
Bigger Picture Quotes

There are 97 quotes

"See yourself as part of the process, something bigger."
"A lot of selflessness, wanting to do things in the bigger picture."
"Apart from having skill, passion, and pride in your work, it's sometimes necessary to step back and look at the bigger picture of where your time is best spent."
"Realize that you're a part of something bigger."
"This is bigger than us. This is a legacy building opportunity."
"Robert Downey Jr. advised him to always think of the bigger picture when appearing in the MCU."
"Your life is not about you. It's not your little project. It's God's project, and you're part of this story that is so much more interesting than whatever you're gonna come up with."
"I have this weird feeling there's something else, some bigger picture I might be missing."
"If Israel knew, there's a bigger plan at work."
"You're going to want to kind of find a way to take a step back so you're not so focused on every single detail that you're missing the whole point of the big picture."
"Don't ever forget that there's bigger things going on than the White House."
"If at all possible try and look at the bigger picture."
"Amidst a losing streak, it's important to maintain focus on the bigger picture."
"I feel like there's a bigger picture, yes, you know I mean?"
"You're in there's a game that's bigger than the game you're in... you need to watch out for it."
"It's so amazing, the connections that we make. We're a part of something so much bigger than we can see."
"We are all pieces of a massive puzzle, way bigger than us."
"It's possible to be so focused on numbers that you miss the bigger picture, achieving a stable environment."
"Little touches that make up the big picture."
"You're able to take a loss because you know there's a bigger purpose in mind."
"When you do anything for God, even if you don't feel like it, if you would yield to the spirit and give people food and love on people... it's a bigger picture than just everything that you're going through."
"All of you are part of a much, much bigger picture."
"Life is bigger than me and what I want."
"That normally is enough to prompt you into to see the bigger picture and working or picking a route through the problem from question to answer."
"The most important thing to pay attention to during this whole ride is the small parts because the small parts make up the bigger picture."
"I just want to do it for the kids, right? Like the bigger picture is them."
"See, it's a bigger picture out there."
"It's really not about me, it's a bigger picture for people of Nunavut and people of Jamaica and Canada really."
"We're all focused on that bigger picture, man."
"Let it unfold in its own time and trust that there is a bigger picture."
"You really just have to know what the bigger picture is for the family."
"We have to keep track and keep sight of the larger picture; the real question here is how we preserve and protect our Constitution and the values that we hold so dear."
"It's about everybody else, it's the bigger picture."
"He's putting aside the differences you have and seeing the bigger picture."
"Adoration is one of the greatest human desires; we'd like to be part of this bigger picture."
"There's no need to be scared, there are massively larger hands at play here."
"It's such an interesting thing to witness these different things and it just sort of shows us that there is a far bigger picture going on in the world of our spiders."
"If you concentrate on the little details that are your responsibility, then you can contribute to something that is a much bigger picture."
"It's not just money, you have to step back and look at the bigger picture."
"Everything that happens is part of a bigger plan."
"All the small details lead to a bigger picture, lead to perfection."
"Don't let one little thing manipulate the bigger picture."
"There's a way bigger picture than just money."
"I think that's how God operates with my things, like I do with the little bit of things that forms part of a bigger picture one day."
"The universe had bigger plans for me."
"It's still good in the grand scheme."
"You'll be amazed at how much you achieve if you focus on small daily things that are congruent with the bigger goal."
"Don't let these little things bother you, you know. There's a bigger picture."
"It's bigger than me, bro, like this [stuff] all about everybody else, bro, it ain't about me."
"Allow teenagers to understand they are a part of a bigger picture."
"I was so focused on where I was right then, I couldn't see the bigger picture."
"There's always a bigger picture and that's what we got to look at right now."
"I just love what he stands for. It's not about a rocket; it's much bigger than that."
"Supply chain coordination requires managers in different stages to sacrifice some of their own interests in the interest of the bigger picture."
"It's always been for me bigger picture and helping out the next gen, helping out the kids coming up."
"It's carrying us, we don't see we're part of a much bigger reality."
"We also know what the bigger picture is."
"The trick is not to draw the trees; draw the forest."
"There's a bigger plan in the background happening for you."
"It's like a puzzle that's being connected to the bigger picture."
"It starts with me, but the end result is so much bigger."
"It's only going to help everybody in the bigger picture at the end of the day."
"I'm doing this for the bigger picture. I see the bigger picture, you know what I'm saying?"
"We are all part of a bigger scheme of life."
"There's obviously something going on in the bigger picture."
"Keep your eye on the prize and on the bigger picture."
"If we focus too much on something, we can miss out on the bigger picture."
"Don't let what's happening here and now cloud the bigger picture."
"Things happen for a bigger reason."
"Trust in your own transformation; things are going in a positive direction, you just got to see the bigger picture."
"We are all a part of something bigger than ourselves."
"Everything that is happening looks like it's all happening for a bigger reason."
"The more we connect with that higher plan and that belief that even if it seems like something isn't working out, there is a bigger plan in play."
"Man, there's always a bigger fish."
"If you don't win, you've got to look at the bigger picture."
"Keep a focus on the bigger picture."
"We need to be able to have this higher perspective so that we can see where this incident fits into our bigger picture."
"Whatever is happening for you is happening because it's a part of a bigger cosmic plan."
"Everything happens for a bigger reason; there's something much bigger at play here that is creating all of this for you."
"Luke, there are bigger fish to fry."
"There's a greater plan than you could ever have imagined that is leading you forward."
"They just have to look at the bigger picture, that's it."
"There is something much, much, much, much infinitely bigger than you that decides what's for you and not for you."
"The universe has a bigger plan than you think."
"You are a part of something much bigger than you imagined."
"Once you have the money parts taken care of, then you're not thinking about that stuff; you're thinking about the bigger picture."
"It's a sign that there is something bigger unfolding in your life."