
Credibility Quotes

There are 2865 quotes

"CISSP offers a career differentiator, with enhanced credibility and marketability."
"Street credibility isn't just about the talk; it's about being able to back it up when it matters."
"Imagine Logan Paul, the guy who ripped off and scammed his fans, telling you you aren't emotionally intelligent."
"You wouldn't listen to a food critic sponsored by McDonald's, and you shouldn't listen to a finance influencer sponsored by a crypto exchange."
"It's easy for professionals to give you advice and tell you what to do, but I think there's some credibility when it's coming from somebody who's also lived it."
"If you say something and back it up with your actions, you will provide the proof for people who are listening to you, and they will much more willingly follow your lead."
"If you are to your core honest and credible about what you're saying, if you truly believe what you're saying and you are not simply trying to pander to an audience... there is only so much that people can really do to misrepresent that."
"When you don't have credibility, people won't listen to your arguments, no matter how clever they are."
"Mr. House's narrative following the encounter was entirely misleading, and this interaction is a prime example of why you shouldn't take videos like his Instagram post at face value."
"The groups that say the least are often the most credible, and the ones that are the most secretive are usually the real contenders."
"If history matters, then obviously sources written closer to the event are more credible."
"Do not take my word for it; the evidence is there."
"You can only say better things are coming so many times before it just sounds like an empty promise."
"If they don't tell the truth under oath, or there's a significant concern about their credibility, then they're violating their ethical rules."
"Credibility is also a big thing that people like to see from companies. They're not gonna buy from a store that has zero likes on their Facebook page."
"There's several of his victims are saying, 'look you can't believe a thing he says.'"
"To gain trust and credibility, you need to trust yourself for people to trust you."
"The biggest thing about business credit is building credibility."
"I help people all over the world to stand out, win trust, and gain credibility every time they communicate."
"The modern field of UFOs has recently gained a degree of credibility with validation of unidentified craft by the Pentagon."
"This process allows us to make decisions not based on democracy, not based on autocracy, but based on algorithms that take people's believability into consideration."
"Sustainability is so, so important for us to be credible, and that's also in our genes to take this into the future." - Markus Schaeffer
"After promising that their expertise would guide Americans through economic hardship, foreign policy chaos, and global pandemics, the experts have destroyed their own credibility but still insist you mimic their values."
"If the elite class wants to actually regain any credibility, you have to actually show some competence, a little bit of epistemological humility."
"If manufacturers make something that frankly isn't that competitive, they get called out. But that's just the price that you pay for the credibility boost that you get from these independent media that review your products."
"The worst thing that could happen would be to give somebody the credibility of a score that doesn't deserve it. But even far worse than that would be to deny somebody the credibility when they deserved it."
"It's amazing how many times companies struggle with just that one word, credibility."
"Personal branding is the conscious and intentional effort to create and influence public perception of an individual by positioning them as an authority, elevating their credibility, and differentiating themselves from the competition."
"Claims of hypocrisy are shockingly effective at dismantling credibility and stymying action."
"Once you lose people's trust, it's hard to get it back."
"Truth has a way of standing the test of time."
"When mountain man Jim Bridger first told the tale of petrified birds flying through forests of petrified trees, he was called a liar. But some of his stories were true."
"Physicist Dr. Bruce Maccabee actually verified Ed Walters' photos as legitimate."
"When you have cases where multiple military witnesses, physical evidence, and then this UFO was briefly tracked on radar, you start to listen."
"For those who search for credibility or answers, the answer is in the facts."
"Words are cheap; words don't mean anything. Look at what people have done."
"Maybe the reason why people don't trust any of these authority figures is because these authority figures have not earned the trust of the American people."
"If provisions that are meant for their safety and protection are misused, then when the actual wolf appears, you would not get any assistance because you would not be believed."
"Once you lose credibility, that erodes trust, and that cannot be replaced because it's a matter of people's character and how they behave."
"It's not credible. They've treated the British public with contempt."
"There is a difference between the opinion of a scientist and scientific evidence."
"These reporters are either dangerously inept in their reporting or intentionally misleading in their reporting, or both."
"We strive on this channel to believe folks here when they make credible accusations and listen to them."
