
Children's Rights Quotes

There are 201 quotes

"If you're a child, there is no separation of church and state; your life is ultimately posted for the world to basically see."
"Every child deserves the ability to have private medical care and to not have it publicized and politicized."
"The life of every child is sacred and must be protected."
"I think children should be tried as children. I mean, there is a reason why they have that law in place."
"Protecting, educating, and standing up for the rights of children caught up in war."
"It's a free country; discomfort with something doesn't mean that you should be able to bar people's children from being there."
"At times, you are going to have to fight for your kids, for your child, and for your family...protecting your child's story...became so important...protect them."
"What are we afraid of? Are we afraid of our own children? Do we forget that they are citizens too and entitled to the essential freedom to read?"
"We're doing our part and our kids too, they want freedom and they're doing what they can, that they have the right to be able to do what their what God has in mind for them."
"These children now belong to the Chinese state to be brainwashed and used however they see fit, which is awful."
"This is tantamount to murder. Kids will tell us who they are; it's our job to support them, not demonize or harm them."
"If you want to saw off the end of your penis, you're welcome; you're not to do it to a child who hasn't asked for it."
"Detention of children for even brief periods causes known and well-documented developmental, physical, and psychological harm."
"The interests of children were apparently disregarded in favor of restrictions."
"A future where no child is made to be a soldier, and no woman is exploited, and where the laws protect them even if they're vulnerable, even if they're weak."
"Children are not objects. If you're having a child to control it, who it should be, what it should have, piercing and let the child get piercings when it's old enough to make that decision."
"Every kid in our country deserves a high quality non-ideological education."
"My son is James and my ex-wife has been trying to transition him to a girl since he was two years old."
"I want to explore the balance of Rights between a parent's right to educate a child in their own faith and the children's rights to determine their own beliefs and approach the world with a genuinely open mind."
"What makes it right for a law to say that certain children are forced to transition because the society doesn't like how they were born?"
"Do you think children can consent to sterilization?"
"Why do you want to mutilate and sterilize kids? I'm saying you look, do you have an argument for this?"
"These children have a right to their childhood, they have a right to see smiling people, they have the right to live in a pleasant environment."
"The right to consider your health and medically approved treatment options with your family and doctors is Right everyone should have including trans children who are especially vulnerable to Serious risks of depression anxiety and suicide."
"Children are having their bodies mutilated and altered in irreversible ways."
"I was interviewed by the police for making comments about mermaids saying that I thought transitioning children was abuse."
"Children have the right to make that yes because they make informed decisions because when you're seven years old you really understand the full scope of a Barren womb when you're 28."
"With all of our heart let us forever embrace the eternal truth that every child is made equal by the hand of Almighty God."
"Children shouldn't be associated with sexual preference."
"Parents should have no say in whether children under 16 decide to transition."
"I just wanted to say that I'm not a parent, so I only know half the story, but you know I think that as kids we should have a say in how our parents parent."
"Every child should have the opportunity to get ahead."
"Do parents have the right to mutilate their children or do children have the right to not be mutilated?"
"Children can't consent. Don't prey on them. Controversy solved."
"It is child abuse not allowing children to play with other children that's what it is child abuse."
"Every child deserves a fair chance at education equality."
"Children are vulnerable, especially when becoming aware of their own sexuality."
"Parents do not get that many rights without having that many responsibilities and you have responsibilities to your daughters and your son's you really really do."
"You have decided that for your kid you have no right your kid is not your intellectual property that you can just use for clicks and views I get so sick of this."
"You shouldn't feel entitled to someone's children."
"Children don't have a voice, and we must be their voice."
"I'm not playing about my black children anymore."
"Let's just let our kids use their own name when they're of age."
"These children are not disposable, they're so valuable, they're so precious, they're so important."
"Kids today are tagged, surveilled, and tracked like endangered species."
"I'm fighting for everybody's child that's watching this right now, everybody's children."
"My moral values are you don't give kids sex changes have a nice day."
"It depends on how much we're willing to stand up for justice and for the rights of these children."
