
Coordination Quotes

There are 1796 quotes

"Our response as a nation must be swift, it must be coordinated, and it must be based on science and the facts."
"Outbreaks like this require an aggressive, coordinated, and comprehensive response, as well as timely and trusted guidance from public health officials."
"The brain is not simple; even for the most simple task, areas all over the brain are orchestrated."
"We will continue to bring the full resources of the federal government in coordination with our state and local partners to see to the health and well-being and to the effective response to the coronavirus here in the United States of America."
"The muscles work in unison and also interact in almost an orchestration that's really complex."
"Utilize your team's strengths and coordinate to execute a well-planned attack."
"Doubled rooks on an open file are very strong."
"The Imperial Japanese Army and Navy had a deep problem with coordination and cooperation at a strategic, and operational, and a tactical level."
"The tale of Iyo...requires a full team of four ghosts as well as excellent coordination and communication."
"It's a really interesting challenge, and it's going to take a lot of coordination."
"We must coordinate the movement of our troops because we face the same challenge... These two locations will define the two fronts in the battle being fought for western civilization today. We hold neither of them yet. We need both."
"I just love it when everything goes together."
"Getting the two hands to work together is the most challenging part."
"There's a lot of really impressive stuff going on both technically and coordinating... every single actor is given something to do."
"That little spin I just did was so in sync with everything else. That was so cool."
"The campaign in the Mediterranean showed that the mechanism of interaction between various types and branches of the Armed Forces had been worked out to the smallest detail."
"The left hand quite literally doesn't know what the right hand is doing."
"Your natural eye hand coordination... is going to allow you to get the hits that you want to get."
"These are perfect for upgrading the bathroom as well and they go perfectly with those casa luna towels that we were just looking at."
"To organize 20,000 people from all over the country to work on one huge building project had never been attempted before."
"It's not just one person on its own, it's four or five of them all over each other, talking." - Commentary on teamwork in sailing
"Governments could coordinate on improvements for taxes, regulations, and fiscal policy..."
"The plan unfolds as a delicate dance of coordination and daring."
"We clap on three or after three? One, two, three, clap!"
"Literally everyone who needs to see that video will be in the same room at the same time."
"Everybody understands you need a certain level of coordination."
"Beyonce's Coachella performance: a stunning display of talent and coordination."
"Everybody knows belt, shoes, they match. Everybody. If you've got a snakeskin belt, snakeskin shoes, and hats, that's what you must do."
"So both traces always move together horizontally."
"Attack: Coordinate your pieces to go forward."
"It's reassuring to see that they've really seemed to have this heading in the right direction here from both the ground crews and the air support."
"Economic sanctions on Belarus... we just announced a huge number of sanctions... in coordination with our European partners to send a clear message..."
"They have two hands, they don't need a hand on the reins to control them."
"The moment that this sort of gets alleviated, I can have a big sigh of relief that it is still essentially run by coordinated and will be a part of the same EVO tournament experience."
"The strings are being pulled together; everything is being tightened."
"Details, details, details. Your wedding planner ensures nothing's left to the last minute."
"It's super important to have a coordinator on your wedding day."
"And dressing up looking nice and sharp and having all your stuff match."
"They planned for all troops to Ambush and Magic units to attack at the same time."
"Coordination: the cerebellum's perfect blueprint for movement."
"Our job is to make coordination happen in the cheapest and most censorship-resistant way."
"Formula One still works with them for the timings and whatnot."
"It's amazing the two manage to stay perfectly in sync given how fast their feet are moving. This scene is definitive proof that this family has plenty of tap talent."
"Thank you, Luke, for trying to wrangle David back in there to the main point."
"Now is the time to get everything to work together."
"You can see that they're working together as a team they're doing everything right they're pushing together they're getting shots together they're their spacing is on point everything is working for Team Destin right now."
"The church has to go up before these two factors collide."
"Just hang out together, just like follow each other's movements completely."
"What we really need to tackle some of these longer-term system-level challenges is that coordinated macroeconomic policy between monetary, between fiscal, between industrial." - Fran Boait
"Just shot after shot, mouse can't coordinate these trades, even got this initial kill earlier and then the no scope as soon as you see."
