
Norms Quotes

There are 413 quotes

"Don't we as Americans have an oral torah, an idea of what one shouldn't be doing that goes along with the written rule?"
"Norms such as free speech, empirical testing, and journalistic ethics make us collectively smarter than any of us individually would be."
"We have to share certain norms and standards, and if we don't, then society fragments."
"Ultimately, we have an opportunity to revolutionize romantic relationships...establish healthy norms starting with a first date."
"A real opportunity lies in finding a president who really means it when he returns to the Norms we have been accustomed to."
"Societal norms change, right? So, what's acceptable today might not be acceptable tomorrow. Regimes come and go, but your data is forever."
"The world has reached a place where normalcy is offensive."
"Even if they were above 13, that behavior, shoving a camera in their face, 'Oh, you're not going to Disneyland,' it's just weird, it's just nasty."
"Acting outside of your prescribed gender role is then seen as deceitful and dangerous, acting within it is normal."
"I just cannot wrap my head around being like, 'Well, this is obviously how it's done, right?'"
"I feel like every, well not I won't say every relationship, but I feel like a side piece should be norm in a relationship."
"Everyone likes to pigeonhole... you're strange if you don't fit in."
"The establishment of the new international norms for outer space must start with a commitment by all spacefaring nations not to conduct destructive direct ascent anti-satellite missile testing."
"It's almost like seeing color blindness and saying, 'Well, they can't see all the colors,' except it's like propriety in their brain; they can't understand why you don't do kink in public in front of children."
"That is ridiculous, they should not ride bicycles and they're rampaging, and so casually too."
"What protects a democracy is not the Constitution, it's unwritten norms, mutual respect, and self-control."
"A history of a certain behavior does not make it rational, acceptable, or welcome."
"Post-scarcity is like a giant wrecking ball knocking down the house of old norms."
"We have gone through a presidency that disregarded a whole host of basic institutional norms and expectations."
"Who pays for the first date... it just sets a nice little tone."
"That didn't set us back and you know another thing I hate I hate when people say things like um yeah you can't do that at the Oscars I don't give a [ __ ] about you happened there."
"It's like they're trying to break down all the normative systems and legal protections for people to vote."
"It's gay to rest your head on a man's shoulder if that man is your boyfriend."
"Don't call what is abnormal normal and don't call what is normal abnormal."
"The older I've got, the more I've realized the norm, the average, the typical is nothing anyone should aim for."
"This is the normal thing that's supposed to happen in a country where we have actual rules."
"Every single king, every single sultan, all of them had more than one chick. That's actually the natural human state."
"You know what I mean like we don't do that here bro okay we just look at the tools you say hi to me I say hi to you we leave it at that."
"How ridiculous is this what kind of a society are we living in."
"This was extreme. This was not normal behavior."
"He did it day by day, norm by norm, president by president, tradition by tradition."
"This is the time to rebel, to challenge the norm, to test those rules."
"It's not taboo for premarital sex anymore people do it it's not a taboo to have."
"It's obviously very perilous to be a country in an existentially vulnerable situation at a time when norms and practices are in Decline and disarray."
"I think black nail polish is the most normal masculine thing to do."
"I think they're probably heading towards like it's time for the way to change like we don't have to follow the same rules forever."
"There's no shame anymore, and again, race to the bottom."
"It is perfectly normal for literary works to begin without a reference to their author's name."
"That's how we do things here. Welcome, right?"
"Who am I when all the social norms are stripped away?"
"We're living in an era where normal human behavior has been criminalized."
"We're not playing a game. We're not trying to just do everything the way that you're supposed to."
"What Russia wants is completely incompatible with what we think is normal."
"Ridiculous overreactions to words and opinions have become the norm in our society."
"Trump's vicious violation of norms and his criminal conduct as president are worthy of legal condemnation."
"It's actually gonna be the norm now... pretty sweet norm to get used to."
"Anything goes and I think that is where the shift has taken place."
"Watching a woman do something that is so outside of the norms."
"Women have put themselves out there so much that it's the new norm."
"It would be a stunning rebuke of the rules, norms, laws, and institutions."
"The sexual revolution upended that and said it's not a big deal it's just a thing you do whenever you want with whomever it doesn't matter."
"Just because it's normal doesn't mean it's right."
"Anything to shock and challenge the squares who brought you up."
"Jesus challenged what was normative... for women in that society."
"Is this something that we're just supposed to be okay with? Are we just... is this what we're doing now? This is cool, this is fine."
"Divorce is like it's it should be like it should be an exception toll looking after you not not like the norm."
"Being single is more acceptable than ever. Once upon a time, it was the norm to fall in love, get married, and have children."
"No, it's not normal to normalize unhealthy behavior."
"Historically there have been other norms that have held in war... neither the Germans nor the Western allies nor the Soviets employed these devastating weapons."
"Just because something is normal doesn't mean it's okay."
"It's a grand spectacle of someone violating social norms or expectations."
"It's almost like planning out your story beforehand and having a good idea where it's gonna go should be the norm and not the exception."
"We definitely do challenge the norm with this game."
"If you win, you can talk... that's just the way it is."
