
Overcoming Evil Quotes

There are 125 quotes

"Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good."
"In order to defeat darkness, one must become dark."
"Creating healthy relationships is one of the ways that evil can be defeated."
"God can bring a greater good even out of the worst evil, such as 9/11."
"Kindness is contagious and provided the light that reclaimed ground lost to evil and darkness."
"He conquers the Joker, removing his influence from his mind permanently."
"Only the Life of Christ in us conquers evil and dispels the darkness which is its fruit."
"We cannot get overcome by evil, we have to overcome evil with good."
"Hope and love and care and friendship can triumph over evil, however powerful it may seem at the time."
"The power given by Jesus is to overcome the greatest spiritual evils."
"Love conquers all, even in the face of such evil and tragedy."
"This was pure evil, by one individual, and I know that this community is going to come together, stronger than ever."
"Evil has overcome and we're reminded that we win in the end."
"The best way to respond to evil is to overcome it with good."
"Just because your heel has been bruised doesn't mean you can't crush the Serpent's head."
"Evil is two. Let's change that scoreboard. Let's change it."
"Enemies are a part of life, but we are called to love and forgive like Jesus did. Repay no one with evil, but overcome evil with good."
"Let us not be overcome by evil but instead turn away from it."
"We have to sincerely try to overcome evil with good."
"As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good." - Genesis 50:20
"From today, we are born again. Send your Holy Spirit to lead us, to guard us, to empower us to overcome the devil in Jesus' name."
"Inside of every believer is the supernatural power of the Holy Ghost to walk all over the devil he's afraid of you."
"God's power is greater than the devil's power."
"What people mean for evil, God will turn it around on the Wheel and he'll mean it for good."
"Are you serious? Overcoming evil is something we have to do through the power of the blood of Jesus Christ."
"You don't argue with the devil, you drive him out."
"He then overpowers Deathstraw with love that moves the villain a little."
"In fact, it made us believe that Deku was capable of anything and that he could be the one to truly bring an end to the League of Villains."
"The solar plexus is the radiating center of life. The center from which flows the divine energy, love, that can overcome all evil."
"Evil and defeated or the most high wouldn't have us here. He wouldn't have you here if he wasn't born for this moment."
"True evil is there to be defeated, it's there to be conquered."
"The love, mercy, grace, and unity that I am looking for will be what it takes in these days ahead to push back the forces of darkness."
"God can bring a greater good out of even the worst evil."
"The devil is indeed our enemy, but through the authority in the name of Jesus, we can cast him down from our lives."
"What you meant for evil, God actually intended for my good."
"Evil comes, evil is suppressed by good people exercising self-control over the evil that's inside of them."
"An act of love greater than the act of evil that corrupted the sword."
"Yoichi believed that even if he himself was unable to stop all for one one day as one for all becomes stronger a successor will emerge who will finally be strong enough to defeat All For One."
"Jesus disarmed the rulers and authorities by triumphing over them on the cross. He defeated Satan, destroyed death, and delivered us from fear and slavery."
"The believers overcame him, Satan, by the word of their testimony, proclamation, and by the blood of the Lamb."
"The greatest light can burn out any fires the devil wants to set."
"Randy defeats evil Julian but realizes he needs an unlikely ally."
"Love for one another is more powerful than evil."
"You gotta trample down evil for our hearts to go forward."
"Why bother in the face of tragedy and evil? Because you can overcome it, you can minimize it, you can restrict it, you can bring great things into being."
"Evil didn't win, it walked right into God's plan."
"Evil just like bullies are cowards when you face them with the strength of God's love."
"I have seen a real image of hell but I have escaped from the devil sent to pursue me."
"God is giving you strength to overcome evil."
"Jesus handled it all. He overpowered the powers that be. He overpowered the evil of men's hearts. He overpowered Satan. He overpowered demons. He overpowered the strength of sin."
"Love Trumps hate. I think that love supersedes evil."
"Believers are reminded that they are not alone but accompanied by God who enables them to overcome the forces of evil."
"Saint Vincent de Paul said, 'The most powerful weapon to conquer the devil is humility, for as he does not know at all how to employ it, neither does he know how to defend himself from it.'"
"The biblical answer to this is to overcome evil with good."
