
Desensitization Quotes

There are 155 quotes

"It's hard for me to be particularly angry...maybe I'm just desensitized to penis."
"The more I think about it, the more obvious it becomes that many games do a hell of a job of creating this objective-based murder and desensitizing you to it by dehumanizing the targets."
"It's okay to admit that some of these videos are horrible and bad to watch because they are. Just because you are desensitized to it doesn't mean that everyone else is."
"When someone has non-stop scandals, suddenly the scandals are no longer scandalous; they're normal. So when [he] does or says something horrendous, everyone initially thinks, 'Oh my god, that's horrible.' But then it happens again, and less people think that."
"We become desensitized. We see so much violence, so much death, we almost accept it as normal. And then it takes something extreme to shock our conscience."
"It's objectively disturbing that some young Americans could be more comfortable observing the deaths of other people than showcasing themselves online."
"I wonder lately if people have become a little desensitized in this area with Donald Trump because they're so used to it."
"You'd watch these kinds of stuff on TV all the time, and you wouldn't care."
"You've been desensitized to this, wow, that was quite a reading."
"We're getting more and more desensitized to tragedies."
"Have you or your friends ever said a word so frequently that it's lost a lot of the initial punch that it had and eventually just lost all meaning entirely?"
"To get people to lose their aversion to violence, savvy authoritarians also dehumanize their enemies."
"We're extremely desensitized to seeing atrocity and depravity on the streets."
"Milestone planning: slowly get used to bigger numbers until you become more numb to them."
"I'm sorry. That is brilliant because you need to do so many takes of something that after a while the word 'ow,' you don't even know what it means anymore."
"I feel like we've said the word clown so many times it doesn't feel like a word anymore."
"Part of the whole tragedy of the situation is how much it shows us that war numbs us to loss."
"Arcane communicates the tragedy of those characters' lost innocence... so jaded and desensitized to the indifferent cruelty of their surroundings."
"The more stuff that comes out like this, it's going to make people completely become numb to real stories coming out... actual people that need to be believed."
"Even if there is some desensitization happening, there's still a way to illustrate that to still make it impactful."
"We're so inured to his statements that we tend to ignore them."
"Every time this happens we should never ever be desensitized to this stuff."
"I feel like even as desensitized as I am to some of this BS like that's crazy."
"The biggest danger you can face in this job is becoming too used to the weirdness."
"Life lived online makes it tough, you know? Easy to get desensitized."
"It has almost become so common that we don't even get shocked anymore."
"When you start getting locked up at a young age, it kind of desensitizes you, it takes away the fear that a lot of other kids have, like the fear of consequence of getting in trouble."
"Playing scary games make you less scared in real life."
"Desensitization essentially means that stimuli that would usually shock you no longer does due to the repeated exposure of said stimuli."
"I stopped thinking about it many years ago, after the first one. After that, I didn't care anymore."
"I hate to say it but I mean, I think everybody's just got so damned numb to it because it happens so often."
"More people see more people in plate carriers shooting crazy amounts of ammo really fast with big black scary guns it slowly Waters it down until it's just palatable and normal"
"It's the speed at which everything is happening now. Like, there is no shock factor anymore because we can literally see anything we want at any time with like a few clicks."
"Killing's always the second part. It does become easier, you become quite numb to it."
"They learned how to enjoy killing people."
"We killed it fast. They're still funny. This is good, but I'm kind of numb to the Will Smith memes."
"The lack of music to me speaks to how desensitized these people must be in this situation."
"We're becoming so desensitized... to decency."
"Once you name it, it loses its horror."
"Films and TV and PC games being a factor, they're desensitizing young brains."
"Social media desensitizes receptors to normal stimuli."
"There's also some body horror thrown in but honestly I am not that scared of body horror."
"No one even knows, yeah, we've become so desensitized to it."
"A 14-year-old enthusiast is so caught up in film fantasy that he can no longer relate to the real world, to an extent that he commits murder."
"You desensitize yourself to these realities, right? Because they're so tough and because it's so painful, you must kind of forget that it is this way, you know?"
"The protagonist realizes he killed a human but feels nothing about it. Perhaps because he's in danger or perhaps he's truly becoming a monster."
