
Approachability Quotes

There are 1081 quotes

"You almost smiled right there, right? So everybody has like an inner smile."
"If you have that in the back of your head like the inner smile, people want to approach you more, you're more like, um, welcoming."
"I always try to teach it in the way that I would have wanted to learn it if I was just getting started."
"Main thing with classics is just to 100% throw away your intimidation and just go into them with an open mind and open hearts."
"The reality is that you can approach a woman almost anywhere. You can flirt with a waitress, you can flirt with a dancer, you can flirt with a person at the gym...if you know when to back off and not be a creepy loser."
"You have to be mindful of, are you making yourself more approachable, are you allowing people to feel more comfortable being around you."
"Traditional cooking channels may focus on gourmet dishes or expert technique; Chris's approach is refreshingly unpretentious."
"Be very at ease and relax... especially this is a daytime approach you want to be super at ease so that she feels completely disarmed and relaxed."
"They're very kind once you can break through that kind of barrier and exterior."
"God is always the first one to step towards us."
"I'd rather somebody come up to me and say hey girl like what's up instead of like being uncomfortable and staring."
"Those who have control over space will have control over everything that is below and above."
"Graphic design does not have to be a scary process."
"Show him that you won't get turned down if he comes over to chat with you."
"Nero offers up a great combination of approachability to novices but still enough underlying complexity."
"Tough and approachable, durable but stylish."
"It's going to be so much more sustainable and approachable if you just start with let's say like two workouts a week."
"New World's crafting system feels amazing at face value. It's super approachable for new players and feels like a core aspect of the game."
"Yeah, exactly, I wanted to create something that could be approachable to everyone."
"I don't have a RBF but I've heard a lot of times that people find it hard to approach me."
"The Queen has gone further than any of her predecessors in sort of coming off her gilded throne and mixing with people."
"This isn't rocket science, it's actually pretty easy stuff to do."
"Be open to love, make yourself approachable."
"They're trying to make you feel like it's safe to approach them."
"Don't ever be afraid to come up and talk to me."
"Initiate conversation with a friendly demeanor and a normal pace."
"They seem approachable, BTS seems like there's a place for every type of fan."
"If you will just start smiling and smiling at people, it doesn't even matter what you're wearing."
"Don't be afraid of asking us for a picture, I promise you we'll say yes."
"But to physics students, he was an exceptionally skillful teacher, both for his charisma and his uncanny ability to make complicated topics feel natural and approachable."
"Having a little bit of fun with it... makes it easier for me."
"His sheer charisma makes him much more approachable than most of the Sadala Defense Force."
"If you see me in a McDonald's sitting alone crying with a burger bite in my mouth, come say hi."
"And, it's not daunting. So, if I can do it, guys, you guys can do it, 100 percent."
"I'll walk in, what's up guys? Okay, yeah, I'll come back in half an hour. Are you guys having a good time? Excellent, excellent, okay great!"
"I believe we should be carefully evangelizing Bitcoin in a non-intimidating fashion to bring hope and good cheer to the general public."
"Start off friendly and if they're friendly, you're friendly."
"It's just unbelievably fabulous... much less intimidating than I thought it was at first."
"I like that, it's more friendly, it's more approachable, it's edgy, it's young, I like it, energy."
"Being approachable means that people feel that they can come to you with whatever's on their mind and relate to you on a human level."
"Being able to approach and attract women any place anytime is the hallmark of a true super seducer."
"She had the quality of seeming immediately there on the screen, open to possibility, unrehearsed, unstudied, natural, appealing."
"Start small, don't get overwhelmed, and take baby steps."
"Being overly nice, smiley, happy, genuine, kind, etc., when beginning a patient history goes such a long way."
"I kind of want to say something to Dom but I don't want to be like a weird fan and Dom came up to us and then was super nice too."
"Research is the art of the soluble. So we need to sort of find problems which are not yet solved but which are approachable."
"Hopefully this video kind of demystified barbecue or made it much more approachable as a beginner's guide for all the home cooks out there."
"Just ask people. Don't necessarily spam them with requests. I would happily receive emails from people passionate about what they want to do and can prove that."
