
Monopoly Quotes

There are 335 quotes

"All happy companies are different; each one earns a monopoly by solving a unique problem."
"Gather around, I like to say that it was fun playing Monopoly with everyone."
"When the battle is between a monopoly on one side and hard-working Americans on the other, the right side of history has always been on the side of the people."
"If left unchallenged, Apple will only continue to strengthen its smartphone monopoly. The Justice Department will vigorously enforce antitrust laws that protect consumers from higher prices and fewer choices."
"Which platform, to you, looks more friendly to competition than the other? Which one resembles more of a monopoly than the other? For me, the choice is evidently clear."
"Some Econ 101: monopolists restrict the supply of a good so that overall profit is maximized."
"Comcast basically has a monopoly in Baltimore, and the result is just like absolute devastation of anyone's ability to be online predictably."
"If you're starting a company, you always want to aim for monopoly and always avoid competition. Hence, competition is for losers."
"Monopoly in a hundred years, that's just not the way things work and it never has been the way things work when you have a free market economy." - Diana
"Nothing beats the thrill of kicking your family's ass by having an empire that spans the board of houses and hotels."
"Big tech lobbies for monopoly power to prevent market competition."
"There are always a couple of theories when it comes to monopoly power. One is that monopoly power should be broken if it harms the consumer. The other is monopoly power should be broken if it represents too heavy a percentage of the market."
"I certainly can say that Google's monopoly on ads has harmed consumers for sure. That is a very real thing."
"There's nothing free about this market. A lot of these companies operate as monopolies."
"More choice is better for everyone, and Valve controlling nearly 100% of all PC gaming purchases does not allow for that."
"I make no apologies for fighting that which opposes the very existence of my profession."
"Can anybody tell me a bank issued card that doesn't have Visa and Mastercard on it? No, because they're grandfather monopolies."
"Steam was basically a monopoly; it didn't have any meaningful challengers in digital PC game distribution."
"The conversation is around Apple's monopolistic position in the market."
"The longest recorded game in history according to Hasbro actually lasted a grand total of 70 straight days."
"There is not one company in Russia who works with top schools or preparing children to go into top schools. The only choice is me actually."
"Epic has defied the app store monopoly. In retaliation, Apple is blocking Fortnite from a billion devices."
"Epic is suing Apple to establish Apple's app store as a monopoly."
"Monopolistic industries aren't good for competition, they usually come with a holdover space where things look okay but then there is a change in atmosphere."
"Competition is a real thing, and monopolies harm consumers."
"Monopolistic capitalist society thing doesn't really work out except for like one person everything, so not good for everyone so this became super popular."
"What is at stake here is the question of whether or not we have the use and abuse of monopoly power."
"Monopoly exists because Hasbro will not stop until they've made a monopoly of literally everything in existence."
"Facebook and Twitter are monopolies, denying people access to service."
"A Titanic Empire in which he would control not just the diamonds in his claim but the diamonds in the next claim next door."
"This is the story of how Bill Gates monopolized global health."
"These companies have just gotten too large and too powerful."
"Governments and competition with government the set the problem is we have Monopoly."
"I think we've been lulled into the convenience of PayPal and allowed them this monopoly."
"All monopolies have been established with government help, with the help of franchises, subsidies, or any kind of government privileges."
"The government's job is to provide for our external security, provide for internal security, and prevent monopoly." - Big Mike
"This is becoming a monopoly... Welcome to American capitalism."
"Competition is always better than a de facto monopoly."
"The only way to become a billionaire is to have a monopoly."
"One monopoly in any form as a matter of principle is just wrong."
"Monopoly has a real danger of encouraging over time corruption."
"PG&E is not only not in prison, it is still supplying power to millions of Californians who have no choice in the matter. And if you're thinking how the heck is that possible, that is what this story is about."
"If you want to go buy an iPhone or any other kind of consumer product, you go out to a store and you have a number of choices. With electricity in most of the country, you really only have one choice, and that company has a monopoly."
"When any business or any market exists where there is no competition, you start treating people shitty."
"Fascism is going to bring government into it, corporatism could be like John Rockefeller owns every road."
"They're effectively trying to create monopoly through government decree."
"Rockefeller felt entitled to control all of the oil; he was outraged, saying, 'Why, it is nothing less than piracy!'"
"We are allowing the worst kind of monopoly to maintain a grip over the distribution of wealth."
"Monopolies are bad. It's really as simple as that."
"A tragedy that something like Facebook has such a monopoly on misinformation."
