
No Regrets Quotes

There are 933 quotes

"There's nothing you can do to pay for that. I've done, I've moved cross-country three times. I don't regret any of them."
"We did it and not have any regrets... like there's no regrets, this was amazing."
"What's most important to you? For me, it's that I don't want to have come to the end of my career and have any regrets."
"Life is meant to be enjoyed, and I don't regret that at all."
"I never regret going there. I thought it was an invaluable experience."
"All of them had taken the chance on their dreams, and it was with that knowledge, the knowledge that they had tried, that they felt no regrets."
"So people must make the most of the life they have, seize the chance to enjoy it while it lasts, and have no regrets in the end."
"People must make the most of the life they have, seize the chance to enjoy it while it lasts, and have no regrets in the end."
"You are going to die with regret on the flip side. I want you to die old and ripe with these amazing memories."
"I don't regret any of those experiences because they were beautiful in their own right."
"Live your life every day with no regrets. It'll be worth it."
"I have no regrets about it. Like, so in order to be haunted by it, I think regret is part of haunting."
"Making the best decisions with the best heart, you too can do this and be successful at it and be able to look back with no regrets."
"I don't regret anything in life... I like where I'm at in my life."
"It's a final. You got to leave every single thing on the pitch and have no regrets."
"Life is too short. Only person who's going to be in your skin is you. No regrets."
"Life is short and it is those experiences that you inevitably look back upon and never regret."
"I made this a point when I was a lot younger to sort of never have a regret." - Sofia Laura
"You got one life to live on this planet you might as well not regret things."
"We don't engage in the behavior, and we don't engage in the act."
"I just have no regrets, it was an absolutely perfect wedding."
"Spend as much time as you possibly can with people that you love. That way when you're older you can look back on your life with no regret." - Jinxy
"Forging your destiny without regrets, and thereby living life to the fullest."
"I don't want to have any regrets. I want to cherish every moment."
"I could have kept it to myself and I still do not regret it."
"I don't regret nothing I've done in life because what I've done in life has helped become the man I am today."
"No regrets, that's the most important thing."
"I have absolutely no regrets whatsoever. My life is wonderful."
"It's about living a life without regrets, living a life in a way that you free yourself from blame because you give it everything you've got."
"I have more appreciation for that now being out of it than I did when it was happening. I had a great time, I have no regrets. I worked with fabulous people and generous people."
"Was it worth it? Uh, yeah. Yeah, it was worth it. I have absolutely no regrets."
"I don't have any regrets because I think everything that I've gone through and everything I was dealt with and all the experiences I've experienced up until now have shaped me into the person that I am."
"You're so young that you're not gonna have to live with regret that you didn't try."
"I've already decided. I want to live each day without regrets."
"I personally have absolutely no regrets. I'm so glad I did it when I did it."
"I don't regret doesn't feel like how I've evolved. I don't regret doing the beauty stuff. I don't regret, yeah, doing the fashion stuff. I don't."
"I don't really have no regrets, no, no, I literally don't."
"You'd never regret it, man. You'd never regret it."
"Just try your best at everything you do and you can't ever regret it or you can't ever feel bad about something you get because you tried your absolute best."
"I don't believe in regrets because every mistake I made brought me here."
"No regrets, we're living that carpe diem lifestyle."
"I got no regrets at all because if I ever changed anything in my life it wouldn't have made me the person I am now."
"We're not people who live our lives with regrets."
"Live life with no regrets, do what you think is right."
"Invest your time wisely, live with no regrets."
"Live a life that's true to you so that when you die there are no regrets."
"I don't have a single regret to not leaving, solely off the fact that I had so much fun in college those last two years."
"Trust the universe. Don't regret anything that happened in the past. Everything happens for a reason."
"I'm not afraid of getting things wrong. I believe that everything is a lesson and you shouldn't have any regrets at the end of the day."
"The first official Boop of 2023, baby! No regrets!"
"Live for you and live a life so that when you die, you look back. And there are no regrets that are in your control."
"Ultimately in the end we don't want to see any regrets."
"This was definitely a 10 out of 10 purchase no regrets."
"Never regret anything in life because everything happens for a reason."
"I ate over 270 pizza rolls that weekend and I have no regrets."
"Don't regret the past. Treat it as experiments with your reality."
"I'm proud of you and even though it's been difficult to be separated from you, I regret nothing."
"If you feel like you need to jump on someone to take them, then do it and don't look back."
"It's impossible to live without failing at something, so don't hold any regret. It's no regret, it's just lessons here."
"95% of the things that I get rid of, I don't regret decluttering."
"You'll be able to look back on this time with no regrets."
"I'm doing my best to the matter is, ain't no looking back brother."
"So I guess I just got uh exceptionally lucky earlier by finding as many as I did because I've spent I think over $500 now in regret nothing."