"He even defeated the evil demon Mara."
"When you overcome evil, you're going to do something and it's going to be the right thing."
"If the will of the three peoples is strong enough, Morgoth can be overcome."
"We overcome evil not just by wagging fingers at evil, we overcome evil by supplying the good that is being mocked."
"You will not overcome evil with evil, only with the love of God and with His grace. Amen."
"That is the way to kill a bad spirit - by overcoming evil with good."
"The spirit of God is more powerful than the spirit of the devil."
"Christianity is my one hope to be reunited with my wife and for evil to be conquered."
"...the greatness of God is most demonstrated when he brings good out of evil and when he brings the greatest good out of the worst evils."
"Everything that the enemy meant for evil, God's turned for good."
"We live in an evil world but I can have joy because God's there helping pick us up."
"God can take that which appears to be evil and he can get his people through."
"Satan, I get great pleasure in telling you, get under these people's feet."
"You cannot overcome evil by renouncing evil, you overcome evil by admitting that you are evil, and then that's when God would take over."
"What the enemy meant for evil, Jehovah turns it for good in your life."
"Our God chose to conquer death and human evil by letting it conquer Him so that He could overcome it with His love and with His life."
"If you fight for me, what was meant for evil, I'll turn it to my victory."
"Know thyself, and God will supply the wisdom and the occasion for a victory over evil."
"Give us, we beseech thee, the wisdom to discern this evil and power to overcome it."
"He that is in us is greater than all the devils in the world."
"There's only one thing on this Earth more powerful than evil. It's us."
"You meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, so that many people could be saved."
"My daughter, my dear daughter, you found us! The evil witch took you away from us."
"No evil shall befall you, no devil can come near you, why? Because greater is He who is in you than he that's in the world."
"Fire in our eyes, it's burning a filtered Inferno, melt evil speechless."
"The power of God is stronger than the works of the devil."
"What Satan intended for evil, the Lord Jesus Christ is now using for good."
"He's the first man to ever escape the devil."
"Jesus overcomes sin and Satan in our place."
"It's all about the heroes overcoming evil and the odds to do what everyone watching wanted them to do."
"Overcome evil with good, with virtue, with integrity, with honesty, with goodness, with openness."
"Now Goku at this point would be far outclassing Frieza, and he would beat Frieza and defeat him before Frieza could even destroy the Planet Namek."
"Divine love is stronger than all the forces of darkness and evil within the universe, and in the end, it will prevail. Love never fails; it is never exhausted, never comes to an end."
"Only our God can take what the enemy meant for evil, turn it around and work it together for good."
"Greater is the Holy Spirit that's in me than the devil that's in the world."
"Communion with God is the law that destroys the apparent reality of evil."
"Islam teaches us to rise above, repel evil with something better."
"What the devil meant for evil, God turns it around for good."
"I broke the jaws of the wicked, and plucked the spoil out of his teeth."
"You meant this thing for evil, but God meant it for good."
"Resist not evil; be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good."
"The Lord said, 'If the devil gets in front of you, run him over.'"
"Light and love will always overcome any evil in the world."
"Never forget that even the smallest of the people of Eternia have a part to play in overcoming the powers of evil."
"His mercy is more powerful than evil."
"If the devil has a hold on you, guess what? There's only one person who can take that hold away, and that's Jesus."
"Only the strongest individual can protect their loved ones and erase all the evil."
"You meant this for evil, but God intended it for good."
"Don't give up, Avengers. If you fight with heart, steely determination, and a little Emerald Power, MODOK and the evil AIM organization won't stand a chance."
"God can always bring a greater good from any evil that exists."
"God is never outdone by evil, and the more the forces of evil seem to grow, the more grace God is giving for a particular time."
"Don't be overcome with evil, but overcome evil with good."
"Don't let evil get the upper hand, but conquer evil by doing good."
"Incredibly powerful woman who comes from a line of really powerful women who defeats the evil."
"Jesus came to overcome those two tools of Satan; he overcame sin by forgiving us, and he overcame death by resurrecting."
"God still specializes in taking what they intend for evil and then bringing good out of it."
"God's mercy is big enough to overcome whatever evil may present itself to you."
"Don't let evil get the best of you; get the best of evil by doing good."