"In today's world, many know Elon Musk as the founder of Tesla and CEO of SpaceX, but he may soon become a worldwide internet monopoly figure as well."
"The bailout as an enormous theft and consolidation of Monopoly capital."
"Government is inherently a monopoly on violence."
"No amount of awkward Dr. Strange scenes will ever be more important than keeping emerging monopolies in check."
"I just want to dispel this notion that this is not a monopoly. There is no opportunities for us to say okay, we see you live nation we see your offer."
"Do you remember the Monopoly man wearing a monocle? Well, you're not the only one. However, if you look at him carefully, you'll realize he's not wearing a monocle. He never has."
"This is the kind of monopolized unfathomable power I'm talking about."
"If China was allowed to buy ASML products, they would have no need to develop their own. ASML could keep its monopoly position indefinitely."
"They know that the way to make gigantic fortunes is either create effectively an illegal monopoly or to find some other way to unfairly rig the game."
"But the trajectory I see here is that only one of these companies will reign supreme, and then they'll use their newfound monopoly to hike up all their prices until it gets to the point where no one wants to use them anymore."
"Google is now on trial for illegally building a monopoly over online search."
"One company getting too big is bad for consumers."
"It's the same kind of as before. Google's an unchecked monopolist."
"Apple is essentially becoming a monopoly if you want to build anything digital and go the app route."
"Examples of monopoly power, from Google to pharmaceutical companies."
"How did you choose what internet service provider to use? The sad thing is most of us have very little choice because internet service providers operate like monopolies in the regions they serve."
"So long as they can continue to monopolize this industry, we're gonna have hate and false information amplified."
"Daily reminder: Ticketmaster is a monopoly. Its merger with Live Nation should never have been approved."
"Let's take a look now. I've got good news: the Biden Administration took a strong stance against Monopoly power."
"I will take a stand against monopolies. I'm not saying swifties should fight back about this alone, it's a collective."
"A monopoly is not good for the consumer area, so we don't want that."
"If Disney had their way, there would be no challenging films in existence because they would own every single property."
"Google may well be the most powerful company on the face of the planet because they have a monopoly on information."
"You can understand skepticism because when a company owns four of the largest six entities measured by active users in the world in that industry, we have a word for that, and that's monopoly."
"The downsides of the giant powerful status system that nobody control can control because they have the monopoly on force is apparent even as they're fighting against it."
"Ticketmaster is the perfect example of a company allowed to grow unchecked a company that circumvented laws until it reached a scale that has left everyone powerless to stop it."
"This is an illegal Monopoly no wonder the company spent 1.2 million dollars self-reported in lobbying efforts to avoid any Anti-Trust scrutiny."
"By the turn of the millennium, the World Wrestling Federation had become the single monopoly within the grappling universe."
"When we are the only ones left, there will be no one to fight—a true monopoly."
"One more game and I don't have to play Monopoly."
"Monopoly is pretty fun when you're winning."
"The Byzantine Empire quickly established a monopoly on silk in Europe."
"If you're too extractive and you run a monopoly... you start to get competition, people will switch over."
"The school is a monopoly; they need not be responsive."
"We are getting rid of the monopolies that have been created; we're going to try and get rid of the concentration of wealth upward."
"Rockefeller had in the low 90s, about 92-93%, control of US refining capacity which is about what Windows had in operating system during its heyday."
"Do you remember playing this game Monopoly, the most popular board game ever made?"
"Twitch just tried to make a move to make it so that you had to come to Twitch."
"They are organized like a monopoly or a duopoly, or at best, an oligopoly. They are characterized by consistency and predictability of cash flows, and they have long-term growth potential."
"Have you ever seen a technology anywhere on in our history that's cheaper, faster, and safer that's ever lost against a monopoly?"
"You play one Monopoly, you get two cities and it's just about over."
"So I'm probably going to be playing a lot more Monopoly go this year."
"How would you fix it? I break up Amazon."
"I think if you put the CEOs of the big companies under serum I think what they would say is their big fear is that AI is actually not going to lead to a monopoly for them."
"The key to winning at Monopoly, beating everyone at Monopoly, is realizing that not all sets are created equal."
"...because you guaranteed to sell to them on that print. So in other words, there will be no one in the market buying because they need to control all of it."
"There's a Monopoly documentary about professional Monopoly players, and it's like really, really awesome, like these guys are [ __ ] crazy."
"Monopoly was like the game that you were like okay, we'll play Monopoly. Everyone has it too."
