
Impulsiveness Quotes

There are 352 quotes

"As much as I like to think I'm a hopeless romantic, the red flags are really red flagging if you're getting married after only knowing this person for three months."
"I clicked faster than accepting terms and conditions I haven't read."
"Adults devise a plan and follow it; children do what feels good."
"Let's not be impetuous. When you are impetuous, you make mistakes."
"The antidote to impulsiveness is forethought."
"I recommend you pause for seven seconds before you do something impulsive."
"Reflecting on that, it's like, watch your impulsiveness. It'll make you do dumb things."
"It's the fact that he didn't stop and decided to execute without thinking."
"Maybe the story is an angry man decided for no reason just in the heat of the moment to ram through a parade instead of turning off onto any one of the side streets."
"We can be very impulsive at getting involved into something that seems to be extremely positive. What it appears to be is linked to the energy of Neptune, which we've talked about."
"Be logical about money instead of being impulsive."
"I think that if you're walking by a bush with small blueberries, you're probably gonna eat some."
"Take action. What did I just say? That's pretty crazy."
"It's like it's like they don't think before they do, they just do it and then we criticize them and then they want to ignore the criticisms and then justify those mistakes."
"Sometimes a car comes into your life that you know you shouldn't touch with a 10-foot electrified vibrator but instead of running the other way you run right at it with your checkbook open."
"I like how rationally impulsive we're being. This is great. Let's go pick a door."
"Moral of the story: think with the head on your shoulders, not the one in your pants."
"Don't be impulsive about buying whatever comes available first."
"You're being asked to have temperance rather than be impulsive or compulsive."
"Aries energy can be short-sighted, unaware of the bigger picture."
"We've so weak, we're so controlled by our lust, we think with our smaller head rather than our big head."
"We were just going so quickly... I think the fact that I was able to envision getting married anywhere again made me so excited that I just was like let's go nose dive."
"Lee Tang Witnesses one such incident and he can't keep himself from putting out a smoke on the lady's car's windshield."
"I think I was a little bit too impulsive with 'I need this now' and thinking that I was gonna love it forever."
"I have this thing where I impulsively buy things at the thrift store because I hate the feeling of regretting and not getting something that I found."
"I usually open my mouth before I ever think about anything, so yeah, that's uh..."
"If you get the impulse to go spend time with friends, do it."
"This is the easiest choice of my life. Why would I not push the button?"
"It's not as common as one would imagine, particularly in serial killing, where you see it is people who are a little bit more disorganized or impulsive."
"Just go buy the plant. Who cares? Just buy the plant and enjoy it for as long as you have it because who knows how long we have. That is really a horrible thing to say and I take that back."
"It's a good idea to not follow your impulses and actually go ask an actual medical professional."
"People are irrational beings driven by emotion, so if their plan actually was to buy at the bottom of the market and they just see one day in the green they may decide that it's time to buy buy buy."
"Tagging the school in a rant may not have been the smartest thing to do, but surely the innocent child deserved more consideration from the school."
"This person has a softer side to them, they have a lover's heart."
"They're very motivated by those feelings and when they were younger they could have come across as quite impulsive."
"I was down for whatever. There's nothing like the mentality of a teenager."
"If somebody offered me like a hundred thousand dollars today, I would accept it immediately."
"Buying snacks for a road trip should always look like an unsupervised nine-year-old who was given 100."
"Please stop running out and buying [__] as soon as it drops."
"Buying impulsively and not researching thoroughly... take some time, think about it, and whether or not it's the right decision for you."
"Break up with your girlfriend, yeah yeah cause I'm bored."
"If I had a million dollars I would probably buy a house and then just buy a bunch of random stuff and kind of like a wreck my house but then I have money so I could just like fix it again."
"This seems like a great idea. Oh no, it's a terrible idea and I'm gonna do it anyway because I haven't reacted to the Jubilee videos in a very long time and [ __ ] it, dude, I'm trying."
"You have to have the self-control not to trade impulsively."
"I'd accidentally run in front of a car to save my French Bulldog."
"I'm very impulsive person with my cravings like if I'm craving a hookers but I'm gonna have it."
"What if your friend called you from Vegas... they're two seconds away from getting married... what would you say to her?"