"The scratches gradually lost their ability to unsettle me."
"By actively seeking rejection, you become desensitized to it."
"The last thing you wanna do is shield them from small reminders. In fact, the only way to get over the Pavlovianly-condition fear is to let them be exposed to small things and then nothing bad happens to them and that how the fears subside."
"Socialization actually is desensitizing our dogs to different triggers in their environment to be that sights smells sounds so you name it."
"So it's desensitization combined with practicing managing your affect."
"This is the face of death. This is someone who has seen hell and they're so desensitized that all life has been drained from their face."
"When the time came to kill again, the policemen did not go crazy; instead, they became increasingly efficient and callous executioners."
"We get desensitized to pleasure if we keep doing something that causes enormous pleasure."
"People habituate to their own wrongdoing."
"I think at this point I've encountered enough people just in my life to not really be shocked by anything anymore."
"You just kind of stop seeing things like that."
"By the time I got back, even my having to take a life was just part of the job."
"I believe a lot of people are becoming desensitized, but I also think the opposite is happening as well. More and more people are realizing just how disgusting and terrible war is."
"The only way we get him off crack is what? Expose him. Desensitize him."
"If you take away words, you are desensitizing people to what had occurred in another time."
"Just regularly hang around spiders and they'll become less scary each time."
"Eventually, after telling the story so many times, the survivor begins to stop having such a strong emotional response, and the memory begins to fade as all memories do."
"They're desensitizing people to the narrative that there's aliens everywhere."
"but now i try to just be numb to what i see"
"You can do something sensational, but if you do it too much, you become desensitized to it."
"It makes you very numb to life, to how the real world is outside of that environment."
"Visual effects you become so numb to them."
"But you can deaden yourself to that conscience."
"Death was routine, and the incident did not disturb me particularly."
"I don't f*** with the mass shooting movies that they're trying to make."
"They had all gotten nose blind to them over the week and a half that they lived with his corpse, easy to do when you're higher than the Burj Khalifa on stilts."
"Twerking used to be shocking, but now it's everywhere. We're desensitized to it."
"We're slowly not caring, not... I shouldn't say not caring, like we're... we're used to it."
"It's like our culture has become so overly sexual that it's not even sexual anymore. Our culture is just becoming desensitized to."
"There are 97 new cases of COVID. That'll be in a few years. It'll just be strange. It'll be like, 'Doctors found 19 new strains of COVID on a shoe.' And you'll be like, 'Next, next! I don't care anymore.'"
"These are all sad to say that it's not commonplace by any means, but we've gotten to the point where no one is shocked in America when something just like this—the Dunblane Massacre—happens in America to some kind of school or other public area."
"I hope that all made sense but I think the film does a really good job of recognizing how desensitized we have become to all of this."
"Part of what we're showing is a generation that is desensitized in a lot of ways."
"Why would they make Satan appear attractive, seductive, or like a homeboy? Because they want to desensitize you."
"It becomes so scripted in our bodies that you become indifferent to it."
"I'm mega desensitized, I'm so used to it, but I'm not bored of it, I love it. I think I'm very grateful to be able to live this life."
"You will learn to live with it, to be tolerant towards it. That's what desensitization means."
"We just get used to it, we even get used to the grim depictions in the scripture of Jesus' own death."
"...every single day, the first thing I see is somebody getting hit, yeah, literally, like I open up my phone and it's an Instagram account that posts all these takeovers and accidents and it's somebody getting thrown in there."
"Are we becoming desensitized as a culture from everything?"
"I think I'm just desensitized to it all."
"...it's guns like this that really just desensitize you and your excitement for other really cool stuff just drops a little bit..."
"Slaughterings are a common thing, but when you get older you realize it's not that much to worry about."
"It's called Shock fatigue. If all you have is gross-out with no joke, and all you have is sex material with no joke, it's gonna get very boring."
"Incremental absurdity, increments of shock until you're not shocked anymore."
"If only one man dies of hunger, that is a tragedy. If millions die, that's only statistics."
"We keep changing our language around things, and that's a good thing because it stops us from being desensitized."