"Disney has a monopoly on entertainment"
"For coercive force to be a good, it has to be exercised as a monopoly."
"Because coercive force is a natural monopoly somebody's going to win."
"Competition is for losers. You often talk about finding monopolists."
"That's what the cartel of the buffet does, it becomes a monopoly."
"If you have a network effect business that's often one that can become a bigger and stronger Monopoly over time."
"The critical thing about these monopolies is it's not enough to have a monopoly for just a moment. The critical thing is to have one that lasts over time."
"MLS is suffocating and destroying any other soccer infrastructure... creating a monopoly in the United States."
"This business is a toll booth and toll booths make for great businesses especially when everyone has to drive on your road or the road next to yours and both of them charge the same toll."
"The most likely path is going to be antitrust laws and a breakup of some of these companies into smaller chunks."
"...Louis the 14th gives the first French company a monopoly over tobacco production and they start manufacturing cigarettes."
"The only type of capitalist Renaissance that's possible is a renaissance of financialized capitalism sitting on top of a small number of big corporations that make money again via monopoly."
"After World War One, you had Finance replace the landlord, and finance also became the mother of trusts, the mother of monopolies."
"Are you cheating? No, why would I do that? Do I seem like a person who would cheat at Monopoly? Don't answer that."
"It's not good to have everything owned by one entity, but if they're gonna do it, they may as well have some fun with it."
"The one market state better for the consumer than rigorous competition is a monopoly where the monopolizer still respects its audience and still manages to innovate."
"A monopoly where the monopolizer still respects its audience and manages to innovate almost never happens, but it did happen with Steam."
"Japan has the Monopoly on flavored Kit Kats."
"Disney is a monopoly. For all intents and purposes of why a monopoly is bad, Disney is one."
"We own all the production, we can slowly squeeze everybody and raise all our prices because we planned this Monopoly of manufacturing."
"You need to create barriers to competition. Again, Econ 101. If you get a monopoly, you need barriers; otherwise, you lose it."
"If you ask yourself where do monopolies come from in the United States..."
"...the most important and the strongest monopolies are unquestionably those that derived from governmental privilege."
"Violence to secure a monopoly is basically the first rule."
"I just saw a poll that YouTube has now overtaken Google as the number one search engine in the world. So YouTube, obviously, YouTube is owned by Google, so it's not like we're breaking down the monopoly exactly, but it's interesting how people are consuming information now."
"Are we really gonna let them all but monopolize the animatronics industry?"
"Software is one of the very few exceptions to this where there's an unusually large number of monopolies like businesses that can be created."
"To a first approximation, there really are only two kinds of businesses in this world: businesses that are monopolies that make money, and businesses that compete like crazy that generally do not make money."
"The potential for monopoly abuse is here and Google has demonstrated again and again that they are really willing to cross that line."
"The Chromium monopoly is terrible for the web for everyone on the web."
"I hate monopolies things in our life that we have to use and have no choice over Monopoly"
"Monopolies do suck but we do have the technology today to give us a fighting chance."
"That's my biggest problem, like listen if I don't like working and I don't like your rules, that's one thing, but the fact that you're monopolizing everything worldwide, yeah, that shouldn't have been that big of a surprise."
"Under Democracy, Monopoly and Monopolistic Exploitation do not disappear."
"All I want to do is get rid of the monopoly. I want to legalize competition."
"Prison is like a big Monopoly set. The only thing about this big Monopoly set: you don't get no 'get out of the jail free' card."
"But even with that all in mind, I cannot ignore the game that we played in draft and those three bored faces that just wanted a game to end. Is there really any argument against that? Is Monopoly actually good? No, it's [__] rubbish."
"The joy of picking out game tokens before Monopoly even began."
"It takes all the best parts of Monopoly and just puts them in a game that takes 15 minutes. It's so fun and it's so great."
"One such game, which is most certainly not the Parker Brothers classic Monopoly, is a particular favorite for the crew and most definitely helps if you know how to play."
"When the company is technically backed with a strong standalone product that organically keeps customers engaged and happy enough to keep spending more - you have yourself a monopoly in the making."
"WWE may be the only game in town if you want to wrestle."
"Monopoly gave them a feeling of wealth. It provided an escape from real life."
"But try as they did, Parker Brothers and Charles Darrow weren’t able to cover up the real origins of Monopoly, even if their story remained widely accepted for decades after its release."
"I just think my dad does it a lot. What, in board games? Monopoly. How does he cheat at Monopoly? Just nicks a lot of the money."