"If you invent a new kind of Technology that confers power, it will start a race, and if you do not coordinate, that race will end in tragedy."
"It's a level of gameplay thrill and coordination."
"Okay beautiful, let's make sure everybody is getting in."
"It's nice to have a backup plan next one is troop this is from JetBlue and it's basically a place for everyone in your group to help make vacation decisions."
"Definitely something to laugh about guys, but definitely also proof because how could you coordinate 10 different accounts to say the exact same thing?"
"Bonds wielded jaw-dropping coordination and bat speed."
"Stay locked, stay [ __ ] locked, man, we're so coordinated."
"Everybody's going to be trusting their teammates and they're on the same page."
"The coordination is brilliant and they know exactly what they're doing."
"The new communication system allows for more coordinated team action."
"Let's get Tucker, Alex Jones, Glenn Beck all in the same spot."
"Coordinate your decisions with the faith you have in life."
"The brain controls and coordinates every function of the body."
"They're not even thinking about what they have to do, they just work that well off of each other."
"We must coordinate our anger and channel it into the right direction for true change."
"Recognizing the strategic importance of these planes, the Ukrainian Army launched a coordinated operation."
"I think it fit really nicely, so I was trying to get the interior to also fit just as nice."
"We've coordinated the delivery of millions of medical equipment and supplies."
"The goal that Martin Braithwaite scored was preceded by 33 passes."
"Trying to coordinate everybody's efforts so we can get this place back on its feet again."
"All sides are engaged in the same tasks, and everyone had to be alert at all times for the crystal spawns, the deception spawns, who had the buff, and more."
"Finish that off first, we'll get, we'll get look at these guys lined up ready to go, get him, um, get down here."
"Orange Flag 21 linked up with its sister Emerald Flag event over 2000 miles away." - Brandon Siphon Bernfeld
"The lion pride has amazing coordination when attacking its prey."
"It takes a tremendous amount of coordination and athleticism to do the kind of stuff that all of them are doing."
"Let's make sure that we're all on the same page."
"Every single spell is invested in that issue, yeah, and to me it's crazy with like how the skeletons actually from the monolith joined up with the skeletons on the town hall to take it out."
"Wow, we'll totally be matching. We can even have some small ones over in this room. Wo, this looks so awesome!"
"We're gonna have to use all telepathy skills and try to pick the same options."
"Intelligence is the communication and coordination between all of the subdivisions of an infinite field of these pixels of consciousness."
"Coordination is key; nobody goes in by themselves."
"If that isn't an incredible show of both hand-eye coordination and multitasking, I don't know what is."
"Perfect teamwork from the two controller Champs."
"Formula one racing: To travel at 200 miles an hour, coordinate everything."
"I love how they're all just color-coordinated and each palette is its own specific color story."
"That woman makes notes so we match every day. That's called continuity."
"Who goes? Are you the guys I'm supposed to meet up with?"
"I see a lot of people saying that they don't understand how BTS can dance those difficult choreographies in sync while singing life and change informations all the time."
"Once the first guy starts powering in, 30 seconds later, we've all found in and we're all turning round."
"My advice for dodging that attack is just believe. It's a little micro step, get them back in conjunction with one another."
"There is so much going on right now and it's interesting how it's very coordinated amongst countries."
"FBI finds scant evidence that January 6 Capitol riot was centrally coordinated."
"Everybody in front of Gandalf, in front of Gandalf. We're good. We gotta get in the center. Sun in the center. In the center. Further. A little more. A little more. A lovely family photo for the generation."
"Another beautiful thing about street firing is that it's fairly easy to coordinate."
"It takes a lot of coordination to keep all these carts, trucks, and combines going."
"It's every officer's responsibility to coordinate and make sure that rights are secured and lives are spared."
"A Gantt chart helps in coordinating and monitoring different tasks in a project."
"Not everyone is born with the hand-eye coordination to shoot instinctively, and that's okay."
"They managed to coordinate well with the rest of the team."
