
Dinner Quotes

There are 667 quotes

"The only person I want to have dinner with is you."
"Let's have a nice Christmas dinner, just a nice Christmas dinner."
"It's Saturday. We're having a good time, and it's going to be a fantastic dinner."
"Someone asked me not too long ago if I could have dinner with anyone living who would it be and I said you know what I think it would probably be Bob Garfield."
"Just enjoy another person's company for dinner, it's okay to do that and hang out."
"It's not a dick measuring contest, it's your dinner."
"You really do get the best of both worlds with this dinner it is so so easy to make but yet it is so flavorful and delicious."
"And now it's time to make some dinner, and we're going to be making a cauliflower curry."
"It is so terrifying that I had a dinner with someone who potentially does not exist."
"Jin gets emotional thinking that he has such good friends before they all sit down at the table to have dinner."
"I've got green beans as my vegetable with my sheet pan dinners."
"I almost feel like something else happened at that dinner that we just did not see for him to be like 'yo pump your brakes stop this and that'." - Lonnie
"Our sorry excuse for dinner was interrupted by a raspy voice."
"Let's make big bets for this one, like loser buys dinner next time we're all together."
"It's up to you guys, but if you're down for it, I'll text you where we're going for dinner."
"What if cooked lamb with cauliflower and puree and then roasted cauliflower."
"Don't you love breakfast for dinner? I do."
"This is like the perfect birthday Eve dinner, yeah, this is a great way to wrap up living on the earth for a quarter of a century."
"We're going to finish eating here, dinner is set for us."
"This is the best tasting dinner I've had all week long, and it is Friday."
"You are invited to a dinner with Jesus Christ."
"Who wouldn't find dinner with Jesus meaningful?"
"You look like you've gone from desk to dinner effortlessly."
"This is another great top to wear if you're going out for dinner after work."
"Anything you can do to get dinner on the table quicker on a work night is definitely going to help you out."
"Wait, that's really good, I would say it tastes more like a side you would have with dinner than it does a dessert, for sure."
"We never have the question of like, oh what we going to have for dinner, which is the worst."
"I'm having an old friend for dinner."
"Dinner's done, maybe serve this with some fresh bread, and you're just like feeling so good that you have a healthy homemade meal with so little work."
"I'm about to make chicken chow mein for dinner because, you know, I'm not cooking, I'll be chefing that up."
"Dinner is served, we have the macaroni pie that my mom made, I only put like five green beans on Brian's because he's probably not even gonna eat it, but we'll see."
"Tonight's dinner is one that I'll remember forever."
"I want to get the kitchen clean before we eat dinner."
"Fingers crossed we make it, fingers crossed we've got fish for dinner."
"Dinner doesn't have to be perfect or beautiful you just get to feed people and sometimes it's going to look weird especially with kids"
"All right, family. Where are we going for the last night? Nandos!"
"Perfect for summer lasagna dinner. It's beautiful and delicious."
"Guys, this is the perfect sunset dinner. And that view, guys, like the light, there's just something about it."
"How about dinner tonight at Raven?"
"The dinner's over and we've all gained 10 lb."
"That's really good, that's a really great healthy dinner."
"We're gonna finish dinner, stay tuned because tomorrow on the next one we're gonna go mountain biking."
"Someone here wants to take you out to dinner."
"And guess what? She's making her dinner."
"He treats her to dinner, then confesses his love."
"Tonight's dinner is going to slap, rotisserie chicken."
"I think this was my favorite dinner of the whole week hands down."
"Guys, first keeper perch for me. We're gonna throw them in with this trout buddy there. Oh, we're gonna have a good dinner."
"It's time to make dinner, this is Hawaiian chicken with coconut rice and grilled pineapple."
"We cooked our entire Thanksgiving dinner with this rocket stove."
"Roland brought the woman to dinner and they had a wonderful time smiling at each other."
"Dinner was actually really good tonight."
"Chili's always a staple dinner around here. It's easy to throw together, it tastes delicious, it's a crowd pleaser."