"Green iguanas are like one of the worst reptiles you could possibly impulse-buy."
"The fact that violence can spring from such a tiny, tiny trigger."
"I mean, why the [ __ ] not just be addicted to social media?"
"The comic reflection NPC is someone who's funny, who's jovial, who's super enthusiastic but is perhaps also a little bit too headstrong and comes up with bad ideas."
"The impulse buy on something, or like, you know, you find something you're like, you start doing the mind game of like, 'Oh, I've got to have it.' That's usually the red flag right off the bat."
"You're allowed to make bad decisions, you're allowed to be impulsive, you're allowed to do these things."
"Just a sudden feeling that you have to do something and take action."
"The impulsiveness of Cuphead isn't his downfall yet as Mugman saves the day with doing the unconventional rather than putting the sweater on Cuphead and saving him for the rest of his life."
"He pulled six thousand dollars out of his pocket and he was ready to buy it right then and there."
"Coupons are like my kryptonite. If I see a coupon, I've got something that's been hanging out in my cart for a little while that coupon is going to awaken the retail demon inside of me."
"Love makes you do crazy things. It's really good."
"Sometimes you don't mean to do it but you end up doing it anyway."
"All that deep thought and all those great decisions...all out the window."
"Being young and stupid though and just out of the military I yelled at him what the heck do you want."
"I took a few steps towards him not really thinking."
"Doing things impulsively isn't a bad thing. It's like an energy of impulsiveness now."
"Be careful, reactions do not take the time to think and analyze the consequences."
"Saturn is telling you hold up wait a minute pump your brakes don't get too impulsive right."
"Buying things on a whim is not something that I do."
"I just pushed a button. I see a button, I have to push it."
"He decided to make decisions in a tenth of a second, in a hundredth of a second."
"No one in the history of cartoons has ever been as impulsive, selfish, and hard-headed as Cartman is."
"ESTPs are incredibly unreflecting in that sense, saying things upfront and without room for dual interpretations."
"I've got the post ready and here's the deal: every now and then you get so excited to do whatever it is you're doing that you don't fully think it through."
"I'm actually pretty excited about today. My dad's an impulsive guy, so I know he's about to go all out."
"She's not necessarily stupid, she just doesn't always think things through."
"Some people do some really, really stupid things for love."
"If somebody came up to you just handed you a pie and they're like go hit sigils in the face, you wouldn't even hesitate for a second."
"Young love, it can make you do some crazy things."
"Young love makes you do crazy things sometimes."
"I grabbed the envelope and gripped it tightly, tore it in two before I could even read what's inside."
"Marry them. I mean instantly get that."
"Hot-headedness can lead to regret."
"Before anyone can ask why, Fascia grabs Piccolo and drags him into the room."
"My tongue's got a mind of its own."
"I kind of almost slapped some dude's tire."
"Shoot first, ask questions later."
"I did kiss him last night in a moment when my emotions were running so high."
"Brave impulsive actions are fine."
"INTJs are even more wanting than INTJs because the anti-J's are responsible with what they want so they're technically a little bit less impulsive than INTJs."
"Iris impulsively told Emir that Light was her master and everything he says is otherwise."
"It might be time we do something stupid, something that's got nothing. I think you just need to take a break to let your mind reset."
"The way that I move is so reckless, but that's a part of my mind I've been blessed with."
"You were waiting for the right moment, but to them, it was impulsive. But they can't help but see that it's also been successful."
"People cannot help themselves in the heat of the moment."
"This person is someone who has the personality or characteristics of somebody who is a little bit impulsive."
"I just got carried away, couldn't help it."
"I don't contemplate what I do, I just do things."
"I don't know what I was thinking. I just rushed out of my house and ran up to the lady."
"So what, see G, they just, bro, they just storm after, bro. They move like bulls, and they steam after the red, charging, and they don't think, they're not thinking at all."
"Knight of swords energy can sometimes be that type of person who they say things and do things very impulsively, very recklessly, and they don't think about how those decisions are going to affect them later on down the line."
"I'm feeling very refreshed refreshing enough to do foolishness on a bike."
"He was an impetuous man, quick in his decisions. Everything gave way to his duty."
"Even when he becomes a superhero, he still tends to act more on emotion and gut instinct than well-thought out plans."
