
Co-parenting Quotes

There are 322 quotes

"I never ever heard my parents talk disrespectfully about the other one."
"A good co-parenting relationship can make a huge impact on children."
"We both love Stormi and want what's best for her. We stay connected and coordinated."
"It's clear that both Kim and Kanye want what's best for their kids, so no matter what happens between them, their kids will be taken care of and loved."
"After the COVID lockdown, I got clear that I wanted another kid. I discovered that my friend Noemi also wanted a baby, so we decided to join forces and become conscious co-parents."
"Kim Kardashian on co-parenting: 'No matter what goes on, it's the father of my kids. I'll always be protective.'"
"Kim Kardashian emphasizes, 'I'm always just hopeful and no matter what happens, he's the father of my kids. I'll always be protective.'"
"Most men want to take care of their kids, and if it ends amicably, most guys are gonna do what's best for the child."
"It's the best co-parenting you can it's very like out of a fairy tale."
"We're still friends even when we have our tough times, and you know, co-parenting gets weird; we still can make eye contact and laugh."
"Having a tight bond with parents shows you that even if they're not together anymore, they can still be good friends and come together when something's going on with you. It's beautiful."
"If you're a mother, encourage and facilitate the relationship between your children and their father."
"Our girls are so lucky to have him as a father, and I'm so lucky to be able to co-parent with such an incredible father and person."
"We're committed to our family, committed to our kids, committed to Jamie as a co-parent."
"The positive co-parenting these four-parent show is absolutely astounding and inspiring." - Highlighting the strength of family unity in the face of adversity.
"Here you are dating a dude, okay? He has a kid, a two-year-old. You're in the house, rearing the child."
"He supported the child and continues to do so."
"Co-parenting has gone pretty seamlessly lately."
"Some parents when they're angry get along much better when they don't live together."
"Some of you guys, it really is like you are dealing with co-parenting and you just want to do things in a real authentic way."
"We're going to be taking some turns parenting."
"The only time anything ever goes wrong... is when I start to think I know better."
"Co-parents are not real parents; you're part-time ass parents."
"I think we'll probably work out something along those lines or we just have a, you know, he spends some time at Bob's place and then he spends some time at our place and, you know, I think that's fair."
"I share custody, so I don't have to deal with anybody making unilateral choices about my kid."
"Shared parenting is remarkably successful and the research literature is really clear on this."
"Fathers are true co-parents for a very important reason. If they weren't important, they wouldn't be here."
"Co-parenting wasn't easy, but we made it work for the sake of the kids."
"We spend holidays together, ensuring the kids have a united celebration."
"It's so much better when it's both parents raising the child."
"Tips for co-parenting: Always put your child first."
"I loved you I still love you cause you're my child's father at the end of the day."
"You can still find the right way to co-parent kids, you can still find the Right Way Forward."
"If both parents are fit the kids are going to have the best lives if they share their time with both parents."
"Kanye needs to learn how co-parenting works."
"We are still the best of friends, great business partners, and one hell of a team when it comes to co-parenting our two beautiful children."
"Our daughter had the right to having two parents."
"This is where the co-parenting journey starts for y'all."
"Support these two, they are doing what you're supposed to do in co-parenting."
"You still have to co-parent. And the best way you can honor and value your child is to honor and value one another."
"It's healthier for my child to have two people that love each other not in the same home than two people that hate each other in the same home."
"...it is the desire of the court that both parents work together to ensure that a child grows up as happy and well-adjusted as possible."
"It's fascinating to me that you had a markedly more healthy relationship in co-parenting than I do, but mine is functional."
"...I wanted to be healed, I wanted to be complete, I wanted to be whole, I want to be able to have a good co-parenting relationship whether their father decides that he wants to have that as well or not."
"Remain prayerful and patient in dealing with the complexities of co-parenting."
"You can't change your co-parent, but there are things that you do that may change yourself and your reaction to them that changes their behaviors."
"Good luck in your co-parenting relationship, I wish the best for everybody who's watching this."
"We have mutually agreed to divorce, but we'll remain a team when it comes to our kids."
"I communicate with my ex in the way I wish for him or her to communicate with me. I choose collaboration and conversation over conflict and acrimony."
"I turned my attention from what I don't like about my ex to what he or she does well for the children. It's about the kids, not what my personal issues are with my ex."
"Just because you're not married anymore does not mean you can't stay friends and you can't have a good relationship for the children."
