
Christlike Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"These are women who show us a Christlike example of how to move forward in the face of intense adversity and setback."
"If God's Church looks like people devoting themselves to a self-sacrificial Christ-like lifestyle, you cannot settle for anything less."
"More than anything else, I want to be more like Jesus Christ."
"What is a Christlike appearance? Let me hold your Bible brother Fletcher, go to church with your Bible. Get out your car, you got your word, but before you go into church, put that cigarette in there as a Bible marker."
"You put on Christ, you put on love, you put on peace." - Joyce Meyer
"What should measure a good leader is likeness to Christ."
"It takes time to develop a Christ-like character."
"It’s not enough to be fair; you must also strive to be Christlike."
"The more Christlike I am, the better man I am, and the better leader I am, and the better discipler I am, that to me is the key."
"I'm talking about being real as in being Christ-like."
"She exemplifies all of the virtues of Christ."
"Our definition of success cannot be based on what you have or don't have. Your definition of success is: are you becoming more like Christ?"
"What manner of men ought ye to be? Verily I say unto you, even as I am."
"Have this attitude in yourself which is in Christ Jesus."
"I'm a Christian, which means I'm actually trying to walk like Christ."
"The more like Christ we are, the more of God's love we experience."
"Graces also the ability to be able to walk like Christ walked, grace and truth."
"There's so much joy in it because it's God's plan for us, it's what He wants, and it's a very Christ-like quality."
"Your soul is either shaped and being formed like Christ or it's not."
"You are never more like Christ than when you forgive."
"His goal is to change you and me into the image of Jesus Christ."
"If your faith gives you permission to be anything other than Christlike at all times, your faith has been corrupted and compromised."
"Living for Christ means ultimately to live Christ-like."
"I want every part of your life to be Christ-like."
"Love all as Christ did. Love all men as brothers."
"Christ Himself hung out with prostitutes and adulterers and drunks and people living in poverty with rags; he was always able to peek through the attire and see a person's heart."
"Love never fails, and we're supposed to be like Christ, so we need to always love others like He loves us."
"The spirit of Christ will act like Christ, will do the things that's Christ."
"The power of preaching or teaching must always be backed by a Christ-like life."
"The meek humble lowly mind is an express resemblance of Christ, as pride is of the devil."
"I need to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ; yes, I have repented of my sins and each day I seek to live my life Christlike."
"Every time I give, I become like Christ."
"You can be Christ-like and a servant without being walked all over."
"Anyone who says he is a Christian should live as Christ did."
"Self-sacrifice is manifesting the spirit of Christ; it's a spirit of kindness and a willingness to serve others."
"We need to constantly be cultivating the mind of Christ to think like Christ thinks, to think as God thinks."
"We need to be humbling ourselves and serving as Christ."
"Virtue is a measure of your closeness to the character of Christ."
"The attitude you should have is the one that Christ Jesus had."
"If you say you want to be Christlike, that tells me you want to do the things that he did."
"The point of ministry is to be as much like Christ as possible, not as individual as possible."
"I don't have sympathy for anybody, but I have that compassion of the Lord Jesus in my heart."
"A Christian is one who thinks as Christ thought, does as Christ did, acts as Christ acted."
"Our motivation is always a need to honor God, a need to be holy, a need to be more and more like Christ."
"Their character as far as you can see exemplifies christ-like character."
"Every time we speak, we have an opportunity to be like Christ."
"What is so Christ-like of you is you don't even want to be here, but you're choosing to carry the burdens of others."
"I'm no longer a slave, I have the mind of Christ."
"Live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God."
"Christlike leaders gain power and influence by persuasion, by long-suffering, by gentleness and meekness, and by love unfeigned."
"All of us are called to a vocation so that we might serve, so that in pouring our lives out we might become more and more like Jesus."
"When we respond to our accusers as the Savior did, we not only become more Christ-like, we invite others to feel His love and follow Him as well."
"Love your wife like Christ loved the church and be willing to give your life in righteousness."
"May God help each of us to have the spirit, nobility, and dignity of the living Christ."