
Parallel Universes Quotes

There are 98 quotes

"Quantum Jumping is the idea that people in times of distress can purposely choose to jump from one universe to another parallel universe."
"The survival of mainline reality shall always be held paramount over the survival of any mirror timeline or any other parallel or alternate universe."
"Parallel universes may exist... there's a good chance they exist."
"Do you believe in parallel universes or like different timelines?"
"According to the interaction theory, parallel universes overlap and influence our reality, resulting in strange occurrences and miracles."
"Extended periods of unconsciousness could allow people to access parallel universes, living different lives."
"The Big Bang was not a special event; parallel universes could have collided again and again."
"Parallel universes are connected to the whole time travel thing solidly."
"The universe, at one point, was actually smaller than an electron. If that's true... you inevitably get parallel universes. There's no choice."
"In principle, you can go right through to another parallel universe. If you go through again, you wind up on yet another parallel universe."
"Could our current universe be surrounded by another larger universe in parallel to this one?"
"Parallel universes are an idea of both science fiction and perhaps science fact."
"This was another parallel universe shift which may have some sort of relation to the Cloud City phenomena."
"Researchers from Oak Ridge National Laboratory are in the process of proving the existence of a parallel universe."
"Each time a subatomic particle goes through an interaction, a new parallel universe may form."
"Pedro's story sparked open a doorway into the concept of parallel universes."
"Parallel universes resemble some similarities with ours, with minor inconsistencies throughout."
"So who is this version of herself that she is seeing? Is it herself from another universe, her evil doppelganger, or a ghost trying to embody her?"
"One scientist theorized that the Hadron Collider could reveal particles that could only exist in these other dimensions and being able to see them would give us almost undeniable evidence of the existence of parallel universes."
"NASA discovered evidence of a parallel universe where time moves backwards." - Evidence suggests parallel universes with reverse time.
"In the end, if other universes exist and they run parallel to ours, then there really is no idea too wild or crazy."
"Scientists say they have detected a parallel universe that exists next to our own."
"The many worlds interpretation: all possible quantum outcomes are actually realized in parallel universes."
"Our universe is so immense, and I think these entities may be on a parallel line at the same time that we're here, and they just have the secret, they know how to go from parallel to parallel."
"Just perhaps these signals could mean something else, maybe in another universe, we are well aware of the other universes that exist parallel to that one and we are trying to communicate with the one that we live in."
"Two parallel worlds emerge at every decision she makes."
"Marianne's choice determines her destiny. In the previous world, Marianne is doomed when she opens the drawer. In the current world, Marianne cannot avoid death when she makes the call to Beardy Hormone."
"Parallel universes are real, a genuine Theory supported by some of the world's greatest physicists."
"Believe it or not, a bunch of scientific theories actually support the existence of parallel universes."
"The general concept that we never really die; in our perspective, each time we encounter a situation where we may die, we continue in a parallel universe."
"He talks about the possibilities of parallel realities and what different versions of people might be like there."
"If parallel universes do exist, we might have just inhabited the one that had all the right conditions for our survival."
"Level one parallel universes are maybe the simplest and the most connected."
"One theory suggests that our universe is constantly phasing in and out of those parallel to ours, affecting our memories and events."
"The superhero genre has always hosted more than its fair share of parallel universes, alternate timelines, and extra dimensions."
"Most importantly, if the parallel universes we're talking about here are Everettian universes or different branches of the wave function of the universe, then it's true that there are many different branches where many different things happen."
"Here it is: if these separations were to continue, we'd have multiple worlds and parallel universes."
"There's a theory that instead of false memories that we sometimes have instead we are all living in a different parallel universe."
"Scientists began to consider ideas that go beyond our understanding one of them said that perhaps these particles had come to us from a parallel universe where time flows in the opposite direction."
"The theory of parallel universes has been popular in various movies and books for a very long time where would you go if you found out that you could travel between realities me I'd look for a different reality of ice cream."