"In order to be persuasive, you have to be credible; in order to be credible, you have to be believable; in order to be believable, you have to tell the truth."
"The Russian accusations are absurd, they're laughable."
"Detail must conform to the premises and philosophies that you've defined; if it doesn't, if there's inconsistencies, then it takes away the credibility of your argument."
"There's so much information it's really hard to know what to believe, what not to believe."
"It's my responsibility to...present people with good, honest, credible, fact-driven information."
"Truth is non-debatable due to its credibility of always making logical sense."
"The transparency, the validity, the authenticity, and the integrity of it passes the sniff test."
"We have to be responsible when it comes to what we tell you guys and what we report on."
"People believe half of what you say; they believe everything you do."
"Without credibility, there's no point in even having these conversations."
"There's something you know about personally, let's say you're an expert in a field, and you see a news story about it, and you know that that's wrong, that news story."
"It just really destroys credibility in the government at this point, the government is not making itself look good by keeping this on, they might want to make themselves look good if not us."
"What I've shown you today, all of these FBI transcripts and evidence from the sixties is rock solid proof of one thing."
"This is real. It is not made up. It is not... there's nobody here that engages in fantasies."
"The cyclical pattern of lies has worn down the credibility of every institution."
"The lie that somebody will suspend the house is not in order."
"Conspiracy theorists have a pretty good track record."
"I think that john bolton is an honest person okay I've met ambassador bolton several times uh. I do not think he is a liar."
"These people really wrote these affidavits. These affidavits are really part of the public record."
"The incident has been widely regarded as one of the most credible pieces of evidence."
"Your credibility is everything...your personal brand...needs to be organic at all times."
"Being truthful and as honest as possible...will build a better...relationship with your audience."
"Your credibility and integrity should come first always."
"That possibility alone, coupled with the numerous reports of objects, many by very credible sources, not behaving as we expect them to, is enough on its own to justify a scientific look into the phenomenon."
"We should accept apologies when they are credible, not when they're completely in keeping with her view."
"The GDP figures coming out of China are false anyway."
"They made no effort to try to discredit those facts."
"Everything I've said here tonight can be verified by document searches."
"If the United States cannot even get their own citizen out of the dungeon of their own puppet Zelensky then their credibility as even a legitimate government that can provide proper consular services to their own citizens is utterly shot through."
"You don't have any credibility when you only want to look at one side of the coin."
"Your position is more credible because of your producer experience."
"I would actually rather see a product review page with some solid one-star reviews."
"Trump's lawyers losing all credibility and we see that happening in all of the cases."
"My father saw a [__] all right. This is real."
"He goes outside and he sees it. It's low and it was actually all over newspapers the next day."
"I think you lose a lot of credibility when you don't concede that a biological male has physical advantages over a biological female."
"If you don't stand by what you believe in, how can anyone take your opinions seriously?"
"When the guy's talking about Fitness and if you want to be fit, you take advice from a guy who knows what he's doing."
"Does this person know anything about what they're talking about? And if the answer is no then maybe we shouldn't as a people take them particularly seriously."
"The moment one model's death count becomes exceeded by reality, he simply forgets to mention it."
"It's kind of ugly that this has become the new way that you gain credibility."
"I think they really did see something quite real, the Farmington Armada."
"He's an extraordinary talent and he's credible. Dr. Fauci, in my opinion."
"I'm obsessed with people feeling seen and heard."
"I've been following Uncle Hotep for a lot of years... he's honest down to Earth."
"When Intel destroys their own credibility, they go and destroy the credibility of people that they work with as well."
"If the government makes a law they can't enforce, they become a total mockery of themselves."
"You're doing it, which helps. I do believe when someone is thinking about, 'Yo, can I take you serious?'"
"What President Trump says is so frequently false or nonsensical that his words don't have the same meaning, the same power, the same impact as past presidents."
"Do not end your sentences on a high pitched note... it undermines your credibility."
"Listen to what I say... but verify what I say."
"To close that credibility gap, we have to take action on both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue to end the outsized influence of lobbyists."
"I've tried in my book to present good evidence."
"It doesn't matter what you say, it matters who says it."
