
Counterculture Quotes

There are 199 quotes

"For many attendees, known as 'burners,' the event is about providing a space for countercultural expression."
"Conservatism is almost counterculture right now."
"Romanticize your life is naturally countering the rational, productivity-driven society that people are becoming less and less satisfied with."
"Many of the residents of Haight Ashbury were seriously trying to construct an alternative society."
"Mad had a circulation of over 2 million readers and was increasingly seen as a vital voice in the counterculture movement."
"I think the only way to fight back, the only way to push back, is to create our own institutions and get our own messages out there."
"I don't like the idea of restricting art. I think you have to have countercultural ideas."
"The church is counter-cultural, absolute in its moral compass."
"Anti-political correctness is becoming seen...as avant-garde, as counterculture."
"We're punk rock, we are now the rebels, we're the anti-establishment."
"We have to also create something that is going to be a counter-cultural force because simply rejecting and complaining and waving our fingers in the air, it's just not enough."
"It's cultural victory, the counterculture displacing the mainstream culture."
"He's the kryptonite to political correctness."
"The mass-marketing of counterculture: taking the rebellion out and selling a shiny version back."
"NFTs are kind of counter-culture, anti-establishment, right?"
"I'm kind of obsessed with it and really want to talk about it... this is about the future of how we construct a Counter Culture push back on the establishment."
"Smart asses are always funny... that counter culture voice always feels young and fresh."
"Rock is not the devil's work, it's magical and rad."
"American consumer culture can co-opt a counter trend quicker than you can say Whole Earth Catalog."
"Rebellion will always be cool because anyone who wants to be cool has to rebel against the establishment."
"From her days as a counterculture icon to her tremendous voice the performer made an immeasurable impact on the industry."
"Being wholesome is actually sort of edgy at this point."
"Engineers, hackers, and software developers had come to be seen as countercultural heroes."
"Jesus is not popular; it's actually one of the most counter-cultured things."
"The red pill needs to remain fundamentally asocial."
"If you go against the grain, you're a conspirator, you're a conspiracy theorist. But I don't know how many times progressives have to be proven right."
"If you want a real piece of Counter Culture that you can hold in your hand the Black Market opens this Friday at 9 00 a.m Pacific time at hangovergang.com."
"The beat generation... criticizes the conformity of the 1950s."
"There will always be a counter culture to the mainstream."
"This is a good thing, like sticking it to the man. Like, blah blah."
"Extending the Psychedelic counterculture's explicit reach into Cinema was critical in their mission of expanding Consciousness to challenge conventional ways of seeing and being."
"Freaks are cool, freaks are out there, they are the new rebels."
"Counter-cultural books and arguments are more in demand than perhaps they previously recognized."
"They love to see [expletive] go against the typical American Dream and live the American dream of the gods."
"Counterculture is important, but there is no substitute for the formation of workers organizations engaging in direct struggle against the ruling classes."
"The duty of a Christian is to look at the way the world's going and go the exact opposite."
"Aggressive generosity to combat Boomer selfishness is so Punk."
"Queer education is openly hostile to norms, expectations, and anything considered dominant."
"He was so much more than a psychiatrist-turned-hippie-icon."
"The beauty is we are now the counter culture."
"That's what we need to get back to, that anti-establishment look."
"The real punks are the ones who are getting de-platformed and getting castigated out of society."
"We're fighting back, we're not sitting back complaining and whining, oh the devil's out making more movies well hey we're going to make movies."
"Conservatives amazingly are becoming counter-cultural in an unexpected way."
"We're punk rock and we're the DIY of show business."
"If the mainstream fights you, it's almost a badge of honor, a seal of approval for truth and authenticity."
"The CIA was behind the whole counterculture LSD movement."
"He was obsessed with the counterculture of the 1960s, he loved the music, the rebellious attitudes."
"Living a life that trusts in his promises and goes against the grain of what culture says."
"Weed is so often thought of as something that stunts motivation and drive... but when weed culture and weed Innovation is fostered, it becomes a catalyst for Innovation for healing and maybe even for a kind of progress."
"What counter-cultural compromises will you have to make in order to actually live a happy life?"
"Just like San Francisco, Portland is a very counterculture city."
"By the time we got to Woodstock, we were half a million strong and everywhere was a song and a celebration."
"We are stardust, we are golden, and we've got to get ourselves back to the garden."
"We wanted to muck up the mainstream."
"The impact of the hippie movement is so incredibly big."
"The hippies rejected having a family, having normal relationships. They were all like in open relationships, and this led to a rejection of how they would organize their own societies and how they would live."
"Altamont was intended to be an expression of optimism, of the strengths of the counterculture."
"The Stones were really probably the first anti-establishment band."
"Six words: Turn on, tune in, drop out."
"His slogan became, 'turn on, tune in, drop out.'"
"It was free love, free drugs, music, free food from the dumpster, and famous people were dropping in."
"...established him as an enduring symbol of the counterculture movement."
"The gospel is always countercultural."
