
Human Values Quotes

There are 177 quotes

"It's an honor to speak here. I'm gonna speak about human values and about morality and how we can understand these scientifically."
"Harris does not simply claim that science can tell us what humans do value, but what humans should value."
"The human objective is really the totality of human ethics and values; it's very complicated and it's not clear even to us."
"Authenticity is what humans value more than anything else."
"We must say it simply: the economy is sick. It is the fruit of unequal economic growth that disregards fundamental human values."
"Morality and human values therefore can be understood, potentially, in the context of science."
"Capitalism too had to have an ethic. Our economy should have ethics that money should not be the bottom line; that love should be the bottom line."
"MBBS is the best course in the world. It does not just teach you how to be a doctor; it teaches you how to live life and how to value it. It makes you a better human."
"I just wish I could tell her to realize that in life what matters is being kind and being a good human being."
"The AI doesn't care about the things you care about. You as a human want to preserve human ingenuity. The AI, all it wants is input, output."
"Everybody deserves to have a faithful person in their life."
"African people and their descendants in the Diaspora have always reminded the world what it really means to be human."
"I've always found that mercy bears richer fruits than strict justice."
"Humanity will always be a value from the President on down."
"Some things go beyond politics. The saving of human life, more importantly, pursuing a culture that values the life of a baby."
"We need a universal conception of human values."
"The idea that we have to limit how many people we have being born... that's ridiculous and it's anti-human."
"When you have become this machine that doesn't care about people, you have become evil."
"No matter what we lose, we must be sure that we don't lose the only thing that is really important and that this is our humanity."
"Stop the politics, man. It's getting in the way of these human values that connect us all."
"This might be the best way to level up the audio for your smartphone."
"Human life is about the acknowledgment and approximation of truth, goodness, and beauty."
"Even the newest, most expensive toys in the world can't transform a pig into a decent human being."
"In a sense, love represents what a person considers important, and what emphasizes one's attachment to life and reality."
"Humans, we love our freedom and that's not going to go away."
"The position of this organization saying tonight is that skin color does not matter instead the character the soul and the spirit of a human being matters and that is what we should always put give a preference on."
"True human beings with love, peace, freedom, harmony, joy, wisdom, compassion."
"A Terminator can learn the value of human life maybe we can too, right? Yeah, that's a good ending for her character."
"Sharing and affection, love and mercy, that's what we're here to do."
"That fight is not between the left and the right, that fight is between basically greed and humanity."
"The most important thing we can be doing is developing good humans."
"Just to love each other, a world where we can be loved and accepted exactly as we are."
"We need to stop weighting economic value with human values."
"Our values are Humanity, mercy, and compassion."
"The civilization of scholarship is the proof which comes about when human beings demonstrate in their own luminous lives the beauty of the prophetic example."
"One of the key concerns with AI is the potential for it to act in ways that aren't aligned with human values and goals without careful consideration and oversight."
"I can't think of too many things that are more humanist than that."
"The most important thing in the world to you and I and every other person on this planet is Humanity."
"Skin pigmentation doesn't determine your moral and spiritual formation."
"Human life is worth a lot more than just a pump."
"People are to be loved and protected, not used and played with."
"Love, compassion, and empathy are still possible, even laughter in the face of death."
"This is treating human lives as if they are worth nothing."
"The biggest being stay human to your core... cling to your traditional roots."
"The interesting possibilities in AI art do not mean that the horrendous oversights and anti-humanist values of its current systems are above reproach."
"All humans have, if they're not criminals, you probably share the same values just in different priority order."
"Death Note is a work of art that gives the audience not just one question about humanity, but many that are pinpointed to make ourselves question our own values."
"Nothing was stronger than true love, the real strength in all of us was love."
"I have to keep my dignity as a curse and I'm still a human and I'm a mother and my job is to protect my children."
"Science can and should be an authority on moral issues, shaping human values."
"Compassion and togetherness is, perhaps, better?"
"The big red flag should be when we put more weight on things that can be counted instead of the things that can't be because the things that can't be counted are the things that make us human."