"It was a very disingenuous at best article if not outright false."
"There's a higher level of proof called results."
"If it ain't a dot gov, I ain't believing it, brother."
"Nowadays, if you don't have some pretty good originalists on your faculty, your law school is not to be taken seriously."
"She's full of [__], I don't think she believes any of the stuff she's saying."
"After you identify the problem, make sure you know what you're talking about because people will quickly sniff out if there's any kind of BS in what you're saying."
"You gotta stop taking relationship advice from men who don't have any power in a situation. If you ain't got no power in your situation with your woman, bro, you can't tell nobody nothing."
"None of the experts that he brings in commented on any of the things that I specifically said in that series. None of them."
"I value my voice so much because I know that people trust it."
"That woman is such a bad liar. If she had just said, 'Yeah, we didn't know about that,' maybe I would have believed her."
"Reviews exist as a benefit to the consumer. If somebody reviews a movie that they haven't even seen, then I wouldn't take that review very seriously."
"I personally feel strongly about it because it is destroying the credibility."
"Make your social media profiles look professional and trustworthy to earn the trust of your audience."
"This case comes down to whether you believe Ms. Heard or you believe Mr. Depp."
"That should tell you he knows what he's talking about."
"The evidence overwhelmingly shows that Miss Heard is an abuser and that she is a liar."
"Pilots especially commercial pilots military Pilots should be taken serious as credible observers."
"At the end of the day, all these professionals and billionaires add credibility."
"There are just too many credible intelligent people who have had encounters with angels and demons, to dismiss it."
"Sounds like this man might be very dangerous, or he's full of crap."
"The cursed voices of Azazel and Beelzebub being heard now from underground by above a score of credible witnesses now living."
"At the end of the day, your credibility is now down the toilet where all the other turds are supposed to go."
"You've got this highly qualified pilot talking about it on film. So really kudos for getting that."
"Direct examinations are a show... I'll actually ask some pretty harsh questions to my own witness... it creates so much credibility."
"And it's amazing how little things like that can really cue a jury in to being like, 'okay this guy is for real, I trust him.'"
"Every word that woman has said is extremely credible."
"There can't be a higher point of credibility of a witness."
"When you tell so many conflicting stories, exaggerate so many things, and contradict yourself constantly, the public starts to disbelieve you."
"One can't argue experience and one can't argue success in what has happened."
"I generally believe as a principal people should decide what is credible and what they want to believe and who they want to vote for."
"Tim's very logical, down to earth... he's only going to espouse what he feels he can reasonably prove."
"The pilots... that's very straightforward... they're the most credible reports because they're done by professionals."
"She is an awfully good witness. She appears to be telling the truth. She doesn't appear to be overplaying her hand in any way."
"Either she's the greatest actress in the world or she's telling her version of events."
"What better way to find out if something is legit than talking to their founder?"
"If people don't have faith and trust in the credibility of our institutions then they will resort to street justice."
"Astrology is like the mathematics, it cannot be refuted."
"Are we ever going to have a congressional hearing where credible people come up and say 'I am a pilot, this is what I saw'?"
"Fed's job theoretically is to fight inflation and control the money supply... credibility's already been dramatically weakened."
"Check out some of these partners that they're with: CNN, CoinMarketCap, CoinDesk."
"The lack of evidence presented makes it easy to undercut the story."
"I don't ask you to trust that I'm credible, I show you the evidence."
"They did tremendous damage to her credibility if there was any credibility left to damage."
"Do you feel as though if Joe Biden wasn't Joe Biden your allegations would be taken more seriously? Absolutely."
"You gotta show us the evidence, you can't just ask me to believe you because you are a New York Times Reporter."
"Your credibility is on the line. Acknowledge Trump's flaws, but also his accomplishments."
"Let me just say for the record, anybody who in a heated moment that says 'Where you at?' like you gonna drive to that person and do something, I don't believe you."
"Those two clips back to back, in my opinion, is all you need to know about the integrity of Anthony Fauci."
"Why should they believe what you're saying, Mr. Chairman? Why should they believe you?"
"Social media has had an accelerating effect on the de-legitimization of our sense-making institutions."
"Who's the person making this stuff up? Because Mary, she's a pathological liar making stories up."