"It's evidence that there might be a God, a creator who lives in unapproachable light, but he happened to become human so we could approach him."
"I thought her story was impressive and inspirational without being intimidating that's what was so impressive about it."
"Principal Hamilton, can we talk to you? Why sure, I always have time for my students."
"I think this is a really fun approach, at least a conversation starter."
"You honestly look very friendly, like I'd want to be your friend, like you look like a nice guy."
"I love when people can acknowledge the fact that I'm easy to talk to."
"You're a likable guy. You're approachable. You share your knowledge."
"Thank you for listening to me ramble hopefully I'm not too horrifically hosting this but I hope to see as many of you there as I can again come up and say hi I promise I'm not scary."
"It shouldn't be overwhelming if you start and take baby steps, read the rules, figure out what the base stuff you need is, build off of that."
"The solution is within reach and it's a human one."
"Bernie Sanders is genuinely a nice person. He genuinely does not want to confront."
"He's been doing with regular people his whole life life you know construction teams you know workers he would go speak to them he would listen to them."
"Approachability is one of the defining traits of a simple game: controls are quick to learn, easy to remember, intuitive, and perhaps familiar to many."
"She seems like she can be anyone's best friend."
"It gets the basics right and it is so approachable."
"This chick gets it because it's like you don't really want to be taken away from all of your friends but you still want to make a connection with somebody so it's like hey you look great you know I see you with your friends just wanted to say that."
"I'm an open book from that standpoint, if you want to know, I'll tell you."
"Make it super easy where it doesn't feel intimidating."
"ESTPs can be more attractive by being more approachable and vulnerable with their emotions."
"They just are who they are... very approachable, very warm."
"He is affable good-natured he seemed to be intensely interested in the people he was talking to."
"Emma is always going to be the most down to earth person in the room."
"This is a solution. It's not hard. It's not terrifying."
"If you've got a problem, you know who to approach."
"Step out in faith and boldly proclaim, but also gently, like anyone who has questions, come at them how you'd want to be approached if you were a little bit fearful."
"A compassionate teacher, a helper of the human race, approachable and imitable."
"Networking doesn't require you to be contrived or be anything you're not, it just requires you to be present and pleasant."
"He wasn't afraid to get goofy alongside kids."
"When I say, 'If you do see me in public, come and say hi,' genuinely I mean it."
"It's just one of those looks but not scary, it's not hard to do either."
"You can either try to come off as correct or you can try to help people understand something."
"They were all really nice and down-to-earth."
"Garrett is like honestly one of the easiest people to talk to, like I feel like I can have so many talks with him."
"Not having to conform to a single approach lowers the barrier of entry."
"He just seems like a person you could talk to easily... he's very considerate, aware of his surroundings, and very unselfish."
"Making a plan can break down an intimidating project into attainable pieces."
"It's a childlike simple that you made it that way so that we could come to you as a child."
"Get out of your house, shake hands, and kiss babies."
"Everybody makes mistakes, that there's no... everybody will actually forgive him the mistakes because he's so human and he's so approachable."
"Being kind gets you to almost anywhere you want to be."
"He's very genuine... he's a down-to-earth guy."
"Trading doesn't have to be as complicated as many people make it out to be."
"It's more of a loser kind of way, but I was just trying to be besties with everybody."
"Holmes was accessible upon the side of flattery and also to do him justice upon the side of kindliness."
"Self-deprecation can be very effective for making friends."
"If you see me at the show, sometimes I walk with a mission and I don't look approachable, but all you got to do is walk up and stop me, just say hey."
"If you ever have a concrete question, don’t hesitate to approach a German and ask them because Germans are usually very glad to help."
"It's someone coming towards you that is also really in touch with their inner child."
"I want people to feel comfortable enough that they could talk to me about anything."
"You make them feel safe and comfortable, and people feel they can open up around you."
"She was smart, hot, adorable, cute, and super approachable despite how introverted people thought she was."
"It's having fun with some of those big saturated colors but dialing them back so that they still feel a little bit more approachable."
"They're gonna be friendly with you."
"If you see me out and about, say hello; I don't bite."
