
Ambiance Quotes

There are 6276 quotes

"The atmosphere here, the vibes, the chillness is just unmatched."
"It's really nice to have things like this that kind of anchor the space."
"I invite you to try not to be on a screen. You can listen to music. You just can take in the ambiance of the place you're in."
"Music that doesn't have a lot of vocalizations... tends to be fairly low volume."
"The lights in my living room around my television automatically dim when I start watching a TV show or a film, giving me a really nice ambient cinema-like atmosphere."
"The sun has well and truly set; this of course night race, and the paddock is lit up."
"You mostly just hear the rainfall, the lighting and reflections are stunning. This is a gorgeous opening segment."
"It's a beautiful sunny day here in Los Santos."
"Now just imagine for a moment the Night Hornet sitting in a quiet cafe somewhere in the city of tears, drinking whatever bugs drink and listening to some quiet soothing jazz."
"It really creates that tight intimate feel which I think is really, really cool."
"I think I would eat here again. The ambiance is great, the food is really good."
"It's bright, it's wonderful in here, feels nice. Kind of like we're in a sunroom right now."
"There's something about this place, there's something in the floorboards."
"Music affects us emotionally. It is a great way of setting the mood."
"The cafes here are just my favorite. So many have these big windows that let in so much light, lots of plants, and are just arranged to be bright, warm, and cozy."
"Plants, flowers, books, magazines, candles...really make a room sing."
"The lighting plan and the lighting design really determines how we feel in a place."
"I'm going to put on one of these autumn just cozy ambiance videos that you can project to your TV or just put on your phone."
"It really puts off awesome vibes because they have plants everywhere and it just feels like you're in this very tropical setting."
"We're here at our destination, called Best Taste Food House; it's inside an alleyway right next to the canal, and the vibes are immaculate."
"Diabetes is a disease that's completely reversible, but not only that, very quickly reversible."
"It's an awesome mix of casual and upscale that doesn't come off too fussy."
"The lighting system drapes your island in a warm orange glow."
"We wanted to get that vibe of something mysterious."
"Moonlight ribs the red umbrella above my table and shadows the quaint Spanish colonial buildings around me."
"Bayou Boogie relishes the quiet marshland environment as it is almost entirely made up of the sounds of the swamp."
"It's still comfortable to sit in here and you feel cozy."
"Honestly all the planting, the theming, the audio, absolutely fantastic!"
"Plants really do uplift space and make it feel a lot more homey and grown in."
"Brightness is crucial when we're talking about coziness."
"The soundtrack playing lightly in the background as the area loads. This is such a special video game."
"This gave me serious breath of the wild vibes."
"This series is excellent for so many different reasons. For one, the writing style is excellent. It creates the dark ambiance that you would want in this story."
"A book with Phantom of the Opera vibes? I'm gonna say '20,000 Leagues Under the Sea' because this one really surprised me. It gave me a lot of Phantom of the Opera vibes."
"It's just fine, reminds me of my old hometown's library."
"The collection alone is impressive, but could do without the fake plants."
"She's waiting here at the top, looking very cold, but he seems happy. He's vibing, he's vibing and that's the main thing."
"We start our adventure as we normally do, in a lovely tavern. This one is called the Gilded Chub. Okay, cool. So dope."
"The evening ambience here in Avengers Campus is absolutely gorgeous."
"We wanted a soundtrack that could be very cold and very mechanical, very machine-esque."
"Ain't no city quite like mine, you can feel the magic still."
"The vibe is very different as the night progresses."
"I love when people find one good accommodating instrument like just the music box and the vocals creates it's a vibe right away."
"You can really begin to feel the spirit in the air."
"Echo the Dolphin: Perfect for when you just want to chill out."
"No more tacky plastic tablecloths, a proper, healthy, vibrant, fresh restaurant."
"I'm really impressed with this product it looks really great looks very fresh very new there's a little bit of this like pink mood lighting that adds a really nice look to the cabin."
"This is just another opportunity to add some ambiance."
"It smells like herby toast, it's lovely here."
"Hans Zimmer killed it with this score, it's beautiful but always foreboding."
"It's just kind of cool having like this outside restaurant here."
"Set the vibe: lights off, headphones on, volume up."
"Walking through the town, you'll feel the whispers of the past all around you."
"When our guests arrive, I like the candles and with some food on here, it should look rather lovely."
"The soundtrack is flawless... it just fits with every area you're in and really sets the tone."
"Grandma's in the kitchen is the specialty of the house at Enoteca Maria. It's magic." - Owner Joe Scaravella
"It's all about the vibes, it's all about the energy."
"The haunted mill: a deleted area with traces left behind in the game files, spawning ghostly rumors."
"Every little detail about Crystal Cove gives off that wonderful small town horror movie vibe."
"I love being able to do a gradient... somewhat from yellow to orange to red with that now slowed the speed down a bit just so we could get a nice peaceful sunset view."
"Beautiful soundtrack playing, really nice relaxing intro."