"Open all hatches, extend all flaps and drag fins. Extend all flaps. Another happy landing. Happy? I'm happy. Well, it couldn't possibly be as bad as all that."
"I'm going to start becoming impulsive, have a different personality, and act way out of character."
"Sometimes you have to be impulsive, and safe obviously."
"You just dropped somebody and then like two seconds later decide you just want to be with me all of a sudden."
"I do have a certain amount of uncontrolled energy."
"I decided to go through all the effort and save you all the pain and money because I'm foolish enough to throw money at my problems."
"Happy birthday to the best impulse purchase we ever made."
"I want them all. And then he said, 'All of them? Don't you want to see them first?' No."
"I gotta tell ya, I've seen people in real life get engaged and married in Vegas in 24 hours."
"I got drunk and ate a birthday cake by myself."
"I do have a problem when I'm going on a trip. I'm very indecisive. I order something. If I don't like it, I will order something else immediately, even if I ordered something that I really like. If I see something better, then I'm gonna go order it."
"The antidote for impulsiveness is forethought."
"You know I can go anywhere I want cuz I got I wear my 1911 so I'm going where I went well right off the bat you know that's not too bright that's looking for trouble."
"I'm never sensible if I can help it."
"The most dangerous thing you can do is to take any one impulse of your own nature and set it up as the thing you ought to follow at all costs."
"Sure, you were impulsive, and it was no secret that Ajax had a thing for you, but you wouldn’t have put people you love in danger."
"I'm a hard stretcher. Well, I just was one of those things where I felt so bad I'd never punched a girl, and you know, we did out of a cold sleep, and then you hit. Oh, yeah, like, oh my God, punched you in the face, angry."
"So it's really important for people just to not be so trigger happy."
"It's easy to do. I mean, they're easy, you know what I'm saying? It's easy to smash. Basically, so if he's going to go for it, they're going to go for it, you go for it."
"I'm so happy I made that very impulsive decision."
"Love will make you do some crazy things."
"Love that makes us do all the stupid things that we do."
"The thing about Ethan is he doesn't think first and act. The character acts then thinks."
"I feel that I have an impulsive streak that I'll kind of engage with."
"The impulsive kiss, the tangled emotions, and the realization of consequences."
"You can't just go to the steakhouse and what what you'll just be impulsive"
"We really buy a lot of crap because Jackson went to crap right away."
"This project was incredibly impulsive. I had no idea what I was doing. I've never done any restoration work before. With that all being said, I would do it again in a heartbeat."
"There doesn't seem to be an off switch, huh?"
"It's stupid, but it's also not the worst. But it's also just like, give me the button."
"Like don't live long. Just turn and burn. That's my motto."
"If you haven't learned by now that like this guy doesn't think things through and if you put a list together he is just as liable to take the dumbest [ __ ] option on the list as he is to do anything more measured."
"I actually deleted my whole original Instagram. I don't know why, it was impulsive."
"I doubt you're going to feel like the way that we feel when we just go off the deep end."
"Is there a skill or a talent or anything they've even practiced? No, no, no, they just run, like bees to the hive when they hear there's something in there."
"I almost did something so stupid the other day y'all oh my gosh I would have really regretted did that in a few months."
"And you say things and you question and you're impulsive."
"He's feeling untouchable and manic, however, he kills Randall, half in revenge for costing him his job, half because the sentiment of coming round all kindly is undermined by him suddenly checking what Arthur said to the police."
"I did some crazy things that were just uncalled for."
"This is exactly why you're not supposed to do what I just did, but guess who's still gonna drink it? With my heart on my sleeve."
"I didn't have a plan... I just pulled the trigger. I can think myself out of something easily. If I think too much, I won't do it. It's better for me to feel something and just go for it."
"I just started buying stuff, just spending my money, just throwing money at people, going 'here, just give me that'."
"I need to leave soon, I bought shoes last night."
"I'm gonna do it right now, no balls."
"If you make an impulsive move, it could really pay off."
"I don't know why that was like diary of the mouth and now I just set myself up for this yeah you asked for it."
"You're still in it bro you're still in it no is that the clip I'm obviously going to marry you Jeff Cuz out of I don't really know you and you could turn out to be like really I'm just a really good actor bad piece of [ __ ] regret it."
