
Sunrise Quotes

There are 990 quotes

"What are we going to do here, Sunny? I don't know, maybe we'll wait for Sunrise and enjoy it on the beachfront."
"One of the most magnificent displays of a sunrise I've ever seen."
"I'm even faster, damn I can't even lie the sunrise here is kind of beautiful."
"Lo! in the orient when the gracious light lifts up his burning head, each under eye doth homage to his new-appearing sight."
"You know for those who want to tap into the lion's gate, the idea is like I said to wake up in the rising in the horizon and watch that sun crack the horizon to allow that light to come through."
"Green flash: A unique natural phenomenon that happens extremely briefly at sunrise and sunset."
"This is truly one of the most beautiful sunrise sights you could ever ask for."
"We enjoyed the sunrise, a lot of good new food options."
"A warm golden sunrise, the natural wake-up call for all farm residents."
"The most important time for humans... is when the sunrises and sunsets."
"I'm glad you're here, you might imagine sunrise here."
"Imagine looking on the horizon and sunrise is half the sky."
"Let's watch the sun rise in our lovely city of Rockdale."
"A gorgeous sunrise in Isla Murada known as the village of the islands."
"The sunrise is one of the most beautiful parts of our day."
"She liked to imagine that she was the first person in the country to see the sunrise."
"We didn't even get to sleep, no look, the sun's coming up now."
"It was just a beautiful morning, sun was coming up and I'm out there sipping coffee."
"And there we have it, ladies and gentlemen, the sun is rising."
"The morning sun is rising, spreading its light on."
"It's absolutely incredible watching that sun come up over that horizon."
"The sun rising on a new chapter of human history."
"There is something serene about sitting in the woods as the sun rises."
"That's the morning sun right there."
"Rising Sun consumes horizon swiftly."
"The women embrace each other and watch the swarm dissipate as the sun rises on the horizon."
"If there was only one thing that I could recommend you do while you are traveling in Italy, especially in a very busy tourist city like Rome, it would be to get up before sunrise so you can see Rome in all of its glory."
"It's beautiful, but you can see the sun is like just coming up over there."
"Watch the sunrise and sunset on the same day."
"They rode on and the sun in the East flushed pale streaks of light and then a deeper run of color like blood seeping up in sudden reaches flaring plane wise."
"Sunrise in New Mexico, look at that, it's beautiful."
"What a beautiful sunrise here in Amsterdam."
"If I’m awake to see the sun come up, it’s a great start to the day."
"Waking up to this sunrise, there's no better feeling."
"After the darkest night, the sun always rises."
"What a stunning sunrise in Miami. Let's go home."
"...watching the sun slowly creep up and light everything up was just so special."
"How beautiful is this Lobby? I love how they framed it with the sunrise so you could see that beautiful sun beaming in here."
"We should wake up extremely early and watch the sunrise."
"Take a look at this beautiful sunrise."
"The sun is beginning to rise. Thank goodness."
"When you see the Sun rising, does the Sun discriminate?"
"The sun has risen everyone is looking at the dawn."
"It's a new morning, new camp, sun is just Rising behind me."
"I woke up and realized the sun is literally curing all my problems and all my depression."
"When it rises the next morning, that is a rebirth."
"The sun was just beginning to rise in the east, casting everything in a golden glow."
"The Sun had started to rise, spilling its warm crimson hues onto the mysterious Township, threatening to banish the early morning fog."
"Doozy hard hard seltzer, drink it down and rise with the sun."
"As the Sun rose, it reflected off each piece of ice, spinning it into a rainbow."
"The sun slowly started rising up over the horizon, basking the entire garden in a warm glowing light."
"Witnessing the sunrise we now understand why the ancient Hawaiians named Haleakala the house of the Sun."
"Let us be the sunrise that greets the day and the sunset that honors the dying of the day in radiant glory."
"Sometimes you just have to take a moment to film the sunrise."
"Try not to get your uh get yourself down try not to get too dejected no I'm all good but another coffee and uh yeah watch the last of these lovely colors as this morning sunrise stunning."
