
Divine Judgment Quotes

There are 401 quotes

"Talk no more so exceeding proudly; let not arrogancy come out of your mouth; for the Lord is a God of knowledge, and by him actions are weighed."
"Even if we want to do the right thing but do in our heart the wrong thing, we can't stand before God."
"Shall not the Judge of all the earth do what is right?"
"For God will bring every work into judgment, including every secret thing, whether good or evil."
"One day we have to die, and we have to face the Creator. God is definitely going to ask us what belief and what deeds you have."
"Behold, he cometh with ten thousands of his Holy Ones to execute judgment upon all."
"God's judgment in the last days purifies all His people, and accomplishes the emergence of His kingdom on the earth."
"Sanctify a fast, call a solemn assembly, gather the elders and all the inhabitants into the house of the Lord, and cry unto the Lord, because the day of the Lord is at hand, and destruction from the almighty is coming."
"No one is above the law of God, so God is actually describing them in this way."
"We're going to sit in judgment with Christ, judging fallen angels, putting judgment upon those who have rejected God's mercy."
"Isn't it interesting that when God sends a national judgment or a judgment on a nation he will always use those three things that the those three horsemen do at Revelation 6?"
"Pontius Pilate was a Christian; that's why he didn't receive divine retribution."
"You're going to meet God, whether it's in judgment or peace."
"Only through judgment of this kind can man be subdued and thoroughly convinced into submission to God."
"It's the judgment of God that leads you to the foot of the cross for salvation."
"God knows what you really stand for, he's got the receipts."
"God sees human history as rapacious and horribly murderous and violent and monster-like and humans should think of glory and Splendor because they look at the architecture and all the gold vessels and God looks at the heart."
"Justification is an act by which God at a moment declares a sinner righteous."
"Another judgment is coming, not by flood but by fire."
"Their plans to assert shall greatly and publicly fail," says the Lord. "Not only in the United States but in Israel and England."
"No man can challenge Almighty God and walk away unscathed," declares the Lord. "I am issuing judgments from my throne that are going to rock and shake entire countries."
"God rewards the men who make the best of themselves. God hates the lazy."
"The only Souls that are immune to this are those who have been found worthy."
"God is not in the business of condemning the world."
"You can't tell the Lord, 'Well, he made me do it, she made me do it, they made me do it.' No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. You're going to give an account to God for the deeds that's done in your body, that's right."
"Allah will judge and show his justice on Judgment Day."
"The consequence of denying Christ on earth is that he will in turn deny us before God and his angels."
"There is no escape from this throne, this judge, and this judgment."
"For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men."
"Gabriel has an entire second phase where he delivers God's judgment through the barrel of the gun."
"God's work in the last days separates the good servants from the evil ones."
"Angels and Seraphim and cherubim shall raise the chance true and righteous are thy judgments holy holy holy Lord God Almighty."
"God is going to enter into judgment with this world."
"I hate Satan, but Lord, I yield that to you. You are the judge, Lord."
"God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous."
"Whether he goes to heaven or not seems to me much more of a God decision than a Jesse Jackson decision."
"God is judging America by giving America what, in essence, it has demonstrated it wants."
"If one believes in immortality and divine reward and punishment, how can that make any sense?"
"God always judges sin, maintaining zero tolerance for rebellion."
"For that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God."
"Only the almighty can forgive yourself. I was going to actually say that. That's your only hope for salvation. I have committed no sin, the puppet I am condemned for is a child's play thing, nothing more."
"There will come a time when Bible prophecy is fulfilled and God will separate his children from those who practice wickedness."
"But now his death has paid all debts, Athena looked at him steadily and answered: father, he did deserve to die."
"Jesus is not just a man. Jesus is God in human form who is the judge of the universe."
"Wrath is not for the bride of Christ; wrath is for the world that rejects Christ." - Billy Cron
"But on Judgment Day, God will judge us by the standard of moral perfection."
"The Lord maketh the earth empty and wasteth it."
"The remaining 17 judgments of God include devastating earthquakes, cosmic disturbances, and scorching heat."
"A Lord who does not mock people for their sins on the day of judgment."
"These people are going to face judgment for this, they're going to face Divine judgment."
