
Operating Systems Quotes

There are 309 quotes

"What if when you pressed on, you were on the internet in seconds, what if your browser was your operating system?"
"Would you guess that what you just saw was two completely different operating systems? Probably not, but I assure you we just exited Windows, switched to a completely different OS, then went back to Windows in the space of 40 seconds without rebooting."
"Android is the most popular operating system in the world."
"The most important thing I've said with every class when we're dealing with a new operating system is compatibility."
"You have finally detached yourself from Microsoft Windows as it is right now, and that my friends is a rewarding feeling."
"Both operating systems have a lot of great features and are feature-rich, but at the end of the day, it really comes down to your own personal preference."
"With virtualization, you can now install multiple different instances of operating systems onto one piece of physical server hardware."
"The operating system abstracts hardware to allow for the execution of other programs."
"The operating system defines the liveness of the programs it's running."
"The operating system is bigger than just the kernel."
"In the age of Catalina, Apple's lofty goal for macOS is to make the system as secure as iOS while maintaining all the traditional flexibility of the Mac."
"Microsoft is still the favored operating system on most home PCs."
"So you've recently made a switch to Linux or you're at least you're thinking about it. Good for you, it's a good jump to make."
"Most people are worried they think installing an operating system is fairly complicated... and the reality is you don't."
"Linux from scratch... Let's just say you could possibly learn with this."
"For an operating system to get somebody just general basic knowledge on how an operating system works... I think this is excellent."
"Linux can be used by the average day person, which is pretty darn amazing."
"One of the things that makes Linux such a popular operating system is its ability to be customized. If we strip away some of the fancy features like say, a graphical interface, we can run it on low power devices."
"This is officially my favorite operating system."
"This wouldn’t be possible without those decades of research and development on Operating Systems."
"Pop!_OS is amazing, I actually installed it on my new laptop, the Tuxedo Stellaris 15."
"Let me tell you why I think Pop!_OS is amazing, why I decided to use it on my laptop."
"Pop!_OS offers a recovery partition with a refresh option, something every single distribution should have."
"The hardware is top-notch, really good build quality. It was iOS 11 that frustrated me and got me looking at the Android ecosystem."
"Linux is more secure than Windows, and Linux desktop users don't even run anti-viruses."
"Linux respects your privacy; Windows spies on its users."
"Manjaro is also very easy to install, very easy to use."
"Try out Linux on a live USB stick or inside a virtual machine."
"Android P is an important first step towards this vision of AI at the core of the operating system."
"I frankly will never switch back... I am a Linux user, I am a Linux main at this point."
"Linux will become an absolute Mainstay staple."
"You get the full Windows desktop user experience, but the computing world is opened to the entirety of everything that can be done with the Linux kernel."
"Linux is my main daily driver because I'm so productive."
"I think this is a good one to start with. I like a little barking dog, try Puppy Linux."
"When switching operating systems, Linux excels because of how it does the games."
"Remember, in Ubuntu Linux, you are never ever allowed to log in as root."
"From Windows to Linux: a refreshing change of pace."
"The OS is given these resources so it's always consistent performance, it always works."
"More competition in the OS space means our OS doesn't have to be so bad like it is right now."
"Remember this: Debian, Fedora, Arch. Because these are the three that everyone usually falls into."
"Microsoft said that Windows 10 was the last operating system they ever released, but then in October of 2021 we got Windows 11 and now according to some leaked reports we're getting Windows 12."
"Watch this ready we're gonna restart the Omega OS what is that a two-second boot right there that's a two-second boot if ever I saw one."
"Probably the best version of Ubuntu to date."
"At this point, I'm honestly like kind of barely holding on to using Windows at all."
"FreeNAS is not based on Linux, it's actually based on FreeBSD."
"Linux is now more popular among developers than Mac OS is."
"Mac OS has the worst Hardware compatibility of any desktop OS in the world."
"I find Wear OS 8 to still be a little bit smoother."
"Linux will soon run on as many types of devices as the good old Doom."