"The spread of LSD grew; it became the unofficial symbol for counterculture activists, harled as a means for people to connect to nature and bring about positive changes in society."
"This vibe seemed to be the antidote to our fast-paced technological, globalized world, and 2020 provided the perfect conditions for cottagecore to explode into the mainstream."
"Turn on tune in drop out, give up with me."
"Creating an alternative viable subculture to the predominant culture."
"When you realize that this is all countercultural, I'm not asking you to do anything other than what Jesus did. He's our Rabbi. Yeshua tells us to come this way, right?"
"You turn on, you tune in and then you drop out."
"It's kind of more rock and roll to be a bit like Jesus these days than to just follow the crowd."
"A pre hippie culture that was rapidly changing."
"In that moment, Hendrix cemented himself as the leader in the biggest era of countercultural action in American history."
"Lucas lived with other filmmakers and artists in San Francisco right when much of the hippie movement was transitioning to New Age philosophies."
"The process of turning on, tuning in, and dropping out is eternally cyclic or repetitive."
"Central to our conversation is the hippie movement, characterized by a very non-traditional and joyful approach to life."
"Acid house, while never exactly having mainstream hits on the charts, continued to dominate the underground and served as a stark alternative to the conformist attitudes of 1980s Western culture."
"Twisted Sister were about counterculture and riling everyone up."
"Woodstock was like this chill vibe, peace love hippies like and it was 400,000 people, huge."
"Yeah, it's finally hit that point where it's going back to like a part where I'm like, it's there's a small little thing of it happening again like a little counter culture."
"It was kind of like, along with Lord of the Rings, was sort of like taken up by hippies and became like this real part of the 60s counterculture."
"Holy living today will have to be antithetical, set against the various forms of post-Christianity and anti-Christianity that are running rampant."
"Hippies wanted to be one with nature. We wanted to save the planet."
"The think different advertising campaign was an attempt to relaunch the Apple brand to bring it back to The Counter Culture infused values that Steve Jobs first envisioned back in 1976 when the company was founded."
"Discipline becomes harder because you become counter-cultural."
"To live this way in today's world is like someone trying to make a u-turn at rush hour on the freeway. It goes against the stream."
"Drag is punk, and mainstream drag is never having to say you're sorry."
"Nothing is more counter-cultural than contemplation."
"Surfing had always been popular, but the counterculture movement took it into the mainstream."
"She embraced rock and roll, she embraced the counterculture, she joined the underground at a time when the underground was the coolest thing."
"We need to build a new counter Elite that is present in the institutions, that is intellectually anchored."
"'Turn! Turn! Turn!' was a plea for peace amidst social unrest, a classic of the counterculture era."
"Ultimately, there will be a huge counterculture movement that will be equal and opposite to the technologic march."
"The overarching theme as I understand it is one that is really kind of counter-cultural and one of not grasping for power, not this kind of coercive power, but one of divesting of power."
"Culture itself will atrophy if you get rid of counterculture because counterculture is vital, it's the front edge of things."
"Another counter-cultural point: it starts in the mind."
"Frank Zappa musically and lyrically lampooned hypocrisy wherever he saw it, whether from the straight world or the counterculture."
"British Riders helped create the legend of motorcycling rebellion."
"Dead heads have a sort of a sense of adventure and it's tough to come by Adventure in America nowadays."
"It's a challenge, even a counterculture, will probably be tolerated and bought off as well."
"It's more punk rock to be a decent human being."
"Her embrace of counterculture... makes me wonder honestly... is there even a counter culture today?"
"What Joe Namath represented was the countercultural emphasis on hedonism and individualism."
"The Bohe​mians rejected the values of their parents, threw away their corsets, smoked in public, and romanced with a clear disregard for Victorian morality."
"There's a power in that I think that sort of cuts against the secular trends of society and it adds to the mystery."
"The counterculture challenged the idea that the United States was always morally perfect and never did anything significantly bad."
"The Summer of Love opened up a door for change in the way we dressed, related to each other, and approached societal norms."
"Nietzsche is this figure in philosophy who marks the dawn of counterculture. The way that Nietzsche asks us to think is in a way that decodes and continues to keep decoding."
"I respect that as anti-culture, man."
"Backlashes are healthy. It's good to upset the narrative. It's good to like go against the grain."
"This was the movement that gave birth to hippies and told the mainstream media that the culture of expanding consciousness was here to stay."
"The mainstream media tend to embody where the pendulum is now so if what you stand for just matches that unfortunately you're probably one of the squares."
"Quentin Tarantino's three gun salute moved the countercultural cinephiles over to the cool kids table."
"Adult swim exemplifies the rebellious spirit."
"The use of LSD and marijuana by so-called hippies who demonstrated against the Vietnam War during the 1960s created great consternation among authorities and legislative bodies both the federal and state levels."
"Bob Dylan was a symbol of the emerging counterculture movement."
"The church doesn't realize that we're supposed to be a counter culture to a culture that has gone awry."
