
Hostility Quotes

There are 193 quotes

"Easily aroused hostility or cynicism then you might want to pause."
"This blue marble-like planet looks just like Earth, but only five seconds on this hostile death orb would kill you."
"Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran are united by their hostility towards the U.S. and their desire to see America toppled as the world superpower."
"People fear what they don't understand and hate what they can't conquer."
"Centuries of receiving humanity's negative treatment caused Kurama to develop intense hostility and distrust against them."
"Any deliberative attempt to attack critical infrastructure is intolerable and should be considered a hostile act."
"Aggressively, yeah. They're called in United States as our enemy, and that's the only problem here, really."
"They were literally chanting death to the Jews."
"Honestly, not exaggerating, probably 45,000 of those people were chanting 'F*** you Baker' during the game."
"North Sentinel Island: home to the hostile Sentinalese tribe, where outsiders are met with deadly force."
"Am I hostile with you? Yeah, you are, by grabbing me and trying to rip my camera out of my hand."
"I guess [ __ ] yourself, maybe you should go kill."
"These pattern screamers are hateful reflections of us."
"That is one of the most vengeful, spiteful, violent things I've heard in a while."
"Why are people so hell-bent on trying to convince someone... that you hate them?"
"No one likes a lurker. Well, I'm not gonna be a lurker. I'm gonna be a stab people in the face kind of guy."
"When someone is that hostile to you, that can be a very good thing if you're tough enough to eat that [ __ ] and say I'm... she's not stopping me."
"Swamiji even faced a situation where he was invited to a small town in the Midwest where upon commencing his speech, some in the audience proceeded to fire bullets past him to scare him off, but Swamiji continued unperturbed."
"It's a threat to your family's well-being, this place truly made me, my family feel not welcome."
"Spitting on another person, you should be prepared to be murdered by them. Spit's such a weird thing to do, that is an act of hostility my dude."
"Every time I see an archaeologist, I'm just going to kick them right in the balls."
"Please do me a gigantic favor and take a long walk off a short dock."
"Pirates are considered an enemy of all mankind."
"The Philadelphia fans are bringing it... it is a hostile environment for any opposing team."
"She's like an evil figure that her mind had just gone to a different place at that point."
"Most of you don't understand jack [expletive], most of you some punks."
"Now it's open season on Russians literally now. Okay, so this is the report from Reuters..."
"The Nazis were actively hostile towards the occult."
"My goal is to defeat and humiliate and demoralize them. I want to destroy everything they stand for."
"Red Dragons: rivals with everyone, haters of all."
"Please don't come here. We don't want you here."
"Trader Joe's has shown that they're pretty hostile."
"Instead of just saying 'we agree to disagree,' there's outright hostility towards anyone who holds a prophetic view."
"Seriously Bad Blood up there... these guys hate each other."
"Insecurity makes you hostile toward people who just really want to help you."
"Skepticism is fine, hostility pre-ordained hostility is not a good thing."
"A society that is frightened often reacts with hostility."
"Some people come with the vengeance of the devil."
"I've got a real hatred for him, a real ya real hatred for him."
"We're up against is a group of people who will drive across country to urinate on the graves of toddlers."
"You have to be a really hateful person to want to ruin another person's life."
"Putin's openness to joining NATO turned to annoyance with NATO and is now just opened hostility toward NATO."
"Think how different that would be than if you went to an AOC rally where you would be hated Beyond imagination."
"How can they be ready for reconciliation when he's basically said, 'I'm going to annihilate you all?'"
"We've encountered some form of alien vessels - they're obviously hostile."
"They're very defensive, lashing out, mean deflecting."
"One thing is consistent, and that is the zealous and hostile manner in which the government attempts to cover up these events."
"We want them to come back because we want to kill them."
"SCP-076 has nothing but contempt for human beings and will kill them on sight. No communication is to be attempted with the subject."
"They genuinely don't have any curiosity as to why... they just attack and attack and attack."
"I hope that you die soon, your children too, if you ever found a woman to carry your worthless seed."
"Play with him and shut the [expletive] up because nobody wants to hear your [expletive]."
"On top of it being a blasted wasteland filled with the most dangerous enemies in the game, it's also highly radioactive."
"They want you dead, they want to kill you personally, they masturbate to the thought of killing you."
"I wouldn't wish it... well, I would wish it on my worst enemy."
"You come to my turf and try to kill my people, it's war."