"First Windows 10 home users can also now defer updates for 35 days same as Windows 10 Pro and enterprise should be able to do that forever if you want."
"For people who like polish and simplicity, the iOS 13 will be the pick still for 2019."
"Liberating PC gaming from Windows is really quite a remarkable achievement."
"It's one of my favorite features about iOS, Google is finally doing that here natively with Android 12."
"Only operating system that respects your privacy."
"So much so it kind of gets boring to be honest a lot of people get very bored of the iOS experience if I wanted to have fun though I think the Samsung experience is much more fun to use."
"Cubes OS: A reasonably secure operating system."
"Learn the tools in the actual operating system."
"GEOS stands for Graphic Environment Operating System."
"When it comes to security, Mac OS is actually at the moment the most secure operating system."
"Name an operating system you can't trust: Windows."
"How to create a clean windows install that you'll actually want to use."
"This is essentially the future of Windows and pretty much every legacy component that was once part of Windows 10 has been removed and containerized."
"A unified operating system... iOS apps will now be able to run natively on the Mac."
"Windows, macOS, or Chromebook? It's whatever you're more comfortable with."
"The iPad runs iPad OS which has made different improvements to give it more of a desktop-like experience."
"Linux might actually give you access to more resources to transcode because it can be a much lighter weight operating system."
"At the end of the day, it's your preferred operating system."
"I think we have resolved the issues by reinstalling the OS."
"Casa OS: the best snazzy you can run on this tiny little machine."
"The Linux desktop will not succeed by being a carbon copy of Windows."
"A better DOS than DOS, a better Windows than Windows."
"Apple has really paid attention to the smallest detail with the iOS 7 experience."
"They officially support Linux and you will get to have more ports at the same time on the device."
"I've got Linux apps from Kali Linux running in Windows. It doesn't get better than that."
"If I could put Linux on my gaming PC, I would do that in an utter heartbeat over Windows."
"Linux is the clear winner in terms of battery life on this device."
"While I celebrate the fact that this particular Linux distribution has a great way of packaging all of the settings that you need into one settings panel I would give the same praise for the most part to Windows 11."
"It's a strange place to be where both systems feel equally snappy to me."
"The year of the Linux desktop may finally be here."
"Linux Mint really makes this easy, and it's really easy to configure the Cinnamon desktop environment the way you want to."
"Windows 7 being considered by many as the greatest operating system of all time."
"I think Linux desktop is ready for prime time."
"Windows powered by Android, but why not Windows Phone OS?"
"One of my favorite features of Linux Mint has always been the Cinnamon desktop itself... it has the best implementation in Linux Mint of any other distro."
"If Linux as it exists today existed in 1995, we wouldn't even be talking about Windows and OS X."
"Linux Mint 19 is a long-term support release, an LTS release, which means it has support for 5 years, which takes its support to 2023."
"For those of you that are on Windows, give it a try, it's fantastic..."
"It just makes the migration over to Linux so much easier..."
"Linux is also vastly more configurable and offers a ton more options than Windows."
"Throughout this video, we've been talking about gathering information from the logs, so let's look at where these logs are stored in the different operating systems."
"It's time to go to Linux if you're still on Windows 7."
"If you're coming from Windows or macOS, then this shouldn't be too difficult for you to pick up on."
"The main concept of virtualization is that you can run a child operating system under the host operating system."
"It's like having multiple operating systems at my disposal."
"Ah, the sound of Windows XP, it truly takes you back."
"Linux commands are identical between different operating systems because MacOS is derived from Unix, where Linux also originates."
"Using these applications on Windows is often the very first step into eventually switching over to Linux completely."
"Tiger and it really was a landmark release of OS 10. It finally felt fast and responsive enough and brought with it features that we still use today like the amazing spotlight and automator."
"Windows Vista was kind of the only choice."
"The beauty of Linux [is] tailoring my operating system to look, feel, and function just the way I like it."
"As I was pointing out you know there there are a whole lot of Linux based operating systems out there."
