
Unfamiliarity Quotes

There are 236 quotes

"The scares are in the unfamiliar; they're in the surreal subversion of our expectations."
"I'm not from this area. I was just trying to ask what time the local bus gets here."
"It's just been too much new. It's almost like, I don't recognize the MCU right now because it's so unfamiliar."
"These places are familiar yet unfamiliar, simply giving one an instinctual feeling that they are somewhere other when they finally and seemingly just as suddenly returned to where they had left from."
"I could see it in you, something that tells me you'd appreciate unfamiliarity."
"Assumption: 'You play Minecraft.' Nope, never played it, don't even know what it is."
"You are meeting them for the first time although their names do sound familiar."
"Just like the thought that our room is not... I don't know, just just like coming into a room that you think you know and finding out the dimensions are changing."
"As an American who's watched a lot of stories unfold nobody this was the first and the names you mentioned by the way I've never heard of nobody's ever heard of."
"I don't recognize this poem, it seems very random."
"We are on the right path, even though it seems like foreign territory."
"Embrace it as a sign that you are on the right path, even if the road feels unfamiliar at times."
"It's weird that I'm talking about this like it's a foreign thing."
"Roiland had no idea who Alfred Molina was when he was cast as the Devil in Season 1."
"I felt like I was homesick for a place that I had never been."
"It's just so special that I'm like unfamiliar with it."
"I didn't want to risk going into labor with people that I'd never met before."
"I'm not familiar with things. Are we, are we kind vibing?"
"We fear what we don't know, and we're more likely to put barriers when we're unfamiliar with something."
"I hate when people try to expose y'all to things that will help y'all and you automatically demonize it because you're unfamiliar with it."
"I felt like a foreign exchange student, like I was in a whole new world."
"It's just crazy how you feel like you're not in Texas."
"Feeling like a leopard and really not knowing how the jail works, especially at my age."
"Being in their territory of origin was nerve-wracking."
"It was something unknown, something out of place in the world as I knew it."
"I don't know anything about Star Wars."
"He had, he said, floated off from a very ordinary series of dream-pictures into a scene whose strangeness was related to nothing he had ever read;"
"It's not something he's ever experienced before."
"I'm not used to like waking up in the morning going to get breakfast and just seeing people that I don't know."
"He had never met a Terran before but only heard stories and frankly they were all terrifying"
"Inevitably, you're not used to wearing something like this the first time you put it on."
"It almost feels like I'm using alien goop or something."
"Most people really aren't too familiar with exactly what it is and how you can use it to build internet sites and collaborate with your team."
"Recipe for disaster, especially for me, never being there before."
"It's literally like imagine you went to this whole world that we're in and you're not from right and like the highest level of like debauchery."
"I remember thinking like I just didn't have the tools to dance with her, I'd never heard this music before."
"I just I never heard of him but yeah apparently it is like a it's a"
"She never knew much about that world and didn't even know what kind of food they were eating or how she was supposed to be able to buy it."
"This is very weird. It's very strange."
"Outside of the confines of my village community, there was another world."
"Welcome. First time in CID Milary here?"
"I was a bit intimidated by him as well. He's in my house. I'm not there."
"I'd never thought my queen would be human or that she wouldn't know our ways, the concept of Shifting was completely foreign to her coming as she did from a world without magic."
"I was picked up by Jimmy Walk. I'd never seen Jimmy."
"I really didn't know anything about Ohio."
"CMRR is a term that many electronics newcomers aren't familiar with well it stands for common mode rejection ratio."
"It's Batman, wow, I can't believe it's not every day that I get to take a look at a Batman property I'm completely unfamiliar with, but today is one of those days."
"He wasn't used to this type of treatment."
"I've watched maybe a few clips but I've never even seen the trailer so I really have no preconceptions going in."
"Depart from me, I don't recognize you."
"Peter and Fran walk in and they're like, 'Oh, hello,' looking at me like 'Who the [__] is this?'"
"I don't even know these people, Taz! I don't even know these, you're staring!"
"It's like you're not in New York City anymore."
"Dean Mastiff, I have no idea who that is."
"This is so much easier at home. It is really hard here."
"I know a lot of you are looking at this going what the hell is that, a lot of you probably never seen this before."
"It really smells like a woman who you've never met before."
"It's like if I was at like MIT, I think. I don't know what the f*** I'm doing."
"Maybe this would be the case if you're walking down a street with a lot of designer stores. Maybe there are people there that know what a Birkin bag looks like, not me."
"Your ego might flare up... instead of just going 'This feels unfamiliar but there's something about this that feels really good.'"
"She hid behind Roselle's back and said that she didn't know these strange people."
"This is so weird this is weird this is weird."
"Fashion on earth, never heard of it."
"Boop-covered hogs are reserved for the rookies."