"As the body starts to get moving, my trunk is working to catch up or close the gap between these two sticks."
"I love styling this color with the trousers that I'm wearing today with tan accessories."
"I've actually teamed it today with my black tailored trousers."
"Knowing all the different methods of connecting to instances can come in very useful, especially when coordinating many instances in bigger environments."
"The cerebellum fine-tunes motor movements like learning to hit a golf ball or baseball."
"It's an incredible feat of coordination."
"The construction of the Hoover Dam required innovative solutions and unprecedented coordination."
"You never see a figure skater go tuck, tuck, untuck, untuck. It's coordinated arms moving in and out together."
"We got it, we got it, I touched it, I touched it."
"Once you know all four of these basic maneuvers, we're going to start to combine them."
"Think about it in your head, combo of forward and climb."
"We're going to climb and rotate at the same time, this will give us a beautiful shot."
"Communications is key, being able to coordinate support if you need it."
"It starts at the shoulders, to the core, to the hips, down the legs, every aspect of it."
"Captain America directed Tony Stark to focus on safely bringing the city down."
"Oh look at that, I think you like lay on it, yeah, are you balance with your feet on it?"
"If we all use the server timestamp, then we all get a consistent timestamp."
"Wow, look at them go into the sunset, oh so coordinated, absolutely astonishing."
"Dressing in one color or different shades of one color always looks more put together and more chic."
"A matching jogging set also looks a little bit more elevated than just wearing black leggings with a contrasting hoodie... it's just a little bit more elevated than your leggings."
"You need two very quick and very evenly matched drivers and they have to be able to work together."
"I love that the colors in here correspond with the packaging."
"Choose a pair of sneakers that complement the jeans you're wearing."
"He knows how to set him up, knows how to drive him."
"He's got the same theme going throughout the whole car. He can at least coordinate color."
"It's not just about the pants, it's also about your top."
"Your eyes perceive, your brain receives, your body reacts."
"We show up to your fourth edition game, everyone but DM's girlfriend playing leaders of some sort because we forgot to coordinate what we were playing."
"Getting that solid first pass like that from anai which sets up cass Brown"
"If the colors are throwing you off this matches with the top it's going to pull into the pants and then the neutral color of that shoe is going to work well with the brownness in this handbag"
"So what you do is when you let go of the buttons pull back at the same time."
"That's perfect. It's an egg yolk. Okay, teamwork."
"Everybody's got a role in pulling together."
"It's easy to make the right hand do the same as the right foot."
"She has a cocktail in one hand a racket in the other and Jack she didn't spill a drop."
"I actually decided to take that lip off, it was kind of clashing with my eyes."
"Now everything is on. We strike there first, the others will come around."
"'Eventually I'm able to complete the task due to many emails to the supervisor detailing what I need and who I need it from.'"
"Step Functions... create workflows... coordination between different AWS services."
"Planted the trees boss. This is why the paving team and the tree team need to have a conversation."
"Always practicing my coordination. Whoa!"
"The Carrier Air Traffic Control Center is a crucial part of carrier aviation, ensuring the safe return of all aircraft involved in a mission."
"Even though I was so clumsy, usually the beat of the music somehow made my body movements really coordinated."
"...we love the color I think it kind of tied everything together."
"Heading back to the campsite to meet up with the owner."
"Redis makes sure only one worker is able to pop. As long as one pops it, the other one will not get the same thing."
"When something comes together like that in a plan, it's really good."
"What if we just meet up at a point?"
"But they were both coordinating right up to the end and that's what we like to see: skill, training, and the aircraft's very design combined to save the lives of 155 people."
"The best skill you can learn is hand eye coordination and muscle memory."
"Oh, banjo lost it. No, it's gotta be a cat. Yeah, that's a cat. It's a cat. It's a cat. Oh, gosh, we got whisker. We got whisker. Let's go, buddy. Let's go, banjo. You got time."
"The goal here is to tap these balls and make sure none of them collide."
"When you dress in all one tone or shade, and remember that they don't have to match exactly, it immediately looks like you spent some time and considered your outfit a lot more than you might actually have."