"I'm desensitized, working hard to empathize."
"Movies have nothing to do with it, but it really does say something about how numb we become to real violence today."
"Progressive desensitization: you doing something over and over and over again so that you're desensitized."
"The more you do something, the less sensitive you get to it."
"I begin to regard the death and mangling of a couple thousand men as a small affair, a kind of morning dash."
"Once you've been exposed to it for a lengthy amount of time, there isn't very much that shocks you really."
"EMDR is designed to help you talk through your trauma in a way that is desensitizing you to the traumatic feelings and physical responses that you have."
"Violence is just another devalued currency; it has no impact, it just washes over us."
"Overexposure to any stimuli makes you enjoy it less."
"We are so desensitized to everything going on in the world that we're like, 'Oh, aliens, cool.'"
"Getting desensitized to terrible ideas is part of growing up."
"I'm just immune to great, I've been around a lot of music."
"The Hollywood sign doesn't catch my eye much anymore."
"You get to practice jokes, your banter, your social skills because you're desensitizing yourself to talking to other girls."
"I've been on this job for 16 years, nothing can surprise me anymore."
"You've been desensitized to the presence of God because of who you've let in your spirit."
"Desensitization, when it happens to one of your precious loved ones, then maybe you will start caring."
"We're getting to a point where nothing really surprises me anymore."
"With time, you can become so desensitized to almost anything, no matter how horrific."
"It's hard when it gets to the point where having another murder at your place of business doesn't seem too weird to you."
"By the 20th time, the chocolates have little to no potency and can even inflame the problem further."
"This exercise is about desensitizing yourself to those anxiety symptoms."
"It is high time we became sensitive to the violence that surrounds us, the threats to desensitize us."
"There's incidents all the time that are happening now, and it doesn't make the news anymore."
"As you learn how to desensitize your nervous system, these chronic symptoms go away."
"The normalization happens when someone lies constantly at the head of the government and then we all become numb to it or imitate it."
"When you socialize the dog, you're desensitizing your dog to the world around them so they're not reactive."
"My people have become so desensitized to disorder, that they cannot even distinguish order from disorder."
"Blood and gore are my forte, and I won't even bat an eye at the horrors that walk in every night."
"Progressive desensitization is one of the absolute best things you can do on your own to get over approach anxiety."
"Life has lost its sacredness and the most popular game broadcasting throughout the empire is Space Hell."
"You need to train your nervous system over time... you can desensitize your central nervous system so that way you can no longer experience that chronic pain."
"Systematic desensitization exposes a patient to items from an agreed-upon hierarchy of slowly increasing feared stimuli."
"Sometimes we feel there is so much shock and pain and heartbreak that we can't feel anymore."
"It's the way to combat that is to basically desensitize yourself to things that make you nervous."
"The more you desensitize yourself, the less nervous you're gonna get."
"Anytime there's a fear, we can desensitize that fear or counter condition the fear."
"It utilizes conversational training and is based on the concepts of desensitization and counter conditioning, which is why it's great for reactive or fearful dogs."
"You have to preserve that clarity once you gain it, and you desensitize yourself to the outcome."
"We're becoming desensitized to the fact that we're drowning in information."
"The exposures are meant to expose you to the fear, idea, or pattern action over and over until your brain no longer recognizes it as a threat."
"What shocks you, you get familiar with, the shock wears off, you get desensitized."
"We've become so numb to all of this."
"Gotham City, a city where the people are so desensitized to all the crimes going on."
"We've become desensitized... Can we not ignore the parts of the world where this is happening?"
"It's really a lesson to us to sort of take stock of when that may be happening to us culturally that we become desensitized to things that are actually horrific."
"We cannot become numb to this; this is not a political issue, these are human lives that were lost."
"The desensitizing nature of war in general."
"I think we're getting like desensitized to it."
"You know you're in a bad place when you're doing things that should tear you up, but for some reason, you're numb to it."
"What's more frightening: the violence getting worse or my ability to simply take it in stride?"
"Media affects people, it influences people, it drives people certain directions, it normalizes, it desensitizes."
"Let's employ the systematic desensitization method. Her safety is more important."