
Collective Success Quotes

There are 190 quotes

"I know it's... an accolade for me but it really does feel like more of an accolade for us as a community together."
"When your partner succeeds, that's the team's success."
"I profoundly believe that we all rise or fall together. Absolutely all of us."
"That's all I care about: seeing everybody win."
"In America, you can do anything, you can be anything, and together we can achieve anything."
"The history done by historians... shows a story that there is many places for triumph for people who work together."
"I want to see this industry succeed. I want to see the people in it be successful on their own, and together."
"We all want to see each other win, and we can't do way more together than we can do apart."
"One day we'll be standing possibly up here, and we'll see, well, we won. We're going to say that."
"The only way we're going to do this is if we become more than the sum of our parts."
"And this is a battle we will win, and we'll do it together."
"Revolutionaries may have individually failed, but collectively they succeeded."
"Succeeding together means tapping into the best of American ingenuity and creativity."
"Celebrate your success, celebrate others, we all shine together."
"Together, we can achieve financial freedom—let's work as a community towards success."
"If you want to go quickly you do it alone but if you want to go far you'll do it together."
"A real team victory today, everybody played their part."
"It's incredible what you can accomplish when you don't care who gets the credit."
"It's pretty incredible what we've all accomplished here together."
"I hope we continue to grow, I hope we continue to flourish together."
"When you teach others success, that brings you more success."
"Fostering a world where collective success and well-being are in harmony with our aspirations."
"Together we are unstoppable, together we are unbeatable, because together we are the proud citizens of the United States of America."
"If everyone wins, we all win. Even when I take losses, I still win."
"A rising tide raises all ships in the comic universe."
"Everyone's winning lately, you know? I love that."
"I do it for the team... when I win, we all win."
"We rise together or we will perish together."
"If everybody wins, it's better for everybody's happiness in the long term."
"Focus on the problem and the solutions and we will all get there."
"We did it! We expected change and we only did that together, ladies and gentlemen."
"Collectively as a community, rather than infighting, if we just help everyone stay focused and stay in the game, that's how we all win."
"We have an opportunity to win, not just them, the door gonna open up for everybody to win."
"This isn't about victory for a side, this is about victory for Humanity."
"Take the win, America. Take the win. We screwed this thing up for 14 months. Can we just take the goddamn win?"
"Right, we all rise together. Thank God we have each other."
"We just want him to succeed for all of us, humanity depends on it."
"In times of adversity, collective societies do better. Our ingenuity thrives in times of abundance, which is coming to a close."
"Football's a team game you know what I'm saying and as soon as you try and make it anything other than a team game you stop winning you know like that."
"I'm gonna keep working to prove it, but at the end of the day, I want everybody to do good together. If everybody succeeds, this country succeeds."
"I feel like it's homegrown, you know, like everybody came up together."
"If you succeed, they succeed, we all succeed."
"This is our time and we have just absolutely smashed it."
"Those aspects are all individually good enough to carry the whole darn thing on their own and yet somehow it is still greater than the sum of all of them."
"You get what you give, rising ties raise all boats."
"It takes a village, and I think that our group has been the true MVP."
"I want the good guys to keep winning and that only happens when we all have each other's backs."
"One year, three year, five years, I think we're all gonna make it."
"Most of the time we all choose to get along and we do really amazing things collectively."
"We are all in this together and we're trying to push ourselves so that the person that does succeed can go farther."
"Thank you for helping make all of us successful with your hard work and genius Elon Tesla."
"It's not a competition, it's not a one man rises, it's everybody rises."
"But you have to remember that there is a reason why we have grown as a community to the levels that we have grown to."
"It's not about one player being able to score goals it's about the team playing well creating chances and sharing it doesn't matter who scored the goals."
"Try to be humble sometimes, have this humble farmer mentality and I feel like we're all gonna make it."
"Can we all just win baby? Hell yeah, dude, can we just win."
"How many niggas are ready to sacrifice their ego so that the whole team wins?"
"Hopefully while we're alive we do amazing things and we do amazing things together."
"Elevate everybody around you because then we'll all rise together."
"Wealth is not based on what one individual has, but what the group has."
"Celebration and partnership bring great rewards... Two people are better off than one; they can help each other succeed."
"We truly accomplished something special here."
"Success for me is reflecting back at the things that we have accomplished together and recognizing that millions if not billions now live in a system where they all matter, they all have a voice, they all have an equal footing."
"Ready losers, let's kick it! Yo, I called that from the beginning!" - Combining two quotes for an enthusiastic and confident declaration.
"Teamwork makes the dream work, you can't do it all alone."
"You win when everybody else is winning and you're all winning together."
"When we win, you win. Nebraska wins, and all of America wins."
"Winning is a collective effort, not individual stars."
"We've done so much good together, we've done it together." - Emphasizing collective achievements.
"There's just not a lot of people in the world like Lizzo. When she succeeds, it feels like we've all succeeded, which is nice."
"It's something I think we can be very proud of as a team."
"It's like-minded individuals that just want to see each other win."
"The more people you have doing well, the better off you'll be."
"I want all of us to do well, you know what I mean?"
"Embrace the power of collaboration and teamwork, for together, we can achieve greatness."
"This is just the beginning; I promise we're gonna rise to the top."
"There is space for everyone to succeed, and everyone wins when no one loses anything."
"The only reason that we're able to be here right now is because of the tireless amazing work of everyone."
"Infinite games tend to not have so many rules and they don’t have a time horizon attached on and the only prime directive that exists in the infinite game is that all of the players of the game have to feel that they’re winning."