"It smells fantastic down here, quite musty, smells like victory."
"Beautiful lighting, it's going to be amazing."
"This whole thing is spooky, by the way, this whole thing is spooky."
"So, okay, we've got some scariest tails, I've set the mood. Oh, Andy Andra, I can tell you something else."
"I can't play Vice City without music, I can't do it!"
"During the day this room gets a ton of natural light it looks so beautiful."
"Krispy Kreme... very nice and cozy inside here."
"This place is creepy, painted floorboards and the ceiling are kind of cool."
"I feel like there's something strangely nostalgic about this place."
"This is amazing. I know I've said this before but everything on this ship is just so open."
"Straight up, you got some stress relief in here."
"Few soundtracks capture that feeling of crossing between dimensions and dealing with nightmarish Lovecraftian horrors with industrial weaponry as well as this one does."
"For me personally this track gives me a cozy early morning vibe."
"Love those vibes, love those vibes. When it's still dark in the morning and like nobody is out, vibes."
"The aesthetic of Frost Punk adds a chilling ambiance to the game. It's brilliant."
"It's just so winter, this is the epitome of The Vibes of what I kind of wanted this Vlog to be."
"The entire room right now just smells like a bouquet."
"Great music - SoulCycle wins for the best soundtracks."
"In the middle to soak up the vibe of this room."
"For a lot of people, it's relaxing. I think when you talk about a cruise, it's about enjoying the wonderful ambiance around you."
"The Sandara has this nice mix of both intimacy and scale."
"They give off this really ancient almost nostalgic vibe that I can't quite describe in words."
"I'm kind of feeling the plant nursery greenhouse rainy day vibes."
"Incorporate soundscapes to add depth to the home's atmosphere."
"Natural light pours in from the windows making the place feel both expansive and weirdly enough homey."
"So you head over to Topolino's Terrace at the very top of the Riviera Resort and you can try some incredible food there in a really beautiful atmosphere."
"Sit back, relax, maybe dim the lights, and let's get into this scary paranormal compilation."
"Having a bunch of RGB lights that reflect onto the chair adds so much to the vibe."
"Campfires in Minecraft add a cozy touch to villages."
"Building the right atmosphere is important in your spiritual journey."
"It feels welcoming and inviting like you want to sit and stay a while."
"Floor plan is life... It's about the feeling, you know? You want to feel good in it, you want to feel happy, you want to feel uplifted."
"This room is so cozy, it's so different, kind of has a funky feel to it, a bit retro at the same time which I love."
"I'd like the less is more approach. I like not having an overwhelming soundtrack. The ambience was very nice."
"It's the kind of lighting that your eye starts to catch yourself being like okay this feels familiar in a way."
"The whole idea for Porto is to make people feel like you are not in Chicago."
"If you want to invoke that 19-teens sound then some ragtime over some silent film is really gonna set the mood"
"Warm and homely mood using complementary colors."
"The game uses impressive dynamic lighting to set the mood for the environments."
"I had Frank Sinatra playing. I had blues, classical music playing. They come in there hollering, 'Man, get this off!'"
"Your bathroom, like any other room in your home, should feel inspiring and inviting."
"The atmosphere was generally good... especially when a Brazilian team is playing."
"The ambiance of it and how cozy it is is probably my favorite part."
"Lighting sets mood and evokes culture."
"The feeling of space, you just don't expect."
"There's a lot of love in the air. It's very beautiful."
"The key to any restaurant success is creating a welcoming atmosphere."
"Getting this right it's like being at home sitting beside a crackling wood fire when it's raining outside it really does place you in the zone and is a lot more immersive."
"It's like being there in the dark with just enough light to light the next four corners."
"This is something that you know is incredibly valuable if you want to create neighborhoods that have a certain feeling and ambiance to them."
"There are places that have a vibe, they have an energy."
"I'm really hoping to love this, and I love books kind of set in that time period, they can be oh so vibey."
"Just walking through one of my archways that are clad in garlands is so magical."
"The background is like some coffee shop in San Francisco."
"The big mantra in Legion so far is do whatever you want to do and it will all naturally come together because we're going to keep giving you little pieces of all the puzzle that fits together to make Legion work all the time."
"It all happened under these lights, under these stars, under the sky of Mysore."
"This kitchen used to feel like a dark hole back here in the corner and now it's so open and bright and white."
"Gather round the campfire, children. It's time to get cozy."
"People are drawn to cozy cafes with Good Vibes."
"Under the Milky Way rolls over the listener with a smooth stargazing Melody."
"It's got the exact kind of vibe that I'm looking for."
"The whole thing just drips of Halloween goodness."
"This brings just a calmer feeling, the noise insulation is so good."
"It's really, really neat here. It's just like very hot, but it's a very cozy, warm feeling."
"Got to say, it's nice how they've added in speakers around."
"A huge part of what gives a piece of music a vibe is the texture."
"Such a cool vibe set up right from the very start."
"Here in this room, the reek of the grave, the corpse fat candles, and the flames that burned with a blue light."