"She just looks so friendly and approachable."
"I'm an approachable person, I promise you."
"You look good and rich and cool but then you're also very down to earth once somebody does talk to you."
"You're seen as this amazing, kind of person who everyone would want to approach now."
"If you ever see me please never feel ashamed to come and talk to me because it's so nice I love it I love meeting you."
"If you ever see me out, please speak."
"They're staring at you because they want to approach you."
"Humility is a virtue revered in Buddhism and a quality that can command respect from others. Humble individuals are perceived as approachable, down-to-earth, and easy to work with."
"Be easy to approach, hard to attain."
"Having the confidence in the first place to even approach a girl is definitely the best place to start."
"I just walked up to her. I got, I don't know where I got the courage. I thought I'm going to go out and talk to her."
"...your content must feel down to earth and your brand approachable."
"You give off a relaxed and approachable vibe, making people feel comfortable approaching you."
"People often think you're very busy and put together, even in casual clothing, which makes you approachable and authentic."
"The people here are cool, down to earth, very personable, easy to talk to."
"He's cool, yeah, he's normal, he's not this big scary boss."
"Humble individuals are perceived as approachable, down-to-earth, and easy to work with. They acknowledge their limitations and imperfections while recognizing the strengths and contributions of others."
"They would approach you in a gentle but excited manner, possibly inviting you for a drink or just to sit down and talk, feeling incredibly lucky."
"Babble is the best way to learn a new language because it teaches you phrases and words that are actually approachable, accessible, and rooted in real-life situations."
"We've tried to be as approachable as possible. We tried not to scare anybody off. Quite the opposite. We've tried to really engage people in the ideas that we think are central to magic."
"Brilliant goes out of their way to make sure each lesson feels friendly, fun, and inviting, a spirit similar to how I try to make my own videos."
"My style was always to introduce myself into to try to do so in sort of a disarming way so they understood that I'm not here to hassle you, I'm not here to arrest you, I'm not here to give you a hard time, just want to chat for a minute."
"They see you as this perfect person that anyone would want to approach."
"They will approach you, but the way they will approach you, it's going to be hilarious."
"I'm sure her approach will prove a useful tool for anyone who's feeling stuck or alone."
"I would just run up to people enthusiastically."
"People feel like talking to you is like talking to an old friend. You just have that vibe of someone they've known for a long time."
"We're accessible and down to earth."
"You're kind of hard to approach, but that doesn't make you any less attractive. I think there are people out there that are actually intrigued by you for some reason."
"He was a soldier-soldier but also an approachable ruler who inspired loyalty in his followers."
"He's not vanilla. He's very approachable. I like that too, especially for somebody in your side of the industry."
"People are nervous to approach you, so if you're thinking like, 'Damn, why am I so unapproachable?' like, what the [__], like this is where that 'looks good but it's not good' type energy comes in."
"The more beautiful you are, the most difficult you are to approach for a man."
"If we are not convinced that Christ is approachable, welcoming, loving, filled with a multitude of tender mercies, then we haven't read the book right."
"We're very approachable, for sure."
"People just start to talk to me... they don't run from it."
"You make everyone feel like they can open up, like they can be themselves around you."
"In order to make friends, one must first be friendly."
"Confidence is probably the most important thing in general all the time but especially when you're approaching a girl."
"You should be able to ask any girl you want."
"Everyone's actually super nice like really friendly easy to talk to."
"You're easy to get to know but still mysterious at the same time."
"The way he approaches everyone, it's so refreshing, alhamdulillah."
"But, you know, when it comes to getting that emotional connection with the fans, The Rock was the most approachable guy for that."
"If you see me and I don't see you and you want to be bold and come up and talk to me, do it for sure. Don't chase your chance."
"A nice beautiful smile really shows that you have confidence and it makes you approachable."
"Fashion people can be sort of unapproachable, and I can translate fashion for regular people and I can also make connections between people who I think will really like each other and inspire each other."
"If you wear light blue, you're going to come off as friendly, easygoing, and trustworthy."
"It's amazing. It's an affordable, fun, and very approachable sports car."
"I thought if I told you a bit about myself, I'd seem less intimidating."