"The Democrats have truly turned into an angry mob bent on destroying anything or anyone in their path. And your senator is one of them. Let me tell you, your senator is a disgrace for what he did."
"Every instinct you have tells you this entity is not friendly."
"This has become a hostile environment for trans people."
"Still don't understand what you're doing, Mr. Perfect Organism. Its structural perfection is matched only by its hostility."
"Anonymity is a mutant's first defense against the world's hostility."
"You're bigger and wider than Angela, so the bullet would have had to hit you unless..."
"Hostiles can keep score even go to places of being neurotic."
"I hope your wife dies, I hope your mama dies, I hope everyone dies in your family."
"The old house had always seemed so friendly and welcoming before. Now it was sullen and utterly hostile."
"They want to destroy something for you. They want to tear you down."
"There's so much hostility within us, and if we could only let go of that hostility, that unforgiveness, because if we can't forgive, we break the bridge which we must cross."
"...my mother-in-law told my daughter that she hoped I'd die so that them and my husband can come live with her."
"Hostility gives way when groups pull together to achieve overriding goals that are real and compelling to all concerned."
"They're always looking for an enemy. They're always looking to attack."
"They're like lighting candles and hexing you."
"I can't understand why white America has always felt such hostility to the black population."
"One of the curious things about this president is that while he's clearly very hostile about the press, calls us fake news... he literally makes an exception for them."
"It's fueled with hateful accusations."
"Nature is hostile, but it's not personal."
"One in particular is decidedly hostile toward me."
"If you're a friend to the world, you're hostile to God."
"There's nothing friendly in fighting."
"I was dragged by my feet out of bed. Whatever was in that house was not friendly."
"We could still hear the hatred in their voices."
"Someone was trying to block you at work, bitter, cold, malicious."
"I'd like to see her die a horrible and painful death."
"Forgiveness is freedom. Forgiveness is the only prescription in the entire universe that has the power to break the chemical bonds of hostility, anger, and hate."
"Why be hostile to Nature, because after all you are a symptom of nature."
"Her mother likes to spit a lot of venom when she talks, like battery acid coming out of her mouth."
"Secret societies consist of individuals who jointly pursue a mission which is hostile to the established order."
"You all are forty pieces of no good and deserve to die, honestly."
"Vivi is aware that despite their outward displays of kindness and innocence towards her, they all sincerely detest her."
"There's a certain hostility to ancient esotericism among Enlightenment thinkers."
"The common denominator of the universe is not Harmony but chaos, hostility, and murder."
"You're too hostile with people that aren't squared away."
"Increased hostility leads to ineffective revenge."
"Someday I'm going to kill you, Chrissy!"
"He's a predatory [ __ ]. There are respectable hustles. He does nothing respectable. But we want to make that clear. We are proud of being hostile."
"Hillary Clinton is one of the most disgusting human beings on the planet."
"The entire Cold War paradigm rested on the idea of immutable permanent hostility between Moscow and Washington."
"Practice ahimsa, and all hostility ceases."
"Hope you die joy, I hope you die I hope I could have a god damn grenade with your mouth."
"But anyway so he was really hostile play the girl goes back again."
"Being different is very often met with hostility."
"Indifference recognizes the equality of the person towards whom you're hostile or about who you're indifferent."
"There are beings here who are hostile to one another and some who hate us with a passion so great that it would be considered psychotic if it was displayed by a human being."
"Maybe you should do everybody a favor and die."
"The Sea of Azov: a point of contention in the Russia-Ukraine conflict, making it hostile waters."
"If you want male allies on the left, being inherently hostile to maleness and masculinity is not a good idea."
"The racism is leaking out of it, like Congress hockey just leaking that [ __ ] was breaking the [ __ ] he breaking a ship."
"Every time she shows hostility towards them, the Mark will encroach further into her flesh."
"The more that I'm just barely tolerating him, the less likely I am to kill him."
"Hostile means that the animal poses a significant threat to the colony."
"Even if they're hostile, if you strip away the malice, even the preconceptions can be instructive."
"There's a tremendous wall of hostility to unconventional ideas."
"Life on the ocean was going to be much more hostile than he had anticipated."
"This chick here is the freaking devil."
"Once we pass the line of hostility and hatred we Circle back to nothingness, the total disregard of Life."
"Their general unwillingness to cooperate with the natives was bad enough but when Governor General Sir Jeffrey Amherst declared that he would no longer participate in presenting annual gifts to the tribes as had become tradition by the French, it stirred hostilities even more."