"In a world of victimization and people who make themselves victims, there's one group that is truly marginalized and no one cares about: children."
"Making children hug or kiss someone they are uncomfortable with is not good."
"As parents, we have a right and a responsibility to be involved in our children's education."
"We need to allow our children to be their true selves."
"Banning and burning books removes the opportunity for children to expand their view of the world."
"I do agree that kids should be able to get hormones and go through HRT."
"All the children in the world belong to God, so the war on children is a war on God."
"Having the school push religion on the kids... it's a personal choice."
"Every child deserves a shot at a world-class education."
"All American children deserve a fair chance at education equality."
"The doping of children is unforgivable." - World Anti-Doping Agency
"I believe a child going without an education is tantamount to a crime."
"We just want to stand up for the rights of children."
"In an immigration system that purports to be fair, orderly, and humane, do children ever belong in detention?" - Alicia Menendez, MSNBC Anchor
"States across the country are moving to ban the mutilation and castration of children."
"Children are taken away from parents every day in these juvenile courts because a person with a PhD or an MD after their name comes in and says I've shown ink blots to a person and they may be a risk to a child."
"It's impossible to do that because children can't consent."
"The basic value of standing up for the rights of children."
"At the end of the day, someone has to be the voice for the kids."
"The court finally gave the pro-life movement a fighting chance to protect children."
"This is about our kids and them having choice."
"They're trying to prove that parents' rights over their kids are more important than kids' rights to privacy."
"People are being denied their humanity especially children at a very important time in their lives."
"These guns owned by people did it expand the number of households that own guns or are there just individual owners that now own more guns."
"Playing is your child's birthright. Independent, immersed, autonomous play is their birthright."
"Children should have agency over their own bodies, just like in other aspects of life."
"Not teaching children about their bodies, about their sex, about their gender, about their expression, you're eliminating them."
"Children have all the full rights of personhood and therefore can't be subject to a fundamentally opposed and hierarchical totalitarian system."
"That child is an equal citizen of the United States."
"For the first time, America's children have leverage. I will not surrender that leverage."
"We finally got the justice that the kids deserve."
"It's good to stand up for children, you know, and make sure that children are heard and seen and supported and not targeted and marginalized."
"Children really don't have rights. A child only has as many rights as the adults who are willing to fight for them."
"Hazel's voice mattered, the voices of all children matter and we have to do better."
"Children deserve a mother and father, ideally they have a right to their mother and father."
"You're gonna do it for the kids that can't protect themselves, you can't do it for the kids who can't vote for corporates."
"Kids are missing out on the education they deserve and need."
"Lowering the age of consent for children... they have the right to get the jab."
"Children are children. Now that doesn't mean my children don't have a voice. They have a voice."
"If it is irresponsible to have this many kids, it's even more irresponsible to put them on the internet and TV for their life without their informed consent."
"The second that we free the children we liberate ourselves."
"We've got to hold these systems accountable... our children don't always get the education that they deserve."
"Babies are resilient, powerful, and they absolutely deserve to have rights. They deserve to be born, to be evaluated, to be supported, to be sure, loved, and to be shown compassion as any other child deserves."
"Let's just let kids have their free expression in school."
"Every child has a right to an education."
"These children, their lives matter. You know, they didn't choose to be born into the contexts that they have."
"I actually enjoy advocating for these kids pushing this piece and trying to make a change."
"Children are people. They have autonomy, they have rights, they have their own voices and opinions."
"Children deserve to be protected and to receive a good education."
"Through her support, Reby stands as a beacon for children's rights and welfare."
"...your children do have a right to sexually develop..."
"It is always the kids and so I think that the pro-life world has done a very good job of properly centering the conversation around the child the rights of the child."
"Every child deserves the right education. Every child deserves the right education for them."
"Recognize children as having rights for respect and understanding. Listen and respect and understand them the way you want to be."
"I want to stop these treatments from ever being performed on children ever again."
"Every child has the right to know who their parents are."
"What about the 40,000 children in California? Don't their voices matter?"
"How dare you or anybody dictate to a child what kind of rescue they need?"
