
Coming-of-age Quotes

There are 334 quotes

"Whether it's a teen coming-of-age drama, an offbeat comedy, or a fantasy classic, coming out narratives are uniquely queer."
"Rooney describes the book as a coming-of-age story but also notes the significance of the 2008 post-economic crash setting in Dublin."
"Tony Darko is a story about a wide-eyed, naive, and neurotic high school teenager called Donny who struggles to fit in with his surroundings."
"It's about two girls and Deon and Pfizer who are sent to live with their grandmother hyacinth in Barbados from New York essentially a coming-of-age story is it's a quiet novel it doesn't try to do too much."
"Reading books that feel like a warm hug... it's just such a great read and I love the coming of age story of it."
"This is the crux of the movie, it's a coming-of-age movie."
"Carrie's powers would be fully unleashed when she herself reaches the age of her budding adulthood, so there seems to be a comparison going on between sexual awakening and telekinetic awakening."
"It's a brilliant coming-of-age story about acknowledging your own flaws and working to better yourself."
"K-On! portrays high school graduation, friendship, and moving on better than any anime I've seen. And it's not even close."
"Starship Troopers is a coming-of-age story that takes place under a near-constant state of war."
"I think it's great that you guys are making a film that shows that it's difficult to grow up and it's okay to be sad about it."
"Pete Docter has said that in the film moving is a metaphor for growing up."
"Kids is far from a typical coming-of-age film in its relentless quest for gritty authenticity."
"What are you willing to change as you come of age?"
"It's the most dramatic way to have a coming-of-age story."
"Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse will be remembered as one of the decade's best superhero movies as well as an exceptional coming-of-age tale."
"The original series was special because it was a coming-of-age story done in a way nobody had ever seen before."
"James aged up! The ride starts here. Romantic travails and hormonal upheavals await. Best buckle up, the ride starts here."
"It is a deep movie... This is a movie that is about a coming of age, like acceptance of loss, acceptance of death, taking responsibility for your gifts."
"I grew up quick and I grew up mean, my fist got hard my wits got Keen."
"And what I've always appreciated about this comic book is how well it juggled that coming of age aspect and the brutal reality of trying to be a superhero."
"It's an interesting little Coming of Age comedy take on vampires."
"I think we can do this, I think we are supposed to come of age."
"Being 18 is a big deal. But hey, I can say I survived 17 years on Earth. I know I've kind of been complaining this whole video, but two people I gotta thank today are my parents."
"Matt Reeves delivers a nail-biting, gritty, and fun Batman coming-of-age story."
"Coming-of-age stories are uniquely relatable."
"Peter has to battle his two greatest enemies: trauma and puberty."
"It makes the Lego movie an even better coming-of-age story than it already was, especially for those of us that are surly misanthropic adults who just wear permanent scowls on our faces and trudge through life on autopilot."
"As the show shines its brightest when the characters are allowed to reflect on what it means to grow up."
"Ocarina of Time is above all else a story about growing up."
"Spider-Man was a coming-of-age story with nobility and maturity."
"27, bro. Like, you turn into a man. Like, manhood, Dre. No age."
"Desire is a more mature coming-of-age... you start to desire what is in front of you and your question yourself in front of the other."
"Just try them on, today is a day to celebrate. It is the day that you became the same age as the young hero spoken of in all the legends."
"Nothing says manhood like a burner before your 18th birthday."
"The battle for Monster Prom might have ended then, but there were still plenty of battles left in that war called youth."
"This ending turns this clever coming-of-age comedy into one of the most brilliant and even haunting cautionary tales of young rebellion."
"She has matured... from a slightly naive schoolgirl into an adult."
"Vaughn prepares for his coming-of-age ceremony where he aims to become a recognized hunter and adult in the village."
"As rosemine Leaves the safety of childhood to venture into the real world of nobles where magic and politics reign supreme."
"Our goal with this character design was to create a young child just coming of age who inherits a great power in the form of a magical non-human creature."
"When Joseph became 17 years old his father gifted him a very special and beautiful coat for his birthday."
"It's a game about growing up and about change, about facing it and making something of yourself."
"This one is a bit of a coming-of-age story but also has some magical realism to it and really tackles the idea of the model minority myth."
"Another great coming-of-age book coming out on April 16 is 'Dear Wendy.'"
"This is the coming-of-age story for science fiction."
"Blending the emotional and humorous writing the studio is known for with a really unique coming-of-age story."
"He has real problems and this extraordinary thing happens to him, and it's about how he deals with it. And it's very much a coming-of-age story about growing to be able to accept responsibility."