"Just make it, you gotta make dinner, might as well make it good."
"You gotta make dinner every night anyway, so you might as well make it good."
"Honestly, can you name a better summer dinner? Cheers."
"So we had an amazing dinner actually to be honest people weren't that hungry everyone just had one entree one dessert and some didn't even get starters."
"You don't have to make the most beautiful dinner, you can just throw in a chicken and some potatoes, turn the oven on, maybe steam a veggie, maybe not, but call it a night at that."
"This is great for a dinner if you want to add a vegetable which I always am trying to think of well, what can I add so we can get a vegetable also."
"Cheers to steak itself for giving us reasons to come together and have a nice dinner."
"Dinner was satisfying and grateful forever."
"You're getting a bronze apron. Oh, you got me dinner for tonight. You're getting an apron."
"It's very labor saving when the dinner party comes you leave it on the table and it eats up all the what is the smelliest cheese that you know limberger Munster stinking Bishop there is one made in Sardinia and they actually have maggots in in the cheese."
"That's a feed if you've ever seen one. That's dinner, massive mackerel steak cooked to perfection."
"Cereal is not breakfast for dinner. Breakfast for dinner is an actual meal you can make on purpose while cereal is the 'I don't have any time and I don't have any money and I'm too exhausted to cook' meal of Champions."
"I'm glad you asked me out to dinner. I would never have had the guts to do it myself."
"The vasectomy is where I lost my dinner and uh, you know, you might owe me 20 bucks."
"Let's just go, I don't need your stupid dinner."
"When I eat this whole box, not your [__] business. This is our dinner."
"I'm excited to get cleaned up and eat some really good dinner"
"I love you bye and now it is time to have dinner at Enchanted Garden."
"Dinner was definitely a success. Everybody enjoyed the fish and we ate until we just couldn't eat anymore. And we are stuffed."
"Tonight I am whipping up some chicken tostadas for dinner."
"If you could have dinner with anyone living or dead who would that be? That's easy, my wife."
"And there you have it, a quick and easy dinner giving you more time to enjoy your family."
"This is next level. This is a perfect girl dinner."
"Come on now, give me a walleye, give me some dinner. Give me like a 2-3 pounder."
"Our mechanic invited us over to his house to have dinner, and he had this made for us. How freaking cool is that?"
"Dinner tonight is gonna be these Hawaiian ham and cheese sliders, pineapple spears, and kettle chips."
"Tonight for dinner we're having chili dogs."
"For dinner tonight we're having vodka penne pasta with garlic bread."
"Tonight's dinner is going to be just as delicious and comforting."
"Dinner is finally done. I think this is gonna be a little spicy, but I think it's gonna be really good."
"We're gonna celebrate him tonight we're going to be going out to dinner he has selected really fun Mexican restaurant we are also celebrating my brother's birthday it falls three days after my dad so we're going to be celebrating my brother as well it'll just be so much fun."
"Cleaning up dinner is a task in itself. It's like after eating dinner especially at the end of the day the last thing you want to do is clean. It's a whole process."
"Tonight I just made just a beef and rice filling with seasonings and all that in it."
"Last night's dinner was really nice."
"Casseroles: the unsung heroes of dinner time, the epitome of convenience."
"Mom, can we please get King burger for dinner?"
"Look at her dress, did we go to dinner so I could wear this? Yes, we did."
"Are you ready for dinner? I have something very romantic planned."
"Maybe that's what I'll have on Sunday for my Mother's Day dinner."
"Breakfast food is best at dinner time."
"This is my first time like sharing a drink with someone over dinner in New York. It feels right."
"Dinner is ready in less than 20 minutes."
"Dinner is served said someone gleefully, we fell to like starving men, relishing the taste of home for the first time after many weeks at sea."
"Five dinner guests? Obama, my mom, and then I would say Tom Brady." - Dinner guest preferences
"Passion never stops, it doesn't matter if I'm at a spa or at a dinner."
"...our beautiful asala which is like going to leak off of the plate but there you go, dinner is served."