"Woke up at 6:30 to catch the sunrise on this cliff and it was so worth it. I haven't done that on trail yet."
"Behind me is a sea of clouds welcoming the sunrise in the morning, absolutely amazing."
"Would have been about four ten past four I always get up around then and I love to watch it get light with a coffee."
"I feel like sunrise is so nice because you go jump in the water, like we took some photos and now I can just sit out here and enjoy a beach day already, which is wild."
"It's another tequila sunrise Starin' slowly 'cross the sky, And said goodbye"
"So it's about 10 o'clock. We have to go to bed now because we're gonna wake up and see the sunrise."
"We're just coming up to Sunrise now."
"Park smarter, not harder, people. Sunrise on the Pandora mountains, honestly best part."
"Sunrises, very, very impressive, dare I say it, more impressive than a sunset."
"The slogan of Fort Pierce is the Sunrise City, and I think you can see why."
"The sun's coming up let me turn this around let you see the sun you guys see that in the distance way over there that's the sun coming up in Oklahoma."
"Ra watched in admiration from atop the ben ben as the sun rose for the very first time."
"The sun does not actually rise or set."
"The sunrise was stunning outside it is so beautiful morning."
"You can't help but view it much like a painting, like the heavens have to do this task every morning to make the landscape beautiful for the long and magnificent day ahead."
"The sunrise is worth the early morning though Cathedral Valley is such an underrated destination."
"Waking up early before sunrise, it is worth it to get to popular areas to have them all to yourself."
"Take a look at this beautiful sunrise we are seeing Sunrise officially start off the day."
"It has to be one of my favorite sunrises ever. We've had a lot of them, but oh, that one's pretty amazing. Heading back down the rock pile trail, we're gonna go warm up in the car, eat some breakfast, then head out on one of the most famous hikes here."
"We got up super early to come to Moraine Lake. We got up at 3:30 to drive here. It took us an hour to get here to get a spot. Sun has risen now, it lifted, and wow, it was unbelievable."
"I wasn't sure I wanted to wake up to see this, but it is 1,000% worth it. It's so not a sunrise person, but this is the sunrise I would wake up for again and again. Definitely do it."
"There is something about these early mornings and Magic sunrises in the outback, the vibrant pastel colors lighting up the sky."
"I personally love visiting Trocadero at Sunrise because there are very few people around and you can enjoy candy colors dancing across the sky against the silhouette of the Eiffel Tower."
"The sun is rising, the storm having passed a few hours ago."
"I try to wake up at seven most mornings... it's just when the Sun starts to rise."
"The morning light in the Grand Canyon is just absolutely stunning."
"The sunrise is not the best part. It's watching something so dark, so empty, so hopeless replaced by a masterpiece that takes your breath away."
"As I watched the sun rise over the sleepy village, I knew that my grandma's gift had saved my life."
"Sunrises are amazing but even better with friends."
"Beautiful view and the sun is coming up."
"Look how pretty the sunrise is this morning."
"The sunrise is so pretty. I feel like it is not hyped up enough."
"The sky had that deep dark blue color you see before sunrise and I could see a few pinpricks of light that could be stars beginning to fade as the light slowly grew."
"It's beautiful, isn't it? The blue Sun as it rises. There's a mystery, the ocean. Come see, you look so great in the light."
"Sharp rays of sunlight crept up from the horizon, casting a golden radiance across the Savannah morning."
"I thought I could get away with waking up for sunrise."
"The sun is starting to come up in the back of the house. There we go, another day."
"Think you're leaving the tent pre-sun up to get to a glassy spot."
"Mother Nature is showing out today with that Sunrise. Is that beautiful or what?"
"As soon as that sun hits the trees, the lake can come alive."
"Watching the sunrise and breaking into a brand new day is just totally different, like ah, come on, cloud nine right now, this is amazing."
"Sunrise isn't just about the sun rising; it's you and that big fireball wishing each other luck for the day."
"Let us be the sunrise that greets the new day and the sunset that honors the dying of the day in radiant glory."
"Each morning as I see the sun rising over the desert and I drive the airport shuttle bus towards it, I'm reminded There's Hope."
