
Fear Of Missing Out Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"I love my life so much that I just hate the idea of not being able to experience more of it."
"Don't be afraid of missing out, be afraid of being in the exact same place as you are now, one year from today."
"A lot of people have been saying that it's their favorite game of all time, and I do not want to miss out on that."
"The fear of missing out that Millennials experience on a daily basis from browsing social media has created a damaging culture of unfulfilled youth."
"We're living in a FOMO culture, so how many of these people would just stay because they're afraid of missing something great?"
"Fear of missing out is more powerful than a story."
"I would rather enjoy it and fear that possibility from the inside as opposed to repeating this cycle yet again and waiting on the sidelines for something that might never come."
"You're tired of missing out, and whatever this is, you're like I'm tired of missing out, now here I go."
"They're afraid of waiting around forever or putting their life on hold and missing out on living their life."
"I actually recently had a higher level of that I started having fomo of people from the past that I'll never get into like I'll never have a conversation with like historians people change like the way."
"This feels like FOMO to me. This feels like people are chasing the dragon's tail."
"FOMO can be good if it gets you to actually act on something."
"Allow FOMO to become a good thing and use it to your advantage."
"Stop the FOMO, guys. There's always another trade."
"Fear of missing out... There is a feeling of apprehension for individuals that feel that they have to know what other people are doing."
"The fear of missing out has really taken over, people are leveraging margin to record levels at this point."
"The emotional state of the consumer that they fomo in they freak out because they're afraid of missing that next one or two percent"
"Buying an asset at the very top? That's FOMO."
"Believe me, the FOMO is going to be real." - Jordan
"My fear is missing out, that's my biggest fear."
"Don't let that fomo drive you to do something that you really don't know what the outcome of is."
"If you understand what happens at the end, then you don't have any fear of missing out on any of this."
"FOMO is unmistakable, you'll know it when you see it."
"I should probably just not watch I will oh I'll have too much fomo."
"What if you miss something exciting? What if your friends are having fun and you can't join in?"
"So if you're missing out, they're like 'Oh my God, it's the latest greatest, they have to invest in it,' but just in case in case they miss out, I would say... just don't."
"The fear of missing out should not dictate your purchasing decisions. Learn to let go and prioritize what truly brings you joy."
"That, my friends, is fajita FOMO."
"I'm never a FOMO jealousy kind of guy."
"I've seen people... FOMO basically is the biggest killer I've seen."
"It's a horrible fantasy that creates enormous stress and the fear of missing out."
"I just don't want to miss out on anything."
"...the fear of missing out is really just the joy of letting go."
"You don't want to miss out on something, you know? Like you're going to leave, and they're gonna give out a million dollars to everybody while you're gone. [ __ ] that ain't gonna happen, but dudes actually believe that."
"FOMO is a powerful emotion that comes from within when a great opportunity is passing by us."
"All her life, Mrs. Foster had had an almost pathological fear of missing a train, a plane, a boat, or even a theater curtain."
"That's when the obsession starts, and that fear of missing out transforms into missing you."
"Do not let FOMO become one of your Achilles' heels."
"The mere thought that I might be missing out on something wonderful may happen, though I didn't want to miss it."
"It's only FOMO when it's popular."
"Don't be scared of dying, be scared of not living."
"Don't be scared of alone time and feeling like you're missing out."
"The biggest fear that we all have in this world is missing out on the opportunity for wealth transfer."
"People hate being left out of anything, and your audience is no different."
"I just have this fear of missing out on something that I might really enjoy."
"If you believe in the narrative that it's going to happen, then ask yourself right now, can I afford to miss out?"