"God's word is going to judge all mankind regardless of your race, your creed, or your color."
"Now that God knows you have a heart and you are a giver and you are a lover and you are valuable and everybody else has witnessed that, now God can place the restrictions on you."
"Their tower of power shall surely be struck at its foundation, for judgment is now upon them."
"Allah will get very angry, okay? Allah will get very angry. So angry, and it is at that point that the surah moot will stand up and ask Allah to save them."
"It's not too late to repent, but we're already in the season of judgment."
"God's Judgment of your life will be based solely on your actions, not compared to anyone else's life. It is happening right now."
"This reality serves as a humbling reminder that God does not show partiality. If God judged Angels, he will judge rebellious mankind."
"Fallen, fallen is Babylon the Great, which made all the nations drink the maddening wine of her adulteries." - Revelation 14:8 (NIV)
"Come out of her, my people, run for your lives... her judgment reaches to heaven and is lifted up to the skies." - Jeremiah 51:45-48
"If there is in fact some God and he's going to judge you based on whether or not you accept that God versus a competing God, then it is that God's responsibility to provide sufficient evidentiary warrant for accepting its existence."
"We know that God's judgment against those who do such things is based on truth."
"Our judgments themselves are going to be evaluated before Allah."
"God gave a total of five generations, and then he decided to exterminate the human race and start all over."
"All human beings that live this life when they stand before Allah they're going to know that every little thing and big thing was accounted for."
"The rapture will separate...there's a day of separation coming."
"The judge will be Jesus Christ but he got a bunch with him he got a jury who's that that's you that's you you know."
"It's not where God judges sin, it's where God forgives sin."
"A god who would subject his own son to a horrendous suffering death on a cross is not only a god that you never want to worship, such a god is a cosmic abuser."
"We have to ask the Lord in the name of Jesus Christ to issue judgment against what they've done here."
"I'm telling you New York City is going to be shaken."
"The leaders of New York who allowed this, their seats will be shaken for this judgment will be issued not by man but by God."
"Every eye will see Him, not one person is going to escape."
"Jesus is not only the creator of all things, he is going to stand in judgment of all things."
"I don't care what people say about me, I care about what God says about me."
"Save me from your punishment when you resurrect your creation."
"I will set a Plumb line in the midst of My People Israel."
"The Lord will not ask how much money you made, He won't ask how many friends you made or even how many good works you did."
"God has placed a great demon as overseer of human souls, judging them based on the character they developed during their lifetime."
"The penalty for pedophilia is a millstone around the neck flung into the sea because you will not be judged favorably by God."
"Let all creation rejoice before the Lord, for he comes to judge the Earth. He will judge the world in righteousness and the peoples in faithfulness. How beautiful is that? Amen."
"Judgment comes from God and is still part of love."
"Jesus is coming in judgment... whether you like it or not, that's Christianity."
"Divine judgment becomes inevitable when sin reaches such depths. It's a reminder for us to examine our hearts, seek righteousness, and turn away from the path of sin."
"My righteousness is near. My salvation has gone forth, And My arms will judge the peoples."
"Nobody's going to get away with nothing. God has the last word."
"Repent; or else I'm coming to you soon, and I'll make war with the sword of My mouth."
"God is going to judge the intentions of men's hearts."
"We should not expect God's blessings upon us if we continue to call evil good and good evil."
"Every person is going to stand before God in the judgment as individuals."
"Each person will stand there before God, to answer for what they've done."
"God's gonna sort it all out when he returns."
"God's judgment is not for one or two, but for three and four."
"And then shall that wicked be revealed whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming."
"It's not God high in the heavens, so how can he judge through the deep darkness?"
"Remember that they will have to face God who stands to judge everyone both the living and the dead."
"This is God's grace and mercy proving to everyone that these judgments come from him and he is still offering forgiveness of sins through his only begotten son, Jesus Christ."
"Blessed be God! Judgment's going to lay judgment to the gods of the nations. The scripture teaches us the gods of the nations are idols, but the Lord hath created the heavens."
"You can't reject me from heaven just because of that."
"God knows, he knows, and he's the one that's going to judge them. He's the one that's going to offer them something that nobody else would be able to offer him."