"I feel like it's good to show people that, you know, not just in situations that don't... that don't work out, like, they don't have to end badly and, you know, you can still make something great of that relationship and have a good relationship and do the best by your kid."
"Co-parent is better, she got her way, I go my way and we'll be good."
"I honestly feel like it would be more about us being successful co-parents and finding closure than saving our marriage."
"I co-parent my son's mother, right, you know what I'm saying, so it's challenging but, you know, my son, um, is doing exceptionally well."
"I'm a single woman with a child. I'm not a single mother because her father is very much there and he does his [__]."
"I think you should stay together because you actually like each other. The children just co-parent."
"You and your ex made a decision between the two of you that you both feel is best for your child and yourselves."
"I decided to take my son's father off of child support because it was causing turmoil in our co-parenting relationship."
"I wouldn't want nothing to happen to her. You know, I don't wish her harm. The happier she is, the happier I am because I know my daughter's happy too. When I see her, it's the mother of my child. I have respect and consideration."
"Have a lot of respect for my ex-wife. I mean, she's the mother of my children."
"Kudos to you for stating outright that you are going to try to co-parent. You sound level-headed despite what is going on."
"When you co-parent, it becomes a business relationship."
"The co-parenting is going good that's good that's all I can ask for that's good okay"
"This is our reality, and we need to co-parent in a healthy way and still love each other."
"Good co-parenting is to still find a way to love this person. And it's messy and painful."
"Divorce is a mess. Co-parenting is a mess. But it can be beautiful."
"Co-parenting requires a compromise by default. And the default is usually a westernized TV compromise. It's about, to the best of your ability, the two of you creating a healthy environment for your kids. That's it."
"Never use children to make visitation arrangements or suggest arrangements not previously discussed with the other parent."
"Be courteous when exchanging children and have them ready to go."
"Sometimes it's better to parent apart."
"There's nothing more attractive to me than a guy who's respectful to his child's mother."
"Now you have to move forward. You all have to learn how to co-parent."
"You're upset at what I'm saying, you're over there, your jaws are tight, you're gritting your teeth. But can you tell high-value men that you effectively co-parent with anybody? You've never had this."
"Bill and Nancy manage to keep a positive relationship despite being divorced."
"Our son is happy and healthy and we get along for the most part."
"You're a single parent, you have never had to effectively co-parent with anybody. That means you are not going to be able to effectively co-parent with your high-value man."
"I've done stuff to hurt him because he hurt me and in the end, I'm only hurting them and that's it. So I mean, right now, it's not about me, it's not about my feelings, it's not about us, it's about our kids and I need him to know that these are his kids."
"You just want to be good co-parents. That's where we are and that's where I want you to be."
"Part of co-parenting is understanding that you gotta love your child more than you can't stand your ex."
"She's the mother of my child so no matter what happens in life, I will never disparage or talk ill about her because she's Ocean's mom."
"I just can't talk badly about the mother of my child. I just can't do it no matter what is said about me or what she says."
"It's like his baby mama want to use them as a pawn. It's always, 'She should have did this or she should have did that.' You are their mother. I'm not obligated to do anything I don't want to do, but I still do."
"Run. Do not walk, okay? You go find somebody who is going to love you the way you deserve to be loved, who will support you with your child as you co-parent with him."
"While you are saying 'hey, I'm gonna hit him where it hurts,' you are at the same time punishing your child because your child wants to be with him, they want to see him and they need him in their life."
"All different aside, negativity, emotions, whatever else we got bottled up, we are able to put that aside to raise this child in two different households, and that is good because that involves time and patience."
"Six months go by BM and my lease is up she changes the accounts to her name I have a job in line I'm looking good on my payments and still in my child's life staying civil with BM talking flirting no sex or fooling around just spending time together."
"We have been raised by parents and by fictional characters that co-parented us."
"If you really love your child, you're gonna try to get along... for the betterment of your child, you know?"
"Once you let the feelings go and you understand that you have to make it about the child or you're just going to argue all day about dumb [ __ ] that's irrelevant, yeah, it's going to be terrible for the kid."
"Just have a legal relationship that's cooperative for the sake of the kids. Save that energy to let that light in, to brighten so that your future friends and perhaps a partner can see you."
"He's a great dad and a great person, and I think it will mean a lot to him if both of us could be civil."
"Big takeaways from the Ant-Man series about healthy blended co-parenting: It has to be about the kid."
"This transition is not easy, but if we both are making it as easy as it can be for our family, we will continue to be the best parents to our kids."
"Dating a man with kids and expecting him to never do anything for the child's mother is so dumb."