"The Declaration of Independence stands for eternal and true human values."
"Preservation of knowledge is one of the noblest human pursuits."
"Beyond judgment lies the playground of humanity."
"Is mass and social distance worth it if we lose our humanity?"
"Ensuring that AI development aligns with human values and societal norms."
"Truth, justice, morality, sexuality, freedom, meaning, love, identity—everything we care about—are grounded by the answer to that one question."
"Being kind to people and looking after them is essential."
"Being a good human being is key in this life, doesn't matter where you are in the world."
"He showed that man could value both modern technology and ancient wisdom."
"In Islam, it's not 'hey you're black' or 'hey you're white,' it's about your manners and humanity."
"We are not Russians, we are Ukrainians and human life is the highest value for us."
"I think sacrificing yourself for people you care about is the peak of human existence."
"Remember we're all in this together so be a good human being."
"Love is the strongest fabric in this universe, you know what I'm saying? And everything or every tenet of love, honesty, respect, empathy, all of these things, these are the things that make us human for real."
"To resist evil is the pinnacle of human existence."
"It's truth, it's love, it's compassion, it's the beauty of the human spirit and just of the life force itself."
"Redefining economic progress to actually line up with our own human goals and values."
"We are talking about the importance of human life."
"We ought to love everybody and want their happiness."
"Humanism promotes the value and goodness of human beings."
"Borders matter, land matters, people matter."
"Work is about more than making a living...it's fundamental to human dignity."
"Don't allow the politics of ideology to evaporate the soul that still exists inside of you."
"We are beautiful people. We are doing good to the world."
"Humanity is a more important phrase than solvency."
"Teaching is an act of love. Pedagogy is an act of love. If that is replaced by robots, then our culture is going to be an increasingly robotic, decreasingly human culture."
"People matter more than concepts and must come first."
"It's not about the tulips or business. It's always about the people."
"We know there is no bargain in which we can sacrifice some of our humanity to gain a little of our security."
"Caring is not a luxury, it's the only economy that makes life possible and worth living."
"Love wins. People matter and are worth fighting for."
"There needs to be maybe a new system of capitalism... that thinks about meaning of human lives."
"People is the operative word there if we're not careful robots and humans who think like them will rip the soul right out of our culture."
"In a time of crisis, you don't stop being human." - Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador's reaction to Trump's actions.
"This planet, Humanity, its beauty... I fight for it."
"The biggest wealth we can accommodate as humans is to acquire experiences, to acquire knowledge, and to feel loved."
"Being a good human being comes first for me and then everything is secondary."
"The people that think that everything is a market take something very basic away from being human."
"Empathy isn't a nice to have. This isn't about being nice. It's not candy at the counter. This is not a foosball table in the middle of the office. It's not a tactic. It's actually going to be black and white for people sooner than later."
"Human freedom, in the authenticity of human decisions, was a crucial value."
"It had to do with love and generosity and kindness. It had nothing to do with the rules and regulations."
"No matter how much money you have, it's all about being kind to each other."
"Love one another... that is the whole point of human existence."
"Facts help us operate in this world but love and compassion are what make it worthwhile."
"Machine intelligence is here. That means we must hold on ever tighter to human values and human ethics."
"Those aren't like objectively conservative values. That's like human values: nuclear family, hard work."
"The whole point is that as human beings we should be able to come together and love each other and respect each other even when we disagree."
"The Power of people The Power of Love The Power of kindness this is what you get this means everything."
"Dignity means that you see the other person's need to be respected. Dignity means that you offer another person decency and you acknowledge their sense of core value."
"This is wrong, fundamentally at a human level, and wrong."
"Kindness, love, compassion, empathy, responsibility, creativity."
"If you want to be living as a human being, freedom is the ultimate dream."
"Warmth is way more important than impressiveness."
"These are not technology problems, these are human values problems."
"I believe in compassion and empathy for other people."
"People are to be loved and things are to be used, not the other way around."
"How do you have humanity and love and respect for your people or you don't? It's that simple."
"The realization that learning to love other people and acquiring higher knowledge are the most important values in human life."