"Stop believing that there's nothing that's that you can't live outside of the norm."
"Change over time and things that were once taboo or not taboo."
"It's impressive what we can do when we work collaboratively to enforce norms or create norms."
"And we're starting to see that be not the default norm, and I love that."
"It's not essential and abnormalities can mean too much eye contact."
"There's nothing normal about that. There is nothing normal about that."
"We really have to evaluate the social norms that we've set for decades and probably centuries and think about what physical and mental effects it has on us over time."
"Find friendship, try to disconnect yourself from the societal norms."
"It's so crazy, especially as women, how easily you adjust to things just becoming the norm."
"Normalization of deviance occurs when people become accustomed to deviations from standard practices or norms over time to the point where they no longer perceive these deviations as problematic or abnormal."
"Implied authority arises where the agent acts in accord with what's normal under the circumstances."
"All social boundaries are arbitrary."
"If we continue to allow the chipping away of our institutional norms, those very foundations of our democracy, then you won't have it."
"You see the start of games, people doing the most bizarre things, and it becomes just totally acceptable."
"I honestly believe that a bidet is just needed in every home, and I don't understand why it's not the norm."
"The social contract, the norms that we all accept as a society. The unwritten rules."
"A cultural norm that is passed on by non-genetic means."
"Who does that? You're not supposed to do that."
"It isn't wrong, we just don't do it."
"If you're in Rome, you're supposed to do what Romans do."
"Style is about Evolution. It's about changing. It's about sort of defining the norms and we love that here."
"The nation was about to find out how much of our system is norms and not laws."
"Abu Bakr loved the Prophet of Allah so much that it transcended human norms."
"This is the way you create a startup, this is the way you write a book, this is the way you get fit. That has contributed to us just taking for granted that there's a way of doing everything."
"Don't be afraid to express yourself, don't be afraid to stretch the boundaries of what you've been told is the norm."
"Exceptions don't disprove the rule."
"Sometimes people do blur the lines when it comes to dress code."
"We have to establish norms of behavior for orbit."
"Democracy depends on rules, laws, norms, and institutions, and if your president is about the business of destroying them all, you, that is a fundamentally threatening prospect."
"If somebody's arguing about TCP, you're not supposed to do that. No TCP is supposed to do that."
"Is there any man or group of men that get to decide or determine what's masculine for another man or a group of men?"
"The goal is just to deconstruct all normative claims and values about society."
"Their happiness is not by the book."
"One of the key aspects, or many of them, to how our relationships are evolving, is that people are individually throwing the rules out."
"Being a normie is the new alternative."
"...the best stories are not going to be about people not breaking the norm, right? People who use Instagram or Facebook or something like that, because... they ban you instantly."
"What the new norm of 2024 should be: Hold everybody accountable."
"To every rule there's an exception."
"There is no right way to do anything. Each place and culture does things differently."
"...certain aspects regarding the way that we live our lives and societal norms are not necessarily conducive to good psychological and physical health."
"We decide what's normal, we decide what's healthy. It's not what other people do."
"People are heavily motivated by norms, shared values, solidarity."
"Everything which is restrictive must be questioned from time to time."
"Not everyone can challenge the norms and rise above."
"It's important just to visually see and metaphorically understand that there are no rules."
"Economic inequality is not all of it. There is also a steep social hierarchy in social inequality as well, rooted in norms as well as in laws."
"Every generation got his own set of rules... and what they call real. That's just what it is, man."
"But that's like what they're supposed to be doing."
"You don't need to follow some general script of how success can look anymore."
"Satire offers a cynical perspective on social norms and hegemony, often from an outsider's viewpoint."
"He's like, well, I don't know, well, he, like, bangs like 19 year olds or whatever. Well, yeah, that's weird."
"You can't be born into modern times and allow modern social conventions to tell you what justice is."
"There's always a framework, but trailblazers break the framework."
"Not sexually harassing or blackmailing people is not something cultural."
"Being a gentleman in the modern day no longer requires governing your life by outdated social norms or conventions."
"You don't always have to follow the conventional Norms."
"There is a remarkable amount that's commonly shared and accepted... a normative basis for order."
"Living unconventionally is conventional for us."
"The more that it's expected for you to talk to strangers, the more it's okay to do it."
"As near as I've been able to discern, we were the first couple that shared a bed. Even Dick Van Dyke and Mary Tyler Moore had twin beds."
"You need to be vocal about it... you can't accept that sort of behavior and think it's normal."
"It’s very hard to rely on the norms."
"The whole Trump era has been one unprecedented norm-breaking moment after another."
"It's living outside the norm, it's living outside the way that you've been taught."
"Fives are not known to really respect social norms."
"I guess if you wanted to, most can would say that the tie should really be hanging out."
"In France, people have multiple girlfriends or boyfriends throughout the year and it's completely normal."
"They are norms under the norm of Holy Scripture."
"Why do we accept as normal something which in a sense should be abnormal?"
"Putting yourself together becomes your norm, so it's not a big deal to look good for an occasion."
"The only suggestion that people usually have is that all of your crosses go the same way."
"Most people's normal these days is junk food and being overweight."
"The unspoken rules of engagement."