"It's not about you; collectively, your unit and the success of that unit doesn't just rely on one or two people, it relies on everybody within that squad or that platoon."
"Football is a team game. To be the best of the best, the sum of the whole must often surpass the individual."
"It's not just about individual success, but also about contributing to a better world."
"When one person in a family wins, we all win. When somebody makes a great discovery, we all benefit."
"We don't win as individuals, we win as a team."
"Helping others shine doesn't diminish your own light; it makes the collective light brighter."
"The better that we all do individually, the better we all do together."
"It wasn't just about winning for me, it was about winning for the gym."
"We win collectively, like a big Gumbo Pot where everyone can eat because you brought your ingredient."
"...together they achieved sustained greatness."
"Success is not being successful, it's you and all your friends being successful because that is success."
"Kansas City stand up, well deserved. We are in this, wasn't it just us? It was y'all."
"I just want me and all the people I love to become successful. You all are some nice people."
"We're all winning at the end of the day."
"And that's my way of saying I believe we all are going to be successful."
"You don't have to be great because individually good is good enough because collectively we're great."
"When one person succeeds, we all succeed, and I really truly believe that."
"We are all we are together, we go down as one or we win as one."
"The greatness is the collective, not the individual."
"It's not about individual attribution; it's all about the team winning."
"We celebrate the historic victory we achieve together."
"A win for you and your beautiful chateau is a win for all of us who dream."
"One person's success is almost contingent on the success of the collective."
"It's a bigger bag if we share, and you combine all those forces into this like conglomerate, it can be so much bigger, so much better; more hands make light work, dog."
"We are about to shine, all of us are about to shine on this Earth."
"This success belongs to all of humanity."
"Success is not just mine, it's everyone's. We made it possible by joining forces and above all, with the support of my friends."
"The victory is not even for you... your passion is in the leading the rest of us to victory, to seeing all of us succeed."
"Teamwork makes the dream work, and team to me means Together Each Achieves More."
"Success for you guys is actually success for a legion of young people just like you who are going to be the future."
"I'm really hoping this business venture is going to be successful. It's not just for me, but for them as well."
"Together we have done the impossible; we have made history."
"It's kind of like all boats rise with the tide."
"It's the tide that raises all boats in this entire industry."
"It's really a win-all for everybody."
"Everyone else is better off as they collaborate."
"It's about what's best for the team, how do we win together."
"If one of us succeeds, it's a lot more likely that the rest of us are going to succeed."
"Lift as you rise, you know, if you bring people with you, we all end up in a better place."
"When Jonathan Majors won, we all won; when Michael B. Jordan wins, we all win."
"We work together, we win together."
"The more we can have open conversations about the possibility for income, the more money we are all going to make."
"If we all stick together, we can win, I tell you."
"In the end, if we don't work together, we're all screwed."
"Everyone wins; we're all helping each other."
"We all can rise at the same time, like a cake."
"There was a victory for all Americans."
"It's not how can I win, but how can we win."
"Everybody's boats are floating; everybody's tide is rising."
"When you add value to people, everyone wins."
"You know what I love? The team benefit. It takes not just a win but a gigantic win."
"You may be just a nut, you may be just a wheel, and you may be a powerful engine, but if you're not all together on the same page, we're not going to accomplish what we're capable of."
"If I succeed, we all succeed, if I eat, we all eat."
"The better the country does, the better we would do."
"Everyone's winning, baby, that's the truth."
"We just wish that it was a way that all our brothers from the city on all sides could just come together and figure out a way to win and enjoy life."
"We win differently, right? When we win, it's not just about me, it's about us."
"We're all family and we're all together, so we all win, right?"
"My success is only as great as the success of people around me."
"The power of being a human, well done guys, teamwork makes the dream work."
"Stay focused, stay with me, we're going to do this together."
"You are all winners, I want you to know you are all winners."
"God will give you the victory when, if you win, everybody wins."
"All we doing is growing together, all we doing is flourishing together."
"It's not about who's going to win the individual, I think who's going to win as a team."
"We always cheer the customer and the new guy on; when we cheer him on, we all win."
"If you can get everybody to succeed, you're gonna do better."
"If I get famous, we all get famous."
"Everyone's job is kind of relying on us; if we do a good job, everyone does well."
"This is going to be a good year for us, and you guys at the same time."
"When I win, we win, and that's a real thing."
"All Ships float in a rising tide."
"It's a rising tide lifts all boats kind of effect on the Premier League."
"True success has to do with others becoming successful because of your success."
"I think we could all do with a win."
"Sometimes when you can trust the people around you, you can work together to build something that gives a better payoff, a better reward for everybody."
"We can only succeed if others succeed as well, only if we have power with others, not just power over others."
"The more we win individually, the more we win collectively."
"We can all be lit together, and then we can all shine."
"If one person succeeds, we all help each other succeed."
"We made it, not he made it, we made it."
"Ultimately, you know who's going to be the big winner of all this? Us."
"You plant those seeds because you are an optimistic person with a good spirit, and you believe in collective wins."
"If everyone did better, everyone would do better."
"It's cool if just you win, but I want all my people around me to win too."
"When we take on more, it doesn't mean that someone else is getting less. The goal is that everyone gets more."
"Together we have everything, together we begin again, together we are abundant."
"There's a lot of golden opportunities that are opening up for many of us in the collective."
"The safer homes meant stronger cities; the victory for one was a victory for everyone."
"We'll succeed as a collective and right from the first day we report, that's part of the journey."