"He's just such a lovely guy. He's such an approachable guy. And, you know, you've interviewed him. It's... there's a comfort you have with Tyson when you're talking to him, you know? It's... he just... he provides that. He's just a really great guy."
"It's amazing to me sometimes how accessible certain people are."
"Everybody knows him, everybody looks up to him, and he's so humble in his approach."
"I think if you match with someone you can kind of wait if you want, approach but come on you're on there you're already putting yourself out there."
"The person that you're afraid to go talk to is the same person who would probably like someone to come talk to them."
"Operating with no urgency and complete trust is very approachable and attractive."
"So what we're doing today is finding a more approachable way of eating."
"You seem very approachable. Like, if I saw you at the bar, I would come up to you to start a conversation because you seem very inviting."
"The interview is much more approachable than you think it is and it's much more fun."
"You're a very stable, hard-working, stubborn type of person, and it takes a lot to approach you."
"if you ever see me in public please say hi i promise i'm nice and it always makes my day it absolutely does it always makes us feel so much more real meeting people in person"
"But anyway, my point is you got to make yourself look in a way that gives you the confidence to approach people, but also gives you the confidence that even if somebody don't want you like that, there's somebody else who will."
"Success doesn't go to your head, remain humble and approachable."
"That first move can look really different. You could just go up to someone and ask them a question like, 'Hey, I really like your shirt or shoes, where is it from?'"
"Don't be scared to say something because I'm a nice guy."
"It's really amazing... because it makes these topics not scary."
"You're intimidating who you need to intimidate, and you're bringing in with warmth who you need to bring in with warmth."
"Everything just feels approachable and relatable including and even mundane things."
"Reliable, approachable, and honest."
"I never want people to feel like they can't talk to me because of whatever. I don't want to put myself on a pedestal and act as if I know everything because although I've been around for a long time, I do not know everything."
"I feel like if I was too forceful or too in-your-face with certain things they'd be scared of me and then it would push them away from me."
"We try to keep the dialogue open. I hope we're all approachable."
"My goal is always to make it really doable for everybody."
"...but I think cuz people think of me more as like their neighbor or my daughter looks just like you or you know those are the kinds of things that people come up and and approach me with as opposed to it energy that's more than I can handle."
"We weren't all born vegan. More and more people are approachable."
"...it's just really easy to talk to people here because literally everybody is so nice..."
"As we approach these tiny little flowers, we're keeping them small to make them approachable."
"I use a lot of humor because it's like I'm getting it to come to the surface but I'm not doing it in a threatening or intimidating way."
"I always wanted to start my videos the same way or specifically use the word 'friends' because you're my friends, because I wanted this to feel inviting and approachable."
"You know I'm a guy that would shake his hand and be like hey bro, how are you? And see where it went from there."
"People just want to come near you. They want to tell you stuff. They feel like they can trust you."
"Sanderson is very accessible in so many ways."
"I felt like with the football sometimes you'd be out and about and you can see someone kind of look and then maybe don't know whether to approach you."
"If I could add one attribute, Frank, that makes you who you are and why you are who you are, it's because of this really approachable, affable, natural generosity."
"I'd always rather somebody comes up and just says hi."
"Approach this like you're approaching someone who could potentially be a friend."
"If you see me, please stop and say hi. I'm happy to meet all of you."
"I love that approachable celebrity complex."
"I always wanted to be approachable, and I wanted people to basically look at me like anybody else, you know what I mean?"
"It's absolutely doable, absolutely approachable, and a lot of fun."
"Men approach confident women, but not intimidating women. Men approach women that look approachable and that look like a prize. So act like a prize."
"I love when y'all folks walk up on me in public. I'm not Hollywood, I do talk to people."
"'I walked directly over to him, smiling the whole time I approached.'"
"I think I'm intimidating but if you talk to me, am I still intimidating? No, I'm warm."
"Most people are not initiating things or having things initiated with them because they are not approachable enough."
"This is a bike that for a liter bike is somewhat approachable."
"He's got zero ego like he's so easy to approach and I'll never forget my first interaction with him."
"We should be obsessed with being as approachable as possible."