"Sarah and Sparkly wake up on a strange island."
"Tokyo with its neon-lit streets and bustling energy is a contrast to Radiator Springs. Our characters, especially Mater, grapple with the unfamiliar surroundings."
"It's kind of difficult to believe there was a time when I'd never even heard of Carol Forrest."
"I don't have a whole lot of experience with six liters."
"...it was like looking in the mirror but it was someone you didn't know... trippy as hell."
"This is definitely going to be on vacation because to me this feels like walking around in a new city that you don't know."
"That's a fish and chips. I've never heard of fish and chips done with salmon."
"Look, I'm not comfortable, I'm not nervous, I've just... let's just say I'm out of my element in here."
"Notifications blazed red, she had at least a dozen friend requests from people she didn't even know."
"Shake hands. I don't know these two, they shake hands in my world."
"I've actually never heard anybody say the word pasmo I've only written it down."
"None of us have ever driven abroad before."
"Honestly, I can say with a hundred percent authenticity and honesty, I have never... seen them before."
"It feels like you're on another planet."
"Everyone's point of view that's never been to prison before."
"I just feel like I'm in someone else's territory, you know?"
"I have no idea what you're talking about. I didn't know anything about them people at all. Nothing. Nothing. Never met them, never said hi bye, nothing."
"She was young, vulnerable, alone in a city she didn't know."
"It's all new to us. I've never been to anything like this before."
"I wasn't born to all this, it all makes me feel a little... welcome back, so I see."
"A ground lease is something that tends to throw people for a little bit of a loop because you don't usually think of this type of transaction."
"GI Jane comes on TV and I'm like, 'What is this?' And they start talking about these units and I hadn't had any exposure to the military."
"We don't know any of these places."
"For Rey, this was a strange new feeling."
"Oh, Jenny, you take me to the hotel!"
"I just don't do get your online things that you would do."
"So, if I may. Uh, this feels unfamiliar, but in a good way."
"You don't know the people in cities that you're not from."
"I'm not in my usual farm permission."
"It feels different for some reason."
"The reserved angry Kelly was someone he didn't know."
"London, a place I know next to nothing about basically."
"I'm not familiar enough with pattern making to do that."
"I've never been in that situation, right?"
"The language wasn't one I recognized, each syllable an alien vibration that set my nerves on edge."
"You did really well about halfway through to say I don't understand a lot. I don't have a lot of familiarity with this space."
"I liked how you quickly leaned in and said, 'I don't have a lot of familiarity in that space. If you could shed some light on that for me...'"
"A language sounded alien-like but not a known language, that's for sure."
"After reading that, I was at a bit of a loss. I'd never had another human being express their feelings in such an honest way."
"If you've never used one of these before it takes a minute to get the hang of it."
"Don't ever go house-sitting and not really know the people you're house-sitting for."
"You don't recognize this room anymore, do you?"
"I'm not in Kansas anymore. I'm not even in Kyoto anymore."
"To enter the land of the phenomenal you have to leave the land of the familiar."
"I'm not really hip to all the girl lingo."
"I don't think anyone who I've never heard of that song before, 'I'm not afraid to feel.'"
"You realize that you're not in Kansas anymore."
"It's kind of like learning to drive a car... it all just feels very foreign and very strange."
"...this is a bit of a black hole when you first get in."
"An unfamiliar topic can actually be a blessing."
"It's weird not having a clutch lever."
"I mean, I've never seen anything look like that other than what we think aliens look like."
"I don't know her, I will say it is living up to its name."
"You feel awkward on the inside, and you feel embarrassed for no reason because you don't know that person."
"You know, you get some guy from Arizona."
"If you're unfamiliar with this series or this format..."
"I've only ever been to Lamborghini three times ever and I don't know what it is."
"There can be no excuses for like I'm in a new room I don't know what's going on."
"We haven't seen anything like that around here."
"The shepherd is no expert but he’s never heard of a poisonous lizard."
"I normally never plug them, pick them, whatever. I don't know, this is really weird for me."
"It winds up being this strangely familiar product and yet very different and somewhat alien."
"...and when I heard that, I got so uncomfortable because I've never ever had this feeling before."
"When it comes to reasoning on matters that are unfamiliar to us or impractical, we tend to be hyper-optimistic."
"We have just entered a different planet."
"I have a feeling that we're not in Kansas anymore."
"It's something that we're not really used to here."
"I gotta give them an eight out of ten I don't know nothing about it never used it not only use your mono."
"Wow, I don't even know what to say about this. It's such a departure from the sort of stuff I usually look at."
"I'd never been there and I don't know where I'm at hardly."
"Perhaps you've never even read that passage. I don't think in my life I've ever heard a message on that passage."
"Feels weird honestly, but I like it."
"It's not like it tastes bad, but the taste will be very unfamiliar to you."