"So this is what Matt and I are having for dinner."
"She wanted to play with me and I said that I could invite her in for dinner."
"Pick you up and take you out to dinner."
"I'm so excited for dinner and the fact that the sun hasn't even set yet makes me happy."
"Appreciate y'all hanging out with us today. This is just what we do on an everyday night: make dinner and hang out."
"I think tonight for dinner pretty much is gonna have a plate of air."
"Let's make dinner special tonight."
"Maybe we should crack a few beers huh my wife told me as we sat down to dinner last night."
"This is the perfect Capper to our all beef dinner tonight it's been a lovely date so thank you for coming with me babe you're welcome babe love you babe I love you right back."
"That's Hart Quinn is coming over for dinner."
"Who can guess what I'm cooking for dinner tonight?"
"Kenzie, darling, so nice of you to come out of hiding to eat dinner with me."
"No one wants to go have dinner and be physically assaulted."
"Clarice's attempts to evoke dialogue and create a cozy atmosphere at the dinner table met with mixed reactions."
"That dinner was so good, it was delicious, phenomenal."
"What could make for a better lunch or dinner than a parade of meats? Seriously, man."
"Is your dinner actually accounting for more of your risk than your genes?"
"So you as the youth, do you have anything like this? No, I'm just thinking, what would I have for dinner tonight?"
"This is hands down one of my top five favorite healthy dinners right now."
"Dinner moves the hand of God fast for you. That's why communion is so important in our life."
"Love love love this dinner let's get started."
"I'm absolutely stuffed from dinner."
"I think we might do like an early dinner or something at this cute little restaurant here."
"This is gonna be a perfect Valentine's Day dinner. It really is."
"I'm gonna put these Salisbury steaks potatoes and whatever skin and green beans together for dinner."
"I need to make something for dinner."
"That is so good that might be one of the best dinners you've ever made, really."
"So this is gonna be dinner. Looks great, actually."
"That dinner was amazing, like really, really nice."
"I'm just going to go like this because it's just a casual dinner, like we're not dressing up or anything."
"A great way to spend a date night. Good dinner, good show."
"Dinner is done, oh look at that toasty bun!"
"I think I'm having pizza tonight, boys."
"That's probably about the time it'll take for me to throw together this whole dinner. Now it's time to get started on the surf and turf part of our dinner."
"What's for dinner? Your favorite lamb chops."
"Tonight's dinner is at Walled City Brewery, and they make all of these amazing beers and cider as well on-site."
"I'm going to make my myself some dinner I'm going to do a noodle stir fry with a bunch of veggies from the garden."
"Welcome to another week of what's for dinner."
"He's cooking dinner for me on Tuesdays and has it pretty much ready when I get home which it's going horribly today."
"Honestly, dinner wasn't as bad as I thought with cauliflower rice. And the smaller portion wasn't too bad either."
"I'm now going to have some dinner. I'm actually going to cook dinner with Saff on FaceTime because we haven't had a proper catchup in ages."
"We all get to sit down and have dinner together which is important to us."
"...this is perfect, a wonderful dinner experience. It feels very, uh, not guilt-free, but it feels light without all that rice."
"Wonderland is definitely one of our favorite dinner experiences!"
"I really like making soup for dinner."
"I would like to have dinner with WC Fields, Cary Grant, Plato, Christ, and you."
"I'm gonna make some dinner for me and Niall tonight, it's a one-pot peanut chili chicken with tomato rice."
"That's such a good dinner, so quick and easy."
"I love Thanksgiving more for the leftovers than I do the actual dinner."
"Right, the lights are back on. So, having a lovely dinner with all the crew here, here's to a good few days filming. Everyone, cheers!"
"Yeah, it's hoping you turn up, I wanted to take you to dinner, my treat."
"One day I was sitting at the kitchen eating dinner with my wife who was 6 months pregnant and I hear clear as day the word hi as if someone were inches away from me right near my ear and Whispering it."
"I'm really excited to go out to dinner with my family tonight."