"If he's respectful to the baby mama as well as his current woman, then I think that's the perfect situation."
"...if you can get divorced and not talk [ __ ] about each other and not have conflict then the kids are generally not harmed..."
"There's something about co-parents being best friends and taking sex off of the table and taking romance all out of the equation that just allows them to both focus on the kids."
"The show also incorporated co-parenting and blended families."
"Don't speak badly about him in front of your child but please, please, please, he doesn't have the capacity to love you."
"We're good parents. We know we're dysfunctional as a relationship and as a couple, but as co-parents, we're good."
No, we're not gonna "hopefully" co-parent. We're gonna co-parent.
"I'm more impressed by if you want me to meet their mother first. I'm more impressed by that you're awesome. Like I don't want to meet your kids and not know if their mom is okay with this, does she know? Yeah."
"Your ex-wife is doing well for herself and wants to treat her children well. You are of no concern to her except that you are a parent to her kids."
"I will continue to work with my ex to make sure she is included in things like birthdays and holidays."
"What's best for the child is that they are able to have healthy relationships with both parents."
"It just pays attribute to the man that we all chose to co-parent with, that he had such a blessed circle of women and mothers who are just above the bull."
"Two happily divorced parents are better than two miserable married ones. I don't see how OP could have gotten past the betrayal. Strong emphasis on happy and divorced parents. Please, please, please, OP, do everything you can to keep the co-parenting amicable."
"Put aside your ego, your feelings against each other, and think about your children, right? Because the children are the ones who are affected in the long run, and they suffer, suffer, they suffer, so make sure you put them first."
"Let's normalize being on good terms with your baby daddy or your ex, whether men or women, both."
"I think there needs to be more highlight to people that are doing the healthy co-parenting situation because that's real."
"Beautiful thing when you do like you know going through that co-parent relationship in a healthy way."
"If your person can't make their baby mama or their baby daddy understand that they're in a relationship and they need to be able to co-parent, don't mess with that person."
"I never saw any bad co-parenting between them, like they kind of always did. I don't know, anything that was that stood out to me that bad."
"I'm very non-traditional. I feel like two people that love each other very much, or even that love each other very much as friends, I know there's these little things can co-parent."
"You can be a great parent, a good co-parent, and be a terrible romantic partner."
"But we co-parent better than I've ever seen anybody co-parent in my life and we never fight which is amazing. I love you."
"He's totally ignoring his wife. He's only interacting with her via email and I really think that's the best. You can still successfully co-parent that way."
"I want a good co-parenting situation. I want to, I would love to be married and pregnant. I know that's not a 2022 thing to say, but that's just honesty."
"Because he has a mom and a dad that both want to be in his life. And that's what every child deserves."
"Unfortunately, I only get to see him half the time."
"We're gonna co-parent we're gonna be the best parents that we can be for our son but in the end the judge was right I do need to take time for myself."
"I don't want my child growing up thinking, 'Oh, my daddy and my mama hate each other.' Never. We don't hate each other at all. I love him to death. But not like that. But not like that, okay? At all."
"She says that her parents co-parented well."
"It is better for the kids to grow up with two separate parents that can co-parent amicably."
"I would love to evolve our relationship as awesome co-parents to an amazing little girl."
"There's good coparenting and then there's this."
"I'm gonna be a better person... a better father, a better person when it comes to co-parenting."
"Yes, I really enjoy co-parenting with the nanny; she's fantastic."
"We have a relationship. Because of the children, but we have no other relationship."
"The most important thing is that they have both parents involved in their lives and they have healthy relationships with both parents."
"I appreciate this platform. Men's stories are not told when it comes to co-parenting, being a dad, especially being a black male."
"They don't remember their parents as a thing; they just remember their parents as their parents who have a good co-parenting relationship."
"I would like to raise a child with you. Can I help you until you're settled in your life?"
"We show our co-parenting journey."
"I'm really glad about that because I'm praying that we can come up with a co-parenting schedule that really just works."
"I'm hoping that we can come to a just co-parenting schedule that is mutually beneficial."
"We are co-parents who support each other and believe that family is everything."
"That little girl is going to need both parents in her life, and she's going to want them to be at peace."
"We can get you guys to some peaceful co-parenting for this beautiful princess."
"We're taking things slow, nothing too much right now, we are co-parenting."
"It's so important for divorced parents to keep a good relationship with the sole goal that we can be in the same room together."