"I seriously have no clue who that is, can we focus?"
"This is another store I've never been to."
"I've obviously never been to Canada before so I have no idea where to go."
"I think the only thing I had an issue with was just not being used to that reticle."
"Wow, I don't even think this is a brand new Rob. This isn't, you've never been to the state of Texas."
"I didn't really recognize the area."
"It's like I'm in some strange ghost town."
"She's never seen him like that, so she could have been like, 'Who is this guy?'"
"Totally out of his element spearfishing down here in the Caribbean Sea."
"I was in an unfamiliar woman's room. All right, let's just calm down and think about this."
"Homeschool is a very foreign idea to a lot of people."
"I don't even know if I've seen those period."
"I was in shock. I've never felt like that before."
"It's like walking on another planet, like an ice planet."
"She had such small acquaintance with desire that she knew nothing of it."
"I didn't know a lot of those techniques."
"Wow, I am so not used to this. It's kind of refreshing."
"I've never wrapped with the Inozetech before."
"You're in regular clothes, you have no comms, you're in a vehicle you've never really been in before."
"Whatever's outside of our subconscious comfort zone feels unfamiliar and feels like a survival threat because we haven't dealt with that yet."
"We're just not people that dress up. I had a long dress on, things that we're not used to. We're certainly not used to other people being dressed up like that and kind of the really a more formal feeling, I guess is what I'm trying to say. It was very nice, and we enjoyed it."
"They're afraid because they've never felt that way before, ever."
"We're less familiar with them, and as a consequence, sometimes the point of the story strikes us more directly."
"I'm sorry, I have no idea what that is. I've never seen it before in my life."
"The place was dark and cold, a dust sheet was still draped over the grandfather clock, and there was a faint and curious odor in the air that she had never smelled before."
"It preys very well on that fear of being a fish out of water."
"I'm genuinely sorry. I don't really know you guys."
"People are so afraid of what they're unfamiliar with that they hate it. It's an instinct we should have shed by now."
"I swear by Almighty God that I have never ever heard the name Frawls in my life."
"Love is the language that we are not really familiar with; it's who God is."
"That's a noise I haven't heard before, interesting."
"Morning or is it afternoon? Light is blinding, the sunshine feels foreign on my face."
"...sometimes things can seem frightening simply because they're unfamiliar or unexpected."
"The sight of an ordinary object placed in an unfamiliar and lonely setting... suddenly begins to disturb us."
"I'm gonna listen to the right directions from now on when I'm in an unfamiliar place."
"It's natural to feel the emotion of worry if it's something that's unfamiliar to you."
"Hard work culminating in a sense of achievement, the thrill of being thrown a surprise party - they're both totally foreign to me."
"I'm obviously a stranger to online controversy; it's not something I often do."
"It felt like the first day of school because no one knew each other."
"It's weird, it's like it's almost making me nostalgic for something I've never experienced myself."
"Don't be afraid to walk into the unfamiliar."
"I don't know this man. Sorry to this man."
"It's a classic fish out of water situation."
"Do you ever get that strange feeling of Vu-jàdé? It's a distinct sense that somehow something just happened that has never happened before, nothing seems familiar, and then suddenly the feeling is gone. Vu-jàdé."
"It's kind of like I don't know, I've never played Sudoku, but like some math matter like chess, it's like some sort of mental patterning thing."
"The best word for this place is culture shock."
"I don't know what a nectarine is, but I want one."
"I felt something flutter in my chest; the emotion was alien, yet at the same time so natural."
"Our brains register what is unfamiliar as unsafe, even if it is healthy."
"I've never even seen Beetlejuice, but I think they're really cool costumes."
"We are sat at this absolutely beautiful restaurant that I'm not even going to attempt to pronounce."
"I'm a city girl, I don't know any of that."
"I received orders that I was going to Vietnam. I didn't even know where Vietnam was."
"I'm not used to this type of luxury."
"Surprised, the protagonist gets out of bed and approaches a mirror, but when she sees herself, she finds an unfamiliar reflection of a girl staring back at her."
"They play and sound completely different than what I'm used to, but they do make pretty music."
"I think that there is something to be said about people making an effort towards things that are unfamiliar to them."
"This is fascinating as someone who just likes going into spaces that I'm very unfamiliar with."
"Quarantine's a funny thing. We're all at home, a place that we're very intimately familiar with, yet everything still feels weird."
"It's okay to be scared doing something that's unfamiliar."
"Keep in mind dragons and Griffins are the two creature races to which the concepts of friendship are the most foreign."
"He wasn't used to people being kind or considerate or loving him."
"I just feel like I'm constantly in this period of adjusting because when things are unfamiliar, I reach a point of like, 'Oh my gosh, like I feel like I'm in a crisis,' and then I get through it, and it feels better the next time."