"Are you gonna try and crank it?" "Right ready, to turn over?" "Yeah, turn over."
"We're almost on the same page with these tarps, but we're still going to this corner to some tree that doesn't exist here, but we'll make her work."
"Dance does because you have to focus your movements, you have to pay attention to the music, you have to move correctly, and in space with someone usually or with the group."
"Coordination between the tankers and the aircraft being refueled is extremely important, especially when we have to remain in specified areas."
"Yeah, they're more about scheduling and moving equipment sometimes than they are about directing, absolutely."
"Nice catch and a nice throw by the quarterback."
"You might just need to catch the sub and the bike."
"We have a nice little group strategy for how we're going to do this."
"...I mean I get the concept 365 I just said was okay no that makes sense I apologize but yeah no we'll definitely be on the lookout for all of that stuff um and Bo anything we should be on the lookout for on your end..."
"That's what makes the difference between you're just wearing a dress and you're wearing a full outfit it's like when everything goes together and it just like complements each other."
"We actually need to streamline and put all of our analysis into one document."
"Good touch coming through for power, so that was key. Wanted to touch that, that's going to force a full step out for Zach, that little bit of bully is going to make this a little bit harder to grab."
"That's impressive, bro's got the best hand eye coordination of all freaking time."
"When your wardrobe matches each other, everything looks like it's come with each other but it hasn't."
"A well orchestrated beautifully performed fight."
"When you're dancing you are using every single muscle in your body."
"What do we do different this time? It just worked, didn't it? We all work together as a team."
"James just replied, he said, 'Nope, he hasn't found me yet.' I listened to another photo."
"Dance is the key to coordination, balance, stability."
"If you make yourself feel uncoordinated during your workouts, you're gonna feel more coordinated in your everyday life."
"The choreography here, incredible."
"Nobody actually got to have the middle objective because we both had the same thought."
"...that's how the entire thing is going to come together..."
"...we're gonna make it to link up similar to what we did before..."
"I love all of the navy colors and like The Red Shoes Match really nice with the Vivan red patch."
"The pins are being put in the pin board so you can start to draw strings."
"And then do this awesome double synchronized blade wipe like are you kidding me the pizzazz the coordination."
"It kind of matches with her blushy cheeks which I like cuz you know we're going to accent that."
"An outstanding display of passing and shooting, and those two things often go hand in hand."
"Everyone executed super well, felt just like it felt like we kind of knew everyone's next move."
"it's got shoulder pads the perfect crop super cute I really when you put things on that go together it makes you want them more"
"How on earth the team at Omari moved so many cars around their tight showrooms, I guess now you know."
"Seattle Police form an emergency command post to coordinate their assignment."
"Matching sets are everywhere, and I am here for it."
"And you know how I always tell you like I like to um coordinate my wrapping paper with my tree it's just like it's literally the icing on the cake like it really makes your your Christmas tree look a lot prettier I feel like when it's all coordinated."
"So ankle booty, it's gonna look really nice with that light pink puffer jacket."
"I think as long as you've got one person who vaguely knows what they're doing, everyone else can just play the game."
"Our hero observed the coordinated techniques used by the shield-wielding adventurers."
"The key to coordination is repetition. You have to find a balance between variety and repetition to create cohesion."
"It is so important to leave time so that you can all come together and see if your parts make sense together."
"It's impossible to always stagger them, you just want to try and do it wherever you can."
"There was no overarching coordination of our division's units to be expected. Instead, we would attempt to extinguish one fire after the other in our immediate surroundings until we ran out of water."
"Think about bringing some of those planes together."
"Trey gets to go next which side you going Trey going to this side never mind going to this side whoa nice."
"I want to know like if you're over here and I need you to pick up the kids like all that makes sense."
"Well, the Whites couldn't coordinate their attacks. You have Denikin in the south, you have Kolchak in Siberia, and Yudenich up in the Baltic region. And they can never sort of unite, get their acts together."
"Scrum team synchronizes activities in daily scrum meetings."
"Their matching sets are just so good."