"The vibe is where it's at. If you have extra money, build a vibe room."
"Percussion is a big part of the space as well."
"I like for people to feel like, 'Oh, this room could exist somewhere.'"
"It's less about the words, more about the vibe."
"Flying Fish: Where elegant dining meets top-notch seafood."
"Jiko - The Cooking Place: Where quiet meets African-inspired fillets."
"Can you hear the music shift we're shifting."
"It's like ghostly wisdom was mixed amongst the ambience; it has to mean something, right?"
"Fill your home with the sweet scent of raspberry candle."
"I love the smell of a good bookstore in the morning. It smells like pages and coffee and happiness."
"One thing the second site does brilliantly is background music."
"Some of the maps have really cool Vibes if you somehow never played mini golf."
"Sounding like you're trapped in the middle of a haunted antique shop at 3:00 in the morning."
"It's such a nice resort and such a nice feeling."
"I'm really liking the vibe over here in the water right now."
"Incorporate layers of lighting for a cozy, upscale feel."
"Watermelon encapsulates the very essence of tropical vibes."
"Between the shiplap style ceilings, the space for the art, the volume and the views, it's an amazing primary suite."
"It's currently raining right now in Paris and I love Paris in the rain."
"The school is actually kind of creepy as well."
"The flow and energy in the space feels incredible."
"There's an indescribably serene urban flow to the overall feel of Shadow of the Colossus that only Team Ico have ever managed to deliver."
"Crawfie was distinctly underwhelmed, not only by the condition of the palace but also its lack of warmth."
"Drake is the LeBron James of Hip Hop, people want to see Drake lose."
"It's a mood, it's a vibe, I really do feel like lighting up an autumnal candle right now."
"It just looks good on your TV, especially watching it at night with all the lights out."
"And just everything sort of flows and feels nice."
"Guys, it's been perfect. The music, like OnPoint, the weather is actually pretty dang good."
"This place has such old energy to me. It's almost like just whatever residual energy is left."
"The atmosphere in this game is fan-freakin'-tastic"
"The sketchiness of the floor adds to like the scare factor, which is... Respect."
"I like the vibe, the color choices, and the tile choices. It all feels good."
"The atmosphere is as adorable as you'd expect. It was very, very cute."
"Until then, you all stay spooky, and remember the best things happen in the dark."
"That moment of silence is key. The band's getting together now, near the scent."
"If you want good coffee and a nice quiet atmosphere, come to the Cove."
"There's this frequency about it when you're in the car just everything transmits this energy or aura."
"Nice and cozy and warm... very chill... very cozy."
"Even the side characters have their own personality and charm, making your home base feel lived in like a tangible place."
"The Witcher 3... It's the vibe, the tone, and the atmosphere of the world."
"Dreamflight's strength is its sense of atmosphere and the intricacy of its scenes."
"The view mixes with wine, the food, the vibe... it's a solid nine, if not ten."
"Eating food is not solely about the food it's where eating it."
"It's a really nice, chill, romantic, great for couples again."
"Entering this outdoor food court as you first enter it's like such a brilliant and welcoming place."
"There's no bad energy in... maybe you're in SoHo though."
"The vibe of the environment was really cool."
"The dining room is big, expansive, enormous, humongous... It really does feel like you've been lifted up into space."
"This ambient lighting is wonderful, really cool. It's really customizable."
"Look at my fall room... it's such cozy vibes."
"It's almost just like a cozy feeling, especially if it's laid out well."
"Welcome to scary stories for a rainy night, where you can feel relaxed and creeped out at the same time."
"I loved it. You can't even see my candle - the whole time you can't see my cute little cozy candle that I was trying to... oh well."
"This movie's got a beautiful look to it. I mean you're on rainy streets of Los Angeles and it's gray for a lot of the movie yet it just looks really, really good."
"I've always said that about the house, that it's just too dark and sexy."
"The music in here is awesome, great special effects."
"Frostpunk in space: dark, moody, and full of similar vibes."
"New York City has an energy that's unlike any other place."
"This is gonna set the tone... cinnamon tobacco and patchouli scent."
"Oh, it's got a lovely vibe. I do love the vibe on Celebrity so far, very grown up, very classy, love it."
"Nothing beats that soft guitar as you hunt for beetles late at night."
"It's very sophisticated, it's dark, it's mysterious."
"Lighting adds mood and ambiance, turning cheap into chic."
"Upon entering the attraction and passing through the long-closed iron gates, the queue passed by the outside of the mansion."
"I love the vibe in here and it's only just begun."
"I love the empty void of space in this game. I love how lonely this game feels."
"I wanted this place to feel like the beach. You're in Ventura and it is a great beach community."
"Lanterns make a fantastic decoration for lighting up your base."
"The ambient lighting and the light bar really just makes it feel more premium."
"Listening to a snowy village through your vehicle... I absolutely love it."
"I'm a sucker for string lights you know when it comes to an outdoor patio space especially as we get into those longer summer evenings i think having some string lights just really makes the place feel special."