"God doesn't mess around there's not a shot fired their eyes shall dissolve in their sockets and their tongues shall dissolve in their mouths."
"One mark is a mark of salvation, the seal of God in the forehead; the other is a mark of doom."
"Never feel guilty. Whether it's for selfish reasons or not, God knows everybody else is going to benefit through this person."
"Judgment is decisions coming out of heaven that are setting things in place."
"What if there’s 50 righteous in the land?" "He said if there’s 50 righteous, I’ll spare the land."
"I cannot wait until our fans are back. It would be a pleasure if they feel the same energy that I feel on the sideline." - Thomas Tuchel
"Our souls demand Purgatory, don't they? Would it not break the heart if God said to us, 'It is true, my son, that your breath smells, your rags drop with mud and slime'?"
"America's main problem is not Russia and China, it's God Almighty."
"Your judgment is God confirming at your death the choice you made."
"God is a God of love and mercy, he's a God of planning, yes, he's a God of judgment, yes."
"The leaders out there, worship leaders, pastors, someday will stand before God and give an account."
"Pride is the reason that God says you never want to believe him until it's too late."
"I think when we see God judging we're gonna not just see judgment from God... we will actually appreciate his judgments and see them for how good they are."
"There's going to be separation of the dry grass that is doing nothing on this earth."
"Whoever rejoices over the mighty... the Lord will judge him."
"Whatever you don't repent of, God can't forgive you, and you will be held accountable for that on judgment day."
"Faith is judging God faithful; fear is judging God unfaithful."
"You are not the judge of God. This is incredible folly that you think you can sit in a place and judge the god of creation. Your soul is in danger when you are shaking your fist at the Creator."
"God is that consuming fire that will destroy all things."
"America's judgment is the case of mystery Babylon from Revelation 18."
"God shall judge the righteous and the wicked, for there is a time for every purpose and for every work."
"God does not tolerate sin on any level. God will always judge sin. He never lets it slide, he never gives you a free pass. God will always judge sin."
"Indifference and neutrality in a religious crisis is regarded by God as a grievous crime."
"If God dealt with us based on feelings, no one could stand before Him."
"God will not be played with, tread lightly."
"And your Covenant with Death Shall be disannulled and your agreement with hell shall not stand."
"God don't like the kinds corrupted."
"The Lord will judge between the nations and will settle disputes for many peoples."
"...God's goodness would kill us if we stood in his presence like a judge looks at a criminal that's committed multiple murders of children..."
"Babylon's demise: a warning that God's judgment will inevitably fall on those who oppose him."
"God's going to dig you and God's going to dung you."
"All of religion combined at its highest level is a zero before God. All of it is useless. To be in the Kingdom, you have to be born from above."
"Do good or do harm that we may be dismayed and terrified. Behold you're nothing and your work is less than nothing and Abomination is he who chooses you."
"2024 is going to be used like a plumb line in the hands of God."
"This same Jesus, who is defined as love, is presiding over your case as the judge."
"After this life complete justice will be given to all by God, that he will judge us according to how we've lived."
"God cares if I do the right thing, even if no one else does."
"God says you're anointed god says you anointed but still nasty."
"He's a holy God. We sinned, no we didn't, Adam and Eve did."
"One of the things that we have to keep in mind is God does have an opinion about whether you're right or wrong and he is going to be correct in that determination of right and wrong."
"God didn't forget that, he didn't like that."
"God is measuring somebody said, your weights will be perfect and it will be just, so God is measuring your righteousness, your just how just you are, He's saying your weight is perfect."
"The Son of Man will sit on the throne of his glory."
"God isn't examining you, he's examining the lamb."
"If you feel alone right now and if you feel like no one cares and if you feel like you're going to be judged if you tell anybody, then just judge him faithful."
"God is not pleased with jeconiah...God does an interesting thing...God himself is just in his anger pronounced a blood curse on jeconiah."
"God understands that and is not waiting to give us a D minus on the theology exam."
"Fear a day on which you will be returned to Allah."
"I know also, my God, that thou triest the heart and hast pleasure in uprightness."
"When God wants to pass judgment, He will stand."
"For the whole world, there is a day of wrath coming, when people would rather be swallowed in an earthquake than look at the anger on the face of God and his son Jesus."