"I feel like I'm at that age, and I'm 18 years old, I turn 19 July 16th, uh, this year obviously and I feel like it was time to finally say it."
"Why is turning 18 scary? It's because you think that there's going to be some giant change or shift when there's just not."
"Mutazione is a coming of age story that tells the story of a strange and secret community."
"Reimagining childhood through the eyes of a one-of-a-kind narrator, Old Lady Voice presents a unique and vivid take on the coming-of-age story."
"It's more so like a beautiful coming-of-age story with just a little bit of space."
"American Graffiti stands as one of the great hangout movies."
"Seven days until you're an adult, so it's time to find love."
"water throughout the movie symbolizes childhood innocence before she's smacked with the cold reality of adulthood"
"Guys we're literally seniors this year, not like that what the I don't want to be huh like I do because I don't want to."
"I'm finally old enough to watch Stranger Things."
"A quippy high schooler is thrust into a horror fantasy adventure that is in lockstep with her coming of age."
"Beyond being an exciting sequence in the movie, it represents a coming of age. It’s where Paul’s supposed prophecy would fall flat, and it would mean his death if he can’t rise to the occasion."
"The song is essentially about growing up and the loss of childhood innocence."
"It's about magic and growing up, and stories and the truth and hiding the truth."
"Naruto is in no small part a story about growing up."
"Forgetting all the superpowers and supervillainy of it all, Spider-Man is an earnest story about responsibility, about growing up."
"At the age of 16, every young aspiring hunter from the village of Lavacoto is given the opportunity to seek out their first Pokemon partner."
"It is THE quintessential coming-of-age story."
"It's a coming of Rage love story about a teenager and her crush, who happens to be a corpse."
"At its core, Spider-Verse is a movie about growing up and a story about a young boy becoming, well, a man. And that's what makes it natural and real and human."
"It's a Coming of Age story, it's an overcoming the odds story."
"...one of the best Coming of Age stories I think I've ever read..."
"Long story short, I'm gonna go back to Hatfield house. I get out of Hatfield's house okay, I'm [ __ ] about 17 years old."
"Simon is the conduit through which we experience the show, which is at its core the story of a boy becoming a man and dealing with all the issues that come with that."
"It was a sort of place where you turned into a man pretty quick."
"Every young man deserves his hero's journey and every society benefits from the stories of those who've walked the path."
"Over the five season run, viewers would watch these kids grow up, and each audience member could identify with their different personalities."
"Almost Famous is an impressive coming-of-age story that still resonates with new viewers today."
"It's a coming-of-age story about identity and self-discovery."
"Regular Show feels much more genuine and it ties into that theme of growing up."
"Stand By Me has become a beloved classic that everyone loves and enjoys with the movie itself almost becoming an adolescent rite of passage."
"The entire show represents the journey from adolescence into adulthood."
"Boy Meets World was a coming-of-age story about a young character Cory Matthews."
"I just turned 18. I don't think I talked about it, did I? I want... I don't know. Tell me yearly how everything changes and when you're older you could read them all and see how your life has changed."
"'The Body' is by far the best coming-of-age story I've read, capturing the magic of youth perfectly."
"Season 2 became about navigating the struggles, emotions, and complexities of growing up as a teenager in high school."
"The Lion King is a deeply moving, humorous, and effective story about maturing, facing your past, and doing what's right."
"If you're into those kind of coming-of-age, becoming to realization films, this one is for you. It is a little bit rough around the edges, but the cinematography and the acting superb."
"When the boys turn 16, they come and take them to God."
"It felt like a little coming-of-age movie."
"The Wheel of the Many by James Arington... the best coming of age fantasy book I read since the name of the win... it is that good."
"This is a coming of age for Andy. And she needed more out of life than Nate. And she was achieving it."
"The music and atmosphere of this film captures 80s Essence at its core but the Adolescent struggles we see the characters deal with are Timeless."
"Dirty Dancing showed us what it looks like to grow from a teen into a young adult how to fight for what's right and to make sure we always stand our ground."
"'It's not your world yet. It's still my world.' Ah hey, you get it cause this girl meets world so they gotta mention the world you know 400 times."
"What we did was wrong. An athlete, a basket case, a princess, and a criminal."
"It's a really good coming-of-age movie."
"That feeling when you pass out, you just feel like you've become a man."
"It's about a boy becoming a man, it's about a man confronting himself, it's about the death of the Reagan Era."
"Homestuck was really a Coming of Age story and all the messy things that come with these kids figuring out who they are, with the added bonus of impending doom."
"I had my own Coming of Age moments alongside the show."
"It started out being very Slice of Life very just you know this child this 20 year old in a child's body that occasionally throws five-year-old tantrums and who just really wants books and can't really cope with being in this new world."