"Of all the things in human hearts endure, how few are those that Kings can cause and cure. The things that really matter in life are our relationships, our character, our philosophy. Politics matters, but it's not the most important thing in life."
"Neuroethics Canada conducts research aligning human values with neuroscience."
"Kindness, connection, humanity, wisdom, stillness, honesty, duality."
"The concept that human beings are made in the image of God is the source of essentially all human values."
"I think it is our responsibility, particularly as developers of AI, as people who shape how AI is being created in the world, to say what are our values and how are we valuing what is human."
"The core problem: how do you make sure that the robot wants what the human wants?"
"It is something quite extraordinary and all inspiring to be standing here in Saro in a building that has been rebuilt which symbolizes the Persistence of humanistic values."
"Wisdom and knowledge are the highest of human things."
"At what times should a human be able to intervene and how would that help to sustain human values?"
"Sheer size, superhuman scale of many of our organizations damages human values that are part of our democratic way of life. They dwarf man, they diminish his economy, and thus his ability to function effectively as a citizen exercising the power of self-government."
"To give them up, is to give up the most noble part of our humanity according to Confucius."
"...AI is going to be a way where we can decide what's good and make sure the AI honors that and keeps that fundamental because there's a lot of good in us as well..."
"If the hearts and minds don't start to really have compassion and connection, then it doesn't really matter."
"Human-centered AI is a framework of developing and using AI that puts humans, human values, human dignity, in the center."
"Promotion of human values and religious harmony are my two lifelong commitments."
"We are a people of hope, not war."
"We want an AI that deeply internalized this idea that it is part of Team Human."
"I don't think humans should live for work; we should live for life."
"We have to be both thinking about human values and how we support the proliferation, the development of human values, how we encode those in our decision-making systems."
"Good people is all I really care about."
"You have to understand how important things are to people."
"Let's stop judging people by the color of their skin or the place where they worship and start considering them for what they do."
"Humanity is the biggest thing, right?"
"They are both concerned with more fundamental matters: meaning, truth, freedom."
"Human values are estimated in terms of the mental and spiritual; man and woman are endowed for equality and are mutually interdependent."
"Humanity matters more than most; humanity is what really matters."
"What is the goal as a human being, do you want to just make money or do you want to be human?"
"What's important for human is heart. Only those who live with the righteous heart are worthy of respect."
"The best approach is to come in from the human side, like what do people value, what's meaningful for people."
"Other human values have to be expressed if we hope even to if future generations are going to even be able to survive."
"That this one eminent scientist risked his life in time of war to rescue another eminent scientist just because he thought he should represents perhaps the best in humanity."
"I don't care who you are, just tell me the truth because I do believe that truthfulness is a foundation of all the virtues in the world of humanity."
"We need to build a new economy that puts human goals and values first."
"At its best, it's an exploration of human ideas, characters, and values that sometimes rises to the level of the cerebellum."
"What is prized by humans is not necessarily prized by God."
"Human beings should be kind, loving, empathetic, beautiful, and living their best lives."
"We can never go wrong respecting and loving one another."
"He just loved and respected everyone."
"Freedom, dignity, and hope are not concepts that conflict with science but are forever beyond the remit of science."
"The primary needs of every man: honor and respect."
"He will turn the beautiful scenery into music and show her what it is that humans should never throw away."
"The amount of human beings that were vouching for his character just shows you who he was as a human being."
"The most important human value that you bring to the table in a relationship is protection."
"Astronomy has thrown us into a new regime of philosophy which has everything to do with what we value, human ethics, what we think is important."
"Kindness is composed of all of these values that are the inherent, intrinsic qualities of the inner being."
"We always believe in our humanity first."
"We'll kill the peace if the peace is the cost of our humanity or our soul."
"It's normal for people to love, respect, and value. They value their work."
"Whether we follow a religious path or not, we should be compassionate person."
"Success is often measured by the concrete things that we achieve... but imagine if a measure of success as a human being was kindness."
"Everyone should be a human being first; other things come later along."
"We really want artificial wisdom, which has not just intelligence, but also human values."