"I have no evidence to believe that Father Ornetti was a liar or a mythomaniac. I believe what he told me."
"Just because something has lots of views doesn't mean that they actually know what they're talking about."
"Aliens are real, according to Dr. Haim Eshed, one of the most respected men in Israel and America."
"The credibility of God and his son hinges on the second coming."
"If there's eyewitnesses, if there's four of them, they know the difference between a stork and a 50-foot object."
"The power is in the group... makes it a lot harder to discredit you."
"My research and the evidence and the scientific evaluation of that evidence has convinced me that this case is real."
"I do believe India has a significant and credible role to play."
"Just because someone at some point in your life had credibility doesn't mean they have credibility on that topic."
"Government... happy to do this balancing act... easily discredited."
"Whistleblowers... very credible witnesses... rock solid proof."
"I rank the whistleblowers as the most reliable... credible."
"When Donald Trump gets up and says that he's being railroaded... there is real hard evidence that he lied repeatedly." - Nick Ackerman
"Does inciting violence assault and riot reflect credibly on the House of Representatives of course not."
"Many of whom also have shared compelling evidence in the form of Photography, official documentation, and classified oral testimony."
"He will question everything about them, from their credibility to their qualifications."
"If there was any Credence to the [__] that they were talking about then it would be a matter of National Security."
"If you're telling me that the CPI rent index is under two percent, you're either a fool or a liar."
"Help people all over the world stand out, win trust, gain credibility."
"President Biden likes to say, 'Big nations can't bluff. The United States doesn't bluff.'"
"Ninety percent of the researchers that call themselves researchers about Bigfoot have never done one day of research."
"We are talking about cards we misevaluated to be interesting, fun, put our own credibility on the line just a little bit."
"It's not true smarter, wiser people can smell it, and you'll lose opportunities because of it."
"Just because someone on Instagram is popular and sounds authoritative doesn't mean their parenting advice is truly proven in the long-term."
"I will never accept payment to promote a coin on this channel ever. It's simply too important for me to maintain credibility."
"It's really going to come down to credibility, relatability, and likability. It's difficult to get into the jury's minds, but it's really about perceptions and character and who's credible."
"He claims he went to both MIT and Caltech... both schools have no record of him."
"So he has a story down pat and he's repeating it but it doesn't add up."
"Judge Mary said nothing of substance against Dr saladino's arguments."
"If they're just making it up, then Sidney Powell and Rudy Giuliani are legitimately insane."
"Fox News is proving they are doing legit journalism... MSNBC has gone off the rails."
"You will go and build up some posts on your page that make it look more trustworthy."
"When Dustin Poirier comes out and tells the world Justin is the harder fight, you have to listen to that."
"I think we're all in for Sancho... anybody with any credibility knows we want Sancho."
"That's why people aren't watching CNN very much anymore, they are not trusted, they are fake news."
"I strongly believe IGP had some very very very strong points in his video which were founded and credible."
"It's significant, doesn't matter whether it was a month ago or not, when credible people like Simon Stone and David Ornstein say the Glazers approached the PSG president."
"I like that this story has actual receipts, not just proverbial ones."
"I want to make as much money as I can. If you said it, you might not mean it. But if I say it, you can take it to the bank."
"One of the few voices of of forthright truth-telling out there right now in public life is of all people Jerome Powell."
"When you see the wave of verified comments inside a YouTuber's comment section, do the extra due diligence."
"Ethos might be the most important aspect of rhetoric because if people don't see you as credible, you're done before you begin."
"When you speak, people listen because you know what you're talking about."
"Your threats are empty and unless you mean it, don't say it because you look like a total joke."
"He is ignorant and unsophisticated and he is not a good person to now have in a courtroom."
"If you can shatter their credibility on one facade, on one point, okay, most of the time it's going to crumble, it's a house of cards."
"This is their worst nightmare because uh again this is a credible witness."
"Reproducibility is kind of super important in science."
"All of which suggests that maybe there are some serious questions that need to be asked about Ford's account."
"Practically every word that comes out of his mouth is a lie."
"Write in your own voice that's true to your personality. That's going to build relatability, trust, and credibility with your audience."