
Relationship Closure Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"Sometimes, if a relationship does end, you have to be happy in knowing that it's come to an end."
"You have to accept that the relationship is over before you can move on."
"They are not the one that got away. They just were not meant to be in your life."
"I'm looking to never see you again, and get an email from you that says, I love you."
"Daniela, this is my final word to you. I apologize that everything turned out this way."
"It's time for our souls to detach and acknowledge the completion of our journey."
"Out with the old, in with the new, this officially ends us talking about Trisha."
"You know I'm right," he told her solemnly, "therapy is over."
"I would rather let him go and get rid of the strife, instead of chasing money or something, just moving the f*** on."
"Let go of 'should haves' and view a completed relationship as a step towards your ideal partnership. Find the blessings, learn from it, and grow."
"I felt the need to Eddie okay we're done does this feel good do you feel less stressed yeah loads and loads of clothes here yet his contacts his contact solution."
"No contact is the technique that worked the best for people to heal."
"You don't have to get back together with your ex or anything like that."
"When you realize you've done your part and he's still not ready, time to cut things off."
"The relationship is over, no second chances."
"For the love of God, be a man and block her."
"It's like they want you to know that they're moving on."
"Admitting to yourself this is not working, this is not a happy situation, I have to just let it go."
"They don’t call them ex-wives for nothin." - Stan Hatter
"Maybe it is possible to end a relationship being honest about what wasn't healthy and still celebrating what is good."
"You will always one day understand why things didn't work out with somebody."
"Mentally, I've been in such a great space, like I'm just being so kind to myself, just loving on myself. I need it the most right now and honestly, it just feels great."
"What feels right and what feels great and I'm really, really happy. So it's really no hard feelings, you know."
"Healing this means that you will never be on the same timeline with them again."
"You need to tell him how you feel, tell him about himself, and then be done."
"I hope both parties find their next chapter of life so much happier than this one, absolutely."
"I'm so glad that she ended it the way that she did."
"Well, it was good knowing you, Mangle. I'm glad we've made amends."
"I couldn't have asked for a better end to our relationship."
"They're definitely keeping tabs on you... even if there was a very brutal ending."
"It really is over, isn't it? But you know what? I'm still a spy."
"Hopefully you'll get closure in that just knowing that there's no chance that we'll ever be friends again."
"Grieving the relationship that we didn't get... allow yourself to grieve that loss... give yourself the time to grieve that difference."
"The only part I want to focus on is the positive of it ending the way it did."
"Help me close the door and actually do it. No more contact."
"The relationship is over, what's dead is dead."
"This is an ending that's long overdue, there's a connection here that has expired and you may have been still fighting for something that wasn't serving you."
"Clear the air with this past person here. Because you need to be a frequency match for the next person coming in."
"No, my fiance and I are not getting back together but I did forgive him."
"I'm a Scorpio I usually make sure the door is tightly shut and the bridges burned... exes can be very creative."
"There's a slow healing to the connection between you and this individual or this is divinely guided, this ending of a connection here."
"I just want to say sorry for how things left off."
"Just because it ended doesn't mean it wasn't a success, and that's whoa, that can be chills."
"Thank you, universe, for showing me that this person was not meant for me."
"It's time to release this person. It's time to let them go. It's a heavy burden, it's a lot to hold on to."
"The most courageous thing you can do is admit you did love them."
"there's absolutely no way I would ever get back into a relationship of any kind with Kim"
"You can't keep score when relationships end."