"A child has the right to live, has the right, just as you are right."
"The children also have rights in Islam, and the rights that the children have is that you are good towards them."
"Children have the right to life, to a name, to protection, to health care, and education."
"So I as the court really expect and rely on what we call the child Advocates to do their job which is never a rubber sand it is always pushing independently for what the children need."
"Children are not guinea pigs for science experimentation."
"Seriously, leave those kids alone."
"My view is this: that markets cannot be allowed to decide everything. If they did, children would still be going up chimneys."
"Children also have the right not to be lied to."
"You can't do that, your children have the right to be free of assault and injury."
"To send a child to Rwanda would be an appalling dereliction of our responsibilities to vulnerable young people."
"Children have bodily autonomy just like adults."
"That blew me away, like the idea that kids had rights seemed incredibly exciting to me."
"Children are people and have rights."
"I did this case because those children were cheated out of thousands of dollars, and I have put in hundreds of hours fighting for those three children."
"Children should be granted those same rights you learn in every day in everything that you do."
"Children didn't ask to come here."
"Children have the right to innocence and to not be sexualized."
"Your kids have a right to live for Jesus and live a good life."
"Every child has the right to love."
"The children have a right to be raised by their parents."
"Every child deserves a good education, right now that's not happening."
"Children don't deserve to be treated like gullible idiots, whether in school, at home, or at the cinema."
"Our children matter, African-American children still matter."
"Dickens also manages to become a social commentator and an energetic advocate of children's rights."
"Social justice... nests in all children's and therefore all people's capacity to use the right to intellectual and imaginative labor."
"I'm actually the Hillary Clinton who worked for the Children's Defense Fund, who fought for those kids, who fought for African-Americans."
"Never steal from your children the ability to make decisions for themselves."
"I support people, my issue is just what's happening to children and also the erosion of women's rights."
"Children need a seat at the table; they need a big ass seat."
"We're never going to stop oppressing children until we understand and validate that children's experiences are different and still equally important."
"Joby has the right to be with his parents, just like all children do."
"Children have a right to care and nourishment, just like they have a right to life."
"We've allowed a narrative to emerge in this country that some children aren't children."
"All children deserve better than that."
"Caribbean governments have improved the rights of children born out of wedlock by passing laws that allow them to qualify for inheritance."
"Every kid in every nation has the right to be heard, to make mistakes, to make people laugh, to have an opinion, to make a difference, to be connected to each other."
"Every kid in every nation has a right to be heard, to make mistakes, to make people laugh, to have an opinion, to make a difference, to be connected to each other."
"Our children deserve to have their fathers in their life."
"Education is a right, and therefore we believe that any action we can take to ensure all kids in the developing world can have an education is essential."
"One man has fought for the rights of Filipino children for over 40 years."
"Every child deserves the chance to go to school, to live in a home with enough food and clean water."
"We believe that every child does have the right to an education."
"To protect our kids, all trans kids, all children everywhere."
"These children deserve experiences, these children deserve extracurricular activities, these children deserve so much."
"Children are people and human beings and they deserve dignity, they deserve privacy, they deserve to have consent about what their future looks like and their stories."
"...the right of children to free and compulsory education...applies to children between the ages of 6 and 14."
"You can't just take people's children from them; you have to go to court and prove what you're saying."
"In our world, there are millions of children, and every child needs medicine, clean water, nutrition, education."
"Children should not be mothers and wives; they should be allowed to pursue education freely."
"Only the child possesses genuine rights: the right to be the fruit of the specific act of the conjugal love of his parents, and the right to be respected as a person from the moment of his conception."
"To just discredit and not listen to kids is wrong, that cannot happen."
"I'm giving a voice to the kids who have no voice."
"Children have a right to know everything that's true. If there's danger, you have to recognize it, or else you can't take care of yourself."
"We can ensure that all children are getting access to a good education."
"Making these children's voices heard and raising awareness of their stories is the most important thing to me."
"Respect the children, respect their rights, and you'll see them having respect for themselves."
"Education is the right of a child."
"Every child in this country deserves a good education."