"Pop OS, I like this one as well. Ubuntu-based with a custom GNOME desktop from a Linux company called System76."
"If you're going to maintain multiple Operating Systems, the more RAM that you have in your system, the better it's going to run for you."
"Linux is different than the other Operating Systems in that it's all open, it's open source, it's open."
"NYX OS is the new Arch when it comes to telling people that you use it."
"Nix OS is now the top Contender to replace Fedora 38 on my editing desktop."
"...Windows 11 seems to be getting better as more updates come out."
"Elementary OS in my mind is one of the most idealistic Linux distributions out there."
"If you've been using Windows all your life consider Windows 11 if you don't end up liking Windows 11 certainly try Mint."
"... arguably you can put on different version of Windows here, you know 98, Millennium would even run on this I believe."
"Anything that would work on Ubuntu I would imagine would work here in Zorin as well."
"Linux is becoming a more commonplace operating system for your everyday user."
"In the absence of available memory, modern operating systems leverage storage space as if it were additional memory."
"OS/2 is one of the most interesting operating system projects of all time."
"What really blew my mind is that it contains a full graphical user interface and it even has internet connectivity, a web browser, and a few applications all included and bootable just from a single floppy disk."
"OS hardening is essential to keep the entire network secure. It's important to secure the OS in each system because one insecure OS can lead to the whole network being compromised."
"Knowing how operating systems work is an important step in preparing for a position as a security analyst."
"I think we will look back on this time 10 years from now and be like we didn't even know how good will OS could be."
"By learning FreeBSD, it made having better Linux."
"The reason I like VirtualBox and often mention VirtualBox in my videos is because I know many people that watch my content are Windows users or Mac users that are thinking about coming over to Linux."
"Linux is, you know, unfortunately it's not up there yet."
"Linux filled the gap in the GNU system."
"I think it's fascinating that this thing even runs on Windows 11."
"Distro hopping is how you learn about all the various things you can do on Linux."
"This video aims to create historical clarity of what the main operating systems have been and their lineages from 1965 all the way to today."
"I'm going to show you everything that you need to know to dual boot Windows 11 and Linux Mint."
"Its Legacy continues to live on as many of the features that were first introduced in xenix can be found in modern operating systems such as Linux and Mac OS."
"I really prefer Windows over the Mac in this specific instance right here."
"We're running Linux, isn't it amazing?"
"The ability to install local Linux applications increases the potential for Chrome OS Flex to become a major competitor to Windows and Mac OS."
"Chrome OS is just not susceptible to viruses, malware, or hacking. It's one of the most secure operating systems available on the market today."
"Windows management is better than Mac OS."
"Linux desktops handle that much better."
"Operating systems are absolutely essential in IT considering that without them none of this hardware we've discussed would be able to accomplish anything."
"Linux, absolutely essential. You just need to know it."
"Microsoft Teams clients are available for various operating systems including Windows, Mac, Linux, and VDI."
"BSD, the Berkeley Software Distribution."
"Looks like it's gonna be running Linux."
"You can run it in the Windows Subsystem for Linux, and it will work there too."
"I'm using Windows 10. This will work with Linux and Mac."
"...what environment is he going to boot into? Are they gonna game on Steam in MacOS? Yeah, yes, yes, we are."
"Linux is just better at handling security than Windows."
"They both arrive with their own NAS OS, comparable in my opinion to the likes of Windows, Mac, Android."
"Linux and Windows designs are fundamentally very different."
"What is it like to switch from iOS to Android, especially with all these new Android devices coming out?"
"Welcome to QuickStart, a series about fast booting operating systems from the dawn of the modern PC era that were utterly ignored and then forgotten entirely for good reasons."
"iOS 15 is in a whole different ballpark from Android 12."
"ROS 2 was developed from scratch and is a completely new OS."
"Why are we installing Windows when we can install Linux?"
"Linux is a multi-user operating system, meaning more than one person may be logged in and actively working on a given machine simultaneously without any problem."
"Ubuntu, for me, is a hell no, no, no and no, it's just not possible at all."