"What a lovely way to start the day; that sunrise was something else."
"One of the greatest pleasures of getting up early in the morning has to be watching the morning sunrise."
"I love the late mornings, love the late sunrise, get to sleep in a little bit more so sunrise it's only like 8:30."
"If you wake up early, there's a sunrise, you know?"
"I definitely want to maybe do it with myself and Tom one day and just get up and just see the sunrise."
"A breathtaking landscape showing a sunrise over peaceful mountain range."
"That's the thing to take off the bucket list: Sunrise from the top of a dune in the Simpson desert and the middle of Australia."
"We woke up early because of just circumstances, but I thought it was really nice to like basically watch the sunrise through the tent and listen to the birds."
"Sunrise is around 6 25 but yeah I don't think we're going to be getting any sunrise today with this weather."
"Every other birthday I may think about, but when I wake up for my 30th birthday to a gorgeous sunrise, I'll always remember this morning."
"The sunset is really early and then the sunrise is quite late."
"Seeing the sunrise over the Rocky Mountains every morning is the perfect way to start the day."
"It will show the population of the city and also the time that the sun rises and the sun sets."
"...the sun is just peaking over the horizon and it is a beautiful day."
"Just enough for the first rays of sunlight, that beautiful time of day."
"I don't know how long we remained crouched in fear but the sun eventually came up."
"The only thing more beautiful than a mohawk is the mohawk with the sunrise in the background."
"Each sunrise is golden when you're holding on to hope."
"I had never seen the Sun Rise and there it was, a real fireball. I felt like my life had just begun with all these new miracles."
"We wish the sun to continue to rise in this empire, and currently it is not over the Ashkeeper Peaks."
"One of the best things in the whole world is watching the sun come up on a lake, driving your boat, drinking coffee. I literally don't know if there's something better."
"Hold on a little bit longer. The sun's going to come up. Hold on a little bit longer. The sun's going to come up."
"As the sun's coming up over the horizon, it's one of the best times of the day."
"Absolutely beautiful. Definitely a place to come for a sunrise."
"Seeing the sun come up on Charles Bridge is seriously perfect, like your picture-perfect postcard of Europe."
"Hope you enjoyed this. I hope you get a chance to get out and experience a sunrise over the ocean. It's something pretty magical."
"...bringing in the New Year first day of the year with the Sunrise it's kind of the best thing you could do."
"Not too long after this, the sun started to break out."
"...it's a really, really great spot to go for sunrise."
"With the Gold Coast facing the East, you'll see the sunrise over the ocean, and there are literally hundreds of people that will come down for a morning walk or watch The Sun Cross The Horizon."
"Morning sun is coming up right behind you guys, right behind the camera."
"After a great night's sleep, I awoke to a glorious sunrise."
"Here comes the Sun, good morning, darling."
"We embarked on the 100-mile day, a beautiful sunrise melted our hearts."
"I awoke just before the sunset and went over to the Sphinx."
"This is one of the coolest sunrises I've seen."
"...wake up early and go there at sunrise, it is gorgeous, it's peaceful, it's not crowded..."
"It looks so good with the sunrise in the background right there."
"Time is currently 1 AM in LA, which is bad. But it's 4 AM here, which, the sun's gonna rise in a couple hours, isn't it?"
"The sunrise is at 8:00. Basically, when I wake up at 5:00 a.m., I need to wait for 3 hours to get some sun."
"I think this is my favorite thing right now: to drink coffee while I watch the sunrise."
"Lovely! The first 15 minutes of the sunrise were quite exclusive."
"Wow, what a sunrise to wake up to! Truly magical."
"The sun's been coming up very slowly, it's just completely cloudy and miserable but still beautiful."
"...it's not about the sunrise, man, it's about seeing the way that people react to the sunrise, it's beautiful."
"Look at that sunrise y'all, all the clouds on the horizon there and the sun peeking out behind them, that is so awesome."
"The first rays of the sun are the lift that we need to keep us going."
"It's nice to see the sun coming up."
"Whoever stays awake between Fajr and sunrise, it's more effective in increasing your sustenance than spending an entire month traveling to increase your sustenance."