"My biggest regret? I don't regret really freaking anything."
"Life is messy but I honestly do not regret any of the decision that I have made."
"One thing I regret in life, I don't regret anything in life because if I didn't do the things that I did I honestly wouldn't be here where I am today."
"I don't regret anything I've done in boxing."
"Don't ever save anything for best because this is the best that it's gonna get."
"There are no mistakes when your heart's in the right place."
"I don't regret nothing I do because everything in life's a lesson."
"You learn from mistakes, you don't regret them."
"I don't really have any regrets because if anything was a bad situation something good ended up coming out of it or I learned something I needed to learn."
"I just can't for the life of me I can't find a place for regret."
"Life regrets? Honestly, I don't really regret anything in my life. I know I've made bad decisions in the past, but you know what? I'm the kind of person who really takes every experience as a lesson."
"I lay a few punches and I think I popped his nose, but I had no regrets."
"Everyone is entitled to their opinions and I appreciate the different views. What is done is done and I regret nothing. Thank you."
"Don't regret past experiences; they were all steps toward your true path."
"It is stronger to be vulnerable than it is to have regrets."
"Your DNA, who you are as a person, is wrapped up in your dreams. Go after this thing called life, don't look back and have regrets."
"If something happens to me today I have no regrets because of choices that I've made."
"It's something I'll never forget, obviously, the rest of my life. One hell of an experience. Yeah, no regrets."
"I don't have any regrets, the things that are off the field right now that came up caught me by surprise because I never did anything that these people are alleging."
"I definitely don't regret trusting Nina's instincts."
"What feels right and what feels great and I'm really, really happy. So it's really no hard feelings, you know."
"It's not a feeling of regret on any of it... it really helped shape who I became as a person."
"I'm a firm believer in the fact that you can never look back on that and regret it if you've taken a stand."
"I have no regrets in life, I love the life I live." - "I have no regrets in life, I love the life I live."
"It was ripping me, you know, it is what it is, but you know, I don't have any regrets about it."
"Believe in the Magic, It's Written in the Stars. No Regrets."
"I regret nothing. The days I spent here with you and Om were wonderful."
"It was about the one thing you will never regret having: relationships."
"I don't think I have a biggest regret because everything is a lesson."
"With this valuable second chance at life, he will live his life to the fullest without having any regrets."
"I honestly cannot tell you why I decided to make this purchase, but there are no regrets."
"Honestly, it's the best thing that I ever did and I don't regret one minute of it."
"I don't think I can say that we have any regrets of this trip. I feel like to get to this point right now we've had to give everything that we possibly have."
"No regrets besides somebody asked me recently whether or not we regret coming out here I'm like I haven't regret it I don't regret a single day."
"You gotta try new things, so I have no regrets."
"I don't believe in regrets in life... as long as you learn from it there shouldn't be any regrets."
"Life is short. Just don't be that person who has regrets."
"One thing I will never regret is waking up early."
"This one's probably my favorite. It's the one that I don't regret."
"Regardless of the consequences of his actions Li Jun kyong has no regrets."
"I don't regret anything that I went through, I don't regret anything that I seen because it taught me how to move through life right now as the man that I am."
"Regretting nothing because it made you who you are."
"At the end of the day, it was an experience. Do I regret it? No, I don't."
"I became a YouTuber instead and never looked back."
"I have no regrets from having made the decision that I made. I would do it again."
"I learned a ton. I would not regret doing it again if I knew the outcome of it."
"This still remains probably the best decision in my entire life...I don't regret it at all not for one second."
"I don't regret any of it. It was meant to be, clearly part of my journey."
"I regret nothing. I am so, so happy with my haul. So happy."
"I don't want to have come to the end of my career and have any regrets." - Harry Kane
"I lost at least twenty thousand dollars but I still don't regret it."
"Regret nothing; you've walked a difficult path, but you are strong enough to take it."
"You only get one shot in this world, everybody, make sure you do something that you enjoy in your life, otherwise, you'll regret it."
"I will fulfill what I had failed to do before," Conan vowed, "so that I would never feel regret in this life."
"I ultimately agreed to meet him for lunch and I do not regret it"
"There wasn't anything wrong in taking actions other than regret."
"She fulfilled everything she could probably accomplish in her age and without no regrets."
"I did every single thing like that with no regret, no resentment, nothing."
"That was a delicious brunch; granted, I did eat breakfast before getting off the ship, so it was like my second breakfast, and I have absolutely no regrets."
"I'm not sorry. I freaking loved it. I had a lot of fun watching it."
"I don't regret it at all, like if anything, I've never felt and looked better."
"Just live life to the fullest and you'll have no regrets."
"I would never regret taking a shot with Tim."
"I've given this place everything and I'm leaving here with no regrets."
"I love you babe way too much and not enough at the same time no regrets never will."