"Understanding habits and social norms is vital. We often default to doing what we've done before or what everybody else does."
"The most scandalous thing you could do on Facebook was get married to someone and adding family members to your Facebook page but none of them being your actual family members."
"Cultural norms become the 'common sense' that people use to make sense of their place in the world."
"He's fully got his attention now. Imagine if everyone in this room played as loose with the rules as you. Excellent suggestion, beloved."
"People are supposed to smile when they're happy, they're supposed to frown when they're sad, they're supposed to scowl when they're angry."
"Let's collaborate on what's going to work for us because so many of the rules that we bring into relationships are opinions they are man-made opinions cultural norms religious norms whatever that are just dysfunctional."
"Always be willing to ask the why questions, to push the boundaries of rules that are set in place, especially just the need of presenting a good picture to people."
"It's not normal to disrespect your partner in a relationship."
"Not the [ __ ]. A cultural norm that impedes another person's bodily autonomy is not a cultural norm worth following."
"There are countless ways to build a house, yet everywhere I went, the norm for modern housing was a square made of cement."
"The norms that were rebuilt in the late 19th century, which sustained our democratic system throughout the 20th century, were built, and to a large extent, sustained on racial exclusion."
"Decent means it can be done in public, indecent means it shouldn't be done in public."
"I'm tired of living within a system that normalizes 43,000 car-related deaths a year."
"It's just a weird way of how our society works it doesn't have to be that."
"A good definition of the word perversion is it shouldn't be that way."
"Members of royal families live by a completely different set of rules."
"You can't teach somebody who teaches you a creative is the one who sets the norm not everybody dresses the same."
"If that led to awkwardness or discomfort, where the person got off the tube stop immediately, you had discovered a social rule."
"It's embarrassing. You have to have the marriage first before having a baby. That was irregular during our period."
"I think a lot of issues are caused by gender norms."
"Most Jonas's are not supposed to marry another Jehovah's Witness."
"Normal is what? 70 obesity, 8 to 12 prescription drugs."
"Fluidity defines this generation, breaking down traditional categories and norms."
"I swear I thought it was normal for people to call me certain names when it definitely was not because of this era."
"Maybe if more of us broke gender norms then it won't be."
"Wearing a white dress to a wedding is crazy."
"Well, you know what, some rules are meant to be broken."
"Norms cannot explain the revolt against norms and the revolt against norms is of course a feature of all life and particularly of contemporary life."
"I love how you turn all that around, Elliott, because now love is not the norm or the goal."
"You can't always do standard, like, or the norm now."
"Americans aren't welcome is because we have a lot of things that we think are normal that they're not too keen on."
"I am a brand new Christian, this is not normal for brand new, but I'm telling you it should be the new norm."
"It's just normal in that culture."
"This is not how it works here. That's not how it works. The first one never counts, bro."
"Boys are not being allowed to be boys more and more."
"It's okay to eat cake for breakfast. I don't know why, but society says that's alright."
"Things that are really normal in the UK, it makes me wonder, like if something is normal or popular or really cool in the UK, why would we not have it here in America? Like, it depends on what these things are exactly."
"In Hollywood back in the day, people could do this type of [ __ ] and nobody would say anything."
"It's completely insane for strangers to get together and have penetrative sex."
"What are the norms for ACA ratio? Normal is 4 to 1 to 6 to 1, low is anything under 4 to 1, and high is anything greater than 6 to 1."
"We never problematize what is outside the norm, but we rather problematize the norm, and that is special to the series."
"It's only really in our culture, ours being the Western industrialized kind of European US culture, where co-sleeping is not the norm."
"I think it's more about reinvention and changing The Narrative of like what normal or what you're supposed to be and supposed to."
"You have this natural gravitation to change the way the norm's being done."
"We always assume that people are doing business the regular way."
"Just because it's not the norm here to dance and celebrate doesn't mean that you know other countries can't do it."
"It's just a different time, and folks can get away with stuff that you really weren't able to get away with in years prior."
"Clothes are just costumes for the socially accepted."
"You cannot have a miracle without confronting the norm."
"The clear social preference is in favor of the basic libertarian norm."
"I think it says a lot about Russia's respect of international norms and standards."
"...shifting away from what straight society has normalized could help solidify and prioritize making and sustaining friendships."
"...we can adapt bending the Norms of society and conventional friendship to decide what we want and need out of those connections for ourselves."
"I think it's perfectly normal and healthy to have a best friend of the opposite sex."
"Mary's act of humility and worship transcended cultural norms."
"...Markuse would say that we have a moral obligation to constantly scrutinize these cultural norms or else we run the risk of living in a much more repressive society than we need to be"
"Why shouldn't a woman chase a man? We're all people, why do we have to play these roles?"
"When I refer to white supremacy, I'm referring to much more than just white supremacist groups."
"What is a real authentic person when you go out in public? You abide by rules, norms, values, and whatnot that you might not have if they didn't exist."
"That's how a state is supposed to behave. That's the power of international norms."
"Social norms aren't always right."
"We have to change the food culture; people have to realize that eating healthy foods is really the cultural norm."
"I frequently challenge the status quo."