is to make a fake well anything on the internet."
"We're one of the most digitally literate Societies in the world."
"Digital literacy is absolutely critical... all of our 700,000 people... have to go through something we call TQ, it's your technology quotient."
"It is important for us to know how to use the digital products, but I think there's an equal importance for us to know how to use the paper products in case those digital ones fail."
"We want to make sure that every single student here gets some class where they have to do computer science or coding or digital humanities."
"These kids are growing up with a phone in their hand; their relationship to the digital financial world is very different."
"It's a really cool superpower to have in this digital world."
"You've got to use social media and not let social media use you."
"A lack of understanding of digital technologies and their impact is the number one barrier to logistics supply chain digitization."
"If you're going to learn anything, learn how to build a website."
"Be careful what you find on the internet and what you use on the internet."
"We believe every single person around the world should have access to the knowledge of not just how to protect themselves online but how to lead a successful digital life."
"If you don't understand the tools that you're using, you're disempowered in your own life."
"If we're conscious of our humanity when using the internet, we'll be able to reap all the benefits that it offers without realizing the pitfalls."
"We need someone that is guiding the new generation to go through the internet like how do you have internet smart."
"Content is the language of the internet and unfortunately, a lot of people are illiterate."
"Keep yourself safe online, please everyone, and I will see you in the next one. Bye guys."
"We try to educate the prisoners to use digital services in a meaningful way so that it would really help them to rehabilitate."
"In order to enter the workforce, you need to have digital literacy."
"Do not trust the words you read on a computer."
"Digital citizenship basically describes the knowledge and skills to safely use the internet without being hacked, robbed, or violated in any way."
"What we're gonna do today is we're gonna focus on working with digital technologies but particularly with websites and blogs, and look how they can be used in the ELT classroom."
"We're getting more accustomed to reading digital cues... our ability to make assessments about someone else based on digital information about them is getting more sophisticated."
"Media literacy is so low... if you grew up on the internet, you had that moment where you were like 10 and you won a free iPhone from a pop-up ad and then you clicked on it and realized immediately like people on the internet will lie to you."
"Understanding digital signatures means you are in a position to understand blockchain."
"It's hard to be a leader; you need to know how to think about digital, you need to have this contextual intelligence to figure out what really matters and how you're going to have to adapt."
"We live in a digital age and people and students who do not incorporate their use of computers in their educational arsenal may fall behind in critical skills in society."
"It's understanding of technology and how people, adults and kids, use technology today."
"How do we get from 0's and 1's and 2's and 3's and just numbers, more generally, to things like letters, so that we can actually implement Microsoft Word and email?"