"I genuinely love NixOS, I wouldn't say that I love it as much as I love the Nix programming language."
"The hybrid microkernel approach seems to have been proven successful, as seen in NeXT OS and Apple's macOS."
"Alpine Linux would be great for Dockers and stuff like that."
"Arch Linux is definitely like up in the area of like a good operating system."
"Nabora is a really good operating system, it's tuned for gaming."
"Nexo OS is something I really want to try because of what they're bringing to the table."
"So yeah, Linux does perform significantly better than Windows."
"I would be making my life extremely difficult by switching away from Linux to BSD."
"If you want customization, Windows is the Clear Choice."
"In all operating systems today, whether it's Linux or OS 10 or Windows, there are VPN clients built in."
"If you are looking to experiment with operating systems other than Windows, you should be able to get up and running on this one fairly easily."
"Is it possible for Windows to run on AR 64 instead of x86? Yes, of course it is."
"Both Android and iOS are getting closer and closer to the point where transitioning between the two isn't as tricky as it once was."
"We're officially installing Linux Mint on a Mac mini."
"Linux Mint 18.3, Silvia on a Mac mini, native installation, awesome."
"So, ladies and gentlemen, that was the Linux Mint installation sensation native on a Mac mini."
"Azure Virtual Desktop supports various 64-bit operating systems."
"The only reason they didn't get viruses is because hackers didn't target them because there wasn't enough customer base and also and also with windows they make their own viruses they make the virus to save the solution and the apple don't make his own viruses windows does."
"In an ideal world, the operating system also enforces policies that isolate applications from each other so that a crash in one application doesn't take down the entire system or other applications."
"In modern operating systems, we have the layout between the hardware and software called the kernel."
"I personally like it. It's a nice fresh way of working with Windows."
"That's kind of the way Linux works, you might be having a fantastic experience on your distro of choice, but that doesn't mean that you don't go shopping on other distros every once in a while."
"Deciding on an allocation method depends on the intended use of the OS and the types of files it will handle."
"Virtual memory helps modern OS's divide up the physical RAM so that each process, each task, each app that's running has its own address space."
"Let's have Linux become the new dominant operating system of the world."
"Linux and Mac OS X are the most widely used variants of UNIX today."
"Most people that switch from Windows to Linux typically stay."
"Immutable distros might be the future of Linux for desktop Linux."
"Yeah, yeah, I mean, Arch is really good though, like Arch, you really just can't go wrong."
"Linux is actually much simpler to understand internally than a Windows or a Mac."
"Linux distros have come on massively over the last five to ten years."
"This is a very viable, very modern version of an ancient operating system."
"The base image for Data Bricks clusters are Ubuntu based."
"Berry Boot is a very good tool in the armory of anybody playing around a lot with different operating systems on a Raspberry Pi."
"Most compilers, kernels, and operating systems are written in C."
"In the new way, you can run as many operating systems as you want at the same time."
"It was really intended, as the name suggests, for those power users that really want to tweak the inner workings of the operating system."
"Although Linux and Zircon could not be more different, Dahlia OS Linux blends security, efficiency, and virtualization compatibilities."
"Windows 10 reaches 70% market share as Windows 11 keeps declining."
"Understanding the functions and nuances of different operating systems as well as knowing how the different components of an actual computer or device works together."
"It's running on a Linux operating system, which is kind of cool."
"We also support Catalina, all the newer operating systems, even the M1 chips."
"Fat32 is compatible with everything, a hard drive formatted with fat32 can be read in just about any operating system."
"I started to learn about internals and then I said, hey, I can actually understand better the way the operating system works by writing some tools."
"The goals of management are the same for both operating systems: We need security and usability."
"You can run Kubernetes locally on any operating system."
"Node uses whatever tools available to it through the OS to perform the task asynchronously."
"The AMI will also contain software information, information about operating system, information about access permission, information about volumes."
"No matter which OS you choose, don't let anyone tell you that you made the wrong choice; that's entirely up to you."