"If you really want to get the most of Rome as a photographer, no question about it, you gotta do sunrise."
"Those who have seen the marvel of an Indian jungle sunrise will never forget it."
"As I was trying to say, there was a lot riding on today and a lot that could go wrong. Nevertheless, the morning started with magical scenes as the sun rose over the horizon, children made their way to school, and Africa came to life."
"If you want a great sunrise spot come on out to Lake Eibsee."
"You must have had these moments of like total and utter bliss and then you see the sunrise."
"Our campsite was still and quiet as the bright warm sun gently roused us from our slumber."
"Sunrise is going to look so cool from here"
"We slept so good last night and were woken up by a beautiful sunrise over the ocean and the lighthouse."
"I woke up early in the morning just as the sun was rising."
"It was a beautiful noiseless sunrise."
"This is Mesa Arch; at sunrise, it's stunning."
"I know that each Sunrise brings an opportunity to make a different choice."
"Sunrise in front of the Many Glacier Hotel is one of the best you will ever see."
"If the sun is already up, it actually helps the human wake up."
"The sun rising lazily into the sky."
"What a morning, the sun has finally sort of come up, and we are sat here just against this rock taking it all in."
"That's Norway, we started our day bright and early at 6 am witnessing one of the most insane sunrises we've ever seen."
"It's like on a really cold night, and then the sun comes up over the horizon, starts warming you."
"Just north of Cooper Landing, spot where the sun's just hitting it pretty."
"Every single sunrise is different, and that's a mind-blowing thought for me."
"That's some pretty coloring, the sunrise here."
"I like to smell things and look at things, and sometimes stay up all night, walking, and watch the sun rise."
"The sun's rays breaking through the purple clouds."
"The night was gradually coming to an end, and the sun peaked out from behind the mountains again."
"During the five to ten minutes prior to sunrise, Velvia can burst with color."
"The sky was a chill gray, and a startling white-gold sun like some strange potentate from the east was rising beyond the black woods."
"Well, the sun is up now, and the sea is quite calm."
"To me, this is one of my favorite songs, definitely one of my favorite sunrise songs."
"The sun rises in front of me... and it sets over there on the Atlantic Ocean."
"It is a beautiful morning here in Fort Collins; the sun is just coming up."
"I didn't know what was going to happen, but the sun made me hopeful."
"What a beautiful sunrise, that's a good start to the day, isn't it?"
"Every day of his life he would wake up at six, by himself, he would come to our bed, we would watch the sunrise together."
"Surely then it will be light for you when the sun shines on the mountains and on the flowers and turns them all to crimson."
"Finally, after another wait, the sun emerges."
"As we left the valley, the sun rose over the horizon, casting a warm golden light on the landscape."
"Oh Sun starting to come out, beautiful view as we approach the temple over here."
"This is it, now we have a sun here that is rising or setting down, depends what we want to achieve."
"If you're early enough in the morning, waking up, you come down here, have your breakfast outside, and you see the sunrise just over there. It looks lovely."
"The lion represents the sun and the Thousand Sunny, feeding into the idea that the lion represents the horizon in a new dawn."
"Medium cloud is best for fire skies because you're more likely to catch the sun beaming through at sunrise and sunset."
"It's so lovely in the morning to wake up to the sunrise with the sea here."
"What a treat morning three has been, to start the day by seeing that beautiful fiery sky and watching how that light interacted with the water."
"This day, the sun rose not to provide beauty, but to fulfill its greater duty of illuminating the land."
"It's really worth getting up early for some really spectacular sunrises."
"The sun, magnified by the haze, was a gorgeous magenta ball."
"It really is a beautiful place especially when that sun's rising."
"The sun was merely a glowing orange ball emerging from beneath the horizon."
"Good morning, folks. We have had the most spectacular sunrise today."
"...wrapped up in my sleeping bag, looking out the window at Aaron's house as the sun is beginning to creep over the horizon, and the trees are silhouetted black against the emerging blue sky with the fading stars up in the sky..."
"The sun is rising in the east, the beginning of a new day for mankind."
"The sunrise looks absolutely epic."