"The hatred you might have, the ill feeling you might have, the bad experiences you've had, all that needs to be put aside for the betterment of your children."
"You always treat the mother of your children with respect."
"We've learned to co-parent and we've learned to do it together."
"What I learned is particularly if it's somebody with whom you have children, this person is gonna be in your life for the rest of your life."
"Children seeing two happy parents, even if they're not living in the same house, is better than seeing two miserable, repressed, resentful parents."
"Co-parenting is not easy, but I'm just blessed, I'm grateful for everything."
"My son's mother is still his mother, she's still in his life, she's still my best friend."
"It's important to co-parent effectively; it makes a difference when both parents can be on the same page."
"Parenting should be shared between both parents, and unless there are immediately provable reasons for that not to be the case, that is what is best for our children."
"More men today are invested in gender equality, equal sharing, and co-parenting than ever before."
"I think it's great because I mean they have kids together."
"We both need to take responsibility as this child's parents."
"If a man is nice enough to give you 500 for some kids that he didn't help create, you should be thankful."
"She deserves the best of everything, and I truly hope my ex gets help because I want the kid to have a good life."
"We're all friendly, and my ex-wife has a great relationship with my parents."
"This is what co-parenting should look like."
"It's so cool to watch two people who have children together, that are not in a relationship anymore, be such cool friends."
"I speak highly of the mother of my kids and any woman that I entertain gonna have to understand that these situations are gonna be the norm."
"I'm not going to bring another woman into my life that will disrespect the mother of my kids in any way, shape, form, or fashion."
"Just that alone grants her the respect that she deserves from me for the rest of my life."
"We communicate regularly and always prioritize our children."
"Co-parenting can be possible even with the craziest circumstances."
"If there are kids involved, most people are going to find a way to stay connected and be the best parents they can possibly be for their kids."
"I'm super grateful to be friends with my ex-wife because I think in divorce situations the kids are the ones that end up suffering at the expense of the parent's ego."
"It's the co-parenting for me, love it, love it, love it."
"We adopted the mantra 'two homes, one family'."
"We're in a really good time now where parents like, yeah we get a divorce, but the goal is to co-parent these kids properly."
"Co-parenting is going great... like he has been so good with his communication."
"I think Emerson should be able to enjoy time with both of her parents in a loving and healthy manner."
"It did appear to work well, that again they were each had sufficient time to be with the children to exercise that particular parenting time, and they did it in a good and meaningful fashion."
"I hope that in time Isaac and I can show people what it looks like to have a healthy and loving co-parenting relationship."
"It's a lot, man. Parenting with you, let's try to figure this out because it ain't easy."
"It would be stupid of us to not be friends and not keep our relationship good for the kids and for ourselves."
"With two equally good parents, the one who is willing to co-parent will be the one who will win the battle."
"I'm not here to make him look bad. I just want him to have a healthy, happy established relationship with our boys and to support his children."
"Travis and I currently live in separate homes a block away from each other, and we just want to like explore the idea of living in one home."
"We raised these kids together, we co-parent."
"Co-parenting, where they work together to raise us despite their differences."
"We remain the best of friends while co-parenting and continued to support one another in our respective passions in life."
"I'd like to co-parent in a way that's consistent with the way she's parenting when she's with them."
"My goal is to create a smooth transition from home to home."
"I am as a person mature enough to co-parent with somebody despite how the relationship may have dissipated."
"I love our co-parenting relationship."
"I'm actually comfortable co-parenting with you."
"I'm grateful that Pat has been there to help."
"As a father, if my kid's mom came to me and said, 'This is the situation,' and even in the past they've helped me as well, it's a relationship."
"We're doing a very good job at co-parenting and giving us the imagery of a black family unit."
"The child having both parents in their lives is the best thing for them."
"It's beautiful when a man and a woman get along for the sake of the child."
"We're co-parenting, we have a close relationship, our relationship will exist for as long as these children exist."
"They're co-parenting and they're really, really nice to each other; they're working together."
"If my daughter's mother would have remarried and found a good dude and they were raising my daughter... I would be grateful for that guy."
"You got to put that aside, all that animosity and all that nonsense that you've got, when there's kids involved."
"Co-parenting is getting better, which is absolutely wonderful, of course."
"I truly do think it is in Demetrius's best interest to be with both of his parents."
"I think it would be best for him to stick to something similar to what we have now for parenting time."
"It's in the best interest of the child to have unrestricted access to time with both parents."
"If you two can get along, then she can have a good life and she'll love both of her parents and have a good relationship with both."