
National Prosperity Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"We gather with people we love to show gratitude for our freedom, for our friends and families, and for the prosperous nation we call home."
"A government's job should be to take care of its people and a government wants its people to be the best it can be so that the nation can be the best that it can be."
"We need to fight for our grandchildren, our great-grandchildren. I want to see this country flourish again."
"The core of our economic success is the fundamental truth that each American does better when all Americans do better."
"I believe in an America that'll be richer, stronger, safer, more prosperous."
"We need to make sure that each region comes together and their strengths help to bring prosperity to our nation."
"Singaporeans are lucky enough to be able to buy these homes at a discount, giving them a vital stake in the nation's prosperity, personal wealth, and stability."
"We built the strongest and most prosperous economy in the history of the world, and we will do it again very, very quickly."
"The vision initiated by Williams and carried through by men like Professor Ken Julian and his team wins Trinidad and Tobago the prosperity it now enjoys."
"America is thriving like never before, and... the best is yet to come."
"America shall begin to bloom, America shall begin to prosper, America shall begin to recoil."
"The key to out-competing China is, in short, to fix our system so that it once again yields better outcomes and greater prosperity than China's."
"The best is yet to come because together we will make America wealthy again, we will make America strong again, we will make America proud again, we will make America safe again, and we will make America great again."
"Your prosperity can expand America's prosperity. Your health and security can contribute to the world's health and security."
"Immigrants from coast to coast to coast have significantly contributed to the prosperity of this country."
"Voters fervently hoped to find a leader who would against all odds turn them away from despair and restore the nation to prosperity."
"The Germans were busy celebrating the formation of their powerful, prosperous new empire."
"Together, we're beating back the invisible enemy and paving the way for a great resurgence for American prosperity."
"Loosen up and have some fun. The country is doing well."
"United we can deliver peace, strength, and prosperity our country needs."
"God says I'll cause my goodness to pass over this country United States and I will bring Vindication"
"When China frees itself from the CCP's tyrannical control, peace and prosperity will return to the Chinese land."
"We have the best economy in our history, the most prosperity of any country."
"We had the best economy... in modern American history possibly American history ever."
"America is the most prosperous Nation the world's ever seen our basic principles of freedom freedom of speech from your religion are unbelievable The Innovation is unparalleled anywhere around the world."
"China is actually showing a different model, a model that is working, that is actually delivering results for the prosperity of its own people."
"No country has ever devalued its way to prosperity."
"Putin is still a very popular leader because he has improved the standards of living, prosperity."
"We're going to start winning again. We're going to make America wealthy again, and we're going to make America strong again."
"Free trade is almost always a good thing for the overall wealth and prosperity of nations."
"I'm gonna keep working to prove it, but at the end of the day, I want everybody to do good together. If everybody succeeds, this country succeeds."
"We're going to be doing together what the likes of our forefathers did in 1776; it's coming soon."
"Our great country is booming like never before, and we're thriving on every single level."
"The United States would prosper in a way that is hardly imaginable today."
"The Constitution is what has allowed us to prosper and persevere."
"I believe we could have an economy that helps the American people, but most importantly I believe in each and every one of you. And so should you. God bless you." - A message of hope and belief in people's potential.
"This nation will prosper once again in Me, and you will know that I am the Lord."
"And together we are making America wealthy again, we are making America strong again, we are making America safe again, and we are making America great again."
"It's not random, it's not an accident that this country is as thriving and prosperous as it is in comparison to the others around it. It's not an accident."
"The decisions we make... are going to determine whether we thrive in a way that benefits all Americans."
"America is working, America's thriving, America is booming."
"Under Republican leadership, America is booming like never before because we are finally putting America first."
"Israel is not just surviving, Israel is prospering."
"Don't get upset because the economy's doing well. America's blessed." - Pastor Paul
"Our country is soaring, our communities are thriving, our economy is booming, perhaps like never before."
"Libya was a prosperous nation when Obama was in office."
"The foundational principles of the Declaration of Independence had led to the prosperity of the United States."
"At the heart of our economic agenda is the conviction that for America to truly prosper all of our communities must share in the gains we're making."
"Trust is built when we are able to make sure that every citizen... benefits from the nation's success."
"Your success in school is not just going to determine your success, it's going to determine America's success in the 21st century."
"The economy is no longer about supporting the people to survive, but instead supporting the nation to prosper."
"The prosperity of all people in the country trumps the prosperity of some."
"Ireland now wealthy with immense soft power, can actually advocate for itself."
"We're delivering for Americans and we're doing it for every race and color, religion and creed, creating not only the most prosperous, but also the most inclusive economy anywhere in the world."
"Good commerce is the stay of the nation, but no nation can hold preeminence whose workers are underpaid."
"We want Haiti, the first independent Black Republic, to be able to deliver for its people the prosperity which they have always deserved."
"We will become much more prosperous than we are today."
"When women succeed here in America then the whole country succeeds."
"For generation after generation, the balance between the secular and the religious enabled the country to thrive and grow."
"The best chance that our countries have, not just for survival but for lasting prosperity, is if our most talented citizens step forward."
"A nation's prosperity hinges not on the power it wields, but on the wisdom with which it governs."
"National wealth eases poverty, pays for social care, creates jobs."
"We understand that the way to restore our economic prosperity is to energize the aspirations of the British people."
"The economic health of a country is deeply intertwined with its population size."
"The prosperity of Guyana must bring prosperity to the region as a whole."
"The gentlemen farm. The gentlemen trade. For the nation, and all the people living in prosperity."
"He felt his nation was very prosperous and wealthy in every way possible."
"The well-being of society, the success of the church, and the prosperity of the nation depend on home influences."
"Countries work better when all of their classes are doing well."