"I don't regret getting pregnant at all."
"If someone has just come out of their 20s, you need to take advantage of your 20s. Embrace it. Embrace every moment. No regrets. No regrets."
"No more second chances, ready to move on."
"Absolutely do it. You will not regret it."
"No regrets on this, absolutely no regrets."
"I'm gonna give it 150 percent so no matter what happened I will never look back with regret."
"Never regret a decision that you make, so no regrets."
"I had absolutely no regrets. It was the best decision ever and it was very meaningful."
"I've never regretted it, not one minute."
"I know when I'm in there, I don't regret being in there. I don't regret going the distance."
"You never regret a workout, okay people."
"Such an awesome experience, you guys. No regrets."
"You got to understand that we one chance one chance you will never regret the things that will do."
"You sell yourself short, don't look back and have regrets."
"No regrets, that's all I gotta say about them."
"No regrets whatsoever I'm ready for the trough I'm ready."
"You just truly never regret going to workout. Never."
"I don't regret a second of this. This has been some of the most fun of this three-day weekend that we got here in the US."
"Absolutely no regrets, I'd do it again in a heartbeat."
"Living to the fullest with no regrets."
"Absolutely nothing. I would do everything again exactly how it happened."
"It's personal for everyone, but for us, that's what we chose, and we don't regret it."
"I just want to feel like this, living life, no regrets."
"I have zero regrets I am so glad that I did and I just feel like it's a life experience that I never would have otherwise had."
"I don't think I would change a thing about this."
"There is not a single workout I had in my life that I ever regretted. Every single workout counts."
"I honestly would not change a single thing."
"You gotta go for it, you gotta build it, gotta do it for sure, I got no regrets."
"No one has ever regretted recovery."
"Ultimately, it's about having no regrets."
"I do not regret buying it one bit."
"You just want to feel comfortable, you want to feel good in my skin whether relationship progresses at all or not, at least I gave it my all, no regrets."
"How could you not do that? If I hadn't done it somebody else would have done it, but I did it and I don't regret anything, one way or the other, in fact I consider most of it a great learning experience."
"I did not get anything done but I truly enjoyed reading, and I have no regrets."
"This was really damn good, and I don't regret it in the slightest."
"You will never regret it a single day in your life."
"No regrets, this is a really delicious steakhouse."
"She never regretted meeting Casia."
"If it's gross throw it out no regrets."
"Do the best you can and don't have regrets. That's a really good philosophy."
"Do I regret going on this trip? Do I regret my axiom of dive everywhere? Absolutely not. I'd do that trip again in a heartbeat."
"Do I regret going? Absolutely not."
"If I died right this second, I don't regret anything in my life. I am [__] happy."
"I want to get to the end of my journey and reminisce, not regret."
"Life's too short for regrets, man."
"Never regret spending time with loved ones."
"Never have regrets and that's by going at something with full force, full force."
"Life is very short to worry about stupid things. Have fun, fall in love, regret nothing."
"I can say that climbing that route with those guys is one of the memories I'm gonna have at the end of my life, where I'll be able to look back and know that I lived my life to the fullest and not regret a thing."
"The one thing that I have never regretted and was never sad about was chopping off my hair."
"Live every day like it's your last, how can you have any regrets?"
"So yeah, I guess that's the thing. I wish I'd known sooner. But in terms of regrets, there's nothing massive that comes to mind for me."
"...seriously, a good day. Like, I have no regrets now that we haven't seen Curtis. I feel like we've had just a greater day."
"It's a popcorn show man I had so much fun doing it and I don't regret her I'm not ashamed of any of it."
"You can't have regrets in life because if you think about regrets you're gonna get more negative regrets."
"I was proud to have served the idea, and I don't regret it."
"Get the best materials you can, give yourself the best chance to succeed, take six months give it your all. And if it works, that’s great. If not, there's no regrets."
"Even though I'm in tons of debt, I don't regret it at all."
"You've done it. You've won. And there's no buts to this."
"It's just so liberating and life-changing, and I don't regret it at all."
"I have never ever ever met anyone who's regretted following their heart."
"The goal is not reconciliation, the goal is no regrets."
"Would I take back anything that happened that turned me into the person I am today? Absolutely not."
"Despite this dream of mine being short-lived at the moment I would say I did not regret everything that I've gone through because I learned so much."
"I did the best I could and that's all I can expect of myself. Just learn, but don't regret."
"There's no regrets in this game. The journey is where you enjoy it."
"I have one theory in life, I never want to say the word 'I should have.' If I do it and I fail, I tried it. If I do it and I succeed, better for me."
"I'd never ever regret a second of it."
"Guys don't walk out of this building with any regrets."
"I don't regret anything I've ever done in the past."
"When life is lived well, you have no regrets at all."
"Life is too short for me to have regrets."