"I'm just gonna send it, I mean I'm not."
"My brother beat the [ __ ] out of him on 13 days [ __ ] notice [ __ ] dropped him with one punch."
"I do remember tossing the phone out the window."
"She made a decision that to this day still shocks me. She opened her car door and leapt out."
"So, yeah, if you've been like wanting to do something with your hair but you like 'oh it's too impulsive', freaking do it..."
"I left spontaneously. I couldn't help it."
"I saw this beautiful young lady standing in the window with her underwear on and I said to myself I had to have this woman."
"It's important, very important to be the quickest and I don't know why I'm always quick there, maybe because I am crazy."
"Why don't I think? Janine doesn't think. She just does."
"Sometimes you have to do [ __ ] with no reason and no ambition."
"There's nothing wrong with impulsiveness."
"I just feel like it was a lot of money and I did it at that moment and it was a moment."
"So that's how I ended up on the floor in Nashville night too, crazy, impulsive spending."
"You did things all in a hurry without thinking."
"I guess it's like batgirl any amount of time without getting some and all common sense goes right out the window."
"...in our pursuit of all the essential Pleasures in the world we tend to do stupid things."
"You know, just running your mouth on Twitter, it's just so easy, it's so fun. And then the consequences the next day are like, 'Oh [ __ ]!'"
"The heart wants what it wants so without thinking at all about the eventual circuit I'm gonna need to make, I've just decided to go for it."
"I found out 2 days later they started dating each other. Okay, right let's blow up our entire lives, our relationship with our siblings and our best friends just for a little bit of Hanky Panky."
"It's why you've literally just come on the pitch, why are you doing something stupid like that?"
"I like Anthony but the first thing he does is kick out in petulance."
"There's nothing magical about what's happening in this moment. A kid, like a teenager, has jumped to a motorcycle with 5 feet of clearance from a van doing 90 in the middle of the desert. Why? There are more women than men. Teenage boys do this [__] all right. Here we go."
"People are uncertain, they sell first and then think later."
"Food addiction leads to impulsive and compulsive food intake."
"I feel like whenever I read a lot about like ENJ INJ differences, like what I'd see is that they attribute the SE tertiary kind of thing to just impulsiveness very frequently."
"She's strong, she lacks restraint."
"I have no self-control so I decided to shoot her a DM."
"This person was nothing but nothing short of a fool jumping too damn fast and wasn't even thinking before they did it."
"Have you ever wanted to do something you know it's stupid and then you do it anyways? This, this is what I was doing right now and that's the exact reason why I have no regrets."
"I'm about to do something really stupid. Don't be mad, okay?"
"I need that, get in the cart, we're going."
"You just don't think about it, do you? When you do stuff, you're just so quick."
"Literally might cut all my hair off right now."
"Jaime believing this to be a harrying force rushed out headfirst right into the whispering wood."
"I'll go with the boy racer bomb car."
"But it’s soft and I’m hungry, so I’m going to go ahead and pick it and see."
"I'm Harley Quinn, I'm impetuous, I kiss people at random."
"Love will make you do crazy [ __ ] yo."
"I just made a decision like a little kid who sees his favorite team."
"He was highly creative and described as someone who had a lot of ideas, a few of which were good. He engaged in a good deal of reckless and impulsive behavior."
"I know this might seem crazy uh and probably a little bit impulsive but it's not, not for me."
"He vowed that in future he would act first and think of the consequences later."
"He just destroys the thing, he just tackles it and rips its head off, yeah, he's like I don't know what we're doing here."
"Shob is like a guy who's talking before he's thinking."
"I must have lost my mind or just the excitement of just seeing what it looked like."
"We impulsively got tickets to see Blackpink tomorrow. I'm so excited!"
"Rushing into something is going to lead to failure almost every single time."
"It's one thing to have the best interest at heart and it's another thing to jump the gun and be happy to do so regardless."
"Your future spells will love how impulsive or how spontaneous you are, that's what they find so sexy about you."
"Don't say 'I love you' on the first date. I love you!"
"Our first kiss had been spontaneous, rushed by my own impatience to show Lucas I had a boyfriend. If that kiss was a waterfall, this kiss was dripping honey."
"Perhaps that's why after shoving her last bag of laundry into her car she acted without thinking."