
Negative Influences Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"The dog father was a rebirth of me. I'm not going to glorify any of this negativity that Death Row wanted me to do."
"The best you can do to yourself in life is not to allow people to bring you down to their level."
"When you have a vacuum that runs that deep, that is when poison begins to fill the void."
"If you have negative people or people with self-doubt... even if they love you, they will drag you down with them."
"We have to stop gravitating towards the dumbest [__] we can gravitate towards in making it a trend just for attention."
"Identify the people who always want you to do evil and run from them."
"Focus on the dumpster tier ones first and removing those from your life."
"Everybody's so caught up for a check, 'Oh, I'm on demon time,' listen, that [__] comes with bad energy and spirits."
"Many people now use the word toxic when they talk about the negative parts of their life, specifically people or environments."
"That's what they're teaching these men, and it's sickening."
"I don't have time for flaming, no energy enemies."
"Negative people are I think the very worst that can happen to anybody if you are around negative people what will happen is they will kill your dreams and they will pull you back."
"Learn to filter out negative influences and energy vampires. Success comes when you prioritize your mental well-being."
"There are life-draining spirits that want to hijack your destiny."
"You have to fearlessly cut out all the negative opinions, all the doubts, all the fears unapologetically believe in yourself."
"Toxic people who think negatively will bankrupt your wealth goals and financial success aspirations faster than any form of credit card debt."
"You definitely deserve more if you have somebody who brings negative energy towards you, it's time to let them go."
"There's only one thing that makes the Jezebel spirit happy - control."
"Brandon, get the hell away from them. They cowards."
"You can't make a change in your life and change the person you are if you're constantly surrounded by negative influence."
"With no positive role models, she fell deep into the street life of drugs, violence, and ultimately murder."
"The last thing that it will do is it will expose you to the demonic... As you grieve the Holy Spirit... you're opening the door to the demonic."
"You can't let somebody else ruin your life for you."
"Many of the people around you do not have your best interests at heart. Some people are planted in your life by the devil or are being manipulated by the devil to bring you down."
"You'll always have negative forces trying to get in."
"Be careful of the experts and the mentors that you bring into your life... they could be like her and that would be a terrible situation."
"Demons are real folks, if you ask me I'm not talking about in the folklore or the mystical sense, I'm talking about again people that try to pull on your kindness, pull on your intelligence, pull on your space, they're like leeches."
"The influence of religion has been bad in those good things."
"Generally speaking, the influence of religion has been bad."
"Generally speaking, the influence of religion has been bad in those good things."
"I'm done giving people second chances. I'm done inviting in negative and toxic energies into my life."
"Sin is contagious, bad companions influence us."
"Far from acting in their best interests, Rick is addicted to feeling control over them."
"Our takeaway is that you don't let yourself be around bad friends."
"Satan wants to kill you, steal from you, and destroy you."
"The higher God keeps trying to take you, the lower your conversations keep going."
"Energy vampires, like elevators, man. They're bringing you up or they're bringing you down."
"A destiny full of hatred can't build a nation."
"Messing around with meth gets you involved with dark forces."
"There is no variable that has a greater negative impact on a child's life."
"Witchcraft manifests as the work of the flesh in three ways: manipulation, intimidation, domination."
"Anything that separates you from the Most High is demonic in nature."
"Our ability to discipline and say no to the negative forces and then cultivate the loving forces that wish us to work through us."
"Anything that doesn't feel good or makes you feel crappy is actually the window for you to finally break away from it."
"If you want to be emboldened in your relationship, you're not going to feel that way if you're spending a lot of time with women who are man haters."
"Unfortunately, there's a lot of bad groups around the world."
"In every area of the city, there's a risk demon for each negative attitude, emotion, and relationship."
"Cut out the negative people and the people who will try to bring you down with them."
"To realize that all of the negative talk... is actually somebody else's voice."
"You have absolutely aligned with people on your journey that may have pulled you into a place and shown you some not very good sides of life."
"Walk away from those people because those are the people that don't want you to win and succeed."
"I love the internet, he's bringing two horrible people together."
"Don't let this [ __ ] get under your skin, don't let this [ __ ] make your heart cold, black, and bitter."
"It is our duty to resist these negative influences in our life and overcome them."