"A novel that brings together an imaginative world and a fantastical cast of characters to explore the difference between growing older and growing up."
"It's the coming of age...transition from childhood to an adult that is their moment and it's captured just absolutely beautifully in that book."
"If you enjoy horror, if you enjoy Stephen King, if you enjoy beautiful coming-of-age kind of stories, then this book is for you."
"I'm really happy for my 15th because it would really mean that I am becoming a woman and I get to share that with my family."
"The core of this series really is about David's coming of age story, it's about this kid starting from nowhere, in an environment that is constantly pushing him down, and slowly finding people that he cares about."
"It’s both a product of its time and a font of timeless wisdom -- because its unreal New York captures the oh-so-real truth that in your 20s, your friends are your family."
"It's about time that films represent the people coming of age have dreams more diverse than moving away from California and challenges more diverse than picking between the infinite hot guys all vying for you."
"Pearl is a unique blend of horror and coming-of-age narrative, exploring themes of isolation and desire in a visually striking rural setting."
"Fooly Cooly is an anime dealing with the march to adulthood, from the small marks of affection all the way up to the invisible scars of being left behind."
"The next scene took 12-year-old boy me and created 12-year-old man."
"It's just a fun little movie about growing up and friendship."
"I think actually coming-of-age movies are often fascinating. How people got to be where they are, what formed them."
"He lifted his sword high over his head defiant, his hands trembled from the weight of it or perhaps from the cold. Yet in that moment, Will thought he was a boy no longer but a man of the Night's Watch."
"Those scenes are all rather endearing, I found. They speak of the curiosity of these young people at that stage where they've just become adults, they are discovering this world of freedom of adulthood before them, and they're all really rather interesting."
"The central theme to your story: Growing up is terrifying. The only way to survive is with friends, and the friends you create may not come from places you expect."
"The Lion King is one of Disney's most recognized and often considered their definitive coming-of-age story."
"A coming of age story. This is really beautiful."
"This one is also a childhood favorite of mine and it's just a really classic story about growing up and learning to find yourself as well as first loves and all that stuff."
"Throughout the film, you really see her transition from a child into a woman."
"If you're up for it this is one of the finest pieces of graphic literature that i have ever read it is a wonderful coming-of-age story."
"It's just such a beautiful exploration of childhood friendship and coming of age and discovering your sexuality and figuring out life and what you want and who you want to be and um what you want out of life."
"It's an interesting exploration of coming of age when your growth is stunted by a lot of the things that can stunt growth in society."
"American Pie: a great coming-of-age movie."
"I feel like if you really like coming of age stories, if you're looking for a new one to watch, I definitely recommend House of Hummingbird."
"Americans just like love putting emphasis on weird birthdays. 16 is a big year for some reason. 18...oh, you're legal, you can vote, but nothing else really happens."
"Boyhood on some level just affected me."
"I'm just about to turn 19. Even though I'm young, I have big dreams."
"There's a Coming of Age quality to this story."
"Thirteen is the age when the soul gets completely, like, sort of, solidified in your body, when you come into your own."
"It's about time for me to have a refresher on it. It is great, it's one of my favorite coming-of-age stories ever."
"Why should you caution him now more than formerly?" his wife would ask. "Because Martin is 15 years old now," replied her husband, "almost a man, and he should know some of a man's responsibilities."
"You are no longer a child, Papa. I would soon be a man who has to shave my whiskers and can drink brandy with Uncle Colonel."
"Boy, can prove himself a man. Donny just did it his way."
"American Graffiti is a Slice of Life teen comedy, a really endearing movie."
"I have a countdown app on my phone for when I turn 18, so it feels like there is an end in sight."
"I came out when I was 17, and I didn't understand at the time what a big deal that was."
"It was almost like a rite of passage for teenagers."
"It's like a coming-of-age thing almost where it's like, 'Here I am now as an adult, not as a child.'"
"The story follows a closed off and shy teenage boy who works with his grandfather in his traditional Hina doll shop."
"It's a magnificent story... I'm a sucker for coming of age, and the kind of twist that they put on it just makes it even more amazing."
"It started as this beautiful Coming of Age story... and it's exactly what S. King does the best."
"The age of 18 is widely recognized as the age at which one becomes an adult."
"It's a magical realist coming of age story that skewers the model minority myth."
"The people we keep, a coming-of-age novel about a songwriter on a road trip longing to find a home in the world."
"The Flamingo Kid is a movie about self-discovery."
"I decided right then that as soon as I got old enough, I was going to leave."
"The Empire Strikes Back is the greatest coming-of-age story ever."