"We are called to be cultural subversives, deeply subversive in this society."
"It was so rebellious for the time."
"I figured if they could do horrible things in the name of Jesus then I could do wonderful things in the name of Satan."
"A Sabbath is a revolutionary subversive act in our culture in our consumerist achievement driven world."
"You get this counter Enlightenment thing as well."
"Maybe this is why natural rebels like Kenneth Williams and Joe Orton frequently holidayed in the Middle East."
"It was a very conscious act of countercultural rebellion."
"The church has a unique opportunity to set a counter-cultural example."
"The church has to be a welcoming counterculture of Jesus love in this city."
"They were considered rebels against what was seen as conventional British norms during the 1960s."
"In any other community Michael and Suzanne would have been connected with mental health services, but the counterculture ignored their mental illness."
"Irony in 60s art and culture started out the same way youthful rebellion did. It was difficult and painful and productive."
"The personal computer industry really began as a countercultural movement."
"They see themselves as one percenters, those people that are against the rest of society."
"The Sermon on the Mount is the most complete delineation anywhere in the New Testament of the Christian counterculture."
"Being kind in a cynical world is one of the most upsetting attributes of us as believers."
"The cure for discontentment is counterculture."
"The VW Beetle started catching on with the hippies... buying them up used and new from Germany, all the same time they're protesting the Vietnam War."
"It was the 60s and I was very involved in the counterculture."
"The things that it requires to be successful at anything is counter-cultural."
"To be successful with anything, we have to be counter-cultural with our choices while we engage culture to further our messages."
"I do see a counterculture, but it's happening at a really young level, which I think is awesome."
"He really believed in the idea of an underground... particularly the underground press."
"Hip-hop counterculture emerged into the mainstream, creating upward mobility for individual artists through their fame and wealth."
"Hip-hop counterculture became an outlet for self-expression and freedom dreaming."
"The Monkees project is a strange thing because it has one foot firmly in the counterculture of the time and one foot firmly within blatant commercialism."
"Suffering could be virtuous; it could be a good. This is a profoundly countercultural thought."
"I really think what we uncovered with the Yes Theory is like a counter culture, it's like a third culture of some sort."
"Secret societies always create a counterworld to what they regard as imperfect reality."
"Music, especially psychedelic music, was the core of the counterculture movement."
"After college, Karen leaned hard into the hippie movement of the 1960s."
"Punk represented change, resistance, honesty in a rigged sports entertainment world that apparently didn't allow for independent thought."
"It's super counterculture, everyone's just having a great time partying."
"Rest is radically countercultural, incredibly life-changing, and tremendously performance enhancing."
"I kind of got into it and it was the 1960s, and people were trying to find some way of avoiding conventional work."
"We are children of the 60s; who needs convention? We are just elderly hippies."
"Punk has become the de facto aesthetic of rebellion and disobedience."
"It's a really beautiful countercultural picture of what love is."
"The dream was to turn the counter-culture into a self-contained world."
"LSD, Kesey felt, is much too important to be left in the hands of the army, the CIA and the scientists."
"Creating a counterculture, a counter-narrative of violence, is the only way forward."
"Curb entitlement and self-centered tendencies by engaging in counter-cultural mission."
"It was time for a social reckoning: civil rights, peace, and counterculture."
"An album like OK Computer is like a counter culture in itself."
"We create a counterculture, a subculture of people, and it's honest."
"Counterculture, defined as the culture and lifestyle of those who reject and oppose the dominant values and behaviors of society."
"Certainly in Ireland, you needed all the counterculture you could get."
"The hippie style... was about peace and love and freedom."
"You have to be a citizen of a new societal system, you have to be a countercultural person."
"The Woodstock music festival was the apex of this countercultural movement."
"I became a fan of BTS in 2019... I perceived some kind of counterculture image that really caught my attention."
"Suddenly everything was commercial again, and a lot of the hippies had been put in jail or mysteriously died."
"In the 1960s, men growing their hair out long was to stick it to the man, to go against the culture, to be against the grain."
"We can create a counterculture that stimulates a very different motivational system: the caring system."
"Doing something that was so normal 50, 60, 70 years ago has now become almost like a statement; it's very countercultural to dress very feminine against the grain."
"The beetle was perfect for hippies, it was the exact opposite of the cars their parents liked."
"This is this era's punk rock, this is this era's hippie, this is the era of like rebellion."
"It's counter-cultural, going against the mainstream, anti-establishment, that it's anti-authoritarian sometimes."
"The whole thing about the 60s was that people were dissatisfied with the way their lives were going, so the hippies showed an alternative way."
"A woman in a dress is somewhat counterculture, isn't it? It's like an act of rebellion."
"It is amazing how modesty attracts people. It's counterculture; it's an act of rebellion, wearing a dress."
"How radical, how countercultural, to respond to hatred with love."
"Punk rock was such an overt repudiation of all of what, of everything about the '60s counter-culture."
"In a society that has you counting money, pounds, calories, carbs, and steps, be a rebel and count your blessings."