"It's beautiful, we're just about to go down for dinner."
"A couple of days after Tiffany's funeral I was out to dinner with Tara and Janet."
"My favorite thing about Hungry Root is the fact that it is just so convenient for me, not only to get dinner on the table and snacks for my babies but it's all healthy stuff."
"Why don't we go to dinner? Who's gonna babysit? Lego Death Star's worth three hours of babysitting if and only if it's in the box and set box is in mint condition."
"We try to do it for dinner as many nights of the week as possible. This is a very special time for our family."
"We promise we would have a family dinner and I would show you guys what's going on here."
"Tonight for dinner we are having sort of like a Greek salad adjacent."
"I haven't been to dinner though in months, I mean it's probably been three months."
"For dinner I am making this skillet chicken adobo with coconut rice."
"Oh, cutie. I am hungry. What do we have for dinner to feed me?"
"My first bait down, gotta fish in the boat, so we're gonna have a good dinner."
"I just wanted to see if you wanted to get dinner tomorrow night. You know it's Taco Tuesday. I know you love tacos."
"I would love to eat dinner with you."
"Dinner was delicious and I tried to light the candles that we made outside but it's just so windy so it would just burn out really quickly."
"Dinner tonight ranks at a 9 out of 10."
"Just because you don't have a partner doesn't mean that you can't have those candlelight dinners."
"The best business dinner I've ever had."
"This restaurant is only open for dinner but they specialize in peeking duck."
"Mapperton wild garlic pesto, I think that's what they're making for you for supper."
"...ended up being an insanely delicious and tasty dinner."
"Dinner was delicious. Dinner start with amazing. And we are super cool, yes."
"I love everything about this dinner. I love that you can eat it with your hands. I love that you can serve it room temp. I love that you can swap in any vegetables that look good to you at the market."
"Dinner's done we got a salad we got that pasta bake easy peasy lemon squeezy."
"Last dinner, I think I'm gonna make some chicken and rice soup because it's bomb.com."
"I just wanted you to come straight home and have dinner with us."
"Right, let's check out the menu for dinner. Starters, oh I have two of those actually. Oh, now look, fresh pasta made on board. How am I going to resist that? Well, I'm not. Oh, baked just for you, thank you so much."
"I hope you enjoyed dinner and hanging with Dad, montage style."
"This is actually quite exciting because we don't know what we're gonna have for dinner."
"We're about to go out to dinner, we were just rushing to get ready."
"This is like my ideal perfect dinner."
"Deku would say 'whatever' with the class ending and Bakugo going off with his goons... they kind of want to go to Deku's house and have some dinner over there."
"I celebrate it but I over celebrate it, I had the champagne, I went to dinner four times, I just, you know, because everybody was like 'Let's go to dinner' so instead of me saying 'Let's all go to dinner' I went to dinner individually with everybody."
"We're gonna have pigs' knuckles and sauerkraut tonight, Charlie."
"Hello, does anyone like fires for dinner?"
"Finally I am making some Sesame garlic noodles for dinner with air fried tofu."
"That's the thing," they said, "that's okay, still fun, everyone just having a good Christmas dinner."
"For dinner tonight we're having chicken marsala, green beans, risotto."
"We've got reservations at berries tonight for a real nice steak dinner."
"My version of girl dinner for dinner tonight I'm having a milk strip for dinner tonight I'm having a protein shake."
"Dinner is definitely better than lunch."
"Tonight, we're having a Thai curry and I cannot wait."
"My dad hardly ever joined us for dinner, even when he was at home, he would rather eat in his study."
"And that's it, a nice and light but delicious and nutritious dinner."
"Dinner was really good. We got two wiener schnitzels which, they were amazing."
"A great make-ahead dinner for friends."
"We're gonna have a great dinner today, it's Saturday, I feel like Saturday's meal should be hands down delicious, I really do."
"I think mom and dad should have like this really fancy dinner, so we'll make them dinner."
"It's literally a Christmas dinner inside of a tin."