"Do you not know that you will stand before God on that great day?"
"Jeremiah nor Ezekiel had popular messages because they were telling them hey this is God's judgment yield to it."
"The story is about God bringing his people to repentance, and sometimes their sins are so filled up to the full that God's patience wears out and great Calamity comes upon them for their repentance, for their repentance."
"The wicked plot against him and gnash upon him with his teeth; the Lord shall laugh at him for he seeth that his day is coming."
"God, however, hates the sin and hates all those who are at enmity with Him and hates all those who are not among His elect."
"For behold, innocent and righteous blood cries out to me, and the souls of the righteous cry out continually."
"When Allah chooses a nation and they disappoint Allah, Allah humiliates that nation in this world."
"You are in the hands of an angry God and this is terrible."
"When you're standing before the Lord you're standing before the court because God embodies the spirit of the Court."
"The miracles. Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in thy name, and in thy name cast out devils, and in thy name do many mighty works?' Then will I profess unto them, 'I never knew you. Depart from me, ye that work iniquity.'"
"God is going to stretch out his hand on Edom it's God doing this it's God's judgment right."
"They're going to destroy this city not because they're Wicked not because the Roman Legions are stronger than the defenses of Jerusalem they're going to destroy you because you didn't recognize God's presence in your midst."
"God deals with us as individuals I believe in that I believe in personal salvation but I also believe that it is equally a Biblical truth that God brings judgment upon Nations."
"Go and pour out on the earth the seven bowls of the wrath of God."
"2024 is going to be used like a plum line in the hands of God to measure where churches Ministries and individuals stand regarding biblical issues."
"God has numbered the days of your kingdom, and he's brought it to an end."
"People can be clever and manipulative, inching their way towards success, and people will marvel at their 'wisdom' when they see the end result. But God is not impressed."
"The divine judgement is not necessarily at all what Agustin taught as eternal conscious torment but that it may be like purgatory."
"God isn't impressed by man's pride and arrogance and accomplishments."
"God hates pride, and what does He say: man has no reason to be prideful because God removes the prideful ones."
And God would justify tonight in saying, "I expected a return on this effort of mine, church. Is that uncalled for by God? Is God being unreasonable? Absolutely not."
"God is continually sharpening his sword to pierce the soul."
"The wrath of God has been revealed against any society, any culture, any people who hold the truth in unrighteousness, who turn from God."
"The folly of all follies in a situation like this is to think there's anything you can do in the human realm to stop the divine judgment of God."
"He is the true ark of safety into which sinners enter and sail through the waters of divine judgment."
"God is the one who judges that. That's why vengeance is His."
"Before God, we're all exposed and transparent before Him."
"There's a grace period, and Jesus is the judge."
"Even in judgment, God is merciful."
"For all nations shall come and worship before You, for Your judgments have been manifested."
"It's not about me being ashamed of God, it's about the terrible idea that God might be ashamed of me."
"Alas for the day! For the day of the Lord is at hand; it shall come as destruction from the Almighty."
"It's not the church that decides whether you go to heaven or not, it is Almighty God Himself."
"I the Lord search the heart and test the mind."
"God holds in derision all the proud boastings and violence of those who oppose him."
"If you do not become accountable, God will make sure that you're accountable to him."
"Remember, only God will judge you."
"My flesh trembleth for fear of thee, and I am afraid of thy judgment."
"He, in every good objective, did what anybody would have done in that circumstance, and God said, 'You’re out.'"
"The prospects of terrible, dreadful judgments are not in the Bible in order to frighten us away from him but in order that we might approach him."
"What will this goddess do when she sees what you value the most?"
"All sin against that person is first, foremost, and exclusively sin against God."
"God is looking down on us; we are not going to the good place if we don't fix this situation."
"Let the floods clap their hands: let the hills be joyful together before the Lord; for He cometh to judge the earth."
"Does God have the right to judge? That's a hard question for us as Americans."
"From heaven you pronounced judgment, and the land feared and was quiet."
"God is not asked about what He does, but they are asked about what they do."
"My God doesn't send anybody to Hell."
"One day we are going to stand before God faultless."
"The judgment of God saved us from our decisions."