"An Aztec's 15th birthday was an important one; it was at this point that boys and girls would begin their full-time formal education."
"In their late teens, Aztec children would graduate from school and enter society as adults."
"There comes a time in every young boy's life when he feels it's time to leave home, to go out on his own."
"There's just something so relatable and even inspiring about that coming of age tale."
"This was a coming of age story about a Black girl."
"House party represented such an incredible coming of age for black teenagers at the time in the early 90s."
"It’s a genuine coming of age story about personal growth."
"It's a movie about a 13-year-old girl in her last week of eighth grade, sort of trying to bridge the gap between what she thought she would be by that point and what she actually is."
"A man he was, a man growing with sons of his own, yet in some way still a boy. Egg had an innocence to him, a sweetness we all loved."
"The whole movie feels like an adult's reflection on youth."
"Winter is coming, and you are almost a man grown, Bran. You have a duty."
"One of the most terrible moments in a boy's life is when he discovers his father and mother are human beings who share a love that he can never quite taste."
"I feel like this is the first relatable coming-of-age story for my demographic."
"I moved here when I was just 18 years old and I was on my own."
"It's a story about this boy finding himself and what his strengths are so that he can prove that he's worthy to take over the throne."
"Heartstopper explores the fundamentals of chasing the person you wish to be, allowing us glimpses into the lives of Nick and Charlie from tender moments to heartbreak and the thrill of a future that encompasses more."
"I was struck with how the setting is so unusual, but she goes through all the things that all girls go through growing up into womanhood."
"Maiden is turning 21 this year, which is a huge deal."
"It is a really nice coming-of-age story and all the characters are very likable so I highly recommend this."
"Whenever I was 17, almost 18 years old, I left the polygamous cult known as the Order."
"At the age of 21, he told me to go from home and seek a living for myself."
"The day I got my first period when I was 13 years old, my mom baked me a cake, we had my favorite dinner, I got a book, and I got a bracelet with the words 'beautiful woman' sketched into it."
"It's a very beautiful, fun slice of life coming of age story."
"When you have reached your fifteenth year," said the grandmother, "you will have permission to rise up out of the sea, to sit on the rocks in the moonlight, while the great ships are sailing by."
"He'll be turning 16 tomorrow, which means he will be an adult in this world."
"Sweet Sweet 16 is a coming-of-age party celebrating a teenager's 16th birthday."
"It's a coming-of-age road trip film of a group of kids going to see their favorite band. It's about love, but love linked to sacrifice."
"It's coming of age, exploring these themes, sexuality, really good first loves."
"It's a fabulous coming-of-age tale, a tale loved by generations of children, a classic tale of epic proportions."
"Your quinceanera is like a special time in your life; you're turning 15, this is where your life begins."
"Stand by me is one of the finest coming-of-age films ever made."
"It's kind of like the whole growing up process and a coming of age thing."
"One of my favorite coming-of-age movies."
"He taught me to drive in one and then passed it on to me when I turned 17."
"Lady Bird succeeds most and gained its strong following through its relatability."
"I'm almost 18 though, so I can travel soon... maybe we'll forget about this video, right guys?"
"It's really just presented a view of a black woman and different black women that are coming of age in their 30s."
"Philosopher's Stone is primarily about entering a new phase of life, forming connections, danger, and perhaps most importantly, discovery."
"He's growing up, and now it's time to graduate."
"The approaching Coming of Age ceremony only meant that the events of the original story were approaching."
"It was a show where I could find solace in its comfort, its warm embrace, its invitation to bring you on this coming-of-age journey."
"The story is actually a coming-of-age story talking about change, talking about adapting."
"In these braided short stories, two girls come of age and learn friendship is both indispensable and a great challenge."
"It's going to be, I believe, like a coming-of-age story about this character dealing with all of those obstacles."
"You come of age in a time of wonderful challenges."
"I'm only 17, but I'll be 18 in a couple of months."
"Prom is something so special in a young girl's life."
"Everyone will see your dirty pillows. Those aren't dirty pillows, Mama, they're breasts."
"The Runaways typically focuses more on coming-of-age emotions and interaction style stories rather than big fighting action scenes."
"A Coming of Age fantasy typically features a young protagonist's journey of self-discovery and growth as they face a lot of challenges."
"It's a coming-of-age novel which follows the story of Scout who is six years old at the beginning of the novel."
"It's a coming-of-age story about Charlie who is starting high school for the very first time."
"I think Ryuko's final words to Senketsu, the final words to her school uniform, is her finally acknowledging that the stress and excitement of your adolescent years will eventually fade, and you can find true peace with friends and family."