"I hope you choke on a stuffed mushroom, the worst."
"It was hostile between those two groups."
"The most dangerous pathological symptom of narcissism is the reaction of hostility and anger or depression when criticism is received."
"That being the theme of his protagonists struggling against seemingly insurmountable odds in a world that is always hostile, and at times, violently indifferent."
"So sometimes you just stumble upon the perfect example and this particular family did a beautiful job being able to explore that and it really resolved like five years worth of hostility when they were able to see it."
"They know you know: they hate your spiritual vision."
"If you say something that is deemed to be hostile to or experienced as hostile by a member of a protected class, that is creating a hostile work environment."
"da she's drunk huh I don't understand the hostility towards me drunk with white privilege"
"I would prefer the blood of Raban Honan flowing about my feet," he stared at Tuek.
"They hated him with a fiery resentment."
"They were mocking and attacking and belittling, not just the messenger but the message."
"Society being hostile to you cannot help, right?"
"A culture that's becoming more and more hostile and unjust to Christians."
"A great sense of suspicion and hostility."
"This man was very angry, he had the simple and plain intention of hurting me, his gaze was full of rage and hatred, it was as if he was someone else."
"I hope you fall face-first on broken glass."
"The national media, let's say the National right-wing media, the Murdoch press were very hostile to us and did blatantly misrepresent things."
"They will say anything to try to destroy you."
"I reserve my most evil side for my enemies, the people who I hate the most."
"The mutuality of dependence involved in an environment which is inherently hostile would necessitate an internal social coherence."
"I wish all of you would just die and go to hell like the soul-sucking monsters you are."
"Behind the smile is danger, animosity in hand."
"Goku's kind demeanor instantly turns hostile."
"I will do whatever it takes to ruin your life forever."
"The candidate ended his campaign with a bitter philippic against his opponent."
"Only the aura of a person who is hostile to him can emit red light, and the higher the threat the person poses, the thicker the red aura will be."
"This whole environment just feels so hostile just to begin with."
"The universality of the desire to be number one and the hostility you feel to the people who get in the way of you being number one."
"The crystal cave does not want you there. And it will kill you in a matter of minutes."
"Never had he experienced so many abhorrent faces all with eyes fixed hatefully in his direction."
"Burn in hell, and I reply with friendly, friendly, friendly to let them know, hey, I'm just here to help."
"Life's too short to convey your hostility towards other people."
"...the sky was hostile and enormous."
"My affections to you are so unchangeable that hostility itself cannot violate my friendship to your person."
"These scenic locations are actually some of the most hostile on our planet."
"Space is an inherently hostile environment for humans."
"Clear the field of existence from the thorns and brambles of hostilities and ill feelings."
"Any European city derby is basically pure hatred."
"That was a hostile act by the Russian government against this country."
"I felt like it hated me and wanted me dead, almost like it wanted to scare me or even push me off the cliff."
"Maybe I run up against so many people who are hostile just because they can't open their minds to the possibilities."
"Most of the time, the universe is not that hostile toward us."
"A place reportedly full of not just spirits but also demonic entities, a place where spirits refuse to co-exist peacefully with humans and actively seek to harm anyone who enters their space."
"A thousand prisoners condemned to death are dropped on an extremely hostile planet."
"I don't think our unwanted guests are friendly," Neji said darkly.
"The UFO is real and the evidence from occultic sources is that it is hostile to Christianity."
"It is through these actions of love, even when it's hardest to give, that you will find the most potent rebuttal to their hostility."
"If you want the institutions of this country to be more based on hostility than compassion, then I don't know how to speak to you."
"If you keep seeing everyone as an enemy, then enemies are all you're going to find."
"This Jacobean hall has been the scene of many gruesome events in its 360-year history, and many of the ghosts here don't seem to be very friendly."
"Hostility, in its deepest sense, is a response to fear."
"The universe is an incredibly hostile place for life."
"The vast majority of the universe is hostile to such fragility."
"Words with venom, words that bind, words used like weapons to cloud my mind."
"Hostility is a psychic boomerang."
"Assume they have demons, eviscerate them immediately with maximum prejudice."
"Assume hostile activity and get ready to engage."
"Hope springs eternal, son. However, if they continue to harbor thoughts of hostility, kick their shocking faces in."
"Civilization has collapsed, and the few survivors have fled the cities and fractured into various factions that are all hostile to each other."