"The First World War put the beginnings, hammered in the nails in the coffin of the old vision that the state is that institution which has the monopoly on the legitimate use of physical force."
"As a Native American, Warren knows all too well the dangers of one group taking over another to form a monopoly. Mhm, it's vicious."
"I think it's ridiculous that's close press I think it's ridiculous that all these monopolists are all here to tell Senators how to shape the regulatory framework so they can make the maximum amount of money."
"They own Insomniac which is a big EDM events promotion company."
"Live Nation owns Ticketmaster now Ticketmaster owns ticketweb, it's getting insane."
"If you like Monopoly, you should play Machi Koro."
"If you like Monopoly but dislike the luck-based mechanics, you should play Machi Koro."
"If you like Monopoly, you should play Space Base."
"You can create a brand only creating journals like this for kids and then you become a monopoly in that particular area."
"Monopoly on squares in chess is very, very good."
"They drive out competitors until they turn into a monopoly."
"It does everything Monopoly does but so much better."
"When you build a personal monopoly, you are creating demand for an idea people didn't know they were interested in."
"Well done Monopoly, your baffling popularity helped thousands of prisoners to their freedom."
"Papelia, the mastermind behind Monarch Vending's monopoly."
"If you control sewing and garments, but also control the trucking that moves this merchandise in and out, you were going to corner and monopolize the Garment District."
"Building a personal monopoly is the ultimate goal of writing online."
"Without doubt, the fastest game of Monopoly I've ever played."
"It sends a message to Google that they've got to stop this predatory Monopoly-like behavior."
"Apple shouldn't be the only place equipped and allowed to fix it."
"I think I'll win anyways, I've played Monopoly only like a thousand times."
"Monopoly has sort of just made it there, I mean he's playing Monopoly like every day."
"It's a monopolistic adjacent thing."
"Guys, don't let it come between you. You can't cheat at Monopoly. That is a crime against nature."
"In the world of enterprise software, the vast majority of the economic rent of that industry converges to the benefit of typically one and maybe two providers over the long run."
"Regulation is in service of a monopoly, it's not in service of you. The free market is in service of you."
"Your government has a monopoly on violence."
"There's actually a really good example of trading up in the game Monopoly. Four greenhouses leads to one red Hotel."
"Ticketmaster is a monopoly because Ticketmaster owns Live Nation."
"We're living in the age of monopoly capitalism."
"We could definitely play Monopoly, I mean there's so much stuff to do."
"Prices are high because drug makers have monopolies over products. Patients can't just say, 'I'll take this alternative.' The patents block them from having affordable access. So that is a monopoly, not a market system."
"These giant monopolies must be dismantled."
"Apple has a monopoly over which software our smartphones can use, which is in many ways way worse."
"If you want limited government, you have to have a strong government that will break up monopolies."
"We're concerned about instances in which monopolistic practices or a lack of competition in healthcare markets may be raising prices for consumers, maybe depriving them of access to quality healthcare."
"It's never a good idea to have corporations monopolizing basic infrastructure and services, and also gaining so much capital that they can basically push the federal government in any direction they want to."
"These businesses are typically gatekeepers, monopolies, or toll booths."
"The real reason for that law is that companies which had lucrative monopolies wanted that were scheduled to expire did not want them to expire."
"Three main companies produce 70 or 80% of the cereals on the shelves in American grocery stores; that's not competition."
"I like this one because we got the Monopoly game."
"Platforms have immense network effects that almost isolates them from competition."
"She's walking away with everything, no one else walks away with anything."
"Monopoly is always a surefire winner."
"It's a brilliant game for me, Monopoly."
"Monopoly came back into my life, became sort of a routine, a board game that we constantly went back to with different gaming groups."
"The objective of the game of Monopoly is to basically own everything."
"You want to conquer the board; that's the name of the game for Monopoly."
"Every game is very unique; I've played multiple games of Monopoly in this way, and it hasn't got boring yet."
"What game is Park Place in? Monopoly."
"Each card has a dollar amount on it and today's top Monopoly Crazy Cash Card is going to be worth an incredible $10,000."
"We're here to play the game Monopoly, but the points have nothing to do with how much you get."
"Apple was operating an effective monopoly with the App Store."
"Monopolization is the enemy of innovation."
"I got my realtor out here playing Monopoly, how can I address you when you don't own property?"
"Amazon's set of Pune and coercive tactics to unlawfully maintain its monopolies."
"Amazon is now exploiting its Monopoly power to enrich itself while raising prices and degrading services for tens of millions of American families."