"Those are my classical careers as such that might exist in some parallel set of universes or in the multiverse on other tracks that are running parallel to this one."
"The first solution of Einstein's equations predicted not only black holes but also their opposite white holes. It also implied the existence of parallel universes."
"The only way to interpret quantum mechanics realistically is in terms of parallel universes."
"I'm sure there are parallel universes. A hundred percent."
"If the universe is inherently mathematical then... every mathematical structure corresponds to a parallel universe." - Max Tegmark
"Every possible timeline exists so you're just shifting around."
"Why? Because it's smashed into other bubbles. And do you know what those other bubbles are? Other universes. There could be millions of them, parallel worlds, other dimensions that exist alongside ours. Amazing, isn't it?"
"There must be at least thousands of parallel universes. In fact, the theory tells us there are a lot more than that."
"Yo, imagine multiple Earths, multiple different planets that we can travel, and then you can see the people there."
"Could they really serve as proof of parallel universes?"
"The Many Worlds Interpretation of quantum mechanics proposes that every time a quantum event occurs, the universe splits into two parallel universes."
"Science fiction loves itself a good ol’ fashioned, interweaving tale of parallel universes."
"Some theories suggest that the universe is just one of many in a Multiverse, a vast and complex network of parallel universes."
"I think it's an interesting world with the concept of the possessed objects and energy seeping from parallel universes."
"Neville Goddard is suggesting there are parallel universes."
"Dimension is another point of existence. Multiverse has several universes that are parallel and nearly identical."
"These two parallel universes can merge and live in harmony and draw insights from each other."
"What if you could travel to parallel worlds, the same year, the same Earth, only different dimensions?"
"Every time you make a decision another is created in which you decided the opposite."
"The reason it can be as fast as it is is because it is literally existing and operating in multiple parallel universes at once."
"The Many Worlds interpretation says that the particles don't collapse from waves to particles when measured, but instead all possible outcomes of the particle's location happens in different timelines."
"You stated that you believe there could be an infinite number of parallel universes; does that mean that there is a universe out there where I am smarter than you?"
"Could we create a portal to move in and out of these other parallel universes?"
"And perhaps that’s why parallel universes really could exist!"
"It plays with the concept of parallel universes that a lot of smart, multiverse-believing people seem to think exist."
"Remember, you don't get rid of anything; you move to an alternative parallel reality."
"In a thousand parallel universes, you want to be wealthy in 999 of them."
"We are constantly shifting through different parallel realities, whether we're aware of it or not."
"...black holes... gateways to parallel universes."
"The double slit experiment... suggests that while parallel universes may be interacting with our own we just don't have the technology to see it."
"The potential existence of parallel universes and alternate dimensions challenges our understanding of space, time, and our place within it all."
"Our universe is nothing but one small component of an enormous multiverse of many different parallel universes scattered inside the space of extra dimensions."
"Parallel universes are created by each decision we make."
"I believe in parallel universes, fo sho."
"It's actually comprised of infinite lines all running parallel."
"This is an amazing thing, you're harnessing a whole new resource in nature, you're technologically accessing these parallel universes."
"I'm kind of a believer in parallel universes."
"It's not a matter of believing; your question should be does string theory and quantum physics predict parallel universes."
"Quantum immortality suggests that as long as there is even a small chance of survival in a given situation, there will always be a version of ourselves that survives in a parallel universe."
"The only physics explanation for how quantum computers work is the engagement of parallel universes."
"The Many-Worlds Interpretation... means all these things happen at once."
"Through dreaming, we might be able to track through the behavior of our dream selves what parallel universes are like on a human experiential level."
"Schrodinger's cat's a science experiment... you open the box you find out which Universe you're in."
"Different dimensions of space and time can exist side by side."
"A thousand pieces of you... about the daughter of two famous scientists chasing her father's killer through alternate dimensions."